Page 95
Sunday Express, 137
Supersonic aircraft, 519, 538
Sutherland, Richard K., 451–52
Swayze, Walter H., 273
Sweden: family background in, 10–12; survey trip to, 287
Switzerland, Lindberghs in, 511–14
Symington, W. Stuart, 475–76
Taft, William Howard, 35, 43
Talbott, Harold, 476, 487
Taliesin West, 482
Tamaraw (wild buffalo), 539–40
“Tam o’ the Scoots,” 52
Tanzania, visit to, 522
Tarbell, Ida, 35
Tasaday people, 542–43
Taufa-ahau Tupou IV, King of Tonga, 539
Television, 518; and kidnapping, 247
“Tellina” (Darien house), 534. See also Darien, Connecticut, Lindbergh home in
Test pilot, Lindbergh as, 8, 448, 461
Thayer, Robert, 256
Thiemann, August W., 88
Thomas, Ambroise, 371
Thomas, Lowell, Jr., 532
Thomas, Norman, 410, 420, 428
Thompson, Daniel, 51, 72
Thompson, Dorothy, 358; attacks on Lindberghs, 397, 406, 420, 421; and Saint-Exupéry, 403
Thompson, Earl, 92–93
Thor (police dog), 280, 282, 305, 347, 443
Thoreau, Henry David, 520
Thorpe, Jim, 602n
Threats after Hauptmann verdict, 339
Thunderbolts (P-47 airplanes), 447–48
Tichenor, Frank, 113, 114–15
Time magazine, 175, 236, 337, 390, 420, 428
Timm, Otto, 64
Tincher, John, 558–59, 561, 562
Tingmissartoq (Lockheed Sirius), 286–91, 539
Tobacco, Lindbergh and, 57
Toklas, Alice B., 382
Toynbee, Arnold, 362
Trailer, gift from Ford, 443–44, 478
Transatlantic air routes, surveying of, 284–90
Transatlantic flight, 3–5, 90–109, 112–29, 366–67; commercial airlines and, 354
Transcontinental air passenger service, 188
Transcontinental Air Transport (TAT), 189–90, 207; cross-country service, 204–6
Transcontinental and Western Air, 207. See also TWA
Trans World Airlines. See TWA
Treasure Island, 493–94
Trenchard, Thomas W., 308, 309, 310–33 passim, 339
Trendley, John M., 328
Trenton State Gazette, 271
Trippe, Betty, 209
Trippe, Juan Terry, 114, 191, 209, 289, 437, 497, 519
A Trip to Lourdes, Carrel, 462
Trotti, Lamar, 158
Truman administration and Lindbergh, 463
Truman Doctrine, 477
Trust funds, 529
Tufele-Faiaoga (High Chief, Samoa), 527
Turrou, L. G., 301
TWA (Trans World Airlines), 207, 284, 292, 293, 295–96, 353–54, 383
Udall, Stewart, letter from Lindbergh, 520
Udet, Ernst, 214, 359, 368, 377, 381
Udjung Kulon, Indonesia, 527–28
Uellendahl, E. H., 466–68
Umlauf, L. B., 118
The Unicorn and Other Poems, Ann Morrow Lindbergh, 499–500
United Aircraft, Lindbergh and, 448, 456, 461
United Airlines, 295; last flight of, 554
United States government, 163; Bureau of Aeronautics, 175; opposition to Lindbergh, 436–38
University of Wisconsin, 54–57, 59–60
Unpopularity of Lindbergh, 383, 407, 415–16, 428
Vacuum Oil Company, 106, 170
Vaillant, George, 463
Valentine, Alan, 411
Valentine, Lucia, 535, 547
Vallandigham, Clement L., 418
Vandenberg, Hoyt, 476
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Jr., 415
Van Ingen, Philip, 273, 282
Vaughan, Guy, 437
Vaughan, J. Wray, 83–84
Vietnam War, Lindbergh’s views on, 529–30
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 412
Visions during transatlantic flight, 124–25
Vitamin Food Company, 110
von Braun, Wernher, 466
von Henke, August, 328
Voyageurs National Park, 538
V-2 rockets, 466—67, 469, 472
Vultee, Jerry, 214
