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A Winter Dance

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by Samantha Rose

  A Winter Dance (A Forever Safe Christmas Book 6) by Samantha Rose

  Cover by Samantha Rose

  Editor, Missy Stewart

  Copyright 2019 © Samantha Rose All rights reserved.

  This book is protected under Copyright Laws. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, please contact the author.

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this story are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events, business establishments, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This book is dedicated to my wonderful editor, and good friend Missy Stewart; for having patience with me, and for working her ass off by adding that bit of magic to my work when it was lacking. I don’t know what I would do without you.

  Thanks for being the best!



  The beat of the music thrummed through the floor, traveling up my body and striking a chord within me. I was born to dance. I connected to the music on a whole other level. The dancer on the stage was good, but she wasn’t captivating. She didn’t capture the right essence for the main lead in the Swan Lake ballet. To be fair, all of the dancers in the Theater Ballet Company of New York were good, but few could truly take on the character and entrance the audience. That was my dream. To share my passion with the audience and draw them in until they got lost in the story.

  This ballet was a big deal. Rumor had it that an actual prince and princess from overseas would be flying in specifically to watch our winter performance. Our winter show was typically one of our most anticipated events, and the rumor of the attendance of royalty had only increased the interest. Tickets had sold out before the new year had even begun.

  I cracked my neck and peered into the audience, trying to gauge the reaction of those who held our fate in their hands. The director, instructors, and choreographers were finally holding the auditions, and the turnout was massive. Only the best would take part in this show.

  As the music stopped and started again, a new song caught my attention. It wasn’t one played often, but I knew right away who would be dancing to it. Jack North.

  He was newer to the company, only having been here a year, but his magnetic performances were second to no other males. I’d place a bet that he would be the one cast in the lead male role. The other women around me crowded closer, trying to get a better look, and I couldn’t blame them. That man held the same power over me... He was utterly gorgeous, females of all ages swooning over him. I often dreamed of dancing with him.

  As I watched his tall form dip at the abs, I discreetly ran my fingers over the corners of my mouth, checking for drool. Jack was a man of few words. He seemed to be a genuinely good man who dedicated his free time to help out at shelters and feed the homeless. I had learned that he didn’t have a family. He had bounced around foster homes when he was younger. That he had beaten the odds of the system and honed his dancing skills, then built a career? That was truly admirable.

  Just as he was coming back up, our eyes connected. Heat speared through me, and I bit into my bottom lip as he flashed his teeth at me in a wolfish grin. Holy hotness.

  He didn’t seem to notice any of the women in the room. His glance my way had surprised me because he never paid attention to any females.

  . As he moved, his gaze constantly found mine causing goosebumps to spread over my arms. I felt as if I’d been trapped in his web. His eyes would capture mine, pulling me deeper; nothing would stop me from looking.

  His body was slim, tall and lethal like any dancer, but more defined. His toned muscles bulged when he performed which made my heart beat faster in time with the sway of the melody. His chocolate brown eyes were like a pool of my favorite pudding that I only let myself indulge in during the holidays. And his smile? Perfection. God, his face was the most gorgeous thing I’d ever seen.

  Jack kept his hair trimmed short, I think it was due to the salt and pepper strands that were starting to come in which I adored.

  Some days I wanted to walk up to him and randomly touch his hair, just to see what it felt like—I wanted to let the short strands glide over my fingers.

  He was so different from me, and I think that was why I had the biggest crush on him.

  You’d think at thirty years old I wouldn’t still be acting like a high school girl. But I was in love with this man and I didn’t even talk to him often. I couldn’t tear my eyes from him. As he danced across the stage, he’d hooked me. I’d even gone as far as to peek my head out to watch him do a grand jeté, a large jump Jack was famous around these parts for. It came to him naturally.

  Unlike me. I had to work at the more advanced techniques regularly.

  Lightly touching my head to make sure my bun was still in place, I sighed as Jack executed a double cabriole effortlessly. That man had so much talent. It also didn’t hurt that the spandex pants emphasizing his tight ass.

  I touched the back of my bun again as a nervous habit, just to double check. I liked to keep my hair at shoulder length all year round. That way if we were ever forced to wear the smelly old wigs that they kept in the storage room I’d have no trouble putting them on. Compared to Jack I was his opposite. I was very short, standing only at five-one. Whenever I came close to Jack, which I’d been lucky to do so now during my training times, not that I was keeping track of our encounters—okay I was—I’d only come up to his chest. The man was a beast, he had to have at least ten inches or so on me. I thought I remembered the director saying he was a little over six feet.

  Yup, he is ginormous. And sexy, I can’t forget that.

  I jumped when someone touched my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts of how yummy Jack was.

  “You’re on, Isabel Neve.” A woman with a headset spoke roughly, eyeing me with a frown.

