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The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3

Page 50

by Valerie Roeseler

  I throw my arms out, “Then, what the hell do they need me for?”

  He continues, “The balance has been lost for a long time. The Darkness outweighs the Light. It’s become much more than the Sons of Light can handle. I suppose you were created to tip the scales.” I shake my head, feeling every bit the pawn I was created to be. Cass adds, “As for the Hierarchy, there are eight levels or types of angels. Jack and Evelyn are Archangels, as you know, and they are the soldiers deemed to protect humanity from the Darkness. They are at the bottom of the second tier in the hierarchy.”

  “What are the tiers?”

  “There are two tiers. An upper tier and a lower tier. The upper tier consists of the higher ranks of angels, the highest ranking being the seven Original Archangels.”

  “Like Michael and my and Jack’s fathers.”

  He nods, “Correct. The Seraphim are second highest in rank, and they guard The Creator’s Throne in Paradise.”

  “Beleth, Lucifer, and Lucian.”

  “Yes, but they are Fallen. There are still Seraphim of Light that guard the Throne in Paradise. Then, the Cherubim are third highest.” He waits for me to add Solas’ name to my disruptive commentary, but I don’t. “The last rank in the upper tier are Thrones.”

  I scrunch my nose, “I thought a Throne was a thing, not a being.”

  “There are two different definitions. These Thrones are responsible for creating peace and teaching humans humility when needed. Thrones can often be confused with Cherubim because of their blue eyes. Yet theirs are a deeper blue which corresponds with their dark indigo wings.”

  “So, the upper tier of the hierarchy is the seven Original Archs, Seraphs, Cherubs, and Thrones,” I reiterate, and he nods. “Why are they separated into two tiers?”

  “Ah, the upper tier consists of those who are close with The Creator and communicate with him regularly.”

  “Oh. And the lower?”

  “They have to go through a being in the upper tier to either ask The Creator a question or get orders from Him.”

  “That’s why Evelyn always has meetings with Michael then?”

  “Yes. Now, the lower tier begins with Dominions.”

  I interject, “I’ve heard of them. They regulate duties to other angels, right?”

  Cass notes, “Only those they rank higher than. They are also in charge of Bastille, where Jack was being held, and serve as the governing court in Paradise. Dominions have auburn wings like Griffins, but their eyes are brown. Below Dominions are Virtues, Powers, and then Archangels such as Evelyn and Jack.”

  “What do they look like?”

  The corner of his mouth turns up at my eagerness. “In my opinion, Virtues are the most beautiful angels to gaze upon. They appear as children, no older than eight years old. Their eyes are silver, as are their wings which shine so bright they reflect their surroundings. Virtues provide miracles, courage, grace, and valor to those in need. They also govern nature and its elements, such as the seasons, the stars, the moon, and the sun.”

  My eyes widen, “That’s a lot of responsibility to put on a child.”

  His laugh echoes between the trees along the edge of the property, sending the morning songbirds scurrying from their posts. “They may appear young, but they are far older and experienced.”

  I suppress my laughter with a huff. “And the Powers? Do they actually have powers?”

  “Most have abilities as other angels do, but not powers as in witchcraft. Powers are warriors against Darkness. While Archs protect humanity from Darkness, it’s the Powers who are sent to take out the worst of the worst. Think of them as assassins. They blend in well with Seraphim because of their deep red eyes, and the blue and green feathers of their wings are so dark, they appear as black as the Fallen unless they’re touched by light.”

  As we turn down the fence line, I ask, “What about Reapers and Griffins? Where do they fall in the hierarchy?”

  Cass gives me a cunning grin, “We don’t.”

  “How’s that possible?”

  “Reapers are created by your father. They’re still angelic, yet they only answer to your father. We Griffins were created by the Cherubim as Sentries for Paradise.”

  I look at him in wonder, realizing why the Griffins respected Solas so much, except Beckett who shows his distaste for the Chief on regular basis—but I see his respect when the Chief’s back’s turned. “I don’t understand. Why are there so many of you? Better yet, why are there so many of you who fell?”

