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Not Broken: True Destiny, Book 5

Page 9

by Dana Marie Bell

  “Ah.” Sylvia glanced behind him toward the Avenger, biting her lip. Her confused expression had cleared. “C’mon, Syd. I can use some help baking cookies.”

  Syd’s head slowly lifted off her chest. “You want to poison him?”

  Magnus choked out a laugh before he could stifle it.

  From the glare Sylvia shot him she’d heard it. “I’m not that bad a cook.”

  Syd stared at her, her jaw hanging open.

  Magnus just turned his back to them both, terrified his soon-to-be lover would see his fight to control his laughter. She might decide to get even with him by making him something to eat. Sylvia had the urge to take care of everyone around her, and for the most part she did a wonderful job. But if he had any say in it, she’d be banned from the kitchen for eternity. She was an absolute disaster where food prep was involved. It was a good thing he had several food delivery places on speed dial, or he would have starved long ago. Not even Logan could take something Sylvia had cooked and make it edible, and the man could be considered a master chef.

  Apparently Syd was braver than he was because she had no trouble teasing Sylvia. “I’m just saying, it’s a good thing Slade can eat hay.”

  “Hmph.” Sylvia’s tone was disgusted. “See if I ever make you mango pudding again.”

  He turned just as Syd did a triumphant fist pump. Unable to hold back his laughter, he tried to grab hold of Sylvia, only laughing harder when she started to smack his arm. “Sweetheart, I think it’s safe to say your talents lie outside the kitchen.”

  She snarled like a cute little kitten.

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Aw, sweetie. You’re so cute when you’re trying to be mean.”

  She huffed and puffed, but eventually she settled down against him. “I hate you all.”

  “Mm-hm.” Magnus was far too busy enjoying the feel of her in his arms to argue with her. He settled his cheek against the top of her head and closed his eyes, humming happily under his breath.

  “You suck.”

  “Mm-hm.” He rocked her back and forth, swaying gently in time with the music of their heartbeats.

  She sighed deeply and relaxed in his arms. “Damn it.”

  He chuckled. “You sound so disgusted with yourself.”

  “I caved like a spineless jellyfish, all because you hummed.”

  So instead of the tuneless nothing he’d been doing he started humming “The Gummy Bear Song”.

  She didn’t react at all in the way he’d expected. She pulled free and, instead of laughing (or beating on him), she took one look at Syd and started singing.

  The two women danced around each other, head banging when they sang the beba bi duba duba yum yum part of the song until he was laughing so hard he was clutching his sides. They looked utterly ridiculous, dancing some strange Snoopy dance and flopping around like idiots.

  He’d never seen Sylvia like this, playing and being silly and just loving life. She was flushed, smiling and laughing, at ease in her own skin despite the fact that she looked like she had some weird floppy head disorder. When she Muppet-flailed he finally understood what women meant when they said they would die from cuteness overload.

  She was absolutely adorkable and having the time of her life. He needed to make sure she got more moments like these, where she felt comfortable enough to just let go and let her inner geek out to play.

  “What the fuck did you do to them?” Slade was next to him, watching the antics of the two women with a bemused, utterly charmed smile. “You finally broke them, didn’t you?”

  “That’s one of the most annoying songs in the universe. I think I like it.” Logan was watching from the kitchen doorway, a huge grin on his face. Jordan was tucked against him, holding her stomach as she, too, lost herself in laughter. Kir was right behind them both, his head tucked against Logan’s neck, one hand on each of their shoulders.

  Val merely stood, his gaze glued to Syd, looking utterly gobsmacked. A slow, hungry smile crossed his face as Syd gyrated like a woman covered in itching powder. Magnus didn’t even know arms could bend like that without breaking, but Syd must be part Gumby.

  When they finished their song Magnus and Slade both clapped, the rest of the family soon doing the same. Sylvia bowed, but Syd curtsied, each woman flushed and happy. Sylvia threw herself into his arms, grinning widely, just so pleased with herself she was read to burst.

  Syd looked just as happy until she caught sight of Val watching her and hid once more behind Magnus. “Eep.”

  The scowl Val suddenly sported wasn’t helping his cause. He threw his hands up in disgust. “I didn’t do anything!”

