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Page 6

by Maria Jackson

  Kylie nodded. “Glad I’m not leaving on bad terms, then.”

  Starshine could keep her secret safe a while longer. She wasn’t doing as badly as she thought. And she didn’t want this night to end.

  She cleared her throat. “You, uh… you don’t have to leave.”

  Kylie hesitated, and their eyes lingered on each other. Starshine wondered if Kylie would take that the wrong way. Then again, what had she actually meant? Her hand quivered on the doorknob. This was not what she was supposed to be doing. Things were rapidly going off the rails. But the words were already out, and as Starshine stared at Kylie, they echoed in the silence.

  You don’t have to leave.

  Would Kylie offer any objection? If she did, Starshine would let her leave. She’d be grateful, really. Even if Kylie just asked for a reason to stay, Starshine would tell her “never mind.” She could let her go if Kylie would just break this awful, endless silence.

  The silence went on, and speech refused to come to Starshine’s traitorous lips. She gazed into Kylie’s dark eyes, beginning to doubt if Kylie was going to say anything. Her breath came quicker, and she understood that this was out of her hands.

  Kylie took a step back in.

  Starshine’s trembling fingers moved on the doorknob—just a fraction of an inch, but that was enough.

  The door swung closed.


  As Kylie drew back from the door, she was well aware that things still weren’t adding up. Starshine’s assertion of not being a cop reassured her slightly. After all, cops weren’t allowed to deny being cops. Were they?

  It seemed like that was the rule in movies, but those were just movies. Kylie didn’t know anything anymore, but she was in Starshine’s apartment and Starshine seemed to want her to stay. If the way Starshine was looking at her was any indication, her attraction might just be returned.

  “So you’re not a police officer,” she murmured, stepping a little closer. “Not a detective, or a sergeant, or a constable.”

  “I’m not any kind of law enforcement.” Starshine appeared to be choking on her words. Did that mean she was lying? Her light brown eyes looked sincere, but how much could Kylie trust her?

  Kylie had to get out of this situation before she went too far. Coming back in had been a mistake in the first place. She just couldn’t seem to make herself open the door again.

  “What if I don’t believe you?” Kylie was barely conscious of her lips moving. The words sounded as if they had come from someone else.

  Starshine shrank back a little, looking decidedly disappointed. Fuck, she was so damn attractive. “Well, I’m telling the truth,” she said. “I’m definitely not a cop.”

  Standing there in the hall, they were close enough that Kylie could feel the heat of Starshine’s body. It was hard to think when the scent of Starshine’s perfume was filling Kylie’s nostrils. Soon her mind would stop working altogether.

  She stared at Starshine, taking in every detail of her face. Her attractiveness drew Kylie in closer, but Kylie used her last bit of strength to wrest back control of her body. She pulled away despite every part of her screaming in protest. Squeezing by Starshine to put some space between them, she put her hand on the doorknob again. “I really should go.”

  “I guess you’re right,” Starshine said.

  Why did she sound so sad about it? She was making it hard for Kylie—so damn hard. Kylie tried to drag her eyes away from Starshine’s face and bring them to the doorknob. All she had to do was turn it and step out. It should have been so easy… but she couldn’t even move her eyes.

  “I’ll go,” Kylie said. The way Starshine looked longingly into her eyes kept her from actually turning the doorknob.

  “You don’t have to leave,” Starshine whispered.

  What did Starshine mean? That was the second time she had said that. An urgent note was in her voice.

  “If you want me to stay…” Kylie started.

  They stayed there like that for a moment, staring at each other without speaking. Hours could have passed in those few seconds and Kylie wouldn’t have even noticed. She was lost in the light brown of Starshine’s eyes. The sharp contours of her face were perfection, and Kylie wanted nothing more than to give in to what they both desired. But she wouldn’t do it. She couldn’t.

