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Head Hunter: A Virgin Billionaire Reverse Romance

Page 129

by Alexis Angel

  "Fuck you, Carter. I know all about your little plot to take me down."

  "Well, that's dramatic."

  "Is it? Mayor Tina Ling paid me a fucking visit and how do you think that went?"

  Shit. What's she doing visiting Liam? Was that before or after she had my pants unbuttoned?

  "You tell me. And if I were you, I'd keep my voice down—this isn't the kind of place you want to air out your dirty laundry, if you know what I mean. That'd be poor form for the Mayor of New Kingston, don't you think?"

  "You know what's poor form? You fucking trying to take away 10,000 jobs from the city of Kingston. That's what. You Democrats are all the same—shouting and crying about the fucking environment. That's all a fucking hoax. It's just a way for you to push your agenda of moving fucking jobs and getting to tell us what to do."

  Now he's really pissing me off, and I find myself clenching my jaw. "Are you seriously kidding me, Liam? You think I don’t care about those people in your town? That’s why you go on television to go tell me to go fuck myself? Because you think I care more about a goddamn owl?"

  "Because I fucking know how to get things done. It's you and your big government fucking—"

  I cut him off mid sentence. "You know what your problem is, Liam? Your ignorance. You don't really give a shit about people! Because if you did, you'd give a shit about all of the pollution you're planning on subjecting the citizens of New Kingston to with these five factories of yours. Way to go, Mayor," I say, clapping my hands in mock support. "What good is a damn job when your citizens overtax your healthcare system because they’re being poisoned in their own homes!" I'm oozing sarcasm.

  "Ha! You're out of your fucking mind, Carter. Are you really interested in seeing the unemployment rate spike to unprecedented levels? People will be out on the street—families decimated. Are you really thinking about what it means to not bring a paycheck home for your family? To have to fill your bathtub up with water because you know your water is getting shut off for non-payment. No, you wouldn't know anything about that. You've been wealthy from the moment you took your first breath. So you can go fuck yourself if you think I'm falling for any of your nonsense."

  "Watch yourself," I growl, flashing my teeth. "You're the one not thinking. You're so narrow minded that you can't think about tomorrow—about future generations. It's not all black and white Liam."

  "No, it’s all about black and white with you, Carter," Liam says, snarling at me. "What the fuck are you doing here with Vivian, anyways?"

  I'm trying to not let Liam get under my skin, but his presence is causing my pulse to quicken, and I find myself clenching my jaw. He isn't hearing a thing I say, and he better watch how he talks to me.

  "My relationship with Vivian is something you won’t ever understand, Mayor Jeffries," I tell him coldly. "You don’t have the patience to deserve a woman like that."

  "You better watch yourself Mr. High and Mighty Governor," Liam says, a spark of pure anger in his eyes. "You think you have it all, don't you? You think you've got the new legislation and the Senator behind you, but let me tell you something asshole. That cute blonde you're trying to impress here today? Well, I've already slept with her, so I hope you enjoy my sloppy fucking seconds."

  That's it. Now he's really overstepped his bounds. I don't care who's watching. It's my instinct to reach back and throw my fist right into the middle of Liam's face. It hits him with a sickening thud and I see a thin line of blood leak from his nose. The punch catches him off guard and he stumbles back into the table behind him. There's a husband and wife dining at that table, and their drinks are knocked over, the contents spilling into their laps.

  "Hey, watch it!" they say, raising their arms in protest.

  But before anyone can respond, Liam flies into me, throwing a punch that grazes my jaw. Our arms are now locked together and we tumble onto the dining room floor. The outside world is a blur, but I vaguely hear shouts and murmurs coming from fellow diners. People have their cell phones out. Are they recording us? I can hear security trying to break us up, but Liam isn't slowing down and neither am I. I refuse to let him get the best of me. I have my knee on his chest and I hit him again, but now there are two police officers yelling in our direction, "Break it up!"

