Mr. Perfect O: A Single Dad Romance

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Mr. Perfect O: A Single Dad Romance Page 89

by Amy Brent

  “I'll see you at work on Monday,” she whispered to me as we parted.

  “What about this weekend?”

  She sighed and shook her head. “I've got my kids.”

  I pouted, but told her that I understood. We shared one more kiss, then she left and I went inside. I went straight up to my room and collapsed onto my bed. I passed out there without even taking off my clothes.

  * * *

  Monday at work was an awkward day. Julia and I kept things professional, in order to keep up appearances around the office. But we kept trading glances whenever we crossed paths. I saw forbidden desire in her eyes every time she looked at me.

  At the morning meeting to go over the latest issue of the journal, we sat side by side, our thighs touching under the table. I slipped my foot out of my shoe and rubbed it against her calf, tickling her bare skin. She tried her best to sit still without squirming, and I had a wonderful time teasing her and trying to make her jump. She kept giving me looks of mock annoyance all throughout the meeting, but she couldn't say anything without giving away what was going on.

  We slipped out at lunch, circling around the building towards the parking lot. Halfway there, I pulled Julia into a corner, blocked from view by some flowering shrubs. I pushed her up against the wall and kissed her deeply, running my hands over her body. She melted against me, her lips eagerly tasting mine.

  She pulled away and whispered in my ear, “We're going to get caught!”

  I held her close and nuzzled her neck. “Are we trying to keep this secret?”

  She pulled back and looked at me, a slight frown on her lips. “I...I'm not sure.”

  I stepped away from her. “Okay,” I said, trying to keep any emotion out of my voice. “That's okay. I mean, we haven't talked about what this is yet. I don't want you to get uncomfortable or anything.”

  “Oh, it's not that, Brianna.” She took both of my hands in hers. She sighed and gave them a squeeze. “It's just all happening so fast. I'm not sure what to think. I mean...I've got kids, and my ex-husband is a pain, and...”

  I nodded, keeping my eyes on the ground. “It's cool, Julia. No pressure or anything. I know you're dealing with a lot right now.”

  I was dealing with a lot of my own issues, truth be told. Getting together with Julia was one of the only good things that had happened in my life since my dad died.

  “Let's just keep things quiet at work for now,” Julia said, squeezing my hands. “But we can...we can go out tonight?”

  “Like, on an actual date?” I asked, smiling at her.

  “Yes...yes.” She took a deep breath. “Dinner. Just the two of us. A nice, quiet evening together.”

  “Sounds good to me.” I grinned, then stepped into her arms for another quick kiss before we parted.

  We got through the rest of the day without any drama at work, then went out to dinner. We sat across from each other, sharing meaningful glances as we ate. We touched hands, we whispered sweet things to each other, and it was just about as perfect of an evening as I could have imagined.

  “So,” I said as the evening wore on. “I'm having a good time. And it seems like you're having a good time. And I guess I'm just hoping to get an idea about whether this is just a good time, or what.”

  Julia studied me with a carefully neutral expression. She toyed with her fork, twirling it between her fingers. “You understand that I'm divorced, right?” she said. “And I have kids. I've...I've got a lot of baggage, Brianna. And to be honest, my life has been kind of a mess lately.”

  “I know it has.” I reached across the table, took the fork from her, and held her hand in mine. I squeezed her hand tight, giving her a reassuring smile. “My life hasn't been that easy, either. I planned to move out on my own after I finished college, but with dad gone...”

  “You've been helping your mother out,” Julia said, nodding. “That's sweet of you.”

  I shrugged. “My little brother is a pain in the ass. He never helps out.”

  Julia laughed. “Sounds just like my son. He's thirteen.”

  “Wow.” I sat back, thinking about that. “My little brother is seventeen.”

  A sad little smile crossed her lips. “I suppose I'm not quite old enough to be his mother. Or yours.”

