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Covert Cover Cracked

Page 10

by Missy Marciassa

  “The cleaning crew is nearly three hundred people strong.” Mason didn’t miss a thing.

  “Apparently he knows all three hundred of his people’s faces.” Preston shrugged. “He didn’t believe our cover that we were new hires.”

  Mason stared at Preston for a long moment. Preston met his gaze without flinching.

  Elle braced herself, so she was ready when Mason focused on her. “You found a problem.”

  For a split second she thought he was talking about the gun or the extraction and then remembered what she saw on the computer screen. “The program we copied and tried to replace wasn’t based on the computer’s hard drive.” She pulled the flash drives out of her pocket. “It was running from a network. It wouldn’t let me replace the program on the network without another password.”

  He held out his hand for the disks; she dropped them into his palm. “So you weren’t able to get our program uploaded?”

  She met his eyes. There was no use denying it, and it wasn’t her fault they had been made. “No.”

  Mason sat back in his seat and looked out the window, pressing his lips together. There was nothing to see out the window except a sheet of black, yet he focused on it as if he could discern something more.

  Elle glanced at Preston. He glanced at her for a moment before focusing on Mason. She also focused on their handler. Clearly this was less than ideal, but what could they have done?

  “Did you engage the security guard and the supervisor with your firearms?” Mason asked, looking at them again.

  Elle opened her mouth, trying to think of what, exactly, to say, but Preston responded first. “We pulled our weapons on them but didn’t discharge our firearms. We left one security guard and the cleaning crew supervisor restrained in the office.”

  Preston gave her a considering look.

  “Was anyone else engaged?” Mason asked.

  “Two security guards arrived in the elevator.” Elle looked away from Preston to focus on Mason. She didn’t even want to know what he was thinking. “They didn’t pursue us.”

  Mason studied the two of them. “Anything else happen before leaving the office?”

  Elle thought back to their disagreement over their extraction route: elevator vs the stairs but that was after they left the office. A disagreement on extraction between agents as they fled wasn’t really an incident worth noting, was it?

  What she wasn’t expecting to hear Preston say was what he said. “Agent Paquet seemed reluctant to discharge her firearm.”

  What? She blinked as he continued to eye her.

  “Is this true?” Mason asked.

  “I-” Elle looked between Mason and Preston. “I didn’t want to fire on people who weren’t actually a threat-”

  “They jeopardized the mission,” Mason pointed out.

  “They were investigating something suspicious, something anyone would do-”

  “They. Jeopardized. The. Mission.” This time, Mason enunciated each word as if she hadn’t understood him the first time.

  “Since when did the agency want unnecessary casualties?” Elle knew she had a point. Dead bodies led to questions and investigations, something the agency always wanted to avoid.

  “The mission was as successful as it was going to be.” Preston finally spoke as Elle and Mason stared each other down. “We got the program copied and didn’t have intel on the network, so even if we hadn’t been made, we didn’t have the password to get onto it.”

  After another moment of staring at Elle, Mason focused on Preston. “You were made. That alerts these people we’re onto them.”

  “There’s nothing we could have done about the security guard coming along. We were in a building with glass walls: it was an unavoidable risk of the op.” Preston’s voice was firm.

  Mason looked out the window again.

  Elle appreciated Preston’s point, even if she didn’t appreciate his observation about her reluctance to shoot. He wasn’t her supervisor in the field: they were partners, even if he was a little more experienced. She hated to admit he’d done a better job of subduing the guys once they were made. Well, they had gotten a copy of the program and managed to install the duplicate. Maybe, rather than two successful ops on her record, she at least had one and a half, if partial credit applied.

  Chapter 13

  Elle didn’t even try to stifle her yawn as she got ready to leave the next morning. She really should have arranged to take the morning off: between the late night out on the op and then being keyed up even after getting home, she hadn’t gotten much sleep. Yet another thing for her to remember to do for future ops.

  She perked up when there was a knock on her door. Who in the world would be here on a weekday morning? If it was a solicitor of some sort, she wouldn’t hesitate to shut the door in his face. She needed enough time to stop for coffee this morning.

  The sight of Preston at her door woke Elle up more effectively than any amount of caffeine could.

  “We need to talk,” he said as he pushed past her, not even waiting for an introduction.

  “Make yourself at home.” She didn’t bother to even soften the sarcasm in her voice as she shut the door behind him. What the hell made him think he was welcome in her home after the way he’d left it the last time?

  Preston swiveled to face her. He’d never looked so intimidating as he did in that moment, staring her down. The easy-going, nice guy persona was gone. “This is a major op, and we have to work together on it, so whatever the hell is going on with you, we need to just get it out in the open and deal with it.”

  Whatever the hell was going on with her. She’d never realized just what a clueless ass he could be. “What the hell is going on with me? What-”

  “Yes, what the hell is going on with you.” Preston folded his arms over his chest; he wasn’t giving an inch. “You’ve been fighting me ever since the start of this mission.”

  If he was trying to get her to talk about their history, there was no way she was making it easy for him. “I am your partner.” She crossed her arms over her chest herself, mirroring his stance. “I want to be treated like one.”

