Book Read Free

Messed Up

Page 21

by Owens, Molly

  “What is this all about?” I asked Camille, still confused.

  “I’ll explain it later. Follow me.”

  Camille handed me one of two large canvas bags. We walked out the back door of the house and past a large pool illuminated by dark blue lights. We made our way to the back fence of her property and through a gate. As we walked into a small thicket of trees, the night became quiet, aside from the hushed giggles of the girls walking just ahead of us.

  We reached a small grass covered meadow in the middle of the trees. The older girls stood in a circle, while the younger, recently tapped girls huddled together in the middle, excitedly hugging each other and looking thrilled. They immediately fell silent when Camille entered the circle. She dropped her bag at her feet, so I did the same.

  A broad smile appeared on Camille’s face, “Okay ladies,” she called out in a booming voice, “You’ve been tapped.” The girls went wild with cheers, and more hugging and bouncing. Camille let the excitement go for a couple minutes before speaking again, “This means you have been selected to be a Delancey Girl. For those of you who live under a rock, The Delancey Society is the most sought after frat at St. Jacobs.”

  What the hell? I thought. Since when did high schools have fraternities? I was beginning to feel like I’d just fallen down a rabbit hole.

  “Being a Delancey Girl” explained Camille, seeming to answer my thoughts, “is like an all-access pass to the best parties and hottest guys at St. Jacob. Only the best of the best are allowed in and we only accept people who want to be part of our little group. So you have two choices at this point. Number one pledge your dedication and unyielding commitment to the Delancey Society tonight and have a guaranteed spot in the most respected clique at school for the next four years,” she paused for effect and then continued, “Or take door number two and leave now.”

  Camille was silent as she looked from face to face. No one moved. I watched the thin blond girl that Mandy had tapped carefully. She wore an expression of extreme trepidation that I could completely identify with. It was like she knew in her brain that the right thing to do would be run for her life, but she couldn’t move a muscle because she was already in too deep.

  “That’s what I thought,” Camille said when nobody moved, “Alright then, just one more little test before you are official. Everyone strip down to your bras and panties.”

  Some of the girls started undressing immediately, I figured these were the girls with older sisters who had warned them, but the majority of them stood frozen staring at Camille, waiting for her to say she was just kidding. That it was only a joke and they were all going to be treated to ice cream sundaes instead. Not even.

  “You have until I say ten,” Camille’s voice had turned cold, vicious even. As she began counting slowly the girls began rapidly pulling off their clothes. My eyes glanced over to the blond girl who now looked like she was going to be sick. I wanted to comfort her. To tell her it wasn’t going to be that bad, but of course I had no idea how bad it was going to be. Levi was behind this strange ritual, so it was not going to be good.

  When Camille stopped her counting all the girls stood in their minimally clothed state staring at her, many with genuine dread in their eyes.

  “Line up side by side,” she commanded, and they did exactly as they were told. I watched as she walked down the row inspecting each of them, like she was choosing between prom dresses, “Not bad,” she finally said, “Now, time for your final inspection. You’re up Levi,” she yelled.

  My head swung around as Levi entered the clearing with James and Calvin at his side. I noticed several small, embarrassed smiles flash across the faces of the nearly naked girls. Levi made a point of walking directly over to me, kissing me gently on the mouth, and whispering, “Don’t worry, I’m keeping you,” into my ear with a smile. He held my hand as he forced me to follow him as he walked down the line of girls. Some of them smiled at him eagerly, while others looked down at their feet. When we reached the thin blond, I noticed she was shivering. Levi stepped back to look at the group as a whole, “You pick Chelsea,” he said not looking at me, “Two of these girls need to go,” my eyes flashed over to Camille who looked stunned.

  “What the fuck!” I heard Mandy practically scream from behind me.

  “Shut it, Mandy,” Levi roared. “Go for it Chelsea. Pick the two weak links,” Levi said smiling. The girls giggled politely.

