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YANNIS (Cretan Saga Book 1)

Page 5

by Beryl Darby

Andreas and Yannis laughed with her, and Andreas began to walk between them, pretending to carry a tray.

  ‘Yes, sir,’ he mimicked. ‘What can I get for you? A coffee? Thank you, sir. Anything to eat, sir? Baklava? Certainly, sir. Now don’t talk and I’ll go and fetch it.’ Andreas flicked back an imaginary piece of hair from his forehead and wiped his hand down his trousers. The two children watching him laughed uproariously and Yiorgo turned round.

  ‘What’s so funny?’

  Yannis wiped his eyes. ‘It was Andreas, pretending to be Mr Pavlakis.’

  Yiorgo smiled. He doubted if he would understand. It was probably some school joke. He had met Mr Pavlakis once and thought him an annoying young man with his habit of pushing back his hair.

  Yannis turned to Annita. ‘He told me he was going to Rome in the summer holidays.’

  ‘Rome?’ Her eyes widened. ‘What for?’

  ‘To see the buildings and art they have there. He’s been to Athens and Egypt. I’m going too.’

  ‘Oh? When?’

  ‘When I’m older and have saved some money,’ said Yannis confidently.

  Yiorgo stepped ashore. ‘Until you two boys have finished mending that net you haven’t even earned your lunch.’ He started to stroll back up the road with Annita dancing along beside him.

  ‘What are you going to do this afternoon?’ asked Andreas.

  ‘Read, I expect.’

  ‘You’re always reading.’

  ‘I enjoy reading. I want to know all about the different places ready for when I visit them.’

  Andreas looked at his cousin in concern. ‘Don’t you like Crete?’

  Yannis smiled. ‘I love it, but I want to see other countries. I want to see where the Venetians came from before they came here and built forts. The Romans came here, the Arabs, the Turks. I want to see why Crete was so much better than their own country.’

  Andreas did not understand. If you loved Crete why bother to go elsewhere? It must be all the reading that made Yannis odd.

  The walk to Elounda, where he would meet Yiorgo, was cold. Maria had accompanied him part of the way, but now he bent his head against the wind as he trudged along the country road alone. It had been good to spend a week with his family. He had been surprised and delighted when Yiorgo had given him a whole drachma to spend before leaving Aghios Nikolaos. He had spent a long time looking in the shops deciding what he should buy as presents. Finally, with Annita’s help, he had chosen hair ribbons for his sisters, coloured marbles for his brothers; a skein of embroidery silk for his mother and a small packet of tobacco for his father. He had been quite unprepared for their joy over the insignificant little gifts and glowed with pleasure at their thanks.

  He was almost as excited to be returning to Aghios Nikolaos as he had been on his first visit and once he was aboard the boat he felt as if he had never been away. Throughout January and February the weather continued to be wet and windy, Yiorgo continually coming home soaked to the skin, began to cough and sneeze. One by one the children caught his cold, staying home from school until the worst was over.

  The term passed uneventfully for Yannis. He had sought out Mr Pavlakis and asked if there was a certain date when applications had to be made to a High School, but Mr Pavlakis had seemed vague and disinterested. Yannis was miserable and when he went to church he prayed long and fervently for a solution to his problem. He could hardly believe his eyes the day he returned from school and saw his father sitting at the table with Yiorgo.

  ‘Pappa! What are you doing here? Is Mamma all right?’

  Yannis senior hugged his son closely to him. ‘Everyone is fine. How you’ve grown since Christmas!’

  Yannis sat down beside his father. ‘Why are you here, Pappa?’

  ‘I was sent for. I had a letter from your teacher asking me to come to Aghios Nikolaos as soon as I could, so here I am.’

  ‘From Mr Pavlakis? What have I done?’

  ‘That I hope to find out when I meet him. I hear you know where to find him in the evening so you’d better lead the way.’ Yannis rose from the table and placed an arm around his son’s shoulders. ‘I don’t think you need to worry too much, though.’

  Yannis led his father through the maze of side streets until he found the shabby taverna. As they entered Mr Pavlakis was in the act of pouring himself a glass of wine.

  ‘Good evening – why, Yannis. What brings you here?’

  ‘This is my father, Mr Pavlakis.’ Yannis felt very nervous.

