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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

Page 22

by Joseph Arnold

  “I still feel more pain in my body when I drop a stone on my foot than if I spill water on it.”

  “Again, this is only because you have limited perception. Your brain gathers information faster than you can process it and forms it into your truth. The stone only hurts you because you have been programmed to believe it will hurt. Water is soft, stones are hard, a very limited perspective, I believe.”

  “What about weapons, guns and bullets, as an example?” asked Riley.

  “The theory applies to all forms of perceived matter. The bullet comes at you with a great force from the gun, but it is still 10 percent particle and 90 percent space. Dodging a bullet is like allowing your perception to change. Do you really ‘dodge’ the bullet, or does it simply pass through you or even bounce off your body?”

  “Joe once told me a story,” Sarina said. “A friend of his had received a small pouch containing cloth fragments of the saints from the sacred city of Lhasa in Tibet. His friend gave it to him for his daughter. Her name is Lhasa. His friend told him that he had received the pouch from a man who was studying with the Dalai Lama when the Chinese invaded the city and he was instructed to flee. He gathered his small pouch and carried it with him as he rode on horseback out of the city. The Chinese were shooting at him with AK-47 automatic rifles. He felt the bullets hit him but none entered his body. This Tibetan man showed Joe’s friend the marks on his body where the bullets hit him. I have always wondered if the bullets bounced off or if they passed through him leaving only a small mark to remind him of the devastation of his way of life.”

  Dana responded. “That is an excellent example of how humans are truly connected to each other and to all things and how energy always flows in this connection. This is how humans have evolved from the beginning. I suspect the bullets actually became part of his body, energy merging with energy. How many people actually believe this is possible? I expect the answer lies in the logical mind, which tells us that this cannot happen, that it is simply not possible.”

  “I am, or have been, one of those who certainly doubted that bullets bounce off a human body. Dana, when was the beginning? Of the human species I mean,” asked Riley.

  “That is what you are about to learn. With your new gifts, and more to come, you will be better equipped to process, through all of you heightened awareness, all information that has been locked inside your genetic makeup throughout time. Shall we have another break, first?”

  They got up to stretch and move around. When Sarina glanced at the clock she noticed that only a few minutes had passed. She knew that time can be suspended in the spirit world beyond the human construct of time, but they were here, in the human world. How was this possible? She wondered.

  Chapter - Twelve

  As the three sat down again Dana said, “I know it is hard to believe that only a few human moments have gone by. How do you feel about this?”

  “The idea of talking for what seemed to be hours condensed into a few moments seemed unnerving but, given the content of the conversation, I find it surprisingly comforting, almost peaceful,” said Riley, not really knowing whether to believe what he just said.

  “Me too,” said Sarina. “I can’t logically explain it but I am feeling … happy, as if I am held by some unseen force and if I continue to form words or thoughts about this, I might experience some fear so I’ll stop.”

  Riley smiled and nodded to Sarina as she had articulated his own feelings perfectly.

  Dana went on, “The experience you just spoke about is the purest feeling of love, and as you were speaking, fear began to nudge its way into your consciousness. I imagine this was beginning to frighten you. Am I correct?”

  “Yes,” they both agreed.

  “These feelings of love come from an ancient programming in all humans from further back in time than has ever been measurable. Until now, humans have speculated about the origins of love but have been missing some important information. The religious zealots have twisted ancient texts regarding the power of love to fit a purpose or construct, replacing this power with the limitations of fear based upon interpretations of teachings that the original prophets never intended. These constructs are based upon the same limitations you two have experienced, up until this instant. The great religions of the day were not created by the prophets so much as the humans who have attempted to translate their scriptures. The original scriptures were created by an advanced civilization.”

  “The Sumerians?” Riley asked.

  “Well, the writings on stone tablets might indicate this to be so, but it was an even more advanced civilization with more of an agenda for Earth who were the Sumerian predecessors yet did not actually visit Earth.”

  “Are you saying that a species from another world had something to do with our human evolution?” Sarina asked. Riley looked skeptical.

  “Indeed so. You remember the images carved into the walls in the Crypts of Dendera?” Dana paused and gazed from Sarina to Riley as if waiting for a question of doubt. Neither said a word and Dana, satisfied with his findings, went on. “These images reflect the beings who have traveled to Earth throughout the millennia. The planet called Nibiru is an ancient planet, millions of years older than Earth. The beings depicted in the glyphs on the cave walls are indeed the beings from this planet. Nibiru travels through space, gathering information from the planets’ energetic tails left as they proceed onward towards their own destinies. These ancient Sumerians, or Nibiruians travel with the planet recording the information gathered.”

  “Are you saying the beings ride the planet?” asked Riley.

  “Not in the way you are thinking, Detective. Their travel is different than you might imagine. It is more like Astral Projection. In a way they broadcast themselves through space.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “It is not so important that you understand. What is important is that you hear the rest of my story.”