  “I’m trying to,” he retorted. “You’re the one who fights me at every turn.”

  “Just because I don’t follow your every order in the field-”

  “I’m not giving you orders-”

  “I am your colleague, not your subordinate, or a- a junior partner.” Elle was determined to stay focused on the present.

  “You are a junior partner.” Preston let his arms fall as he took a step closer. “And I’m trying to treat you like I would any partner-”

  “Any partner?” She stood her ground, refusing to back up. If he got too close, she’d enjoy the opportunity to bust his balls. Literally. “Telling Mason I hesitated to fire my weapon-”

  Preston took a step closer. His frustration seemed to press right up against her, as if it was a force between them, it was so strong. “You did hesitate to fire your weapon-”

  “I don’t need a partner who tattles on me-”

  “I was giving my report, not tattling-”

  “-or who is ‘reporting’ on me as if I’m a trainee!” Elle leaned in closer to him, ready for battle. She felt as if she was exhaling flames. “I am field rated.”

  They glared at each other, practically nose-to-nose, for a long moment before Preston finally stepped back. “As a field rated agent, you know we’re supposed to report on everything that occurred in our field reports.”

  She did know that, dammit, but she was still pissed.

  When she just continued to stare at him, he finally held up his arms. “I wasn’t trying to make you look bad.”

  Even that statement didn’t dampen her anger. Logically, Elle knew everything he was saying was true. Part of their field reports were supposed to include observations of the other agent; it was one way the agency could get a fuller picture of what happened as well as supervise them. Yet it still sucked. Mason was looking for any r
eason to strip her of her field rating, she was sure, and she didn’t need know-it-all Preston giving him more ammunition.

  He eyed her for a long moment. “I did tell you that my job doesn’t allow for personal relationships, but still, I’m sorry about how things ended between us.”

  Talk about a low blow. Now he wanted to bring up their past. She still had her arms folded across her chest and realized her arms were so tight she was about to crack a rib. She forced herself to loosen her biceps even though she kept her arms folded. “They ended. How is irrelevant.”

  When she didn’t say anything else, Preston sighed. “I was trying not to hurt you.”

  He had a piss-poor strategy for that. She couldn’t stop the retort that came out of her mouth. “Who said chivalry was dead?”

  Did his cheek actually twitch? Cool, calm, and collected Preston was feeling… something. “You told me you knew the score.”

  There went that damn phrase. “I knew the score then, and I know it now. I don’t need extra training.”

  He actually ruffled his hair running his fingers through it, even gripping the ends for a minute. “Do you really know the score, Elle?”

  “Yes, Preston.” What the hell was he so frustrated about? She was the one being questioned and doubted at every turn. She was the rookie field agent who had to get used to working in the field with a guy who dumped her after actually advising her to call another guy, for crying out loud. Enough was enough. “I do.”

  “Hesitation to act can get you killed.” His eyes practically bored holes into her. “Not being able to draw your weapon and fire can get you killed in the field. Not knowing to avoid places where you can get trapped- like elevators- after you’ve been made can get you killed.”

  She knew he was right, yet she couldn’t bring herself to acknowledge it. It felt like rubbing salt in the wound. She refused to drop his gaze but couldn’t figure out what to say. “I drew my weapon and went on the offensive when I needed to. I may have just been field rated, but this isn’t my first time in a dangerous situation. I’ve never just worked at my desk for the agency.”

  He knew that. When they worked together while she was still in college, they had encountered terrorists. Then there were her encounters with Michael Kagan. That was after Preston dumped her and disappeared to parts unknown, but she wasn’t going to fill him in. He didn’t need to know more about her. Besides, Mason had ended up ordering some agents to break cover to rescue her from that situation, so it didn’t exactly speak to her skill. Of course, she hadn’t been field rated then, either.

  “This is far more dangerous than the college terrorists,” Preston said, “or Michael Kagan.”

  The sinking in her stomach surprised her. So he knew about Kagan. She never heard a word from him after that whole fiasco, and he’d known. He’d dumped her by then but still. If she found out something like that had happened to her ex-boyfriend Adam, she’d at least send him an email or something, telling him she hoped he was okay. But she and Adam had been planning to get married, while she and Preston were nothing more than a fling. She’d known the score. Well, her head had known. Her heart was stubborn, but it had gotten the message. Eventually.

  “We need to be able to work together,” Preston continued.

  “That’s what I’m trying to do,” Elle countered. “Treat me like a colleague.”

  “I am.” He looked like he wanted to move closer to her but was holding himself back. “But you are a junior colleague.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he talked over her. “This would be the case no matter what, Elle. You just got field rated; I’ve been doing this for years. I have full respect for your technical knowledge; let me help you get to the same level in the field. With your technical know-how and my field expertise, we could make a great team, especially for this op.”

  She forced herself to nod. He was right, and as infuriating as that was, she knew she needed to admit it. “But we’re a team.” She made sure to emphasize the word “team.” “Which means we work together.”

  Preston nodded his acknowledgment. “And working together means we focus on getting the job done, using both of our skillsets. We do what’s necessary to accomplish the mission, no matter who’s idea it is for the next step.”