  Starshine leaned in, just a fraction of an inch, but enough that Kylie knew she was making the first move. Kylie stood there, nearly panting with anticipation. She wanted to let it happen so badly… but at the last second, she thrust her hand up and held it to Starshine’s lips. They were soft and tender against her fingers. Kylie closed her eyes with regret as she pushed Starshine gently away.

  “I shouldn’t do this. You just had a break-up.”

  Starshine’s eyes widened as if just realizing something. “Oh… that.”

  Kylie tilted her head and blinked at her, amazed that she could just forget about a two-year relationship.

  “I guess I did,” Starshine said, biting her lip. “I mean, we barely saw each other these past few months. It’s really been over for a while.”

  Kylie let her hand fall from the door handle, her heart leaping with hope. If Starshine was over the relationship, then Kylie was in the clear. She stepped closer, holding herself back from putting a hand on Starshine’s arm. She wanted to feel her so badly.

  “You’re over her?” she asked, head spinning with the sudden possibilities.

  “Yeah, pretty much. She and I were having problems for a while. Like I said, I’m doing all right. I feel like I’m going to be happier single, anyway.”

  Now Kylie allowed herself to put her hand on Starshine’s shoulder. Her skin was soft and silky under Kylie’s palm, and she ached to touch even more of her. Every part of her cried out for Starshine.

  Their eyes met again, and it felt like entire thoughts passed between them. They had already communicated so much by the time Kylie spoke again. “So, there’s no reason we shouldn’t do this?”

  Starshine trembled slightly. Kylie had actually made her tremble! “Do what, exactly?” she asked, her voice almost a whisper.

  “Anything you want.”

  “Yeah, but I mean, is it just going to be a one-time thing, or…?”

  Even though Kylie already knew she would want more than a one-time thing, she also knew this would just be a rebound for Starshine. It was hardly possible to be over a two-year relationship in one day, even if Starshine claimed otherwise. Naturally she would only want to do it once.

  “I guess this should just be once,” Kylie agreed.

  Again, that look from before—Kylie would have thought it was disappointment if she didn’t know better. Before Kylie could finish attempting to process what it meant, it was gone. It had just been a flicker, if it had even been there at all.

  “All right,” Starshine whispered. Turning just enough to change direction in the narrow hallway, she took a step toward the other end of the apartment.

  Kylie followed, and Starshine led her into her room.


  Starshine kicked herself with every step she took down the hallway. She definitely shouldn’t be doing this, but she was too turned on to stop. She didn’t have the strength to say no to someone who looked like Kylie.

  This was bound to happen from the moment Kylie had set foot in here. Starshine’s timing with that fake break-up had been just perfect. If she’d held off on that, things tonight might have gone completely differently. Still, she couldn’t bring herself to regret it.

  Once they were inside the bedroom, she closed the door behind them. She hurried to close the notebook that was on her bed and threw it onto the dresser. Kylie’s eyes followed her with curiosity, but thankfully she didn’t say anything.

  This would only be once, Starshine reassured herself. She could handle having one hook-up with a coworker. That wouldn’t compromise her article. Sure, this might be against some journalism code of conduct or another, but no one would find out about this. S
he trusted Kylie not to go and blab it all over town, and she herself wasn’t about to tell anybody.

  Starshine already knew she would want it to happen more than once, but one time would get it out of her system. She could relax after this. The sexual tension had been building for a while, and she just needed to release it. She’d be fine afterwards.

  Coming to stand in front of Kylie, she bit her lip. “So, definitely just once, right?”

  “If that’s what you want,” Kylie said. “I know you’re on the rebound and all.”

  “Yeah,” Starshine said. “It’s better to keep this to just one time.”

  She reached for Kylie, stroking her toned yet soft arm. She wondered what the rest of Kylie felt like. Was she really going to get the chance to find out?

  “Kiss me,” Starshine whispered.

  She had been daring enough to try a moment ago, but she couldn’t work up that nerve again. It was hard enough to be rejected the first time, even if Kylie had a good reason. Kylie’s persistence only made Starshine want her more.