  “I don't care how old you are.” I leaned forward and whispered, “As far as I'm concerned, you're hot stuff, and I mean that.”

  She laughed and waved a hand at me. “Oh, stop.”

  “I mean it.” My eyes roamed over her body. She was wearing a low-cut top, showing a generous amount of cleavage. “And as a matter of fact, I'm planning on seducing you right after dinner.”

  “Oh my...” She swallowed, then pressed her lips tight together. “Not in the car again, I hope. God, that was awkward...”

  I frowned, thinking it over. “We can't exactly go back to my mom's house.”

  “And my kids are home with the sitter.”

  I let out a long, slow breath. Then I perked up and said, “Hey, I'm up for going to a motel.”

  “Oh God...” Julia looked at me like I was crazy. But then I caught her eyes straying as she peeked down my blouse. “Well...”

  I got up and took her hand, helping her to her feet. “Come on,” I said. “It's been too long since you've really made love to a woman.”

  Her face turned red as she followed me outside. We drove a few blocks to a cheap but clean little motel just off the highway. We got a room, and I ignored the smirk on the clerk's face when I told him that we'd only be needing the room for a few hours. I took the keycard from him and took Julia's hand, then we hurried to the room and shut ourselves inside.

  I pushed her up against the bed, kissing her and unbuttoning her blouse. She whimpered and clung to me, her long nails grazing my skin. I pulled off her blouse and let it drop to the floor, then unsnapped her bra. I grinned as her glorious breasts were freed of their confinement. I grabbed onto both of them, running my fingers across their soft curves. I teased her nipples and kissed her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume.

  I lowered her onto the bed and stood over her, slowly unbuttoning my blouse. She laid there, propped on her elbows, watching me with hunger in her eyes. I slipped off my blouse and my bra, then reached down and slipped my fingers around her neck, gently pulling her up to me. She buried her face into my breasts and I wrapped my arms around her head, moaning in pleasure.

  I looked down into her eyes as her lips played with my nipples. She smiled up at me, her eyes filled with lust. I leaned down and kissed her sweet lips, then laid down on top of her, straddling her waist.

  We discarded the rest of our clothes and our bodies intertwined on the bed. I let Julia explore my body, giggling with pleasure as she trailed kisses all over my smooth skin. I guided her hands up to my breasts and encouraged her to touch me, to feel me, to enjoy my body.

  Our bodies tangled among the sheets as we brought each other to heights of ecstasy. Julia reminded me what it was like to feel passion at another woman's touch. She was gentle, she was encouraging, and she was patient. I felt pleasure at her touch that I'd never known with the girls I'd fooled around with in college. I craved more and more, until my body trembled and I felt all of my energy drain away in a rush of pure satisfaction.

  Afterwards we showered together, then dressed, then sat on the edge of the bed, holding hands and sharing a quiet moment. I leaned my head against her shoulder and she put an arm around me. She held me close and kissed my forehead, and everything felt perfect.

  “Thank you for that,” she whispered.

  “Thank you yourself,” I said, laughing and poking her in the ribs.

  “Not just for the physical part,” she said. “I mean, for making me feel alive again. For making me feel wanted. Desired. For making me feel like a woman. It's been a long time since I felt that way. For the last few years of our marriage, even my husband didn't make me feel that way.”

  “I don't think
I ever knew what that was like,” I said with a sigh. “I've fooled around before, but that was nothing like this.”

  She touched her fingers under my chin and lifted my face towards hers, planting a soft kiss on my lips. We stood up, our fingers intertwined, and we went to check out of the hotel. The desk clerk still had a lecherous smirk when we turned in the keycard. But I didn't care what he thought.

  All I cared about was the woman I'd just made love to, and the new chapter of my life that was starting right now.

  * * *

  Julia and I kept seeing each other as the weeks went by. We never flaunted it while we were at work, but soon enough people were talking, and I made no attempts to hide it or deny what was going on. A few people whispered about us in the corners and gave me strange looks as I walked by, but no one seemed to have a problem with our relationship. I didn't care what they thought anyway.