  Liam and I let go of each other, and one officers yells for us to get on our knees with our hands up. We both comply and as soon as we go, they walk over, pull our hands behind our backs and place them in handcuffs.

  "Do you have any idea who you're handcuffing?" I ask.

  "Save it for the judge, tough guy. We've seen enough from the two of you. We're taking you in."

  "To the county jail?" Liam asks. "You've got to be kidding. I'm the Mayor of New Kingston. You can't do this."

  The officers aren't listening and they begin reciting the Miranda warning, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law…"

  Liam looks over at me and shakes his head in disgust. "Great, now look what you've fucking done."

  "What I've done? You're the one who came marching in picking a fight."

  "Knock it off, both of you," one officer says. "You can both cool off in county."


  I know I probably shouldn't have approached Carter like that in the middle of the Harvard Club, messing up his brunch date and all, but you know what? Fuck him. He didn't need to take the first swing, did he? Fuck him and his liberal agenda—putting fucking owls before jobs. Fuck him and his plotting with Vivian. If he thinks he can steamroll me like that, he has another thing coming. Let him watch me as I fuck Vivian and then shoot his fucking owl. Then chop down his goddamn tree. And set fire to the whole fucking forest.

  At least the people will have jobs.

  I'm pacing back and forth in the holding tank like a caged tiger. I can feel the frustration of the situation coursing through my tense muscles. Carter has already been bailed out of this fucking place and here I am. I'm waiting for my lawyer to show up. Where is he? He should've been here by now. I don't even have a watch to look at, but it feels like I've already been stuck in here for an eternity.

  He better get here soon because I don't know how much longer I can be in this place. The people in here are characters—to say the least. One guy scratched the cell wall so hard his fingertips were rubbed raw, and the next claimed he once ate a shit burrito and I really don't want to know if he's telling the truth. I don't know if there's a more awful place I can be sitting right now, to be honest.

  Just as I'm getting crazy sideways stare from a fellow detainee, and I'm feeling like I may have defend myself, a guard approaches. "Mr. Jeffries, let's go. You're free to leave."

  I let out a sigh of relief. Thank god; I mean, I wasn't going to last much longer in this place and I have much more important things to do. 10,000 jobs are at stake here. I stand up and walk to the sliding gate. The guard let's me out and I'm greeted by my lawyer. He walks over and gives me a solid pat on the back.

  "Rough day, huh?" "What took you so long?" I ask.

  "I came as fast as I could. You're lucky this incident isn’t all over the news. I heard you made quite the scene."

  "Look, I didn't start this."

  "That's not what I was told. I'm hearing you stormed into the Harvard Club ready to pick a fight with the Governor."

  "Not a fight. A discussion, OK? I just needed to talk to Governor Andrews. But I guess the Governor is more hotheaded than anyone anticipated. He threw the first punch."

  "You never should have been there."

  "Instead of telling me where I should and shouldn't be, just do your fucking job as my lawyer and fix this shit storm. All of it. Understand?"

  "Yes, sir. It'll be tricky, but I'll work my magic."

  "That's what I like to hear," I say, resting my hand on his shoulder. I pay him enough damn money to be my lawyer. That's the least he can fucking do. We walk outside and the daylight is momentarily blinding. How long was I locked in there? I wonder. My la
wyer ushers me to a parked limo.

  "Over here, Mr. Jeffries," he points.

  The limo is black with deeply tinted windows, and I can't see inside of them. The driver steps out to open the door for me and usher me in.

  "We'll talk again soon," my lawyer says, and waves goodbye. I watch as he walks off and then I scoot into the backseat of the limo.

  As soon as I'm inside, I look up and see an unexpected face; it's Carter.

  "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask.

  "I'd like to ask you the same damn thing."

  "Is there something I should know, Carter?" My voice is tense.

  "Why do you always think I'm plotting against you?"

  "Because you are." Does he think I'm that much of an idiot that I don't know he's been plotting against me with Vivian. I mean even Tina Ling, the Mayor of fucking Shanghai, knows about it.