  Mr Pavlakis held out his hand. ‘I’m pleased to meet you. Won’t you sit down and have a glass of wine with me?’

  ‘Thank you.’ Mr Christoforakis was also feeling nervous. ‘You sent a message to me asking me to come to Aghios Nikolaos to see you about Yannis. Something to do with the High School in Heraklion.’

  Mr Pavlakis nodded. ‘I’ve found out details for you about a scholarship, if you’re willing for Yannis to continue with his education. You may have other plans for him.’

  Yannis’s father drew on his cigarette. ‘How do you feel, Yannis? Do you want to go to High School?’

  ‘Oh, yes, Pappa. I want that more than anything.’

  Yannis senior shrugged. ‘You’ll have to explain to me. I’m a farmer. What does he have to do to go to a High School, and more important, what does he do when he’s finished there?’

  Mr Pavlakis smiled. ‘It’s quite simple. He has to complete some examination papers. If he reaches a high enough standard he will be given a scholarship. That means you will only have to pay for his lodgings and books. What he does afterwards,’ he spread his hands eloquently, ‘that will be up to him. He has a brain, Mr Christoforakis, a good brain, that should be trained and used.’

  ‘If he completes the papers, but doesn’t get a scholarship, what happens then?’

  ‘If he doesn’t gain a scholarship he could still be offered a place, but then you would be asked to pay his fees. You don’t have to accept a place. It would cost a good deal of money. Would you like me to find out the cost involved before you commit yourself to anything?’

  Yannis was sitting on the edge of his chair, willing his father to agree to him taking the examination. His father appeared to be considering as he sipped his glass of wine.

  ‘If he went to Heraklion where would he live?’

  ‘That would be up to you to arrange. Do you have any relatives there?’

  Yannis senior shook his head.

  ‘I could make some enquiries when I next visit the town,’ offered Mr Pavlakis. ‘Let’s see how he gets on before you worry about where he is to live.’

  ‘You’re quite sure, Yannis, that this is what you want?’

  ‘I’m quite sure, Pappa. I want to go on to University as well.’

  Mr Pavlakis smiled. ‘One step at a time, young man.’ He refilled their glasses and handed one to Yannis. ‘To your success with the examination.’

  The glasses clinked and each took a long draught. Yannis felt his head swimming, not from the wine, he was used to drinking wine with his meals, but the thought that he was going to High School. He was convinced that he would pass the examination. He could hardly wait to tell Annita. He excused himself from the men as the taverna began to fill up with its regular customers and ran back across the town to his uncle’s house.

  ‘Annita, Annita,’ he called. ‘I’m going, I’m really going.’

  ‘Where?’ Annita raised her head from her embroidery.

  ‘I’m going to the High School in Heraklion. ‘I have to take an examination first, then I might get a scholarship.’

  ‘Suppose you don’t get one?’

  ‘Pappa can pay for me to go.’

  ‘I thought your Pappa was a poor farmer. Where’s he going to find enough money to send you to High School?’

  Yannis sat down. His world had suddenly begun to crumble around him. ‘Pappa seemed to think he would be able to.’

  Annita snorted. ‘He probabl
y doesn’t know how much it will cost yet.’

  ‘I thought you’d be pleased, Annita. Why are you being horrid?’

  She folded her embroidery together. ‘I’m not being horrid. I just face facts.’ She flounced from the room, leaving Yannis feeling hurt and puzzled.

  Annita walked down to the harbour, hoping Yannis would follow her. She sat on the wall gazing out to sea and tried to think rationally. She had overheard her parents discussing her future with Yannis and since that day she had looked at him in a different light, no longer as her cousin, but as her prospective husband. She had thought Yannis would stay and work in Aghios Nikolaos and in a couple of years they would be married, now he was planning to leave and would probably not want to return and settle down. She sighed deeply. A voice in her ear nearly made her fall off the wall.

  A bearded man was eyeing her. ‘I don’t like to see a beautiful young lady by herself and looking sad. Won’t you join me for a drink?’

  Annita jumped to her feet and ran. Her mother had warned her about such strangers. Her heart was pounding as she reached her home and tumbled inside, slamming the door shut and leaning against it to regain her breath.

