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Head Hunter: A Virgin Billionaire Reverse Romance

Page 14

by Alexis Angel

  Because this has been one of the hardest fucking weeks of my life. I think I’m losing my mind. The lack of sex has finally gotten to me. Everyone warned me about it. It’s not right, they said. It’s not healthy, they warned. A young and virile man like me should be getting pussy every night of the week. You’ll live to regret it, some cautioned.

  I’m starting to believe it. I think I’m on a downward spiral to crazytown. Just the mere thought of Ashley and her rocking body is driving me out of my mind. I’m hard twenty-four seven. That can’t be good, can it? I’m starting to worry that the lack of blood to anywhere else in my body but my cock might have some long-term effects.

  Ashley just laughs when I tell her this. She thinks I’m making a bigger deal of it than it is.

  But I know better. And I know she knows better too. I can see it in her eyes when she thinks I’m not looking. It’s making her crazy too. She’s doing her best not to tempt me, but if just the thought of her has me hornier than a pubescent boy, the sight of her is a million times worse. Six weeks. I can do this. Six weeks.

  Five weeks to go…

  I walk into my bathroom in a sleepy haze. And instantly regret it. Fucking hell.

  There’s Ashley in my shower, cleaning up after I just went down on her for what feels like the hundredth time in two weeks. Not that I’m complaining. I’m not going to let my woman suffer just because I have to. No, I pleasure her as much as she wants, and then some. Even if my cock does feel like it might fall off from neglect and lack of use.

  I can just read the epitaph now.

  Here lies Carter Blaine. Gone too soon. He died a virgin, after withering away from lack of orgasms.

  Wouldn’t Lola feel like a real bitch then? I laugh bitterly. Probably not. She’d probably just be glad to not have to pay me my two billion dollars.

  “Carter, you okay, baby?” Ashley’s voice startles me from my sadistic fantasy. I almost wish it hadn’t, because now my focus is back on her and her totally fuckable body standing naked in my bathroom, her eyes wide with concern. But I barely notice her eyes. All I see are two gorgeous tits, nipples fully erect as she stares at my equally erect cock, now practically dripping with cum. I swear, I’m probably going to revert to adolescence here soon and start having wet dreams if I don’t get off soon.

  I feel my cock twitch as I imagining coming all over her tits. With a sound that borders on being a little unhinged, I leave the bathroom and Ashley’s gorgeous tits. Five weeks. I can do this. Five weeks.

  Four weeks to go…

  I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.

  “Carter? Baby? Are you okay?” Ashley’s concerned voice brings me back to reality.

  “It’s okay,” I mumble, rolling over in the bed and burying my head under my pillow. I love having her in my bed, but it’s a slow form of torture. Forget waterboarding. Those fuckers have no idea. Just stick them in bed with a woman as hot as my girl, then tell them they can’t do anything about it. That’s the way to punish someone.

  God, that dream. I swear I thought it was real. It felt so real. In it, I was fucking Ashley. Hard. Rough. Bareback. Right in her sweet, tight little pussy. It was heaven. It was everything.

  And then I fucking woke up.

  Four weeks. Then she’s all mine. I can do this. Four weeks.

  Three weeks to go…

  “Carter, baby,” Ashley says, her sweet voice making me ache for her. That’s all it takes anymore. The end is so near I can practically taste it. Or is that the taste of her juices still lingering on my lips? I don’t know anymore. I’m half mad at this point. I look up at the giant wall calendar, just to make sure more time hasn’t passed and I’ve missed it. But nope. Still three weeks to go.

  “Carter?” Ash repeats, her voice more urgent this time. “I just realized something.”

  She sounds excited, and when I look over at her as we relax on the couch, I see a sparkle in her eyes. She has an idea. I can tell.

  “What is it, angel?” I ask, pulling her against me on the couch, my cock pressing into her hip. It’s like a constant companion these days, always hard, always dripping, always begging for attention it just can’t get.