  "Look, I'm not planning on landing back in jail anytime soon, but if you keep this up, it's not going to end pretty. That much I'm sure about."

  "I'd fucking watch it if—"

  "Vivian and I are on the same page," Carter says, cutting me off mid-sentence. "I know this is all stemming from my meeting with her—all this pent up hatred of yours—let's be honest, we're both adults here, but listen to me Liam, she cares about the environment just as much as I do. And she cares about following the new environmental legislature."

  "That's funny because she clearly wasn't on the same page with you when I was sleeping with her the other night." I watch as Carter balls his fists again, and jail be damned. I know I just said I want to get as far away from this place as possible, but I'm ready to hit him where it hurts, both physically and emotionally. And I refuse to let him have the first punch this time. If he wants this to get physical, I'm ready for him.

  Just then, the door of the limo opens and I see a flash of blonde hair emerge. It's Vivian. What is she doing here? How does she know we're both in this limo?

  "This needs to stop," she says, sliding into the backseat with us. "You're both leaders. The people of New Kingston need you to cooperate and quit this fighting. We aren't going to accomplish anything with you two acting like angry schoolchildren."

  "That's convenient," I say. "It's easy to come here and say that when you're the reason why we're fighting in the first place."

  "Me?" she asks, looking at us with a surprised look on her face.

  "Don't look so shocked," I say. "First you search me out at a bar, and you sleep with me, and then you find Carter and devise a secret deal that's aimed at taking me down."

  Vivian laughs as if I'm not making any sense. Like I'm crazy.

  "Liam's right," Carter says, and for the first time he seems to be on my side. "You need to choose. Who will you pick? Is it me or Liam? You can end this needless bickering."

  "No," Vivian says flatly.

  What exactly is she saying no to, I wonder. "No, what?" I ask out loud, unable to mask my confusion.

  "I don't need to choose," she replies.

  Carter and I both give each other puzzled looks. What exactly does she mean? But when I look back at her, the answer becomes clear. She slowly places one hand on my thigh and another on Carter. We both can't believe what's happening and neither of us can speak. She reaches over and lightly touches my cheek, and then my lips with her fingers. With her other hand, she slowly drags her fingers through Carter's hair. Then she leans in and before I know what's happening, she presses her lips into mine. The moment our lips touch, I know she's in control. My cock is twitching to life. All of my self-control is dissolving under her touch and there's no telling what I'm about to do.

  She leans over and drags her lips across Carter's neck, stopping to nibble on his ear and then finally moving to his lips. I know Carter's thinking the same thing—that he can't fight this. We both can't, and can you blame us? Vivian is a smart and sexy woman, and the way her blouse is hugging her perfect breasts like a second skin makes me want to rip it right off her body.

  She lets out a sigh as her lips move back to mine. We open our mouths and take each other in, our tongues pressed up against each other in a dance that I don't want to see stop. Desire is rippling through my body as her lips begin an exploration of my body.

  "Don't stop," I tell her. Even as I say that, I know we shouldn't be doing this. I can be placing my job—my entire career at risk. I shouldn't be here right now, in this car with Vivian and Carter. But she kisses my chin, my ear, my cheek, and moves down to my neck, and then even lower still, tracing the contours of my collar bone. A jolt of electricity travels down my spine. I take a deep gulp and can feel my Adam's Apple bob. She feels it too and stops to lick it with her tongue. This woman is unbelievable. I close my eyes and run my fingers through her hair, and then I surprise myself by grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling her back, exposing her neck and mouth. I lean into her and press my lips to hers again.

  When I release her, she keeps one hand in between my thighs and leans over to Carter. Desire is burning in his eyes.

  "I want you both," she purrs. And this time, neither of us asks her to choose.


  Liam and Carter—two men born to conquer and lead. But now, for the first time since I met the two of them, it’s my turn to take the reigns. I do it because they need me to do it, and I do it because… Well, what else could I do? Choose? Please.

  Sitting between the two of them, the soft purr of the limo’s engine barely making itself heard, I run my tongue over my lips, the taste of both men still lingering there. I look from one to the other, the hesitancy in their eyes giving way to… something else.

