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MASTER AND BABY : A Tale of Erotic Submission

Page 12

by J. J. MacGuire

  "Harry, I hope you're a good shot with that thing of yours! I don't want my nipples singed."

  "But of course I am, you silly girl. Press the button, lraC."

  I felt an exhilarating rush of cool air pass over my exposed nether regions as Harry whisked his flogger energetically in a dramatic warm-up. Norma leaned back a little, although most of her breast-shelf remained in contact with my bum. There was a click and whirr from the CD player, then all hell broke loose.


  "Jesus Christ!"

  I couldn't help myself this time; I just had to laugh, although I realized the half-suppressed giggles were making my bottom wobble in a rather unbecoming fashion. That song had always made me split my sides, never mind the current circumstances. Just as I pressed my face into the sofa cushion to staunch my mirth, the tails of the flogger snapped smartly against the tops of my thighs with a deeply satisfying thwack!


  The giggles were knocked out of me, swiftly replaced by a long moan of pleasure. A falsetto voice began to sing along to the tune and I turned my head to see lraC strutting his stuff on the living room rug. He hadn't quite got the hang of the lyrics, but close enough.

  "Git 'em out, moov 'em out, whip 'em up, RAW-HIDE! Yee haw!"

  Grimly, Harry continued to flog, his strokes out of synch with the whip cracks in the song. A violent trembling began above my bottom and I realized that Norma was laughing uncontrollably. lraC pranced over to the snack bowls and, quickly emptying out a couple of wooden dishes, used them like coconut shells to make a clip-clopping sound. Norma spluttered all over my ass and I wriggled under the light warm spray. Relentlessly, Harry flogged on. My cheeks were hot now, I imagined Norma's spit sizzling and steaming on their round scarlet mounds.

  * * * *

  They thought I was joking when I said Jay needs regular chastisement to keep from becoming insufferable, but not a bit of it. No whacks equals cheeky. Without me she would get thrown off buses.

  This, though, was something new. Until now, her punishments had always been private. Norma and lraC were laughing, but for us it was certainly no laughing matter. Jay's bottom rapidly turned red as I laid on the flogger with a will. I am a big fellow and I wasn't holding back. I wonder what our two new chums would have thought if they had seen some of our other games?

  "Hey, you're really hitting her hard!"

  Norma's expression had changed from amused to bemused. Jay was quite still now on her lap, eyes tight shut. I whipped her bottom and thighs with the tips of the flogger's strands, where the leather whistled through the air with maximum velocity.

  One especially well aimed strike made Jay yelp and slip from Norma's lap.

  "Hold her, Norma! Hold her hands behind her back. That's it. Don't let her move."

  lraC sat cross-legged on the floor watching with fascination. Every now and then he wriggled.

  This was my first try at the flogger. Spanking was the norm. My big black belt lasted one session, bravely borne by Jay, but she would have no more of it. The bruises took two weeks to go away. Mind you, the first time I spanked the minx my hand was black and blue for days. I believe in doing a job properly.

  Jay groaned now as each lash bit into her ravaged skin.

  "Look at her Norma! Look at her lraC! Look at her naked red bottom. See how the marks run down her thighs. Look at her hands captured behind her. See how Norma controls her. See how helpless she is!"

  lraC's mouth was slightly open. He breathed hard from his lotus position.

  Jay groaned louder. I took a step back now, then a step forward in time with the lash.

  "Keep them doggies moving, Raw-hide!"

  Step back, step forward, lash!

  Norma started to look worried. I am an awful lot bigger than Jay, and I was using all my beef. Then Jay began to tremble and her groans ran into a bubbling scream. There was no mistaking an oncoming orgasm of titanic proportions. Norma brightened up. I readied myself for the last lap.

  Lash! Lash! LASH!

  Jay struggled furiously in Norma's firm grip. Suddenly Norma transferred both of Jay's wrists to one strong hand and with the other gripped the Lawrence hair. She tugged hard and Jay's head arced up.



  Jay's legs kicked. Norma pulled her to and fro by her tangled hair as I kept up the bombardment on her rear end.

  I judged the moment before her orgasm became uncontrollable. I stopped.


  Jay screamed.

  She screamed again.

  I raised the whip and steadied myself. I waited. And waited again.