  ‘Annita – what’s wrong?’

  ‘A man!’ gasped Annita. ‘He wanted to take me for a drink.’

  ‘What!’ Yannis was horrified. ‘Where is he?’ The boy clenched his fists menacingly.

  ‘I don’t think he followed me. He only asked me to go for a drink. I was only frightened because I didn’t know him. There’s no need to go looking for him.’

  Yannis scrutinized his cousin gravely. ‘He didn’t touch you? He only spoke to you?’

  Annita nodded, she was feeling distinctly braver now she was safely indoors with Yannis. ‘Let’s forget it.’ She smiled a little shakily.

  To her surprise Yannis put his arms round her and held her tightly to him. ‘I couldn’t bear anything to happen to you, Annita.’

  Annita felt a thrill go through her. ‘Do you mean that, Yannis?’

  ‘Of course. You’re as precious to me as one of my sisters. You mustn’t go anywhere on your own in the evening again.’

  ‘I’m sorry you thought I was being nasty to you earlier,’ she apologised humbly.

  ‘You were being nasty,’ retorted Yannis.

  ‘I was just surprised. We’ve talked about it for so long, and now it seems to be happening.’

  ‘I have to get the scholarship first. You’re right, Pappa probably has no idea how much the fees would be. I expect he’ll want me to go back to Plaka to help on the farm during the summer. Maybe I’ll change my mind and become a farmer after all.’ Yannis smiled, knowing that nothing would make him change his mind.

  ‘I wouldn’t mind being a farmer’s wife.’ Annita could have bitten her tongue for the indiscreet remark.

  Yannis appeared not to notice. ‘You’ve never been on a farm. You don’t know how hard the work is, much harder than fishing. You don’t ever have a day off because the weather’s bad. Maybe you and Andreas could come and visit us during the holidays.’

  Annita smiled. ‘I’d like that.’

  ‘Let’s go and find Pappa now and ask him about the holidays.’ Yannis took Annita by the hand.

  Annita agreed readily and they toiled up the hill and down the far side, Yannis avoiding the back streets, which were a short cut. Annita had not been to the taverna before and wrinkled her nose in disgust as they entered, the smell of wine, smoke and stale food assaulting her nostrils. Yannis was sitting where his son had left him and Mr Pavlakis was working behind the bar where a young girl sat at the end looking thoroughly bored. Every so often she would be handed some coins, which she placed in a pot and gave the correct change.

  Yannis approached his father. ‘Are you ready to go home, Pappa? I thought you might not know your way, so Annita and I came to meet you.’

  ‘That was thoughtful of you, but this is no place for Annita. Go and wait for me outside, both of you. I’ll just say goodbye to Mr Pavlakis.’

  The cousins retreated from the smoky interior; glad to be back in the fresh air and after a short time Yannis’s father joined them.

  ‘We wanted to ask you a favour, Pappa. When school finishes here will you want me to come back to the farm to work before I go to High School, if I get a place, that is?’

  ‘It would certainly help. What had you in mind?’

  ‘I wondered if Annita and Andreas could come also.’

  ‘I see no reason why they shouldn’t, if Yiorgo and Elena don’t need them.’

  Annita clapped her hands. ‘Thank you, uncle Yannis, that would be lovely.’

  Yannis’s father smiled at her exuberance. ‘I don’t think you’ll find it very exciting. We haven’t all the shops that you have here.’

  ‘I don’t mind. It will be different.’

  Elena was in the kitchen preparing fresh coffee. ‘Is Andreas with you?’ she asked of Annita as they entered.

  Annita shook her head. ‘I’ve been with Yannis to meet his father.’

  ‘Where has he got to?’

  ‘I expect he’s at a friend’s house.’ Annita dismissed her brother. ‘Mamma, please say yes, uncle Yannis says that Andreas and I can go and stay on the farm during the holidays.’

  Andreas entered quietly, but his mother noticed him. ‘Where have you been?’

  ‘I’m sorry, Mamma. I was with some friends and we were talking. It was later than I realised.’

  ‘Andreas, would you like to go to Plaka and stay on the farm with Yannis during the holidays?’ asked Annita.

  ‘I’m sure I should enjoy it very much. I’ve never been on a farm.’