  Syd shook so hard Magnus was afraid she’d hurt herself.

  Val sighed wearily. “I’ll go eat breakfast at my place.”

  “Uncle Val, please don’t.” Jordan held out her hand to him, distressed.

  Val shook his head. “I tell you what. I’ll come back, all right?” He sounded almost depressed. “Syd, I swear I won’t hurt you.”

  There was the ring of magic in his words, a vow he was now bound to, but Syd didn’t move. She merely nodded, but she was tucked so far behind Magnus he wasn’t sure if Val could see it or not.

  “Okay?” Val sounded unsure, so perhaps he hadn’t seen Syd’s assent.

  “Okay,” she muttered.

  Val started to leave, but froze when Syd spoke softly once more. “Stay.”

  He glanced at her, but she refused to look back. “Okay.”

  She nodded against Magnus’s back once more and then moved away. She sat as far from Val as she could get, refusing to look at him.

  As everyone else settled at the table Val respected the distance she’d put between them by staying away from her for the rest of the meal, but he watched her like a hawk. When the only thing she put on her plate was some fruit he saw Val lean over and whisper something in Kir’s ear that had the man getting up to put some pancakes on her plate, much to her surprise.

  “You’re way too thin, Syd.” Kir smiled sweetly and ruffled her hair. “We need to fatten you up.”

  Syd rolled her eyes, but her expression was pleased as she poured syrup over her pancakes. Val waited until she looked down again before nodding his thanks to Kir.

  Val had decided to take care of Syd, whether she knew it or not. Magnus was aware of how patient his uncle could be when he wanted something.

  And it was more than obvious that Val wanted Syd.

  He leaned over and whispered in Sylvia’s ear. “Does Val have a shot?”

  “Hmm?” She glanced up from the meal Logan was placing at the table. “Pfft. Oh hell yes. She’s been crushing on him for years.”

  “Years?” Magnus’s brows rose.

  “Yeah, but she’s scared too.” Sylvia’s gaze darted toward Logan, and Magnus understood. “Val is big, scary and could break not only her heart but the rest of her as well.”

  “And her heart’s already been broken once.”

  “Mm-hm. Val’s vow will help, but she’s still scared of her shadow. She’s terrified the Old Man will get hold of her and mess with her mind again, make her question who and what she is.”

  Magnus frowned. “He fucked with her?”

  “Big time. She was Logan’s ex, the one who knew him best, remember? Of course he went after her, more than once.”

  “Son of a bitch.” Magnus sat back and stared at Syd, a lot of things about her now clear to him. “Did he use Val?”

  “No, but I think the threat of Val was more than enough.”

  “I really need to kick the Old Man’s ass again.” Odin needed to pay big time for the lives he’d nearly destroyed.

  Sylvia patted his hand. “You’ll get the chance, I’m sure of it. In the meantime, pass the pancakes.”

  “Yes, dear.”

  “Remember that phrase. Practice it. Yo
u’ll be saying it a lot.” She grinned and took the plate from him.

  He grinned right back, happy as a pig in mud. “Yes, dear.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Have you found anything yet?” Magnus was watching Sydney work, fascinated by the way she got so lost in her computer that nothing else seemed to matter. In fact, one of the reasons he was in the room with her was to ensure she ate. Whenever meal time came up one of them would bring her food and hover around until she finished it. Even Toni had discovered that Sydney was a hound dog on a scent when it came to chasing a lead on the computer. She’d also taken to watching out for Sydney.

  It was good to see the concern Toni had for her new roommate. While they still had some things to work out, Toni and Sydney looked like they were going to do just fine as roommates. As for the rest of them, Sydney was slowly starting to open up to them. The only one who couldn’t get close to Sydney at all was Val. Sydney seemed terrified of him, and it was driving the big guy crazy. He couldn’t understand why she was so afraid of him when she merely seemed shy with everyone else.

  “I’ve been through everything on here, and there’s nothing I can find that would lead to the break-up of Logan and Kir.” She ran her fingers through her hair, frustrated beyond belief. “I’m beginning to think I’ll never figure this out.”

