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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

Page 19

by Joseph Arnold

  “Wow. Did anyone get to witness that event?” Riley discovered that as Sarina spoke he was becoming more interested in these mystical experiences and his fear and skepticism seemed to be waning.

  “Yes, he was in the presence of guides and other men.” Sarina was noticing Riley’s change of attitude, as subtle as it was.

  “Do you think Dana is a shape shifter?” Riley asked.

  “Oh yes. I have witnessed this before. He seems to be able to transform into his human form, which he’s able to show us. But I also believe that we’re altering our own reality in his presence so that we can actually ‘see’ him. Think about it. When we were in the coffee house, no one else appeared to be aware of his presence.”

  “You’re right. No one was looking over. It was as if we were sitting alone.”

  “More to the point, it was as if none of us were actually in the coffee shop.”

  Riley was surprised at how easily he believed this. It seemed to him that his sense of his own reality had shifted even though nothing was logical to him. Why not believe this? he thought. They both got up and walked out of the restaurant but not before Riley caught a glimpse of a young woman who was looking in their direction. She stared at him, as if she was looking right into him. He felt uneasy as she quickly looked away. “Come on,” he said and pulled Sarina down the street.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “That woman in the restaurant seemed to be looking right through me,” he said. “I just felt uneasy. It was as if she knew me, and her eyes, they were so vibrant and alive”

  Sarina looked back to the restaurant as they passed the front window. She saw a woman sitting where Riley indicated, but she appeared ordinary to Sarina who felt none of what Riley had described.

  Sarina and Riley arrived at the alley at the precise moment Dana instructed. He was exactly twenty feet from the entrance waiting for them.

  Chapter - Ten

  “The time is right,” Dana said. “Did you hear the message in the song?”

  Riley glanced at Sarina and she returned a “let it go” look to him. “Yes we did, Dana,” she said.

  “Remember the important sound of your song and stay close.”

  Riley and Sarina both nodded and followed Dana to a door in the alley. The door was unmarked save for one small symbol in the middle. Dana put his hand on the symbol and the door slowly opened with a faint vacuum sound.

  The three entered into a large room shrouded in a dark green mist. The lighting was dim but they were all able to see each other.

  Sarina briefly remembered her dream and the green mist. She let out a gasp and Dana looked over in her direction. “Your dream,” he said. Sarina nodded.

  A slight rumble rolled through the floor in a gentle wave. Riley and Sarina looked at each other and whispered, “Earthquake” in unison and then let out a nervous laugh. In the “real” world, both Sarina and Riley associated earthquakes and other natural phenomenon to bad things happening but that was likely due to portrayals from movies and books. Dana said nothing about the quake as they moved through the room so they reeled in their imaginations. Dana seemed to be leading them directly to another door and sensed their curiosity.

  Dana stopped them and said, “The rumblings you feel are not simply earthquakes as you know them. They are slight disruptions in the spirit world that signal a shift of energy. Sometimes the shifts can be subtle and are associated with an exchange of power within a specific area of the universe. Other times, when the Earth shakes violently, these energy shifts are exchanges of the balance of power and intensify when these powers are out of balance. But now is the time to pay closer attention to your own inner energy and detect subtle shifts within.”

  Sarina was already experiencing a familiar feeling when the silence was broken by the distant beating of drums. “My dream, again,” Sarina whispered more to herself than to the others in the room.

  “Yes,” said Dana.

  Sarina was surprised that Dana had heard her speak but then realized he had access to knowledge and sensory perceptions beyond anything approaching normal human experience; so what she was half thinking, half whispering was no real surprise to him.

  The drumming continued as they paused before what appeared to be a doorway, although it was more like an opening with no definitive shape. Dana put his hand in the air as if to summon someone.

  He spoke some incantations using names familiar to Sarina from her dream. His voice was emotionless and purposeful. As if on cue, the chanting began with the rhythm of the drumming, identical to the chanting in her dream. She also noticed a green light pulsing in time with the voices.

  Sarina had not noticed the green light pulsing in her dream but it seemed to fit well. Maybe it was in her dream and maybe not. She wasn’t able to tell how long the chanting went on, but it felt as if days were passing while Dana continued repeating the names.

  “Ixchel, Akna, Chac, Camazotz, Xbalanque, Hunahpu, and Cum-Hau ... Ixchel, Akna, Chac, Camazotz, Xbalanque, Hunahpu, and Cum-Hau ... Ixchel, Akna, Chac, Camazotz, Xbalanque, Hunahpu, and Cum-Hau,” Dana chanted.

  The chanting was rising slowly. Sarina recalled her dream again. She wondered why the chanting felt so important to her very existence. At the same time, Riley began to slip into a trance and felt himself floating as if in a space where gravity was non-existent. The driving sounds carried him deeper into a place where nothing seemed important but the drumming and chanting.