  I nodded and walked out to the middle of the stage where the spotlight was centered. Panic started to set in as I internally reviewed my steps to my routine I’d been working on. My stomach coiled with what was to come.

  I could hear the director and his assistant discussing things at the table that was sitting just outside of the stage’s reach, and behind the glare of light that almost blinded me.

  My ballet instructor was also there, for the added support.

  My song started to play, a slow song I’d picked to draw more attention, something no one else would pick for such an important number. I started up the routine with a pirouette, then an arabesque. I’d been practicing for months with this exact song, just for this moment. I felt a thrill as I dipped brushing my fingers on the floor.

  Yet, as I looked over at the three most important people inside the room, none of them watched as they’d done with the other women. Their eyes were glued to the form and folders of all the contestants that had already been on stage. Again, I’d been robbed of my moment.

  In that instant I started to sweat. Taking the next step in my dance routine, I glided and twirled, and just when I was about to crack from the pressure, I felt a hand on my lower back.

  The warmth from the palm shot up my back and I gasped in surprise over the intimate touch.

  Spinning to face the intruder that dared to ruin my time further, I stood still in shock, frozen as I looked up into Jack’s handsome face. His other hand extended to me and a shadow of a smile played
on his lips.

  “Trust me,” he whispered, only for my ears to hear.

  “Why?” He would ruin his chances if he danced with me. You could only try out once and this dance would count as his one, they would mark off his last one as if it’d never been.

  “Please, I am here to help you, Isabel.”

  Gulping, I nodded. With a shaky hand, I took hold of his and allowed him to lift me into the air.

  Raising my arms over my head to mimic a swan, I straightened my legs; he whirled me through the air with surprising grace and strength.

  As we continued to dance together throughout the remainder of the slow song, I felt the chills of excitement run up my arms with every brush of his hands. No more did I care about anyone else around me but him.

  I beamed up at Jack, trying to show how much this meant to me and he gave me one back, keeping his eyes only on mine, which had butterflies springing to life inside my stomach.

  With the finale just around the bend, we stopped in a lover’s embrace, a dip that brought him so close to my mouth I could taste his minty breath.

  We stared at one another lost in each other’s gazes. Breathing heavily and never breaking contact, I pulled him closer to me. When his gaze grew heavy lidded and zeroed in on my lips, I licked my bottom lip slow in a teasing manner then closed my eyes preparing myself for what I’d wanted to do since I’d first laid eyes on him. A kiss, something so simple, yet so sensual. The mere thought made my toes curl.

  It was like a dream come true; he was going to kiss me. My fingers curled around his shoulder as his warm breath brushed over my cheek.

  The loud clapping in the background startled me and interrupted the happy moment I was about to experience with Jack. It was so loud that it caused Jack and me to bolt upright.

  I could feel the flame of my blush on my cheeks as I looked out at my instructor and the director.

  “Bravo!” the director shouted.

  “Well done, both of you!” my instructor yelled next.

  “This is the best performance yet!”

  What surprised me even more was when Jack took hold of my hand and gave it a light squeeze.

  “Thank you,” I mouthed at him, beaming a smile that I knew was from my heart.

  His gaze danced over my face. “It was my pleasure, Isabel.”

  “Congratulations! I think the decision is easy to make here. You both have the lead parts for Swan Lake,” the director said, more to his assistant who was situated next to him jotting down notes.

  “It looks like I get to keep you to myself now,” Jack said with a sly grin and a shift in his gaze that promised much more, instantly making me wet.

  “I would enjoy that,” I shot back before I could stop myself.

  I can’t believe I just said that. It’d been so long since I’d dated, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been on one. Five years? Seven years? Dancing was my life, and no one could seem to understand that. So, after two or three dates they left, bored and tired of me constantly canceling plans, but I knew he was different. He would understand. He’d be there if I wanted him to, and I did, but he was my partner now. I would let him lead to that, if he wanted to. I’d wait for a sign, a signal or something.

  Jack’s eyes darkened and his playfulness vanished behind an expression that was lust filled and seductive. His hand caressed my chin, his thumb brushing over my bottom lip. “I look forward to making your body mine as we dance.”

  “Don’t joke like that. Don’t make promises you won’t keep, Jack,” I said quietly.

  “What joke? I don’t make promises, Isabel. I make plans. Do you agree?”

  I bit my lip. Was this the sign I’d waited for? I wasn’t sure if he was teasing me or asking me to do more than just be his dance partner. Either way, I wouldn’t say no.




  When I’d seen Isabel watching me preform, I couldn’t help but meet her shy, curious gaze head on. She’d stepped out of the shadows to view me, something I was counting on her to do.

  She was a brave little butterfly, and I’d caught on to her well-hidden glances. She danced often in the training hall, usually every other day, more so than any other. Her dedication led to the judging whispers of the younger students just starting out. They were just a bunch of jealous brats.

  I didn’t let myself indulge in their harshness, as I found Isabel irresistible. She is my sexy ballerina.