  “Oh, sorry. Go on.” Riley gestures with his hand as if giving Dana permission to continue.

  “This information is stored in sort of energetic, what you call, hard drives, in a different dimension. Imagine this, a different dimension, endless in size and used for a specific purpose. You both know about computers. Humans are constantly designing information storage space in smaller and smaller pieces of hardware and yet the amount of space needed to house data in, what you call, servers, is still enormous. Imagine if limitless space were available to hold this information while not using earthly resources, not generating greenhouse gases, and not polluting your environment. These ancients possessed this technology. The dimension of storage is limitless. These beings call this the ‘Cloud of Stored Information’ or CSI. Does the nomenclature sound familiar?”

  “Yes,” Riley said. “We are developing a system called The Cloud, which is designed mostly for businesses as well as individuals to store data off site for reference and as a way to help keep computers operating smoothly and efficiently, although large physical storage units to hold this information are still needed with this technology. I don’t really know all the technical jargon but humans seem to be pleased with its ongoing development.” Riley seemed comfortable talking about technology, which was logical and made more sense to him than the spiritual conversation they were having.

  “So you see, humans are beginning to remember how to use knowledge albeit in a less advanced way.”

  “Remember? Can you explain what you mean by that?” asked Riley.

  “Of course. During one of the Mayan calendar segments, humans evolved at a faster than normal rate. This was during the time when Nibiru completed one of its orbital cycles around the sun, once again coming in close contact with Earth. Information was transferred from these ancient beings directly into your genetic code. This allowed humans to begin an accelerated evolution. The information was purposefully limited by these celestial beings yet ritual was born into human consciousness. Limiting access to this information was a way of controlling the
rate of human evolution.”

  “When was this?” asked Sarina.

  “About 80,000 years ago. Remember the carving discovered on the ancient walls in Botswana?”

  “Yes …”

  “Ritual was important to these ancient beings and the ‘experiment’ of introducing ritual to humans was purposeful. These beings were testing human consciousness in its infancy. They had an agenda for the human race and this was only a small intervention, albeit an important one. Of course, humans possessed a rudimentary and unconscious sense of ritual from their natural evolution, but this intervention was designed to accelerate this process and bring it forward into human consciousness, which allowed humans to access the stored data from CSI as they evolved.”

  “I find it ironic, Dana, that as we have evolved, we have let go of ritual. I remember how difficult it was for me to get my family to do ritual around the dinner table without a complaint or two,” said Sarina.

  “Interestingly, Sarina, ritual was used as a form of energetic connection to, what humans might call, source. The intention was to develop ritual in human consciousness as a way to connect to source using CSI where information was available, but the process had to happen slowly as the human mind developed. By now you may have already associated source with CSI. The accelerated ritual process was designed by these advanced beings to bring humans into the greater consciousness of the universe.”

  Dana continued on, “Every time these beings passed the Earth, more genetic information was captured and stored in CSI. It is important to realize that these beings passed through countless planetary energy trails capturing vast amounts of information along their journey. These beings are simply the holders of truth. It is said that the creation of all belief systems stemmed from the connection to source through information contained in CSI.

  “Throughout the ages, some select humans have evolved enough within the ritual process to access CSI and share with other humans the information from this massive database. The information within CSI is so advanced and these human individuals wanted to share its information with the masses. Unfortunately many of these humans were persecuted and ultimately destroyed. Others used their abilities of access to CSI for personal power gain. I suspect you know these infamous people like Attila the Hun, Genghis Kahn, Hitler, and others.”

  “Is this related to the feeling I had about choice in the room off the alley?” Sarina asked.

  “Yes,” said Dana. “Information is nonjudgmental and anyone who has access is always faced with choice. Some choose the path of love while others choose the path of fear. Whereas both are powerful, remember that love is one hundred times more powerful than fear. This, then, is the duality of life Love/Fear, Light/Dark, Left/Right, Up/Down, Good/Evil, Spirituality/Technology. All are means of expression, and one cannot survive without the other, which is why embracing both Love and Fear is critical to keeping the universe in balance, even though love is one hundred times more powerful. Love and fear occupy equal volume in the universe, but the vibrational energy from love is indeed greater than the vibrational energy from fear, which is an example of energetic duality in the universe. The prime example of physical duality, in the universe, is that matter is always expanding, moving away from something, and yet, always moving towards something else.

  “Have humans been evolving intellectually as well as spiritually, in relationship to rituals I mean?” asked Sarina.