  “I think we’ve overlooked something vital,” she whispers, like it’s a secret. “You know how you can give me head, as long as I don’t give it to you?”

  I nod, not sure where she’s going with this.

  “Well, I know you can’t jerk yourself off, but no one said anything about me doing it.”

  I sit up straight as her words register. What? How could we have been so stupid? I’ve been suffering for almost a month, and here is a perfect solution staring us right in the face. Much like my cock that’s pointing right at Ash this very minute.

  A handjob. Hello. And yes, please.

  Before I can even say anything, Ashley has her soft hands wrapped around my cock, stroking up and down in a way that feels so amazingly perfect that it almost hurts. Or maybe that’s just the backup of cum just waiting to be released.

  “Oh, fuck, Ash,” I moan as she continues to work my cock over. I see her lick her lips, and I know she wants a mouthful, but we can’t. Not yet. But this—this is heaven right here. Having my angel’s hand on my cock, the other dropping down to cup my balls.

  I glance up to the cameras that are installed in my apartment and give one a triumphant grin, lifting both hands to flip it the bird—a giant fuck you to Lola and anyone else who made me suffer all this time.

  And, oh fuck, I’m so close. I’m about to explode everywhere.

  “I’m going to catch it in my mouth, Carter,” Ashley says, breathless, her eyes so dark with desire they look almost black. I love that she’s getting off on doing this to me. And the words she just said have my balls tightening, my release treating to burst for at any second. Fuck, how did I get so lucky to find a woman like her?

  Then, just as I feel the orgasm taking hold, the door to my apartment bursts open and Chase rushes in. Ashley’s eyes go wide, and she strokes harder, faster, intent on getting me off before Chase delivers what’s sure to be devastating news. If he’s going to blow this all to hell, I’m going to blow first.

  Right as he reaches the couch, a loud “Nooooooo” falling from his lips, my orgasm rips through me. Huge, hot white jets of cum fly from my cock in giant spurts, every pulse of my release shooting my cum higher and higher. Two feet in the air, three feet, four feet, then—splat. Chase gets a full on facial, my cum shooting him right in the face.

  He stops, his mouth agape as he stares in horror at me. Then he grits his teeth and delivers the message he was sent to give me, his eyes blazing.

  “No. More. Hand jobs.”

  Talk about shooting the messenger.

  Three more weeks. I’ve got this, even without any more hand jobs because that was just the most fucking awesome hand job in the history of hand jobs. I can do this. Three weeks.



  It’s here. Thank fuck. The final week. Only one week to go, and Carter and I can be together.

  I literally cannot wait to have sex with him. The buildup has been so huge that I know it’s going to totally rock my world. He’s so damn sexy. So perfect. Even though he’s had to suffer the past six weeks, he’s still so generous. You can’t ask for much more than a generous lover, right?

  Except he’s so much more. I love everything about him. We’re so perfect together, and I can’t wait to get started on our real life.

  I feel so terrible for him. Walking up to the countdown calendar we made, I wish he hadn’t had to suffer so much these past two months. It must've been terrible. I almost wanted to take a vow of chastity with him just so he wasn’t in this alone, but the look of horror on his face when I suggested it made me quickly change my tune. He told me that it was bad enough that he couldn’t do anything with me, but to be deprived of making me feel would be the ultimate defeat.

  What could I say? I did my part for man and country and spread my legs a
nd let him eat me out to his heart’s content.

  Carter’s in the shower, so I take a minute to check my phone for emails and social media updates. The show is such a hit. The ratings have never been higher in all of the five years of it running. The network must be raking in a fortune. There are betting pools being set up all over the Internet debating over whether or not we’ll crack. Seriously? After all this time, they really think we’re going to give in right at the very end?

  I see an email from Lola and hesitate before opening it. Last time I talked to her, earlier in the week, she was super pissed at me. I failed at the job I was hired for. She was so sure that if we were together, Carter would give in. She didn’t count on me being his support, helping him get through this in his weak moments. She didn’t count on my falling in love with him.

