Page 93
Guggenheim, Meyer, 163–64
Guggenheim Fund tour, 165, 167–71
Guitry, Sacha, Lindbergh, 151
Gurney, Harlan “Bud,” 64, 73, 80, 85, 86, 501–2
Halaby, Najeeb E., 519
Haleakala National Park, 536
Hall, Donald, 98–99, 102, 105
Hana, Hawaii, 533; Lindbergh’s death in, 554–60
Hanchett, John, 557, 560–61
Hanson, Christiana, 20. See also Lodge, Christiana Hanson
Harcourt, Alfred, 335, 405, 456
Harcourt, Brace, Publishers, 335–36, 456
Hardin, Charles and Kathryn, 66
Harding, Warren, 48
Harrison, Benjamin, 179
Harrison, C. S., 14
Harrison, Thomas, 539–40
Hart, Merwin K., 409, 429
Hauck, Anthony, Jr., 309, 330
Hauptmann, Anna Schoeffler, 299, 300, 303, 320–21, 327–28, 333, 337, 352
Hauptmann, Bruno Richard, 298–304; execution of, 351–52; guilty verdict of, 333, 338; public support for, 350–51; trial of, 304, 306–35
Hawaii, 531–36, 551; burial plot in, 550; Lindbergh’s death in, 554–60
Hawks, E. M., 281
Hayes (Cardinal of New York), 157
Hayward, Leland, 501
Hayward, “Slim,” 501
Hearst, William Randolph, 160, 162–63, 345, 422
Heart surgery, 221
Heatter, Gabriel, 307
Heinkel, Ernst, 377
Helicopter, German, 368
Henderson (aviator), 70
Hepburn, Katharine, 507
Hermes (British airplane carrier), 231
Herrick, Agnes, 138, 139
Herrick, Myron T., 3, 129, 130–31, 135, 137–42, 145, 167
Herrick, Parmely, 131
Herron, Mrs. Robert, 28
Hertzberg, Sidney, 413
Hibben, John Grier, 221, 246–47
Hickel, Walter J., 532, 536
High-altitude flying, 446–48
Hitler, Adolf, 359–62, 370, 375; award to Lindbergh, 378; Lindbergh’s views of, 367–68, 376, 382, 464–65, 469–70
Hochmuth, Amandus, 316–17
Hoffman, Harold G., 338, 340, 350–52
Homeopathic medicine, 19
Homesteading, 13–15
Homoeopathic Observer, 19
Honors: to Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 335, 584n; to Elizabeth Morrow, 366
—to Lindbergh, 154–55, 157–59, 160–61, 169, 173, 175, 485–88; Belgium, 146–47; Canada, 166; China, 232; England, 148–49; France, 140–44; German medal, 377–79, 381; Latin America, 174–75; Philippines, 540; Pulitzer Prize, 490; Romania, 283
Hoover, Herbert, 163, 246, 247, 399, 429
Hoover, J. Edgar, 246
Hopewell, New Jersey, Lindbergh home in, 219–20, 233, 278, 280, 283, 590n;
kidnapping from, 237–75
Hopf, Otto, 224
Horsfall, Jessie, 113
Houghton, Alanson B., 147–48
Hour of Gold, Hour of Lead, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 547
Howell, Milton, 553–54, 556, 558, 559, 561–62
Hudson, Erastus Mead, 328
Hughes, Charles Evans, 155, 159
Hull, Cordell, 374
Human flight, 60–62. See also Aviation
Humphries, Joe, 121–22
The Hungarian Jew, 277
Hurley, Charles Lindbergh, 136
Hussman, Henry, 106
Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 411, 473, 516
Hutchinson, Donald, 450
Hyman, George, 548
Iceland, survey trip to, 286–87
Ickes, Harold L., 380, 406, 418, 423–24, 436
Illiec, Brittany, 371, 373
Income of Lindbergh, 161–65, 191–92, 235
India, 363–65
Indonesia, 527–28
Ingersoll, Ralph, 409
Institute of Man, 349; Pétain and, 403