  His brows converge, “The more Griffins they created, the freer the Cherubim were to do what they wanted and leave their duties to us. They began treating us as pets, and we started a revolution to fight for our equality. As we fell, one by one, they created more. The revolution only ceased when every Griffin fell, and the Cherubs discontinued our creation.”

  I stop to face him, “That doesn’t make any sense. Why would you fall because you wanted equality?”

  Cass’ gray eyes fall to the ground between us, “We crossed on our own because we were promised equality in Sheol. After a century or so, we became slaves because we refused to corrupt ourselves any further than that.”

  I touch his tense bicep, “I’m sorry, Cass. That’s not fair… at all.”

  His head snaps up, “It’s not about what’s fair. It’s about what’s right. The Creator would not have helped the Cherubs create us if we did not have a purpose. I’m convinced that you are that purpose.”

  I smirk up at him, “Maybe.” Turning away, I add, “Maybe you’re just meant to be a pain in my ass.”

  His booming laughter is contagious as we make our way back to the manor. I still want to ask about other things. I want to ask about Sheol. How do I navigate through Sheol? Is there a way around the hellhounds guarding it? How many portals are there in the world? I decide against it because he may become suspicious of why I want to know so much.

  Chapter 10

  Beckett jogs towards us as we approach the manor, his features a mixture of worry and urgency. Before I can ask what’s wrong, he announces, “Michael’s here. Everyone’s waiting for you in The Chamber.”

  Rolling my eyes, I huff, “Great. It’s never good news when he shows up.”

  As the three of us near the enormous set of dark cherry wood doors with ornate carvings of large feathered wings at rest that leads to The Chamber, I start to panic. Why’s Michael here? Does he know I went to Sheol? Will I be punished? It has to be the only reason he’s here. What’s Jack going to think?

  I slow my breath and heart rate before I push the door open. Michael’s broad shoulders block my view a moment before he turns to face me. His intense green gaze instills fear in my mind as his tonality washes over me like honey, “Ivy.”

  My head bows with a slight nod as I avert my eyes, “Michael.” Stepping closer to Jack and Evelyn near the formidable desk on the far side of the circular room, I let my eyes roam over the bookshelves lining the walls.

  Michael doesn’t waste time greeting Cass and Beck as they enter behind me. “I come with reports of Lilith.”

  Jerking my head to regard him, I blurt, “Where is she?”

  Jack places a calming hand on my shoulder, and Michael accounts, “She has been located in Death Valley.”

  “Seriously,” I deadpan, “Death Valley?”

  “Why does this surprise you, Ivy? It is where she fled during her pregnancy with you and where you were born,” he reasons.

  I fight against the glaring gaze I want to give him, but my astonishment’s clear. “I was born in Death Valley? How’s that possible? It’s a tourist trap.”

  Eric explains, “It’s a big place. A lot of the desert’s areas have been sanctioned off to preserve their natural states. So much of Death Valley is untouched. There’s plenty of places for her to hide out there.”

  Words leave me. Jack’s hand slides into mine for support. Michael demands, “Jack, you will come with me for the next two days. I made promises to Merrick that I intend
to keep. You will do your part with her capture.”

  Jack asks, “When do we leave?”

  “As soon as you are ready.”

  I exclaim, “What about me? I should be there!”

  Michael’s voice booms, “You will stay within the estate! Do I make myself clear?”

  My body begins to tremble with fear and aggression. What the fuck? Does he know? Why can’t I go with them? This should be my mission, not Jack’s!

  I grit my teeth, “Crystal,” and storm up the three flights of stairs to my room.

  The open French doors to my balcony beckon me to the fresh air, and I plop down in a chair slamming my boots on the table top as I snatch a cigarette from my pack.

  Who the fuck does he think he is? He can’t make me stay here. It’s mostly his doing that I am who I am. If he wants me to kill Fallen, where else better to go than Sheol.