  I toss my phone aside, and just as I’m about to go make something to eat, there’s a knock at the door. I frown. Who could that be? It better not be fucking Chase bringing us some other ridiculous scenario to make us fuck before the season finale. I can just see him saying that we have to sit naked for hours with Carter’s cock positioned an inch from my pussy, just waiting for him to give in and shove it inside. I roll my eyes. They would come up with something crazy like that.

  When I open the door, I’m surprised to see Lola herself standing on the other side. Without waiting to be invited in, she just makes herself at home. I think I might hate the woman.

  If I thought she was pissed the last time we talked, that was nothing compared to how she is now. She’s practically seething. I know why she’s here, even though I’m surprised she actually came herself. The last time we talked, I told her I quit. What was I supposed to do? I can’t do this assignment anymore. When I found out from her what she actually wanted from me, I should have said no from the beginning. I shouldn’t have agreed to it. But I was so desperate to get to know Carter that I did it anyway. And I can’t bring myself to regret it now because we’ve fallen in love. Everything worked out.

  Except now Lola is here in Carter’s apartment. “You really think you can just quit like that?” she says, laying into me.

  “I can, and I did,” I reply.

  “You won’t ever see a penny of that money,” she spits.

  Like I care. She’s just pissed that I’m not playing into her hand. “Doesn’t matter. I quit. That’s the end of it. In fact, why don’t we just have these cameras leave too? You aren’t going to get what you want, Lola.”

  And of course that’s when Carter makes an appearance, a towel slung around his waist as he strolls in, his eyes narrowing at Lola. “What are you doing here?”

  Lola gives him a haughty smirk. “Just checking in for myself. I find it hard to believe you haven’t had sex yet, Carter.”

  He practically growls. “You did a good job of making sure I didn’t have any options. That was low, Lola, even for you.”

  She shrugs. “It’s just business.”

  The camera crew is packing up as all this is going on, apparently taking me quitting seriously. “You know what?” I say to them. “Wait for a minute. I actually have something I need to say, and everyone needs to hear it.”

  Chase runs in. He must stay parked outside of Carter’s apartment or something because he sure does pop in at a moment’s notice.

  “Ashley, no. You can’t say anything.”

  “What the hell is going on here?” Carter bursts out, totally confused.

  I turn to him, regret filling my chest. I should've just told him this part eight weeks ago when he first asked. But I was scared to do it then. Scared I’d lose him. And while that’s a very real possibility if I come out with this now, I have to. I can’t start a relationship with him without being totally honest.

  “Ashley,” Chase warns. “You signed a contract. You can’t—”

  “No,” I say, cutting him off. “I can.” Focusing all my attention on Carter, I walk up to him and take his hands. “I have to tell you because I love you. You deserve my honesty.”

  His brow wrinkles and he hesitates when he says, “Ash?”

  God, I hope this doesn’t go the wrong way. I take a deep breath and let it all out.

  “Carter, I told you I was hired to seduce you, and that was true. But there’s more. Something I didn’t tell you. I was actually hired to make you fall in love with me. They thought if you loved me, you’d give in and have sex. So…yeah.” I bite my lip, waiting for everything I’ve ever wanted and finally have to come crashing down around me.



  Ashley’s words hit me like a force of nature. I simply stand there and stare at her for a time, studying her face, trying to figure out if what she’s saying is true. I totally forget that Lola and Chase and the camera crew are all standing around watching and filming what could be the most defining moment of my life.

  “Is this true?” I finally ask her, my voice low and controlled.

  She nods, her eyes filling with tears.

  Then she grabs my hands, gripping them desperately. “There’s more, though, Carter. You have to let me explain.”

  I keep my face blank. I don’t know what she’s going to say next, but I have a feeling it will go one of two ways. A make or break kind of thing.

  “I’m listening.”