  In any case, Kylie made it easy this time. She simply took Starshine into her arms and crushed their lips together. Starshine trembled at the feeling of being held in her arms. She felt comfortable and safe here.

  “You’re a good kisser,” Starshine said shyly.

  That was an understatement. With only a few pecks, Kylie had her panties wet. Starshine couldn’t remember the last time she had been this turned on. The risk was definitely present, but one night with Kylie would be more than worth it.

  Kylie kissed her again, running her fingers along Starshine’s back and digging her nails into the fabric of her T-shirt. Starshine groaned softly, wishing Kylie would just pull up her shirt and put her hands all over her. This girl made her want to get ravaged. She was desperate for release.

  The two of them might only have one night, but they would make the most of it. They would stay up well into the afternoon if Starshine had her way.

  The night was pitch black outside Starshine’s small window. She wondered what time it was. Two in the morning? Three? She didn’t care. All she did was kiss Kylie back, sucking her lower lip into her mouth and massaging it with her teeth just enough to elicit a sharp inhale from Kylie. She could hardly believe that she was able to do that to such a beautiful woman.

  Starshine shuddered as Kylie cupped her ass. “Want to take off your clothes?”

  It felt bold to ask so blatantly, but that was clearly what they were doing here. Besides, Starshine had seen Kylie practically naked many times before. She already knew many details of Kylie’s body, from her surface piercings to the tribal tattoo around her left bicep. She’d been watching Kylie for a while now, and working at the restaurant, it was easy to see almost every part of her.

  “Hell yeah,” Kylie said, taking a step back to pull off her shirt. Even if Starshine had seen her in her bra before, she couldn’t help but gulp. It was different when Kylie was at the restaurant, feet away from her. Now they were in her room, close enough to touch. Her body was an absolute vision. Starshine salivated for Kylie.

  When Kylie tugged up Starshine’s shirt, she realized she should also be getting naked. She took her own shirt off too, knowing that her body didn’t compare to Kylie’s. From the way Kylie stared, she seemed to like it pretty well anyway.

  The hitch of Kylie’s breath was unmistakable, and it matched Starshine’s own ragged breathing. Starshine’s mouth watered more as she thought about getting between Kylie’s legs. She gestured to the bed and Kylie sat down, already undoing her jeans.

  As Kylie slipped out of the denim, Starshine sank to her knees in front of her. She could hardly believe how gorgeous Kylie’s body was—her long lean legs, her slim hips, and of course, the beautiful intricate folds at her center.

  Starshine didn’t even glance up at Kylie’s face before diving between her legs. She sucked her clit with eager abandon, tonguing the hard bud as she tightened her lips around it.

  “Fuck, that feels good.”

  Starshine looked up at Kylie without stopping. Their eyes met, and Kylie shuddered. “Oh my God, you look so fucking incredible when you’re going down on me.”

  Starshine glanced away so she wouldn’t blush. Being able to turn Kylie on like this was more than she could have ever asked for.

  “You have to let me take a video of this.”

  Now Starshine looked up again, startled by Kylie’s words. A video?

  “If it’s just one time, I want to remember it,” Kylie explained, her hand on the back of Starshine’s head keeping her in place. “I want to have a video so I won’t forget one second of this.”

  Starshine blinked up at her. Truth be told, she loved the kinkiness of the idea. She pulled away just long enough to say, “Okay, as long as you delete it after.” She may have been foolish to trust Kylie not to share it anywhere, but she was sure Kylie wasn’t that type of person.

  As she returned to her work, Kylie let out a sigh and sank back onto her elbows as if she was forgetting about the video.

  “Get your phone,” Starshine breathed.

  “Forget it. I don’t want you to stop.”

  “Is it in your pocket?”

  The jeans were within Starshine’s reach. She found the phone and pressed it into Kylie’s hand.

  “Okay, I’m going to start the video,” Kylie said, the phone hovering just above Starshine. A beep told her that the video was starting. “You’re okay with me taping this?”