  “If you are referring to access to information from CSI, then the answer is yes and no. Nibiru visits Earth every 3,600 years and the proprietors share more information during each visit around Earth. The last visit was during the Egyptian era and, as I have said before, engineering information was introduced directly through more DNA intervention or more like an upgrade of information to already fundamental building blocks within the human brain. Think of it this way. When you sleep, your brain is the most receptive. In that resting state the daily human bodily functions are in a recovery mode and your brain can better receive outside information. Like a computer that receives upgrades via your Internet even when your computer sleeps, your brain can receive transmissions of DNA coding from outside sources either consciously or unconsciously like a program running in the background of your system. The beauty of this is that you do not need to be conscious of these upgrades as they are happening because they are automatic and installed when necessary. The conscious person can reboot a bit quicker to access the information from the upgrade at a higher rate of speed. This is why your greatest inventors and researchers have been able to create new machines, solve complex questions, or cure diseases in your lifetime. So even in light of forgetting ritual, there are still those who access these upgrades regularly. That was a long answer to your question. Humans are constantly evolving intellectually as well as spiritually as a result of access to CSI. Only recently have humans have been seeking and rediscovering balance.”

  “Is this why we are in such a mess as a society right now?” asked Riley.

  “Very adept, Detective. Quite a few humans have become greedy for intellectual information and have left behind the ritual for accessing positive information from CSI. Again, indigenous people utilize the ancient rituals, for these ways never change. These are the ones who are the great healers of Earth and affect real change. They are the ones who do not complain about the system; they actually make choices to change the system if need be. So many complain about a broken system and then do nothing tangible to change it. Those who are greedy are leading the unconscious and those who do not believe in the ancient rituals. These humans have completely let go of their spiritual roots and are following the corrupt spiritual leaders who have led humans into these difficult times.”

  “Is it possible to alter our path?” asked Sarina.

  “Absolutely so, once technology and ritual are once again reunited. Only then will we discover a new path as ancient as the universe itself. This will be humankind’s most challenging choice as a collective. One choice will lead the human race in one direction and the other in an entirely different direction. Remember, it is always about choice.”

  Sarina had no doubt that what Dana was saying was true. Both she and Riley had experienced enhanced abilities and everything Dana had said made sense. Sarina had traveled around the planet enough to know that Dana was not fabricating any of his factual information and that ritual was indeed what held tribes together in ways that technology was not able to. Sarina was wondering how religion played out in this equation: Why or how do organized religions exist and what purpose do they serve?

  Dana must have sensed her question as he turned to her and spoke. “I touched on this earlier. The great institutional religions of the world were generally organized not by the prophets the religions are named for, but rather by those who worshipped or followed the prophets. These other individuals, or followers, were motivated mostly by their own agenda of power, greed, or, in most cases, both, and found that swaying people to whatever belief was popular was an easy task. Unbalancing the people is easy through the use of fear. When you use your gifts to explore these religions, you will likely discover that their dogma veers from the true teachings of the original prophets and caters to the whims of their creators. These creators of religious institutions have generally turned their backs on the old rituals calling them all sorts of negative names. This shows an imbalance between love and fear. Fear has, and always will be, a great tool for manipulating people who believe they have no choice or free will.”

  “I get that people actually have free will and choice. How has this played out in major corporations and politics throughout the world?” asked Riley. He still was a bit troubled about having his belief system shaken to its core.

  “Good question. The religious leaders can actually have a very powerful influence on Corporate CEOs and political leaders. These people are fed by the acquisition of power and money and the religious leaders know how to capitalize on this obsession quite well. This generally is a path not rich with dep
th or concern for others. The irony in this is that many leaders hold complete power but are asleep to their potential. Fear has a tight grip on their consciousness preventing them from the very ritual that will afford them access to CSI. The selected religious, political, and corporate leaders know this and have developed great tools to paralyze complete societies.”

  “Is it possible to help alter the perception of others?” Riley asked.

  “Yes. You both are now playing an important role in this answer. And much of the answer is a direct counterpoint to the manipulative fear we have been discussing. The answer concerns free will and freely choosing. And the next choice will come soon. A journey lies before you, but it is a journey of choices. These choices that will be presented before you will require you to revisit your decision to continue on. If you choose to continue on this journey, you will experience things you have not even dreamt of, and you will be faced with many other choices along the way.

  “This is enough information for tonight. We will continue in the morning. When I arrive here tomorrow, do not hesitate to venture deeper with this information and shower me with questions. Good Night.”

  Dana left and Sarina closed the door and heard a scraping sound on the floor. She looked down and saw an envelope passing under the door into the room. Sarina picked up the envelope, opened it, and read it:


  You have questions regarding your partner, Joe, who went missing years ago in Guatemala while researching the disappearance of a small village called Dos Eres during the revolution of the 1980s. The Guatemalan government was performing ethnic cleansing on its own people. He found information that proved the government was behind the destruction and the names of the officials were coming to light. Because he found soldiers who were willing to speak out about this devastation, he was abducted. He was taken to the remote location of the destroyed village. Hundreds of villagers were murdered and dumped into a shallow well at the site. The site has since been exposed and the remains of the bodies carefully laid out for identification by people from neighboring towns. His work was not in vain and the guilty are being prosecuted.


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