  Elle forced herself to breathe deep and slowly let it out. She could do this. She needed to be an adult. A professional. “Agreed.”

  He held out his hand. After a pause, she shook it, too aware of the warmth of his hand enveloping hers. Once they finished their handshake, they were left staring at each other again, the silence still awkward.

  “I’m sorry I- I’m sorry about how things ended between us.” For once, the smooth Preston looked unsure. “I really didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  Elle forced herself to give a wave of her hand. “It’s ancient history. Seriously.”

  He didn’t look like he believed her, but at least he had the decency to nod. After another awkward pause, he said, “Well, I have to be going to a meeting or else we could get some breakfast-”

  “Oh, no problem.” She didn’t think the relief was too evident in her voice. Breakfast was pushing things. “I have to get to work.”

  He headed for the door. “Mason will probably be calling us for another debrief within the next twenty-four hours, so I’ll see you soon.”

  She held the door open for him. “I’m sure he will be,” she agreed. “See you then.”

  It didn’t feel right having him in her apartment anymore. It felt like crossing a line that didn’t need to be crossed, although it was better this conversation was held in private. She was glad to shut the door behind him after he left. She really did understand the score now.

  Chapter 14

  Elle was glad the rest of the day was uneventful. She didn’t hear anything more from Mason or Preston. She was tired enough to leave work early so she could go home and take her time getting ready for Reese. Despite her repeated reminders to herself that this wasn’t a real date, since she was just hooking up with Reese, she wanted to look her best, and she didn’t want to rush. It was fun to dress up sometimes, regardless of the activity, right? Besides, she needed to have a fun night out.

  Elle opted for a cowl neck knit tank top and leggings with her boots. She didn’t want to change up her look too much: it had worked for her before, after all.

  Reese was waiting by the bar, already drinking a beer. They spotted each other at the same time. He was dressed casually in jeans and a dark t-shirt this time, but there was nothing casual about his eyes. Once they spotted her, they didn’t look anywhere else as she walked over to him.

  Were her hips swaying? Yes, she was sure her hips had a bit of a sway. That was a good thing, she reminded herself. Despite her pounding heart and the flutters tickling her stomach, she found herself able to smile. It was good to see him.

  She was glad to hook up with him, she reminded herself.

  “So here’s the Information Scientist.” Reese’s deep voice seemed to enclose her, drawing her close.

  “Here’s the Navy SEAL.” She slid onto the bar stool beside him. Elle ordered her drink, another margarita, in keeping with the idea that it had worked well for her last time, even if the drink had nothing to do with, well, much of anything.

  “Let’s play a game of pool.” Reese nodded over to the tables.

  “Pool?” Elle had thought they might play games, but she’d been thinking they would be the kind that involved getting naked in a bedroom. “That wasn’t the game I thought you wanted to play.” The words were out before she could really consider them, but hey, flirting was part of the deal. “I don’t know how to play that game.”

  He gave her a wink. “Consider it a new experience,” he said as he stood. How did he manage to be commanding without actually giving a command? It was in the way he talked, the way he carried himself. Something told her it was in his blood.

  For reasons she didn’t want to examine too deeply, she didn’t mind following that com
mand as she slid off her bar stool, margarita in hand, but she could still tease him about it. “Yes, sir. You must be an officer with these commands.”

  “Astute observation.” He grinned as he slid an arm around her waist. “But you’re way more fun to order around than my men.”

  So he was an officer. Someone had to be an Alpha-guy to command a platoon of SEALs, who were all Alpha-guys. She enjoyed the feel of his strong arm around her waist as he led her along. “I guess this is where you’ll get revenge for your ass kicking in the gym?”

  He laughed as he steered her towards a table that wasn’t being used. “Never knew successfully restraining my opponent meant I had lost, but we’ll keep the competition friendly.”

  “I didn’t know SEALs knew the meaning of friendly competition.” She picked up one of the cues.

  “Have to admit, the phrase has always sounded like an oxymoron to me.” He inspected her cue for a moment before taking it away from her and handing her a shorter one. “That’s a bit long for you to handle.”

  Elle pretended to pout. She’d seen Marni do that countless of times while flirting, and it seemed to work well for her. “You might be surprised at what I can handle.”

  He gave her a considering glance that made her feel like she was being x-rayed. “Something tells me I wouldn’t be surprised at all.” He set the rack of balls on the table. “First we have to break the balls. Would you like the honor or shall I?”

  Elle couldn’t resist: even she could see this opening. “Would you ever let someone break your balls?”

  He looked startled for a moment and then burst out laughing, a genuine laugh from deep in his chest. His smile lit up his face, making him look flat-out gorgeous. The richness of his laugh warmed her. Elle felt a little thrill at both surprising this guy and hearing his laughter.

  “I’m comfortable enough with my manhood to be a gentleman.” He gestured to the triangle of balls. As she passed him to position herself in front of the white ball, he halted her with an arm around her waist, pulling her up against his hard body. Warmth seeped into her back as he bent close to add, “And I’m sure you’ll make them all better later if necessary.”


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