  Starshine nodded as best as she could, gazing up into the eye of the camera. She could just imagine how she looked down here, wanton and hungry for Kylie. “Mmhmm.”

  Apparently Kylie liked the sound, because she moaned and leaned back again. She balanced on her elbows, and Starshine put her hands on Kylie’s hipbones. She licked eagerly, using her standard moves on Kylie. She liked to learn a woman’s body and figure out how exactly to pleasure that specific woman. She would’ve liked to get there with Kylie, but again, this was only a one-time thing.

  A moment of sadness came over her, and she glanced up at Kylie. One look at that glorious face reminded her she was lucky this was even happening once.

  Kylie’s lips were tight, and Starshine took note of the way her fingers dug into the sheets. Starshine was making her feel good. She took the phone out of Kylie’s hand, although Kylie protested, “What are you doing?”

  Again Starshine freed her mouth to speak. “I want to tape you for a while. You don’t even know how good you look right now.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Kylie said, but she let Starshine direct the camera at her.

  Starshine kept her head in view, holding the camera behind her so the viewer would be able to see her between Kylie’s legs. Then she moved it forward so she could see Kylie’s face and breasts. She looked at the screen, marveling at how faithful it was to real life. She wouldn’t have thought this would be a tenth as hot as the real thing, but the tiny image was amazing.

  “I’m getting close,” Kylie said, her hips bucking under Starshine. Her voice was tight, and Starshine pressed her hips down to hold her from moving everywhere. Starshine let the phone drop to the side and Kylie grabbed it up.

  Starshine wanted to make her come as hard as possible, so she licked harder and faster than ever. Kylie moaned loudly, and Starshine sucked her clit into her mouth and swirled her tongue around. She was going to make this good for Kylie. She’d make sure Kylie had no chance of forgetting this, with or without the video.

  Kylie kept the camera focused on Starshine. “You’re driving me crazy. You’re going to make me come.”

  “Mmm… you’re going to come right now?”

  Kylie’s hips thrust up again, and Starshine didn’t even wait to hear the answer before latching onto Kylie’s clit again. “Yes,” Kylie sighed. “I’m coming. I… you… I’m coming!”

  Starshine kept going, licking until Kylie’s spasms had slowed. Then she moved enough that she could put her hand on her own throbbing clit

  “Shit, you just made my head spin,” Kylie said, rubbing her arm across her forehead. “Get up here and let me return the favor, would you?”

  Starshine had no objection to that. “You want to keep the video going?”

  “Fuck yeah. I want to record what I’m going to do to you. I want to capture every second of your face while I go down on you.”

  Starshine quivered as she climbed up onto the bed, lying down perpendicular to Kylie. Kylie pulled herself onto her elbows between Starshine’s legs. And from there, the video continued.

  It was well into the morning by the time their exploration of each other’s bodies came to a close. Starshine wiped her forehead, reluctant to stop but too exhausted to keep going.

  “It’s been a blast,” Kylie said as she pulled her jeans up over her waist.

  “Yeah.” Starshine tried to sound casual. “You’re going to delete that video?”

  “After I watch it a couple times.”

  Starshine’s face flushed at the thought. The mental image of Kylie touching herself to their recording sent tingles all through her body. “I guess that’s okay.” Even if it was stupid to let her keep the evidence, Starshine’s treacherous lust wouldn’t allow her to insist Kylie delete it.

  “So, see you at work?”

  Starshine wished she could see her outside of work… that she could make Kylie come again and again… that they could do even more next time. But she had to keep her goal in mind. This had been a fun little diversion, but she was a reporter above all else. Doing anything with Kylie was downright dangerous.

  “See you at work,” Starshine said.

  She collapsed into the bed, ready for sleep after eighteen hours of being awake. But with Kylie gone, the bed was cold and empty. She spread her arms and legs, missing the feel of Kylie’s body next to hers.

  As Starshine closed her eyes and tried to sleep, she wished Kylie was still there.


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