Instrument flying, 89
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), 525–26, 540
Inventions, 336–37; “sky hook,” 285
Invitations, 140–45, 283, 515–19, 544–45
Ireland, 362–63
Irey, Elmer, 263, 267
Irvin Parachute Company, 83
“Is Civilization Progress?” Lindbergh, 525
Italy, 363
James, Edwin L., 129, 137–38
Japan, 228–29; postwar visit to, 476–77
Jet aircraft, 474–75; commercial flights, 519
Jews, 358–59, 429, 445, 526; and America First, 413; Germany and, 379, 381; Lindbergh and, 385–86, 393, 425–28
Job offers, 66, 152; postwar, 496
Johnson, Henry “Red,” 239, 251–52, 315, 316
Johnson, Hugh, 411
Johnson, Lady Bird, 516, 518
Johnson, Luther A., 414
Johnson, Lyndon B., 516, 518, 537
Jones, Casey, 106–7, 117
Jones, Thomas, 372, 377
Jönsdotter, Ingar, 10. See also Månsson, Ingar
Journal kept by Lindbergh, 368–69, 374, 379, 383, 387, 394, 432, 443; publication of, 545; unpublished excerpt from, 386, 393; view of Hitler in, 465; wartime atrocities mentioned in, 466–69
Jovanovich, William, 385, 545, 553, 554–55
Jung, Carl Gustav, 511
Jung, Harry, 419
Jury in Hauptmann trial, 310–12, 318, 332–34, 338
Kahaleuahi, Joseph “Tevi,” 551, 556–57, 561
Kahula, Henry, 558, 561, 562
Kaufman, Beatrice, 445
Kaufman, George S., 445
Keaten, Arthur T. “Buster,” 242, 249, 298–99
Keith, J. M., 263
Kellogg, Frank B., 45
Kelly, Frank A., 242, 245
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 516, 517
Kennedy, John F., 516–17
Kennedy, Joseph P., 372, 375, 379, 384
Kennerley, Mitchell, 151
Kenney, George C., 451
Kenya, visit to, 522–23
Keyhoe, Donald, 168, 512
Keys, Clement M., 109, 189
Kidder, A. V. (archaeologist), 210
Kidnapping: fear of, 249
—of Lindbergh baby, 7, 237–75, 334; attempts to solve, 279–80; Lindbergh family and, 503–4; solution to, 296–304
Kilgallen, Dorothy, 308
Kimball, James H., 109, 110
Kipahulu, Hawaii, 534
Kirk, Alan G., 464
Kiss, Louis, 328
Kissane, Emma, 19. See also Lodge, Emma Kissane
Kline, Svea, 455
Klink, Leon, 73; letter from Lindbergh, 75
Knight, Harry Hall, 95, 96, 99, 103, 106, 110, 160; and commercial aviation, 188
Knox, Frank, 436
Koehler, Arthur, 280, 296–97, 302, 321–23, 335
Koenig, Theodore, 362
Konchellah, Jilin ole “John,” 521–23
“Kristallnacht,” 379
Krock, Arthur, 384–85, 389
Kusterer, Milburn, 167–68
La Chambre, Guy, 374, 381
Laemmle, Carl, 162
La Follette (Senator), 45
LaFond, Harriet and Moses, 17
LaFond, Mary, 17. See also Lindbergh, Mary LaFond
Lamb, John J., 242
Lambert, Albert Bond, 82, 86, 93
Lambert, Myrtle, 86
Lambert, Wooster, 93
Lambert Field, 80, 82–83, 85, 106
Lamont, Corliss, 182, 185, 198, 407, 462, 506
Lamont, Thomas W., 180, 181, 263, 366–67
Land, Charles “Brother,” Jr. (uncle), 21, 40, 41, 46, 48, 443; death of, 513
Land, Charles Henry (grandfather), 20–21, 40, 57; death of, 67–68; patents, 573n
Land, Emory Scott “Jerry,” 22, 254, 438
Land, Evangeline Lodge (grandmother), 21, 40; death of, 48
Land, Evangeline Lodge (mother), 21–23. See als
o Lindbergh, Evangeline Lodge Land