  “Okay,” I stammered. Slowly my eyes skimmed the group. This is a test, I told myself, and there is a right answer, a correct way to do this, “Her,” I said pointing to the most attractive of the group. I figured she didn’t need to be part of any weird club to improve her popularity; she’d do fine on her own. She looked dejected and more than a little insulted, “And her,” I indicated the trembling blond. I couldn’t tell if I was just projecting my own distorted feelings onto her, but she seemed to be begging me with her eyes to be eliminated. An audible gasp spread through the crowd of girls and I could see Camille smile out of the corner of my eye.

  “You constantly amaze me, Chelsea,” Levi said looking pleased with me, “I knew you’d choose correctly,” he winked, “Alright, you heard her. You’re out.” The two girls wandered off in the direction of the house putting their clothes back on as they went.

  “Ladies,” Levi purred, flashing one of his heart melting smiles, “I’ll look forward to meeting you all soon,” he bent down to kiss me before disappearing into the trees.

  In a rational world where feelings align themselves nicely with one’s circumstances, it would seem that the last thing I would be experiencing at that moment would be pride. What did I have to feel proud about? That I had a boyfriend who used intimidation, isolation and shame to keep me fastened to his hip like a Snap-on tool belt? But as I stood there, in front of a pack shivering freshmen in nothing but their underwear, I knew every one of them envied my position. It was the first time in my life that I felt like the popular girl, and though the high didn’t last long, I could feel the power rising in me like a swarm of killer bees.

  A low mumble of voices began as soon as Levi had made his exit. The barely clothed freshman began whispering about their two rejected cohorts as the Delancey Girls on the outer circle surrounded Mandy, their faces aghast at the recent turn of events.

  “Holy shit, girl,” Camille whispered in my ear, “I had no idea how serious he is about you. This goes way beyond my expertise. He’s got plans for you.”

  “Why’s Mandy so angry?” I asked, deciding to pose one question at a time, although my list at this point was getting pretty lengthly.

  “For starters you just ousted her sister,” Camille laughed.

  “Her sister!” I exclaimed, “Shoot, she’s going to kill me.” Of course, I thought, I had seen her tapping that thin blond. I just didn’t put two and two together. Crapitiy, crap, crap, crap.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Camille said bending down to retrieve two bottles from the duffle bag and handing me one, “After the way Levi just acted toward you, nobody is going to be stupid enough to cross your path,” she looked up at the circle of girls that had formed around Mandy, “All those girls will be kissing your ass by the end of the night, mark my words. They’re all fickle ass bitches,” she turned to face the group, “Okay ladies, enough chit-chat, it’s time to play a little game we call Rotten Egg.”


  I’d read Lord of the Flies, seen the movie, both the original and the remake. I knew all about Zimbardo and his famed prison experiment. I’d even studied the Nazis just last year in Mr. Housten’s history class. So with all that stored away in my sixteen year old brain, I believed I knew something about the dangers of pack mentality, and would therefore be better equipped to stand up to the pressures of it, to do the just and moral thing. But that night when Camille instructed me and the Delancey Girls in the circle to spread baby oil all over the bodies of the newly tapped girls, I found myself immediately obeying, without so much as a second thought. And that was j
ust the beginning, it would get much worse and yet I would keep my mouth securely shut.

  “Here’s how we play Rotten Egg,” Camille announced after the girls had been thoroughly glazed in oil, “There is a house about two football fields away,” she pointed in the direction of the other eye on the mountain, “It’s big. You can’t miss it. Your mission is to get there before anyone else. You don’t want to be the last one there or you’ll be the Rotten Egg,” she paused for emphasis, “and trust me, nobody wants to be the Rotten Egg,” They all looked at her with anticipation, “On your marks, get set, run!” she yelled.

  And they were off and running, twelve adolescent bodies scampering into the moonlight, a pack of giggles twisting in the trees.

  “Alright,” Camille said turning to the others, “Everyone back to my house. Get rid of the tiny tots and make yourselves comfortable,” and then she turned to me, “You’d better come with me.”

  “What the fuck!” Mandy said indignantly to Camille, and then, as if I wasn’t standing two feet from her, “Why is she going?” Everyone stood still, watching the drama unfold.