  Sarina glanced over to Riley and noticed a vacant stare in his eyes. She pulled out her talisman cloth and draped it over her shoulders and held Riley’s hand. The electrical pulse consumed her body, and snapped Riley back into the moment. As the electric pulse flowed through him, he grabbed hold of his talisman. This gave him the moment of strength to focus on the drumming and chanting without losing concentration. Both Sarina and Riley heard the low sound of the marimba and stayed connected with one another. Dana stopped his chanting of the seven, now familiar, names and took both their hands in his own and spoke.

  “We will now retreat back to our beginning.” With that, the three moved away from the edge of the portal and moved in unison back to the door of the alley. “This is enough for now,” he said. They walked silently back into the alley as the door closed and the music stopped. The silence was deafening as they stood motionless.

  “Do you understand what we have just experienced?” he asked.

  “I felt faced with choices,” Riley said although what he really wanted shout was WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?

  “I did, too,” said Sarina, also wondering the same thing as Riley.

  “Good,” said Dana. “I will explain something to you.”

  The three walked out of the alley and into the bright afternoon sunlight. A glance at a clock on the street revealed that less than a moment had passed even as it felt as though hours had passed. Dana asked if they could go to Sarina’s apartment and talk. Sarina agreed and the three walked in silence.

  When they arrived, Sarina stopped while forming a thought. “Why did I have the feeling of choice?” she asked.

  Dana opened Sarina’s apartment door. They walked in and sat in a tight circle on the floor. “What I am about to tell you is the essence of all humanity’s existence. We will best be served to be as comfortable as possible.”

  Sarina rose and asked if they wanted something to drink. Matte tea was in order and Sarina removed the brew in her cupboard. Riley was looking around for the liquor cabinet and realized that Sarina likely did not drink alcohol and let the thought go. They settled down with their cups and set intention for the circle they created.

  Dana called in the six sacred directions and paid homage to all the ancient ones. He was very deliberate in his mood and took deep breaths encouraging Sarina and Riley to do the same. Sarina was sensitive to ritual but Riley felt a little out of place. However, he knew how important it was to accept this sacred circle so he took a few deep breaths and waited.

  Dana broke the silence a
nd said, “The word choice is the most important concept for this journey we now walk. Humans have navigated this amazing journey for eons fully conscious of choice. But a time came when humans began to believe that choice was no longer within their power. Many began to believe that other individuals were the holders of choice, and the populace began to release their own power of choice. Life was challenging, even as it is now, and seemed to become easier for the people to allow community leaders to choose for them and the people began to fall asleep to their own power.” Dana paused. When the time seemed right he continued.

  “These were times when Earth was flush with resources. Those who gained power were able to control the masses with this knowledge of resources. Those individuals began forming governments, religions, and corporations. The most important tools to these entities became logic through scientific studies. The governments, religions, and corporations used and manipulated these studies to keep the masses living in fear thereby being able to control the lives of the people.”

  “What do you mean, Dana?” asked Riley.

  “Please allow me to take you through a journey of humanity. I give you permission to interrupt at any time with questions. This may take some time. Shall we begin?”

  It was late. Sarina and Riley settled into more comfortable positions and listened. The room grew silent and outside noises faded away as the three took deep breaths and became more focused.

  “I will begin with the present as this is where you both now exist and then move back to a place where humans made the choices that have brought you to this present.

  “Earth is on the edge of great transformation. Your scientists have recently discovered an image of a python carved in stone in an area now known as Mountains of the Gods and the Rock that Whispers. The location is in a country you call Botswana in the Tsodilo Hills. Your scientists date this finding back 70,000 years. This represents the first finding of ritual performed by evolved humans. This carving is as tall as a man and twenty feet long. This representation will be important later but this discovery happened within these last few months of time.

  “Long ago, before organized religions and governments and powerful business people, humans were more connected to their surroundings and performed many and various rituals to honor their gods who, they believed, were directly responsible for their very existence but not their daily lives. Does this seem right to both of you?” Dana asked.

  Sarina spoke first. “I’ve been to many regions of the world and discovered these common themes wherever I traveled, especially in areas less influenced by modern western society.”

  “I’ve read about such cultures but always labeled them as undeveloped,” said Riley. “I mostly get my information through reading books, articles, and Web sites about the scientific community so my knowledge of this is limited.”

  Dana continued. “I will now take you through the concepts that you call truth and deception, or that sometimes are referred to as illusion. Your species has produced many extraordinary individuals who feed into the stream of truth as well as illusion. Illusion is a very powerful tool used to control the mind. Truth is always more powerful but tends to be less believable by the masses. When truth is spoken, most humans find it easy to dismiss if not backed by your processing within the reasoning area of the human brain known as the frontal lobe. This can be referred to as the logical mind or Mind Body. To better understand this process, your scientists have discovered this area of the brain to be the youngest or least developed region dating back only 10,000 years.”