Landon, Alf, 429
Lane, Kenneth, 110, 114
Langley, Samuel P., 61
Lanigan, Joseph, 309
Lanphier, Thomas G., 155
Lao-tzu, 471
Large, George K., 309, 313, 332
Larson, Bruce, 546–47
Latin America, 172–75, 209
Lawrance, Charles, 109
Leakey, Louis S. B. and Mary, 523
Lecomte du Noüy, Pierre, 354
Lee, Raymond L., 373
Lend-lease bill, 413, 416
Lerner, Max, 526
Leverich, Lyle, 430–31
Levine, Charles, 96, 97, 107, 110, 150
Lewis, Fulton, Jr., 393, 397
Lewis, Kathryn, 412
Lewis, Sinclair, Main Street, 28
Liberator bombers (B-24Cs), 440, 444
Liberty magazine, 379, 428, 440–41
Life magazine, 420, 526, 528, 547
Lilienthal, Gustav and Otto, 61
Lincoln, Nebraska, 64
Lincoln Standard Aircraft, 63–65
Lindbergh, Alika Watteau, 531
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 7, 237, 280, 335, 361–62, 364, 371, 372–73, 379, 383, 389, 424–25, 510, 523–25, 542, 545; and Atchley, 506–9; and aviation, 205, 207–8; childbirth, 217, 281–82, 366, 408, 442, 478; Florida vacations, 400–401, 416–17; and Hauptmann trial, 311–14, 318–19, 329–30, 333; and Hawaii, 534–36; and husband’s death, 555–62; and husband’s writings, 488, 489–92; invitations to, 518–19; and kidnapping of baby, 237–75, 277; life during war, 455–56, 462–63; marriage relationship, 203–4, 206, 214, 305, 330, 337, 353, 390, 392–93, 404–5, 407, 439, 457–58, 479–80, 491–95, 497, 509, 510, 515, 524, 531, 535, 547–48, 550; and motherhood, 219–20, 227, 232–33, 237, 480; move to England, 345–54; personality of, 481–82, 506; and politics, 396, 397, 399, 425, 427, 469; pregnancies of, 214–16, 235, 236–37, 363, 401, 439; psychotherapy of, 494–95; and Saint-Exupery, 391–93, 403, 404, 457; and son Scott, 506, 531, 552; surgery of, 481, 512–13; travels of, 226–32, 285–90; widowhood of, 562
Lindbergh, Anne Spencer “Ansy,” 408, 479–80, 503, 505, 512, 515; and mother’s affair, 507. See also Feydy, Anne Lindbergh
Lindbergh, August (grandfather), 13–17, 572n. See also Månsson, Ola
Lindbergh, Barbara Robbins, 504, 524
Lindbergh, Charles August (father), 13, 15–17, 22, 24, 29, 38–39, 68–69; as congressman, 34–38, 42–45, 48, 181, 358; death of, 74–76; estate of, 76–77; financial reverses of, 30–31, 57, 58–59; marriage relationship, 24–26, 30–31, 32, 36–39, 47; politics of, 32–36, 48–50; senatorial campaign of, 45, 71–72; and son, 27–28, 29, 38, 42, 59, 63
Lindbergh, Charles Augustus, 5–8, 25–26, 38–39, 43, 165–67, 176–77, 192–93, 277, 305, 339, 348–49, 352, 400, 433, 461, 462, 495; and anti-Semitism, 379, 380, 381; appearance of, 56, 158; attacks on, 379–80; cancer of, 549–54; childhood of, 27–34, 36–44; death of, 554–60; education of, 41–42, 50, 54–57, 59–60; family background of, 10–27, 33–34; and fatherhood, 217–18, 219–20, 232–35, 479–80, 504–6, 512, 529–31; flying mishaps of, 65, 71–72, 79, 83, 88–89, 199–200, 231, 447; and Germany, 355–62, 368, 370, 374–76, 378–79; government work of, after war, 474–78; and Hawaii, 533–36; income of, 191–92; interrogation of, by