  Magnus knew how she felt. Sylvia had opened up to Slade and Magnus, but she had yet to initiate any of the touches or kisses she seemed to relish so much. She was holding back, driving them insane with her shy glances and soft smiles. She slept in the same bed as them, but it was still more like she was humoring them than she actually wanted to be there.

  If not for Slade, Magnus would have lost his damn mind by now. Slade kept his temper even. He refused to give in to the impatience Magnus felt so keenly, believing they simply needed to give Sylvia time to realize what he already knew, that the three of them belonged together.

  Slade’s certainty didn’t quite banish Magnus’s fears that somehow he’d lose Sylvia. He’d waited too long, wanted too desperately to eliminate those fears completely. Not until Sylvia gave in would he be able to release the anxiety that dogged him day in and day out.

  “How’s it going in here?”

  Magnus started, unaware that Logan had slipped into the room. “Damn it, hothead. Don’t scare me like that unless you want a hammer to the face.”

  Logan grinned. “Aw, did I scare you?”

  There was the Trickster Magnus remembered, delighting in making those around him uncomfortable.

  No. That wasn’t quite right, and Magnus could see that now. Logan simply enjoyed having fun, but things had been so tense under Odin’s rule that Loki’s tricks had been seen as malicious rather than a cry for help. So instead of barking at Logan for making him jump, Magnus merely rolled his eyes. “Bite me.”

  Logan shuddered. “That is wrong on so many levels.” He put his hand on Magnus’s shoulder. “And call me Pappa.”

  Magnus gagged.

  Logan snickered.

  Magnus decided to address the one thing he knew would focus Logan’s attention. “Slade’s feeling much better.”

  The relief on Logan’s face made Magnus glad he’d said something. “So he’s not hiding anything from me?”

  Well. Magnus hadn’t expected that to be one of Logan’s worries. “No, he’s not. He really is doing better, at least physically. The nightmares are still there, but he knows he’s safe. Hopefully with enough time they’ll ease.”

  Logan’s expression turned haunted. “Not entirely.” He took a deep breath, and his features eased. “But you and Sylvia will help with that.”

  Magnus hoped so. If anyone knew about the end result of long-time torture it was Logan. “I’ll do everything in my power to help him, and I think Sylvia feels the same way.” She’d held Slade, too, soothing him when he woke crying in the night. That Slade hadn’t broken under Odin still amazed Magnus. “Your son is so strong, Logan. I’m in awe of him.” Magnus hated to admit it, but if he’d gone through what Slade had he wasn’t certain he would be as whole as his mate.

  Logan bit his lip. “I just wish he hadn’t needed to be.”

  Magnus wished the same thing, but the past couldn’t be changed. They had to deal with the hand life had given them.

  “I actually slipped in here to tell you that Skadi’s been testing the wards.”

  Damn it. Magnus had hoped she’d give up, but he should have known better. Skadi had stuck with Njord as long as she had out of sheer stubbornness. “Any chance of her breaking through?” Magnus laughed at the look of disgust on Logan’s face. “All right then. She’s got jotun magic like you, so I was worried for a sec.”

  “It better have been only a second. I can run rings around Skadi in my sleep.”

  “Shh, I’m trying to work here.” Sydney glared at them both over her shoulder before turning back to Logan’s monitor.

  Logan made exaggerated shushing motions as he tiptoed out of the room. He chuckled as he closed the door. “It’s nice to see she’s grown a spine.”

  “I didn’t know she could growl like that.” Magnus was grinning as he saw Jeff showing Slade how to play on the Wii. Sylvia had one of the controllers and was surprisingly good, swinging it around like a sword. She whooped as she decapitated a bad guy. “Remind me not to piss her off.”

  “Which one?” Logan was smiling as well. Slade was laughing, holding his sides as Jeff high-fived Sylvia. Fenris was sitting behind his mate, quietly watching, always guarding him. The simple joy on his face was almost painful to see. “Two out of four.”

  Magnus blinked, the significance of that not hitting him until he really looked. “Hel is happy, Logan. Hodr takes almost as good care of her as Kir does of you. And we’ll bring Jörmungandr home too.”

  Logan nodded absently. “Someday I’d like to see all of them together, when it’s safe.”