  My family was a different story, as was Julia's. I had to deal with figuring out how to tell my mother that I was dating an older woman. Julia had the much more difficult task of trying to tell her kids that she was with a woman, when they might not understand.

  We were at a park not far from her house one day, more than a month into our relationship, when I finally decided it was time to broach the issue. We walked through the park hand in hand, enjoying the sunshine and the fresh air. I struggled for a while with trying to figure out how to say what needed to be said. Finally, I asked her, “What are you doing for Labor Day?”

  “Labor Day?” she asked. “Well, Jimmy and I used to barbecue. But since it'll just be me and the kids this year, I don't know if it'll be worth the effort. I might just take them to the parade, then maybe take them out for ice cream.”

  “Does it have to be just you and the kids?” I asked. I looked up at her with a hopeful gleam in my eye.

  “Oh...” She looked at me, wearing a concerned frown. “Oh, Brianna. You meant...oh my.”

  I let go of her hand, sighing in disappointment. “If you don't want me to meet your kids, I guess I understand.”

  “No, I do.” She wrung her hands together, her face twisted in a grimace. “It's just so complicated. I'm not even sure my youngest knows what a lesbian is. And I mean...hell, even if I were dating a man, it would be hard to tell them. They still want me to get back together with their father.”

  “And you don't want to tell them that's not happening. Or that you're like a grandfather clock.

  She frowned at me in confusion.

  “That you swing both ways,” I said, making a swinging pendulum motion with my hands.

  She laughed and shook her head. “I want to tell them. I do. I really do. I just need to figure out how.”

  I nodded and decided that I shouldn't press the issue. Not yet.

  “Maybe you could come to the parade with a friend?” She gave me a hopeful smile. “I mean, just to let them get to know you. And then once things get settled and they're used to you, I can explain to them that you're more than just a friend.”

  I smiled and took her hand back in mine. “That works,” I said. “I can live with that.”

  I finally met Julia's children the morning of the Labor Day parade. She had two sons, Josh, who was thirteen, and Tommy, who was ten. She introduced me to them as “a friend from work,” and they accepted that without question.

  We went to the parade together. Josh stayed hanging back away from the crowd, busy texting on his phone. Tommy stayed near me, holding my hand on one side, his mother's on the other. We watched the floats and the dancers go by, and Tommy raced to beat the other kids to the handfuls of candy the marchers tossed out. I snagged a couple of Tootsie Rolls before he could steal them all and I chewed on them while we sat on the curb and enjoyed the show.

  During a lull in the parade, Tommy looked up at me and said, “You're really pretty.”

  I blushed and looked up at Julia. “Well, thank you,” I said.

  “Do you have a boyfriend?”

  Julia gave me a slightly panicked look. But I decided that I could handle this with grace and charm. Ten-year-olds tended to take just about anything in stride. They were too young to have developed the stubborn views of the world that came by the time they were teenagers.

  “I don't have a boyfriend,” I told him. “I don't like boys.”

  “Why not?” he asked. “We don't have cooties.”

  I laughed and ruffled his hair. “Because I like girls, that's why.”

  “Oh,” he said. “I think I like girls too.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah.” He kept his attention focused on trying to unwrap a Starburst. “Especially Maggie Delaney. She's really pretty.”

  “Well, then you should ask her to be your girlfriend.”

  Tommy looked up at me, puzzling something out. Then he asked, “If you like girls, does that mean you have a girlfriend?”

  I looked up at Julia again. Her expression was a mixture of concern and hopefulness. I arched an eyebrow at her. She shrugged. So I decided to keep being honest with Tommy.

  “Well, can I tell you a secret?” I asked him.


  I leaned over and whispered in his ear, “I really like your mom. She's really pretty.”

  He looked up at her and smiled. “Yeah, she is. I've got the prettiest mom.”