  After a brief moment of silence, Dana continued. “The development of the logical mind began during the time of what is labeled ‘The Fertile Crescent.’ This was the era when organized agriculture is believed to have formed, between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago. The science of organized agriculture is quite simple. The resources offered in nature are renewable but can only support a fixed number of individuals who choose to live within nature’s parameters. When humans discovered how to propagate and replicate the wild flora and fauna, the possibility of overpopulation of a specific region became possible. Thus began the greatest illusion of modern times. This illusion was making a connection between feeding people and controlling the population. Even with all of humanity’s technology and infrastructure, a great part of the population, today, goes without food.

  As the people evolved, the concept of controlling the people with the production of food became an amazing tool. Up until the time of the Fertile Crescent, the people lived a very whole life filled with the mystery of their world. As the power of food production was realized by a select few, it became easier for those select few to use this tool as means to control other humans through fear. The fear I speak of involves survival. Before this time, death was honored as a great part of life. To pass through the portal into the spirit world was indeed a great gift to be honored and welcomed. As the logical mind developed, the fear of death began to emerge in human consciousness. No great mystical being cast the fear of death into our consciousness. Only the evolution of the logical mind deadened the spirituality of humanity and created this fear. Those were the times when human consciousness became unbalanced.”

  Sarina understood without question what Dana was saying. Riley was a bit less sure of any understanding and said, “I thought fear was a byproduct of the fundamental western religions. I mean like the fear of God and all that.”

  “That materialized later in Earth’s history,” Dana said. “Organized religion was only another form of control spawned from those who understood that fear offered this ultimate control. Religions formed when humans rebelled against those who possessed power. The paradox in the formation of religion was that fear, instead of being the enemy of a grounded, centering religion, was its greatest ally. But I get ahead of myself.

  “The issue here is awareness of human surroundings. As the centuries passed, humans began to use their brain capacity for more specific, logical, and focused tasks and less for broader intuitive knowings. Intuitive knowings involved full body sensations that helped connect humans to a higher Source, God if you will. Today you are told that only 20 percent of human intelligence emanates from the brain. That leaves 80 percent of human intelligence emanating from the rest of the body. This then appears to be more akin to de-evolution as humans became more technologically advanced, succumbing all the while to perpetuating fear by relying on technology to do our daily tasks.”

  “Whoa, that’s a lot to absorb. Time for a break,” said Riley.

  “Indeed,” said Dana “This is a good time to stretch the body as well as the mind. Are you experiencing any internal discomfort given the scope of the information you are hearing? If so, allow it to leave the body and come back to this circle in ten minutes.”

  Dana sat in place with no need for any physical movement while Sarina and Riley used her bathrooms. No words were exchanged but Sarina sensed that Riley was receiving some new information from Dana’s commentary.

  After their short break, Dana began again where they left off. “Fear is one of the two primary emotions generally felt in the Emotion Body. You are both familiar with the concept of the four bodies: mind, emotion, spirit, and soul?”

  They both nodded in agreement. They sat in silence for a moment and Riley asked, “What is the other primary emotion?”

  “Love,” said Dana. “All other emotions branch off of these two primary emotions, which can be held internally for days, weeks, months, years, or lifetimes. The idea of fear as a powerful tool spawns emotions such as desperation, separation, segregation, agitation, anger, depression, abandonment, jealousy, greed, hate, and others. The emotions spawning from love are joy, happiness, elation, jubilation, enthusiasm, peacefulness, hope, compassion, and so on. Many humans do not believe this concept. More to the point they may simply be confused or even shrouded in fear.”

  “Then Fear and Love are opposites? So many people believe the opposite of love is hate, which, from what you are saying, is not so,” said Riley.

  “Exactly,” said Dana. “When events of the world feel weighted, the reason can always be traced back to fear. The corporate, political, and religious structures of humanity are acutely aware of this and use fear to control the population of Earth. When leaders rule the masses with love, the rest of the world can only respond with the perpetuation of more love, which then centers the balance of energy. In other words, the balance of light and dark. If you want an example, look to Gandhi. Even as he felt the pain of his fellow humans based in fear, he only wanted them to rise and demonstrate love for all others especially in the face of fear from opposition. Rarely does a cause offer any solution if the solution is simply more fear. This is why the Occupy Wall Street movement did not change the world. The message was corporations are evil and we need to end their reign. These comments arise from a fear that we do not have enough, you have too much, or we want equality, now. Change is not as forthcoming with these attitudes. We must embrace our fear with love, which always balances the energy of light and dark. Only then can real change happen. Do not oppose fear with more fear, embrace fear with love. But remember, we cannot exist exclusively with love; for without fear, we can never truly know love. We must balance them as one, united as light and dark. Like man and woman, we think we can do without the other, but to generate life we must have both or neither survives.

  “This can be said about fear: If what another does irritates or agitates you and you feel anger, then the anger resides within the self despite how much you may argue that the problem is outside of you or coming from someone or something else. In essence, you may only be a step away from being that which agitates you so. If what another does or says affects you not in the least, then what the other has or possesses is not alive in you and it will mean nothing. This also applies to love. This is the basis of choice. Nothing is simpler than this concept. It will be imperative that you grasp this concept before our subsequent journeys.”


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