  “Maybe you can take them to Disney World, Pappa.”

  Logan flipped him the bird.

  “What are you two up to?” Sylvia was still grinning, flush with her triumph over a pixilated Sith. It was a good look for her, one he hoped to see more often.

  There was no way he was going to tell her about Skadi, not now. The last thing he wanted was to cause either Slade or Sylvia to worry. Logan would make sure the wards were secure, with help from Jordan. So he took hold of her hand and tugged her into his arms, aware Jeff had paused the game. He widened his eyes, trying to look as innocent as possible. “What makes you think we’re up to something?”

  Her gaze narrowed. “Magnus.”

  Her amused warning tone, the way her hands gripped him, kept him close, made him shudder with need. “You having fun, sweetheart?”

  Sylvia’s cheeks flushed and she turned her eyes away, trying to hide the desire he’d glimpsed. “I’m kicking ass.” She suddenly laughed, looking back up at him, no longer hiding the growing affection he could sense for everyone. She leaned in closer, and her scent enveloped him, warm jasmine and woman. “Slade sucks at this game.”

  “I do not.” Slade’s indignant tone made her giggle.

  “He so does. He keeps knocking Jeff’s character off of cliffs.”

  Slade crossed his arms over his chest. “I did that on purpose.”

  “Sure you did,” Sylvia drawled, but as soon as Slade turned away from them she shook her head, making Magnus stifle a laugh.

  “I saw that, you traitor.” Slade was glaring at them both equally, so Magnus wasn’t sure which one of them he was speaking to. His pale, shoulder-length hair was mussed, as if he’d been running his fingers through it repeatedly. The dark T-shirt Jeff had given him was oddly appropriate for the game they were playing. Slade had laughed when he’d seen Darth Vader’s head replaced with that of a horse with the words May the Horse Be With You. His jeans hugged his thighs, showcasing his lean strength.

sp; In contrast, Sylvia was in a casual, breezy blue-and-white maxi dress with short sleeves. Pale gold sandals adorned her feet, her painted toes peeping out from under the hem. Her hair was pulled back into a long ponytail, and she’d chosen to go with minimal makeup. It was the most casual he’d ever seen her, and it delighted him. She’d dressed for a day at home, surrounded by friends and family. It was wonderful to see this relaxed side of her, and he made a mental note to thank Jeff for putting that beautiful smile on her face.

  “Get back here so I can kick your ass.” Slade was giving Sylvia the most evil grin imaginable. “And this time we’re playing Mario Kart.”

  This time it was Magnus who had to hold his sides as he laughed.

  Sylvia wanted to scream, she was so confused. On the one hand, living with Magnus and Slade was surprisingly easy. Both men made a point of including her in everything that went on. When Slade had a nightmare, he turned toward her just as often as he did Magnus. When Magnus was upset over their lack of progress in stopping Frederica or Odin, he showed it to both Sylvia and Slade equally, expecting them to be able to handle everything he threw at them as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

  When Sylvia lost her temper over the fact that neither man knew how to hang up a wet towel both men apologized and promised to do better. And they did, surprising her even further when they asked what she wanted changed around the condo. Slade went so far as to break out a laptop and show both Magnus and Sylvia what he liked and making notes on their comments. Their tastes didn’t quite mesh perfectly, but Sylvia could see how they could take Magnus’s condo and make it theirs instead of his. Magnus was all for that, voicing his opinion when he felt Sylvia’s choices might be too feminine, or arguing about keeping his couch but compromising on the side chairs she fell in love with at first sight.

  It wasn’t perfect, but she hadn’t expected it to be. What it was scared the hell out of her.

  It was real. They fought, they laughed, they spent quiet time just reading, and all the while they let her know that she was part of them in subtle ways she couldn’t deny. They touched constantly, both her and each other. Slade would lie with his head on Magnus’s lap while they talked quietly, perfectly at ease while Sylvia read. Magnus would stroke her hair in passing, tugging on the strands to get her attention. Slade would slip her a glass of whatever he was drinking, silently taking care of her. When it came to video games she was just as ruthless as they were, making both men pout when she beat their asses or pouting herself when they beat hers.


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