government, 294–95; move to England, 340–41, 345–55, 365–67, 371–73; opposition to war, 386–432; personality of, 33–34, 77–78, 86, 90, 480–81, 544; philosophy of, 8–9, 365, 471, 474, 484–85, 520–21, 525–26, 528; politics of, 381–83, 390–400, 470–71, 473–74, 477; and Roosevelt, 292–94, 296; and Saint-Exupéry, 392–93, 404; as stunt flier, 82–84; wartime service of, 434–55, 463–70, 603n; as young adult, 54–80; youth of, 36–53; wills of, 85, 201, 553
–and Anne, 186–87, 193–202; honeymoon of, 203–4; marriage relationship of, 7, 329–30, 353, 441–42, 480–83, 506–7, 513, 547–48; psychotherapy of, 494–95; writing of, 335–36, 404, 405
—interests of, 208–14, 220–25, 353–54; medical experiments, 336–37; mystical, 365; rocket science, 472; scientific, 279, 285, 348–50, 360, 373
—and kidnapping of baby, 238–75, 302–3; Hauptmann trial, 309–15, 329–30, 333–35
—transatlantic flight of, 3–5, 90–131, 366–67; Paris reception after, 128–31, 135–46; popularity after, 135–77
—travels of, 46, 226–32, 283–90, 337–38, 362–65, 367–69, 510–32, 538–45; diplomatic missions, 375–79, 381; Pacific expedition, 226–32; Pan Am inspection tours, 496–97, 499, 520; South American tour, 214–15; in youth, 43–44, 46–48, 58
Lindbergh, Charles Augustus, Jr., 218, 219–20, 227–28, 232–33, 236; kidnapping of, 237–75
Lindbergh, Christine (granddaughter), 505
Lindbergh, Evangeline “Eva” (sister), 17, 18, 23, 25, 33, 34, 36–37. See also Christie, Eva Lindbergh
Lindbergh, Evangeline Lodge Land (mother), 24–26, 28–31, 36–37, 51, 53–54, 57, 59, 63, 68, 160, 192, 227, 232, 338, 443, 471; death of, 498; and husband’s death, 75–77; marriage relationship, 37–39, 41; in Mexico, 173–74; and step-daughters, 36–37, 46–47
—and son, 85; education of, 41–42; enlistment of, 73; flying of, 64, 79; marriage of, 197, 201; transatlantic flight of, 101, 104, 108, 110, 117, 127, 131, 136, 139, 152–53, 156–58
Lindbergh, Frank, (son of August), 17–18
Lindbergh, Jon, 283, 291, 339, 353, 373, 480, 504–5, 526, 537, 548; Africa trip of, 524; and father’s death, 551, 554–62
Lindbergh, Land, 366, 480, 505, 512, 514, 524, 548; and father’s death, 555–56, 559–61
Lindbergh, Lillian (sister), 23, 17, 18, 25, 33, 34, 36–37; death of, 46
Lindbergh, Louisa Carline (grandmother), 13–15, 572n
Lindbergh, Måns and Per (sons of August), 14
Lindbergh, Mary LaFond, 17–18
Lindbergh, Reeve, 478, 503, 506, 524, 529, 548; and mother’s affair, 507, 508–9
Lindbergh, Scott, 442, 480, 505–6, 512, 524; and father’s death, 555, 559
—conflict with father, 530–31, 548–49; reconciliation of, 552–53
Lindbergh, Susan Miller, 512. See also Miller, Susan
Lindbergh (play), Guitry, 151
Lindbergh children, 480, 503–6, 524, 548; and father’s illness, 552–53; sex education of, 529
“Lindbergh Flies Alone,” Anderson, 122–23
Lindbergh name, 572n
Lindbergh Pump, 336–37, 360
“Lindbergh’s Character Factors,” 170–71
Lindbergh’s National Farmer, 50
Lindy Hop, 151
Lin Yutang, 382
Lippmann, Walter, 178, 295, 296
Lisi, Soeur (governess), 390