  “That’s what Levi told me to do, Mandy,” Camille said, a condescending smile spread across her face.

  “She doesn’t even go to St. Jacobs! I mean look at her,” she said gesturing at me, “Like she could even afford it.”

  Feeling a sudden burst of anger erupt inside of me, I took a step toward her, “You know what Mandy,” I practically spit her name, “You are more than welcome to do whatever it is that you are so goddamned eager to do, be my fucking guest,” the cursing came out smoothly, which was a shocker as I rarely swear, and when I do I usually sound like a two year old using a new word for the first time, “I’ll just go ahead and call Levi to let him know to expect you.” I had no idea that my words would have such an immediate impact, but as soon as I pulled my phone from my pocket an audible gasp seemed to rise from the group.

  “No, don’t. Please!” she begged, almost franticly. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who lived in fear of Levi’s wrath.

  “I didn’t think so,” I replied calmly. The group broke out in raucous laughter as Camille and I left the clearing.

  Camille whispered, “Damn Chelsea, I like this feisty side of you.”

  I had questioned just minutes earlier the twisted logic in covering the girls in baby oil, however as we made our way to the second house its purpose became crystal clear. We walked in silence for a couple of moments when all of a sudden I heard a high pitched scream. My head spun in the direction of the sound, just in time to see a thin figure in a black ski mask grab one of the greasy girls. He had a difficult time getting a good grip on her as his hands slid from her body. On her face was an expression of sheer terror as the figure lunged at her a second time, again unable to hold her still.

  “Oh my god,” I gasped.

  “It’s all part of the game, my dear,” Camille reminded me, “The new boys are the hunters, and the new girls are the hunted. The symbolism is so transparent. Frankly, it’s embarrassing.”

  I continued to watch the girl who was now on the ground attempting to pull her body forward as the masked boy clung to her ankles. All at once her tear filled eyes met mine. I mouthed the words, it’s okay, just as a second, slightly larger masked figure sprung out of the trees. She screamed again as he hoisted her torso off the ground and with the help of the first boy they carried her twisting body in the direction of the house. A sickening sensation bubbled up in my stomach as the possibilities of what was awaiting that scared looking girl at the house began to enter my mind.

  We soon emerged from the trees at the side of the second house. It was dark and looming; the only light came from one room on the bottom floor.

  I grabbed Camille’s wrist, stopping her from moving forward, “What’s going to happen now?” I asked. I could hear the panic in my voice.

  She took a deep breath, “You’re not going to like it,” she said, keeping her eyes fixed on the house, “There is a reason that only the two of us have been included in this part of the night. They don’t think it is necessary to remind the others.”

  “What’s going to happen?” I repeated with more force.

  “Let’s just say that they are going to impart the importance of unyielding loyalty to the Delancey Society. Give these babies a reason to stay in line,” she took a couple slow steps forward, and then added quietly, “Try not to look.”

  The second house was a mirror image of Camille’s. We entered through the same enormous door, but the hallway that greeted us was completely dark and nearly silent. I followed closely behind Camille, and as we stepped into the living room I felt my blood immediately begin to pump rapidly to my heart. The room was enormous and bare of furniture. All along the perimeter of the massive space were men in black masks. Most of them were the bodies of high school boys. I could easily pick out the figures of James, Noah, and Calvin. I had seen them enough times to recognize them with or without ski masks. Some of the figures, however, were much larger, adults. My mind flashed to the men that dragged Toby away. I was certain some of them were in this room. The realization caused my heart to pick up its already speedy pace. I could feel it thudding away in my chest.

  The only light came from a raging fire in the vast fireplace against the back wall. In a huddled mass at the base of the fireplace were eleven shivering girls. All their joyous giggling had disappeared and in its place was horror. Just as I was beginning to wonder what happened to the twelfth girl a side door open and the girl I’d just seen in the forest was shoved forcefully into the room. She stumbled forward to join the others, her eyes looking tortured as she took in the room around her.