  She sighs, and then lifts earnest blue eyes to my face. “When I started this, I was in it for the money. I took a job, initially trying to seduce you. And when that didn’t work—that night at the strip club—Lola upped the stakes. She wanted me to make you fall in love with me. Like I said, that was supposed to send you over the line, make you give in.”

  Ash glances at Lola, but I can’t even look at her. Fucking Lola.

  “But it quickly became something else for me, Carter. You have to believe me. I don’t care at all about the money now. I haven’t for quite a while. From the beginning, really. Once I got to know you, I knew I couldn’t do it.”

  “So why didn’t you quit?” I say gruffly.

  She swallows hard, and she looks so distraught that I just want to take her in my arms. But I don’t. She needs to say this. And I need to hear it.

  “Because I fell in love with you. I couldn’t walk away from you, even though it started under false pretenses. I needed to be with you. I love you, Carter. I really do. I don’t want the money. I don’t want anything. All I want is to be with you. You’re all that matters. And if a lie is what got me into this situation, I really don’t care because it gave me the opportunity to get to know you. To fall in love with you. And for you to fall in love with me too. None of that was a lie.” She looks up at me again, her gaze almost desperate. “You have to believe me.”

  I wait for a long beat before speaking, letting her words sink in for both of us.

  “I know.”

  Ashley cuts her eyes at me. “You know?”

  I nod, a smile breaking across my face for the first time since walking into the room. She’s said everything I hoped she would say. Everything I needed to hear. I know without a doubt that she’s telling the truth. But I had to know.

  “I’ve known all along, Ash,” I admit.

  She gasps, her hands flying to her mouth. “What?” she shakes her head. “I don’t understand.”

  Taking her hands again, I bring them to my lips. “Don’t be mad. I had to know how you really felt. Lola came to me, trying to get the twist of me falling in love to move along. It was perfect for ratings. So she told me what she’d done—that she’d hired you.”

  I glance at Lola, still angry at her. I don’t know what her deal is, but I swear she’s angry and resentful that Ash and I have found love. I’m sure it all goes back to her not wanting to pay out my incentive, but I can’t be bothered to give a fuck right now.

  Turning back to Ashley, I say, “I was shocked at first. And I’ll admit, a little hurt. But it didn’t add up. I didn’t believe you could fake everything we had. I knew deep down that our love was real. But I had to wait it out. I needed to hear it
from you. I knew if you came clean about all this then it would mean that everything you’ve said is true. That you really do love me for me and the money means nothing. Don’t be upset that I didn’t tell you. I just needed to hear it, Ash. And now I have.”

  “You have to know that’s true,” she says, so earnest it makes my heart crack. “I do love you, Carter. All of this—everything we’ve had from the very beginning—it’s all real. My love is real.”

  I pull her closer to me, so glad that this fucking show is almost over and that Ashley and I can begin our lives together for real. “No, Ash. Our love is real.”

  And then I kiss her, ready for everyone to get the fuck out because I’ve waited long enough to claim my woman. No more waiting. Ashley is mine, heart and soul. And I’m going to show her over and over again until I’m sure she knows just how much I love her.



  How could he possibly have known about my deal with Lola after all of this time? And I’ve been stressing about telling him the truth, the betrayal tearing through me in the worst way, but he’s already forgiven me. All he wanted was to hear it from my mouth, and now that I’ve done that he looks on at me with an intense gaze of passion as I rush to him, our bodies colliding beautifully.

  “I want you,” is all I can manage, overcome with emotion and desire.

  “Everybody out!” Carter orders, turning to glare at everyone so they understand his level of sincerity.

  “Oh, Carter, we’d be happy to film this,” Chase begins, but Carter moves forward, dropping me from his grasp as he physically pushes the crew out of his home.

  “It could be an update special. You know the fans love this turn of events. They’ll be happy for an update,” he reasons just before he’s pushed over the threshold, the door slamming behind him.


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