  ‘To bed, young man, or you won’t be going anywhere,’ Elena said firmly and Andreas disappeared obediently. ‘You two should also be in bed,’ she continued, turning to Annita and Yannis. ‘Yannis you will have to share Andreas’s mattress tonight as your Pappa is having yours.’

  Yannis nodded. ‘I don’t mind. I’ll go up now, and then I won’t disturb Andreas. Goodnight, Pappa, and thank you. I’ll see you in the morning.’

  ‘Would you mind having them in the holidays?’ asked Elena when she was finally alone with her cousin.

  ‘Not a bit, they’ll be able to help around the farm. You’ve been so good to Yannis that it won’t hurt us to show a bit of hospitality to your children. He’s a lucky boy. Mr Pavlakis thinks he shows great promise and has every hope of him gaining a scholarship. Tell me, do you have any relatives in Heraklion? If Yannis does go there he’ll have to stay somewhere and I know no one.’

  Elena shook her head. ‘I can’t think of anyone. I’ll ask Yiorgo tomorrow. We may as well go to bed. There’s no telling what time he’ll be back.’ She began to clear the table of coffee cups and stack them in the kitchen. ‘What time do you plan to leave tomorrow?’

  ‘Don’t worry about me. I’ll be up with the sun. I’ll see Yannis before I leave, but if Yiorgo is sleeping late I shan’t disturb him. We had a chat today. I’d like to be back in Plaka by mid-day, so I’ll have to make an early start.’ Yannis held out his hand to Elena. ‘I’d like to thank you, Elena. You’ve been like a mother to Yannis. We do appreciate it.’

  ‘Go on with you,’ Elena was embarrassed. ‘He’s a nice boy; besides it’s given him and Annita time to get to know each other. They’ve become as thick as thieves. I think that match will work out well.’

  Yannis held his breath and crossed his fingers behind his back.

  ‘I’ve had a letter from the High School. I’m pleased to say that you have been accepted and gained a full scholarship.’

  Yannis sat back on the desk behind him, his legs no longer able to support him. ‘Thank you, sir,’ he managed to whisper, then realisation dawned and a broad grin spread over his face. ‘It’s wonderful!’

  ‘You’ve worked hard for it. Don’t think it’s the end of the road, you’ll have to continue to work hard for the next few years if you want to get
anywhere in life. Have you any ideas for a career?’

  Yannis shook his head. ‘I don’t know. Something to do with history I think.’

  Mr Pavlakis nodded. ‘A wise choice, but don’t force yourself into a career. You are one of the few who will be able to choose their occupation. Now, something else before you go; I’ve been giving serious thought to you going to Heraklion. Your father said you have no relatives there that you could stay with.’

  ‘That’s true. We’re quite a small family really. I suppose I’ll have to find a room somewhere.’

  ‘I’ve lived on my own in a strange town and it’s a very lonely experience. This is confidential at the moment, Yannis, but I am also leaving at the end of this term and taking up a position in Heraklion. I wondered how you and your parents would feel if I tried to find rooms for us in the same house? We could be a certain amount of company for each other until we found our feet and made our own friends.’

  ‘I would really appreciate that and I’m sure my parents would, too.’ At this moment Yannis did not care where he would live.

  Mr Pavlakis picked up his books from his desk and held out his hand. ‘Congratulations on your success, and let’s hope I manage to find somewhere suitable to stay together. I shall go to Heraklion during the holidays and look around. When I’ve found something I’ll pay you a visit in Plaka and talk to your parents.’

  ‘I’m sure they’ll be very grateful.’

  ‘Come along then, I must go or I shall be late for work.’

  Mr Pavlakis walked rapidly away from his pupil who watched him out of sight before walking slowly back to his uncle’s cottage. His dreams had come true. He was going to High School. His imagination began leaping ahead of him, finishing High School and going to University in Athens, finishing University and becoming famous. How proud of him his parents would be!

  Annita was helping with the washing when he arrived. She looked at him a little fearfully. ‘Why did Mr Pavlakis want you?’

  ‘Why do you think?’

  ‘You’ve a scholarship to High School?’

  Yannis clasped his cousin around her waist, the wet washing between them. ‘I’ve passed and I’m really going! Isn’t it the most marvellous thing that has ever happened?’


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