  I struck.

  The whip came down on her red raw bottom with all the weight of me and my piratical forebears.

  Jay's body convulsed as the climax rolled through her. Norma, eyes wide, held her firmly with one hand round her wrists and one hand in her hair.

  A drop of bright blood appeared on Jay's thigh where a stray strand nicked her. Quick as a flash lraC darted forward and licked it away. He sniggered.


  Dan Ackroyd's voice faded into the end of the track.


  Norma looked as exhausted as Jay and me. lraC looked curiously untouched.

  * * * *


  There really is nothing to compare with the deep satiety of the post-disciplinary phase. Slowly, languidly, I slid to the carpet, printing a brief, grateful kiss on Norma's sturdy and now rather sticky knee. She looked down at me with a mischievous smile.


  "Much better!"

  It was a strange feeling, yet completely erotic. I crouched on the floor, thoroughly and stringently chastised, both buttocks tingling with the heat from the flogging, virtually naked but for my skirt, a crumpled hitched-up mass about my waist. Suddenly, a rush of self-consciousness washed over me and I blushed, felt the color seep up my throat to stain my cheeks. Slightly confused, I rearranged what was left of my clothing. Now I wanted to be alone with Harry, needed to feel him penetrate me, take me, hold me.

  "Gosh, is that the time? Sure does fly when you're having fun!"

  The buxom girl had a promising future in clairvoyance. Too shaky to stand, I sat on the rug, watching Norma wriggle into her nurse's outfit. Sexily, she swayed over to Harry and pressed a kiss upon his cheek. His gaze lingered longingly over the crevasse of cleavage and one hand slipped up her skirt to pat her broad behind farewell. Harry sighed resignedly.

  "lraC, help Miss Norma with her coat, there's a good lad."


  Norma rummaged in her handbag and extracted a calculator. One long scarlet nail tapped furiously, then she pursed her lips and smiled sweetly.

  "That'll be $350, Harry dear. Extra for the, erm, special services. Kinky's always double the rate. Plus, of course, it's after hours…"

  I watched Harry's face reorganize itself and wondered if Norma knew she was dealing with a savvy financial entrepreneur and card-carrying Econo-Mart aficionado.

  "Now, now, Norma, I'm sure you wouldn't have missed this little extravaganza for the world! No need to cheapen it into a financial transaction. Why, we've put such a show on, perhaps you should be paying us. What do you think Miss Lawrence?"


  I had regained my equilibrium. Fiscal matters have an unerring tendency to de-fog the brain cells.

  Norma's jaw set like ready-mixed concrete and she belted her raincoat with a rather violent action which suggested that she wished Harry's neck was in situ.

  "You'll be sorry, Mr. Neptune. I have connections."

  Harry smiled indulgently.

  "I should hope so, Norma. You'd fall apart otherwise. Look, we'd hate to see you go home empty-handed. Here's a little something for you. Never let it be said that we're not generous."

  Bemused, Norma took the small piece of paper and scanned it intently.

  "Ten per cent off at the Delhi Belhi Ta
ndoori House? I hate curry!"

  She stamped one stilettoed foot and lraC promptly ejaculated.

  "I'll have you know it's the best in town! After all, the service is quite outstanding."

  Harry clapped his hands.

  "Well said, lraC! You've been most attentive. Well, it's been fun, boys and girls, but now I really must get my beauty sleep."

  Glaring balefully, Norma stuffed the voucher into her purse, grabbed a large handful of mixed nuts and stomped out, a grinning lraC in tow. Harry snorted. I watched his crinkles collude in mirth.

  "What's so funny, big boy?"

  "I've just realized that that voucher is now out of date. Expired at midnight. Oh well, perhaps lraC will take pity on her when she pops in for her steak and chips. Did you have fun?"

  I popped Harry's nuts into my mouth and nodded, enthusiastically.

  "Yes, I did. Especially being punished before witnesses. Feel how wet I am now."

  Laughing, Harry lifted me up and sat me on the kitchen counter. I spread my legs to show him what the night's events had done and he traced the trembling contours of my juice-drenched pussy with one long forefinger before kissing me long and hard.


  "Yes, dear."

  "Ye Gods, I'm exhausted."