Wahgoosh (dog), 46, 51, 52–53, 227, 241, 280
Wales, Prince of, 149. See also Windsor, Duke of
Walker, James J., 156–57
Walker, Mary “Melly,” 184
Wallace, DeWitt, 395, 406
Wall Street and transatlantic flight, 126
Wanamaker, Rodman, 110
War, Lindbergh and, 365, 367, 370, 375, 386, 390, 394–97
Warner, Edward P., 163
Warner, Jack, 502–3
Warner Brothers and Lindbergh film, 502–3
Wartime Journals, Lindbergh, 385, 545–46
War Within and Without, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 547
Washington, D.C., 34, 42–43, 152–55
Watteau, Alika, 530–31
The Wave of the Future, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 405–7
“We,’ Lindbergh, 166–67, 192, 488
Weather stations, commercial aviation and, 190
Webb, James, 537
Webster, Edwin, 434
Wedemeyer, A. C., 421
The Week, 372, 376–77
Wefald, Knut, 68
Weill, Kurt, “Der Lindberghflug,” 151
Weiss, Pierre, 130
Wendel, Paul, 351
West, James E., 247; The Lone Scout of the Sky, 151
West Point (Military Academy), Dwight Morrow and, 178–79
Westport, Connecticut, Lindbergh home in, 456–58
Whalen, Grover A., 156, 157
Whales, 526–27
Whateley, Aloysius “Olly,” 220, 237–41, 279
Whateley, Elsie, 220, 237–38, 239, 241, 282
“What Substitute For War?,” Lindbergh, 395, 400
Wheeler, Burton K., 410
Wheeler, Mrs. Burton K., 412, 419
Wheelock, John Hall, 489
Whipple, Sidney, 331
White, William Allen, 407
Whited, Millard, 250
Whitehead, Ennis, 450
White House, night spent in, 516–17
Whitman, Alden, 540, 541–42, 562
“Who Are the War Agitators?” (speech), 425
Why Is Your Country at War?, C. A. Lindbergh, 49, 408
Wilder, Billy, 500–502
Wilderness, Lindbergh and, 400
Wilentz, David T., 303, 308–9, 312–32 passim, 351
Wilentz, Robert, 309
Williams, G. Mennen, 540
Williamson, Charles, 241, 271
Willkie, Wendell, 407, 428
Willow Run, Ford plant, 438–46
Wilson, Eugene, 438, 447
Wilson, Hugh, 377, 378
Wilson, Orville, 271
Wilson, Woodrow, 35, 43, 48
Winchell, Walter, 308, 311, 384, 409, 418, 429
Wind, Sand and Stars, Saint-Exupéry, 391
Windsor, Duke of, 382. See also Edward VIII, King of England
Winston, Bill, 74
Witnesses in Hauptmann trial, 313–29
Wolf, Joseph A., 240, 241, 245
Wolfe, Harry, 241
Wolff, Helen, 510, 511
Wolff, Kurt, 497–98, 510, 511
Women, Lindbergh and, 192–93
Wood, Louis E., 448
Wood, Robert S., 411, 417, 423, 429–30, 431, 433; letters from Lindbergh, 437, 513
Woodring, Harry Hines, 387
Woollcott, Alexander, 325
Wooster, Stanton, 93, 97, 104
World War I, 44–45, 48–49; and aviation, 62; Lindbergh farm and, 50–51
World War II, Lindbergh’s service in, 8
World Wildlife Fund, 525–26, 551
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 410, 482, 496
p; Wright, Orville, 486
Wright, Wilbur, 61
Wright Aeronautical Corporation, 94
Writings: by Anne Morrow, 183, 184, 193–94, 206; about Lindbergh, 151
—by Anne Lindbergh, 291, 305, 319, 335–36, 371, 401, 492, 498, 531, 547, 584n; criticism of, 499–500; isolationist politics of, 404–7; Listen! The Wind, 369, 371; poetry, 499–500; postwar, 482–83
—by Lindbergh, 33, 369, 371, 385, 395, 488, 528, 545–46; environmental issues, 525; postwar, 483–85
Wyche, John, 69–70
Younghusband, Francis, 364
Zaphiro, Denis, 522, 524
Zukor, Adolph, 144