Listen! The Wind, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 369, 371, 383; Saint-Exupéry preface to, 391
Literary Digest, 358
Little Cloud (Sioux), 14
Little Falls, Minnesota, 16–18, 22–23, 50, 136, 169, 337, 421, 486, 538; Lindbergh home in, 24–25, 31; Lindbergh State Park, 544
The Little Prince, Saint-Exupéry, 391
The Little School, 215, 233, 339
Liu, J. Heng, 230–31
Lloyd’s of London, 104, 116, 126
Locke, Eugene, 411
Lockheed Sirius, 215–16; modifications to, 226, 284–85; Pacific expedition, 227, 228–31
Lodge, Christiana Hanson, 20
Lodge, Edwin Albert (grandfather), 18–20
Lodge, Emma Kissane, 19, 20
Lodge, Evangeline, 20, 21. See also Land, Evangeline Lodge
Lodge, John Christian, 20
Loines, Margot, 366. See also Morrow, Margot Loines
The Lone Scout of the Sky, West, 151
Long Barn (Nicolson’s cottage), 346–47, 352–54, 363, 365–66, 369
Long Island, Lindbergh homes in, 389, 401, 424–25
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 412
Lord, James, 507
Louis IX, King of France, 81
Love, Philip R. “Red,” 86, 87, 93, 168, 170, 284, 438, 461
Lovell, James, 537
Lovett, Robert A., 436, 439
“Lucky Lindy,” 169
Lundeen, Ernest, 36, 410
Lupica, Benny, 248
Lyle, Walter, 298
Lyman, Lauren “Deak,” 316, 340–41, 345, 448
Lynch, J. H. “Cupid,” 66, 67
McCarran, Patrick, 411
MacArthur, Douglas, 452, 454–55
McCormick, Robert R., 408
McCoy, Frank Ross, 370
MacCracken, William P., 163
MacDonald, Carlyle, 131, 137–38, 141–42, 150; book about Lindbergh, 165
MacDonald, Charles, 450, 453–54, 461
McGuire, Thomas B., Jr., 450, 454, 461
Machinery, Lindbergh and, 288
Mackay, Clarence, 158
McLean, Evalyn Walsh, 253–54, 265, 269
McNamara, Robert S., 519
McWilliams, Joseph, 419
Maddux, Jack, 206–7
Madison, Wisconsin, 54–55
Mahoney, Benjamin Franklin, 98, 109
Mail, air transport of. See Airmail
Main Street, Lewis, 28
Malik, Adam, 527
Malinin, Theodore I., 528
Malone, Dudley Field, 260
Maloney, Jim, 121
Malraux, André, 516, 517
Man, the Unknown, Carrel, 336, 373
Månsson, Ingar, 11–12
Månsson, Karl August, 12
Månsson, Ola, 10–13; homesite of, 287. See also Lindbergh, August
Maps for transatlantic flight, 101–2
Marcos, Ferdinand, 540, 542
Marcos, Imelda, 550
Marines, Lindbergh and, 449–50
Marksmanship of Lindbergh, 56
Marquand, Adelaide, 420, 445, 481, 493
Marquand, John P., 445, 484, 485, 493
Martha’s Vineyard, 425; Lindbergh home on, 439
Masai people, 521–23
Maui News, 558
Maurois, André, 351
Max (Brussels Burgomaster), 146–47
Maximum range cruise, 603n
Mayo, Charles and William, 74–75
Mayo Clinic, medical experiments, 446–47
Means, Gaston, 253–54, 265, 269
Media, 6; and Hauptmann trial, 306, 307–8, 314, 318, 329; Jews and, 429
—and Lindberghs, 7, 176, 247, 290, 296, 336, 369, 384–85; Jon Lindbergh, 339–40. See also Press
Medical research, 528
Meier, Fred C., 285
Meigs, Merrill, 440, 606n
Memphis (U.S. cruiser), 149–50, 152, 153
Mencken, H. L., 308, 350
Merkel, Otto, 381
Merriam, Frank, 205
Merriam, John C., 208