  Isabel was a woman I’d come to adore from afar. Her pure determination and hard work to continuously improve her craft was admirable. I was drawn to the passion with which she performed every dance number.

  I’d done all I could to match my schedule to hers so I could watch. It’d started out as mere curiosity. I was new, and like every studio each place had competition. I’d wanted to see what I was up against, but then I’d fallen for her.

  Most days I went to push her harder, as I knew she became very driven when others were around to dance, but the other days—those days were to be mesmerized by the way her slim body moved. Her firm backside was enough to make my cock hard.

  When I’d stepped off the stage to watch her performance, I’d realized that no one but me was bothering to pay attention to her graceful form sway, the emotion she exuded with each movement and kick, snaring me and drawing me in. I couldn’t stop myself from propelling forward to join her on the dance floor. I didn’t care if the others noticed or if they even bothered to mark the score, I just wanted to touch her. It had been my one chance to do so and I damn well took it.

  The firmness of her back under my hand that I’d placed on the opening of her leotard, and how soft her skin was, almost drove me to try and carry her off the stage—away from the staring gazes of the judges. Now that we were together, I didn’t want to let her leave. She belonged next to me.

  When she’d trusted me to dance with her for her audition piece, my heart nearly burst from the joy that filled it. Even more so when she’d agreed when I said I’d get her all to myself. To be mine. No hesitation.

  Part of me wanted to tell her that since I’d moved to upstate New York and joined the same studio as her, I’d not been able to take my eyes off her. Fuck, I thought about her even when I was alone. She captivated me and consumed my lonely days. Ms. Neve was the perfect ballerina; I couldn’t think of any better than her to be by my side on and off the stage.

  I wasn’t young compared to all the other male and female opponents trying to get the lead roles. I was forty-three years old, and the only thing I still had going for me were my looks and my wisdom.

  Though, I had noticed a few strands of gray starting to make their appearance, but they were still hidden.

  I heard the women talk about me, wondering why I was single. I often felt like telling them it wasn’t any of their business, that they should all just shut up, but I kept my mouth closed and didn’t bother.

  They didn’t need to know of my failures, how I couldn’t find someone because of my career and how everyone assumed I was not manly enough. Due to that, I simply hadn’t found the right person. I hadn’t bothered to date in over three years. I found it easier to concentrate on my work if I didn’t have someone complaining about how I needed to man up more. Plus, I’d moved states, and even then, I hadn’t bothered to look. Everyone was just so damn ordinary—that was, until I meet Isabel. She was a star to me, the only person in my whole life I’d wanted to spend time with.

  When I was around her my life was a different story. My soul felt more alive, younger, and happier. She did things that lightened my spirit. When she was happy, she often giggled to herself. There was something magnetic about her that drove me to want to be a better dancer and man all around. I wanted her to notice me not for my dancing but for who I was behind closed doors. As exciting as that was, I craved more from her. When I showed up at the studio to train, all I wanted was to feel her eyes on me with the same lust I harbored toward her.

  Isabel might be younger,
but age didn’t matter to me. Now that I’d touched her skin, I knew I’d be doomed to crave the feeling of her for the rest of my life. It was like a bolt of electricity up my arm, to my heart, all the way down to my aching cock. She made my blood race.

  I need to make her mine for good…

  Like now, just holding onto her hand felt so fucking good. I wanted to pick her up again just so I could feel her body yield to mine.

  We walked together toward the back of the building that would lead us to the parking lot. She still held my hand. I could feel her small fingers twitching which made me grip her tighter.

  “D-do you want to schedule a training session before we leave?” she asked me shyly.

  I felt like a predator, her sudden shyness making me want to devour her whole. Would she act like this underneath me? I wanted to show her the true pleasures of Swan Lake, the hidden ones no one spoke about. I’d made up my mind then and there that I would. She’d be mine.

  “I can meet you at the usual time, five am,” I told her before she pulled away from me. I let her break the contact, dropping her hand to lean on the nearby wall beside the open back door, allowing the winter’s chill to cool my heated blood.

  She bent to pick up her belongings and I had to drop my arms to cover my bulge that grew instantly just from the sight of her curved ass.

  She really did have a luscious backside. Looking away as she stood and turned back to face me, I saw from the corner of my eyes as she flung her bag over her shoulder making the maroon leotard strain over her small breasts. Fuck me.

  “How did you figure out what times I go anyway? Somehow we always end up training at the same time.” She quirked an eyebrow at me.

  “It’s just the same time I like to go. Maybe it’s luck,” I rushed to say, coming up with the lamest excuse ever.

  “Oh…” I swear I could hear the disappointment in her voice. “Well, five o’clock works for me. I’ll see you then.”

  Taking a chance—before she could walk out of the door into the cool afternoon air—I snagged ahold of her swinging hand at her side and spun her until her breasts were pressed up to my chest.


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