  "You must be getting old, Mr. Neptune."

  "Just you wait, Miss Lawrence…"

  Mr. Neptune's Convalescence

  Jay plonked herself down on the side of my bed and popped a grape from a paper bag into her mouth.

  "Hey, they're supposed to be for me!"

  "Mmmmmyah. I'm testing them for poison."

  "Who's going to poison me?"

  "I am."

  Charming. Meet my little friend, Jay Lucrezia Lawrence.

  "And why, pray, should you want to off a helpless invalid?"

  "Because your pathetic state of health has dragged me back to this benighted boil on the prairie."

  "My health is perfect! I have a broken leg!"

  "Same difference. The grapes are OK. Tuck in."

  I grabbed a large handful and munched rapidly before the Lawrence mitt descended again. I wiped my hands on my hospital gown and eased my position in the bed. The traction apparatus groaned and I yelped.

  "Don't tug at that! It's all that's holding me together."

  "It's about time something did. I leave you alone for five minutes and look what happens."

  "I was foully attacked by assassins! Backstabbing felons! Cowards who ganged up on me four to one! For no reason whatsoever!"

  Jay sighed, quite unnecessarily.

  "What was it Norma said? 'You'll be sorry, Mr. Neptune. I have connections.'"

  "How was I to know she doesn't like curry? I gave her a whole voucher – ten per cent off at the Delhi Belhi Tandoori House. A Prince's gift! She's an ungrateful wretch – after all the pleasure we gave her. Hah."

  "She gave you a three hundred and fifty dollar bill for sexual services rendered – a fair proportion of it for after hours and kinky. You paid her off with an out of date meal voucher and a pat on the bottom."

  "There was never an agreement to pay her for her tawdry services. No contract. Therefore nothing for her to complain about. QED."

  "Bloody hell! Talk about splitting hairs! She said two hundred dollars when she walked in the door! And that was before things got kinky."

  "Ah, but I never agreed. A crucial point, my dear. Crucial!"

  I rested my case. And my leg. That didn't stop her.

  "And what happened as a consequence of your lawyering? Hmm? What happened?"

  She claimed after that I looked sheepish, but of course not a bit of it. I was simply bemoaning the depth of depravity in the human soul.

  "They came after me with – sticks – you know…"

  "Baseball bats."

  "That's right – baseball sticks. In the dead of night. At eleven o'clock. When I was walking home from a convivial evening with fellow philosophers at the Grunt & Groan."

  "Staggering more like."

  "Staggering be buggered! I had the legs of them, convivial evening or not!"

  "Especially after you pushed the line of supermarket trolleys into them."

  I sniggered. "That was rather effective. Made a lovely noise."

  "And then…"

  I scowled.

  "Only the great Harry Neptune could get run over by a minivan full of strippers."

  "They were on their way back from a stag do. They were picking up pizza. And they weren't looking where they were going!"

  I groped in the bag for more grapes, but Lawrence had scoffed the lot. I was reaching for the bedpan with a view to clouting her when the door opened.

  "Time for our medicine, Mr. Neptune! Be a good boy now..."

  "Nurse Benjamin, Miss Lawrence. Miss Lawrence, Nurse Benjamin. I knew Nurse Benjamin's mother in Antigua, you know."

  * * * *

  I'll bet you did!

  "Did you know Whistler's mother too, sweetie?"

  "Shurrup, Lawrence, I'm concentrating!"

  "Get Nurse to fetch you a laxative then."

  Nurse Benjamin advanced, a broad smile illuminating her sunny face. I looked up. And up. She was a big girl. I sensed a theme developing and gave Harry a hard stare. He tried to look innocent.

  "Nurse Benjamin is a direct descendant of the Bigaboobi tribe. Bigaboobies fill many lofty positions in the Virgin Islands."

  "I can see that, darling. Delighted to meet you, Nurse B."

  The young woman grinned, perfect teeth gleaming in contrast to her dusky skin. Her hair was black and curly, neatly pinned beneath a starched white cap.

  Wait a minute! Starched caps went out with Dr. Kildare! This is no ordinary nurse…

  "Open wide! Who's a clever boy?"

  I watched, incredulous, as Nurse B deftly crushed a brace of painkillers, mixed them into a dollop of jam and spooned the mixture into Harry's strangely willing mouth.