  "You can’t…" Carter says, the words coming out of his mouth heavy and unsure. "We can’t."

  I show him my smile, placing both of my hands on their knees.

  "Who says?" I ask him, leaning in and pressing my mouth against his again. He simply closes his eyes and surrenders to my kiss, his tongue eagerly sliding inside of my mouth and dancing around mine. "We can," I continue, turning to Liam now. "And we will."

  "This is insane," the young mayor of New Kingston starts, but leaning toward me all the same, pressing his lips against the skin on my neck. I place my arm around his neck; running my hand through his hair as I look into Carter’s eyes.

  "It is. That’s why it’s so good," I whisper as Carter leans into me, kissing my neck alongside Liam. They’re both enemies, rivals, and now here they are, forgetting all about their differences as their lips savor my skin. There should be more women in politics; there would be a lot less conflict that way.

  I part my legs slightly, allowing their hands to slide up from my knees and under the hem of my dress, their fingertips caressing my inner thighs. Even though they’re the most dominant men I have ever known, they are moving carefully, almost as if they were walking across a layer of thin ice. But soon enough they’ll realize that the ice won’t break under their feet, and then I’ll have my fun.

  Their fingertips keep hiking up my leg, the small patch of fabric over my pussy growing wet with anticipation. I throw my head back and close my eyes, sighing as my pussy aches for their touch. Liam is the first one; using only the tip of his index finger, he brushes it over my thong, feeling my wetness. I grab his wrist, and looking into his eyes, part my legs wider and press his hand over my pussy; he flattens the palm of his hand there, moving it back and forth as a warmness spreads from there to all of my body.

  Allowing Liam to keep busy with the space between my thighs, Carter takes his hand from under my dress and takes it to my chest, resting his open fingers on my right breast and squeezing it eagerly. He moves to my left one but then, not satisfied with feeling them over my dress, his hands move to my shoulders and he starts to peel the fabric off of my skin.

  I gasp loudly as Liam presses harder against my pussy, the fury of desire threatening to overwhelm me. Carter pushes my dress down, the fabric easily sliding down my arms and baring my lace black bra, the smooth curve of both my breasts drawing the attention
of both men.

  Leaning forward and taking my back out from the seat, I allow Carter enough space for his fingers to go over my shoulders and find the clasp of my bra; a flick from his fingers and it comes undone, the cups hanging loosely over my breasts. I don’t even wait for Carter to do it. I grab my bra and push it down my arms, my hard nipples jumping into sight.

  Carter’s eyes go from my lips to my breasts, and I tangle my fingers on his hair, biting my bottom lip as an invitation.

  "Are you just going to look?" I ask, pulling his face against my chest. He doesn’t resist; he comes at once, his parted lips finding the way to one rosy nipple and wrapping themselves around it. "Yes…" I moan subdued, the touch of both men on my body blending inside of my brain and turning into a cocktail of deliriously forbidden whispers.

  As I surrender to their touch, I let my hands roam up their legs, my fingers tracing a steady line over the soft fabric of their dress pants. I go all the way to their waist, my fingers just an inch away from their crotches. My mind is bursting at the seams with the anxiety of desire, and taking a deep breath, I finally submit to it.

  Opening my hands, I flatten them over their crotches, feeling two hard shapes bulging under their trousers.

  "Oh, God," I pant, feeling them more than ready to ravage me. My heart starts to race, a growing thump-thump-thump drowning all thoughts inside my mind and leaving just one: Carter and Liam, they’re going to take me, they’re going to make me theirs. Fantasies are built on thoughts like this… But this right here is everything but a fantasy. They're here with me, their hard cocks pushing against my hands, and this couldn’t be any less of a fantasy.

  Flicking my thong to the side, Liam brushes one finger of his against my folds, running it up and down along the length of my pussy. I tremble, a shiver going up my spine as I feel him pressing down on my clit at the same time, my pussy aching for more… So much more.


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