  I lay my head back on the chair, releasing a cloud of smoke as my bond to Jack grows stronger. Did he tell Jack I snuck out? Why do I have to stay here while Jack helps hunt Lilith down? He’s supposed to be my guardian now. Shouldn’t he stay with me?

  Jack looms over me with an apology written across his face. “You ok?”

  Sitting up, I mumble, “This is bullshit. I should be going with you.”

  He steps around my chair to see me better. “I know. I hate to leave you here, but Michael made promises to Merrick that I have to keep. Just think about how much weight will be lifted off your shoulders. In two days, she’ll no longer be a threat to you, and you can focus on whatever training they have planned for you.”

  I shrug a shoulder. “Yeah. I guess.”

  “What I don’t understand is why he’s forbidding you to leave the estate.”

  I want to reach out with my empathy to discern if he’s being honest or if he’s trying to get me to admit to my lies. I think it best to believe he’s oblivious. “Who knows? Maybe they’re sending someone for my training, and he doesn’t want me to leave.”

  “Maybe,” he scrutinizes. “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you Friday?”

  Opening my arms wide, I mock, “I’ll be here.”

  As he walks away, guilt grips my core. “Jack,” I call over my shoulder.

  His footsteps halt, “Yeah?”

  “I love you.”

  Jack marches back to me and places a lingering kiss on my forehead. “I love you too, Sunshine.”

  I search his eyes beneath his ball cap, “See you soon.”

  “See you soon.”

  Alice flies up to my balcony from below just as Jack shuts my bedroom door behind him. “Hey,” she greets, full of pity.

  “What?” I ask, my tone falling with my mood.

  Pulling her dark purple wings in, she takes a seat next to me. “Everything ok?”


  She prods, “What was up with you and Jack?”

  I shrug, realizing how distant we’ve been with each other since we went hunting. Something’s been bothering him, but I haven’t been paying attention. Instead, I’ve been avoiding him because I don’t like lying to him. “I don’t know.”

  “Well, Becky’s throwing a party tonight before classes start Monday. I was going to see if you wanted to go with everybody, but Michael just said you aren’t allowed to leave the estate. What’s up with that anyways? How long are you grounded?”

  “Grounded? I’m not a child.” I lean forward to whisper, “I don’t care who he thinks he is, I’m not staying here just because he said to.”

  When I sit back, I’m met with Alice’s wide doe eyes. “He’s an Original Archangel, Ivy. He’s in charge of all Divine Archs. You don’t go against him unless you want to suffer the consequences.”

  “What’s he going to do to me? He needs me,” I counter.

  “He can make your existence a living hell.”

  I think, With everyone gone tonight for the party, it’ll make it easier for me to sneak out.

  I concede, “Fine. Have fun. I’m going to take a shower.”

  Alice stands with me. “Well, that’s good. I wasn’t going to say anything, but you kind of smell like vinegar.”

  I snort. “Yeah. Thanks.”

  “I’m sorry you’re stuck here.”

  I nod, turning away, “Me too.”

  Leaving Alice on the balcony, I lock the bathroom door behind me and lean back against it. I’ve got to figure out how to get past Sasha tonight. I retrieve the black bowl I used for scrying from beneath the sink and fill it with water. After placing the bowl in the center of the room and sitting before it, I close my eyes and take a calming breath to block out the sounds of the manor. I lean over the bowl and concentrate on the corridors of Sheol where Sasha will be waiting for me. My vision fades in gradual waves, blacking out my surroundings.

  My nose burns with sulfur and what’s unmistakably death. The warm glow of Sasha’s eyes is feet ahead of me, seizing my heart. I want to run from the low growl in her throat, but something about her eyes causes me to stay in place. Her heavy footfalls stalk forward, measuring the danger I pose.

  I coo, “Easy girl. I don’t want to hurt you. I just need to find someone.”