  "You baby, Neptune! Take your medicine like a man!"

  "There. All gone!"

  Attentively, Nurse B leaned forward to dab at her charge's sticky lips and I saw Harry's eyes cross, then focus intently on the girl's heroic chest. She lingered just long enough to give him a good eyeful, then stood up, straightening her rustling apron. I wondered which fancy dress hire store had purveyed an Amazon-size retro nurse's kit. An awful thought occurred to me and I hissed at the invalid.

  "What did you do with the real nurse, Harry? I hope she's not tied up in the sluice room or something equally nasty."

  Harry sighed.

  "They're on bloody strike! I was lucky to get plastered, I can tell you. For one moment, I thought I'd have to do it myself. Anyway, I had to go private for the convalescence. Fortunately, I still have P.H.U.C.T. coverage from my last post with Rope & Tackle."


  "Private Healthcare (when) Undercover (in) Crappy Terrain."

  "You're not undercover!"

  Harry drew the sheet up to his nose and made coy eyes at me.

  "I am now!"

  I looked suitably skeptical.

  "So, Nurse B comes with Plan A, does she?"

  "No, Nurse B came with Scheme 3, sub-section vii, addendum 19d, actually. She's covered by the "post-traumatic stress syndrome" clause. I've been subjected to severe mental cruelty and need succor in my hour of pain..."


  "I'd love to..."

  At that point, Nurse B began to laugh uproariously, throwing her head back until her cap fell off and wild strands of dark hair began to spring loose from the mass of pins. She looked down at Harry, then at me. There was a distinct glint in her bright black eyes.

  "Fancy a bit of bondage, Mr. Neptune? Seems we're already set up!"

  Harry gulped.

  * * * *

  "No! Scheme 3, sub-section vii, addendum 19d is quite specific. Stress relief. Not stress inducement! Fetch me my cocoa."

  Little and Large looked at each other, or rather the one looked do
wn and the other peered up. I thought with some satisfaction that Jay might have met her match in Nurse Benjamin.

  "Bugger addendum 19d. What does addendum 19e have to say? Where's the book?" My diminutive friend had a most unpleasant glint in her eye.

  "Addendum 19e refers to restraint of temporarily deranged trauma victims," replied Nurse B with what I can only describe as a wolfish grin.

  "Hey, that's enough! I've paid for Scheme 3, sub-section vii, addendum 19d, and that's it! No extras! I'm post-traumatically stressed, not a loony..."

  "You were pre-traumatically stressed, Neptune. I think you've diddled the insurance company."

  Miss Lawrence's face took on a contorted, pained expression, as if she were giving birth to a prize watermelon. I had seen that performance before. She was thinking. With a grimace like a primeval swamp facing a dinosaur about to enjoy bath time, she spoke.

  "How much more is addendum 19e, Nurse Benjamin?"

  "A hundred dollars a day. In advance."

  Miss Lawrence produced a checkbook and started writing.

  "Hey! You produced that checkbook from my bedside locker! It's mine!"

  "So? You're the one needing treatment. You pay for it."

  I folded my arms over the bedclothes. "I'm not signing that."

  "No need. Tell the difference?"

  The dwarfish mal-busted insensitive swamp-cologned peanut-brained trollop had my signature off pat.

  "Now I know where your new broomstick came from!"

  "No need for a receipt, Nurse B. By the way, how well did the old boy know your mother, exactly?"

  Nurse Benjamin grinned, slyly.

  "I have a half-sister named Venus Harriet. The family resemblance is remarkable, actually. She's quite the little entrepreneur, runs a lemonade stall that's the envy of her classmates. And no wonder, as she filched a huge neon arrow from the local drive-in movie theater. You can see it for miles. Real chip off the old block. I do wish she could see her old man. She'd be just wild about Harry." The nurse's eyes positively gleamed. There was only one thing to do. I gulped again.

  The nurse and the houri stood beside my sick bed, the bed to which I had been confined by dastardly blackguards egged on by – another nurse. Yes, Norma had been wearing a nurse's uniform! For a while at least. Was this a conspiracy? Was the whole world against me? Or a substantial proportion of the auxiliary medical profession, at least?


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