  He studied her for a moment and asked, “Mom, do you like Brianna? She likes you.”

  She laughed and patted his head. “Yes, dear. I like her very much.”

  “Oh. good.”

  Julia and I both laughed. I winked at her. I hadn't thought it was going to be that easy.

  After the parade was over, we all walked to a little family-owned ice cream parlor down the street. We all got ice cream cones and we walked back to Julia's house, taking our time and enjoying the wonderful weather. Tommy and Josh had long strides and quickly pulled ahead of Julia and me. When we lagged far enough behind, I took Julia's hand. She tensed a bit at the touch, then relaxed into it.

  “Your kids seem to like me,” I said. “Well, Tommy does. Josh doesn't seem to care much one way or the other.”

  “Seems that way,” she said. “I hope they can really accept it. It's not an easy conversation to have with kids so young.”

  “I think they'll do fine,” I said. “And hey, since meeting your family went so well, do you want to meet mine?”

  “Oh, God.” She laughed, throwing her head back. “The dreaded 'meet the parents' stage of a relationship. Do you think your mother will approve of me?”

  I squeezed her hand and smiled at her. “She can't be any harder to convince than your kids were.”

  We walked hand in hand, looking ahead to the future. I'd never had a serious girlfriend before. I'd never had anyone I wanted to bring home to meet my mother. And I'd certainly never dated anyone who was a mother herself. But none of that seemed to matter. We were happy, we were comfortable together, and we were making it work.

  I still missed my dad. There was a gaping hole inside of me that no one else could ever fill. But with time passing and the loss becoming a little more distant with each passing day, I was learning to cope with it. And with Julia in my life, I had someone who I knew would support me all along the way.

  I knew I couldn't replace her husband. Not for a variety of reasons. And I didn't know if her kids would ever come to think of me as a second mom, or if they'd call me Aunt Brianna, or if I'd always just be “mom's younger girlfriend.” But I knew we could get along, and that Julia would work hard to make sure that there was a place for me in her life.

  That was about all I could have asked for from any woman, and it was wonderful to know that I'd found it.

  ********THE END********


  The lights flashed and the music pumped through the sound system as the women watched the stage with eager eyes, catcalls forming on crimson lips, and cash in hand ready to ‘make it rain
’ on the Alpha male studs about to prowl about on the stage.

  Gigi and Serana jumped up and down with excitement as the men of “Wild Stallions XXX Male Revue” strutted out in cowboy outfits, ass-less chaps, sleeveless checker shirts in red and blue patterns and rough leather cowboy hats adorning their heads.

  “Oh my god… Dave is so hot!” Gigi said, her sash said “birthday girl” and the tiara on her head sparkled with plastic jewels. Her low-cut shirt revealed dangerous curves as she bounced up and down in excitement. Serana’s eyes were glued to Matt. He slowly rotated his hips as the men moved in their opening routine. Their chests visible from the open shirts glistened with oil and sweat from the bright, hot lights.

  “Now ladies, we’ve got some nice cowboys here tonight. Who wants to get hogtied and taken away to ride a Wild Stallion?” Joe, the MC asked, flicking the microphone cord as he walked amongst the dancing male strippers.

  Gigi giggled as Serana waved and pointed. “Over here! Over here!” Joe looked over their way and Serana squealed in delight.

  “Okay cowgirls, right this way!” Joe said, Matt and Toby helped the girls up onto the stage where two chairs were placed back to back. The girls sat down and were loosely tied up on the stage. Matt and Toby then danced around them, eventually moving in closer, thrusting their hips and asses at the girls who squealed and giggled in delight at the delicious sight of the men as they stripped themselves down to a G-string that barely hid their bulging cocks.

  “Best… birthday ever!” Gigi giggled as Matt’s groin brushed against her breasts as he gyrated against her.

  The music changed with a whip-crack sound effect, Matt and Toby both turning to face the newcomer to the stage.


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