  Sasha growls again, sending chills down my spine. With a shaky hand, I present something soft, round, and sticky to her. I can’t see what it is because of the darkness, but the smell of blood wafts from my outstretched hand. As Sasha’s searing breath meets my face, I squeeze my eyes shut.

  Her abrasive tongue glides against the back of my hand. I chance a glance with one eye, and she laps the offering into her mouth. My gaze widens as she angles her head back, choking the gift in two scarfs.

  The hellhound rocks back, lowering her head to the ground in a bow. I’m dumbfounded, not knowing what to do next.


  Leveling her massive head to mine, she gives me her full attention.

  “Will you let me pass?”

  My breath hitches when the overheated leather skin of her face rubs my arm. Gripping the hilt of my sai, I wait for her to try and take a chunk out. What she does surprises me more. She steps beside me, then nudges me forward with the rub of her snout.

  I look over my shoulder, and she coughs a sickly bark to urge me on. Taking a glance down the dark corridor, I see the fork splitting off the different directions to take. Sasha snorts behind me, then travels past. When I don’t move, she stops ahead of me and looks back. Her large paw swipes the ground, but I don’t understand what she’s telling me.

  With clear aggravation, she makes her way back to me, then nudges her head beneath my hand. She takes a step forward, and I follow.

  My vision pulls away. I have to shake the dizziness from my head before taking in the surroundings of the bathroom again. “No way.”

  Pouring the water out in the sink and stuffing the bowl beneath it again, I try to figure out what it was that I gave Sasha in the vision. I take a quick shower and change clothes to rid myself of the vinegar stench, only to realize that I’ll have to do it every time I go to Sheol.

  I’ve yet to figure out what I gave Sasha, but I know someone who could. My fingers fly over the screen of my phone.

  Me: What do u know about hellhounds?

  T: What do u need 2 know?

  Me: How can I earn their trust or befriend them?

  T: Why would u want 2 do that?

  Me: I had a vision.

  T: I’ve got u covered. C u 2night.

  Me: Thanks.

  What the heck does that mean? Covered how? What is it?

  Tossing my phone on the chair in front of the fireplace, I make my way to the comfort of my bed. I’m drained of energy, and my body can’t take much more as I fight against the fall of my eyelids. I haven’t slept in almost three days. I don’t know how I’m still on my feet, but I know I wouldn’t be if I had trained with Cassius earlier. It’s lights out as soon as my head hits the pillow and dreams of the past fill my slumbering mind.

  Night surfing was our favorite thing to do. My legs dang
le in the dark water on either side of my solid Balsa board as my hands glide back and forth through the light waves. Gideon’s laid back on his longboard with his hands behind his head and his legs crossed at his ankles. He searches the clear night sky as if an answer exists among the millions of constellations. I let my eyes rove over his strong body, then tear them away from the ache it causes.

  I break the silence, “I can’t believe it’s so calm tonight. We’re never going to catch a wave.”

  “We will,” he states as a matter of fact.

  I roll my eyes. “What’s up with you tonight?”

  His tone remains even and low, “What do you mean?”

  Splashing him to get him out of his funky mood, which he doesn’t flinch from, I point out, “That, right there. You’re being all broody again.”

  Gideon continues to look at the stars. “Maybe I just want to enjoy some peace and quiet, but you won’t stop talking.”

  I splash him again. “Whatever, punk. You know you love the sound of my voice,” I joke.

  His body remains still, save for the cunning grin growing on his lips. “I do,” he admits as he turns his head to face me. “Especially when you think you’re being tough and you don’t know how cute you are.”

  Taking a deep breath, I shake my head in disbelief, “I swear, G. I’m gonna kick your ass.”

  He sits up on his board with one swift movement, “Oh, yeah? It hasn’t happened yet. Wanna give it another shot?”

  “Is that a challenge?” I mock.

  Paddling closer to me, so our legs are touching, he retorts, “What if it is?”

  “I’d say you’re going down,” I exclaim, shoving him off his board. I giggle at my small victory and quickly lay forward on my board, paddling away to avoid his wrath.


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