  Moments later, Levi entered the room. Despite his masked face I knew it was him immediately. First, because I could see his razor blue eyes even from where I stood, clear across the room, and second, because everyone seemed to react to his arrival with just the slightest hint of fear. He glanced over at Camille and me and nodded his head. Camille handed me a roll of duct tape as she grabbed a handful of zip ties.

  “Tape their mouths,” she whispered.

  There it was, my opportunity to try to stop this mayhem, but I didn’t even hesitate. I walked right up to the first girl, ripped off a piece of tape and spread it across her lips, still gleaming pink with gloss. My hand trembled as the eyes of fifty or so men in black masks bore into my back. When I placed a thick piece of gray tape over the mouth of the girl I’d just encountered in the forest, our eyes met for just a fraction of a second. She looked at me pleadingly, as if begging for a sign of reassurance. In truth, I had no idea what was coming next, but I looked back at her with calm eyes that I hoped she’d read as heartening.

  Once I had finished covering their mouths and Camille had bound their hands behind their backs, I followed her to the side of the room. I wished I could melt into the wall.

  “Line up on your knees,” Levi commanded in a strong voice. The girls obeyed immediately, shakily finding their balance without the use of their hands. He then nodded to James, who exited the room, only to return moments later followed by a line of boys, joined together at the wrists by zip ties. They were dressed in nothing but their underwear, their boyish chests making it all the more obvious how young they were. Once in the middle of the room, the first and last boys were tied together so that the whole group was made into a circle, facing out at the room of silent and anonymous observers.

  Noah, or whom I assumed to be Noah, pulled a pair of scissors from his pocket and handed them ceremoniously to Levi. Levi walked slowly over to the first girl in the line. He held the blade of the scissors up to the center of her bra, and without applying nearly any pressure it was cut into two pieces and fell to the floor. I watched as the shivering girl closed her eyes, and Levi proceeded to snip off her underwear with two simple cuts. The room was eerily silent as every eye in the room followed Levi’s movements; snipping away at the dignity of each girl. Snip, snip.

  Levi commanded the girls to
lie on their stomachs, which they did gladly, relieved to be able to regain even a fraction of their modesty. Levi came to stand next to me as one of the men from the perimeter stepped forward. It was hard to tell his age exactly, but by the way he moved he seemed to be much older than the rest of the on-lookers. He was also set apart because, unlike the uniform black ski mask worn by everyone else, his mask was adorned with red stitching. As he reached the middle of the room everyone got down on their knees, and in unison bowed their heads. I felt Levi pull at my wrist and I followed him to my knees.

  The man, whom I now understood to be the leader, began speaking in a language that I couldn’t identify. He seemed to be reciting some sort of memorized verse and when he finished everyone stood. Levi moved to the fireplace to pull out a long metal bar from the depths of the hot coals. He handed it to the leader who held it out for all to see. There at the end of the bar, illuminated in white heat, was the symbol I recognized from Levi’s tattoo: an infinity symbol with a double cross. The medieval sign of the devil.

  “Tonight you take a sacred vow of obedience to the Delancey Society,” the Leader spoke loudly, his voice like that of an evangelical preacher, “No more will you be controlled by your own free will, for now it is the Delancey Society that will lead you forward. You must never question the authority that has given you this gift.” The leader then pressed the searing hot symbol on the small of the first girl’s back, the girl I’d seen in the forest. She writhed in pain as the hissing sound of her flesh burning under the hot metal shuttered through the silent room. Just then a scream was emitted from the circle of boys.

  “Stop it!” yelled this dark haired, fragile looking boy, his voice frantic, “Leave her alone!” I glanced at Camille who stared unmoving at her hands. Levi moved quickly so that he was standing less than a foot from the boy. I knew I should close my eyes then, just as Camille had suggested, but I couldn’t keep myself from watching as Levi swung his fist fiercely at the boys face. I could hear the crunch of bone as his fist made contact. The boy’s head was thrown backwards violently, so much so, that I wouldn’t have been surprised to see it fall right off and roll along the floor. His body went limp as he fell, dragging the boys on either side of him down. They struggled to stand, holding up the wilted body between them.


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