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Discovering Pleasure

Page 12

by Marie Haynes

  I miss you. I know you’ve been very busy with your private investigation firm but am hopeful that now you have hired two employees you will be home more. I know this is selfish and I fully expect to be reprimanded for my selfishness (giggles manically).

  While you’ve been earning your keep in Kansas City being the big, bad PI, I’ve scrubbed your floors, organised your cabinets (you really are a slob, darling), cleaned my own home and put up fifteen quarts of home-canned tomatoes. Yum. Alicia sent me a really easy sauce recipe I think even your mother would approve of!

  So I guess now is the time for confession.

  1. I forgot to make my appointment to have my legs waxed, so I’m going to do that tomorrow, that way they’ll be clean and smooth for you when you get home at least. Still, I’m two days late, so I apologise.

  2. Instead of putting the change from the grocery store in my wallet I just shoved it into my jeans pocket again. As you predicted, I lost five dollars and odd change.

  3. This morning, I overslept. I know this isn’t really an infraction of any of your expectations, but it is of mine. I really want to get into the practice of getting up by 6:30 a.m. so I can do my yoga before breakfast, so please help me remember to do this.

  4. I left the back door unlocked Tuesday afternoon.

  I love you,


  Rose paced her kitchen. She had expected Nathan to be here half an hour ago, but he had called and said traffic on the bridge was horrendous and he wasn’t sure how long it would take to get to her. In the meantime, he’d instructed her to arrange the discipline room. Last summer when they had returned from Southern Illinois, the two of them had set up the spare bedroom in her small home for the express purpose of play, discipline and maintenance.

  First, Nathan had equipped the double bed with restraint holders for her wrists and ankles. So far, they had never used these gadgets, but Rose liked the idea that they were in place if needed. Perhaps during their next play session, she’d suggest they be put to use. Next, Rose had purchased a second-hand wooden wardrobe and filled it with Nathan’s flogger, leather and wooden paddles, ropes, and an assortment of toys such as clothes pins, nipple clamps, a blindfold, fuzzy handcuffs, silk scarves, dildos, vibrators and butt plugs. No clothing hung in the closet, but Nathan had reinforced the pole so that Rose could safely hold on to it when being flogged. Finally, Rose had placed a straight-backed wooden chair against the far wall so that Nathan could sit comfortably with her across his lap for any over-the-knee discipline he required.

  Just last week, Rose had purchased a small refrigerator and stocked it with bottles of water and a hand of fresh ginger. She’d also placed a sharp knife next to the ginger, just in case Nathan decided to fig her again. He didn’t know about this newest addition to the room, but Rose felt sure he’d be pleased.

  As soon as Nathan had called and said he was on his way over, she’d carefully arranged her hairbrush, a leather paddle, clothespins and a bowl of ice on the small table in their special room. She had no idea which—if any—of these supplies Nathan would use, but according to their agreement, she would arrange all the implements she was willing for him to use. How to use these, or if he used them, was up to him. After a moment’s hesitation, she added the ginger root and knife to the table. Before doing any of this, though, she had removed her clothing since she knew Nathan preferred she be totally nude while in the play room. Also, she had got into the habit of remaining naked for him when she knew a consequence or maintenance session was imminent.

  Impatient for his arrival, she began to pace and think about her infractions of the week. She was sure he’d be understanding about all of them except for the last one—not locking the door. He was obsessed with her locking the back door even though she’d assured him of the safety of her neighbourhood. There had never been a crime problem in this area of town and she saw no reason to believe she was in any danger. Still, if that was what he wanted, then she should have been more diligent in remembering.

  Rose stopped her pacing and cocked her head. Recognising the sound of his car, Rose grinned and sighed in relief. He was home. Quickly, Rose sat on the kitchen floor, her back against the table leg. She kept her eyes cast down but couldn’t keep the smile from her face as she listened to him unlock the door and step into her home. When she saw his shoes in front of her, she actually giggled.

  “Welcome home, my Lord,” she said before raising up onto her knees and reaching to unzip his pants.

  She felt his hand on her head and closed her eyes as her lips closed over his semi-flaccid cock. Goddess, but she loved the taste of him. She wrapped her tongue around his shaft and applied pressure, cradling his balls in her hands. Since he was not yet fully hard, she was able to easily draw him down her throat. She massaged his precious jewels while his cock grew, practically gagging her. Savouring his flavour, she worked her throat and sucked.

  He tightened his hold on her hair and pulled her head back. Gasping in protest, she felt his cock leave her mouth. She sat back on her heels and looked up at him.

  “Not that I don’t appreciate the welcome, girl, but we’ve got some business to attend to,” Nathan said firmly.

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered humbly. Obviously, she was in for a stern lesson judging by his tone of voice.

  Nathan zipped up his jeans and sat on the chair before addressing her.

  “Your first offence was not getting your legs waxed on time, but since you’ve taken care of that before I got home, I’m willing to forgive that outright,” he reasoned.

  “Thank you,” she said, placing her cheek on his knee.

  “You’re welcome. Second, you lost five dollars of your own hard-earned money through carelessness. For that offence I’m going to give you twenty-five hand spankings—five for each dollar.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she responded gratefully. Twenty-five swats? That was nothing. She certainly deserved that.

  “Number three. You are requesting that I discipline you so that you remember to set your alarm, correct?” he asked.

  “I am, Sir. I would greatly appreciate your help,” Rose admitted.

  He played with her hair for a bit before speaking again.

  “In that case, I’ll administer twenty-five swats with an implement of my choice. Agreed?”

  Rose closed her eyes a moment. Nathan’s usual implement for a consequence was a hard wooden paddle. Surely she would remember that punishment for a while.

  “Agreed, Sir. And thank you.”

  “And finally,” he went on, his voice hard as nails, “I am seriously disappointed you left the door unlocked again. Do you know what happened in Collinsville just two days ago?”

  Rose frowned and looked up at him. “No, I don’t.”

  “A woman was raped and killed in her own home. She, like you, lived in a quiet neighbourhood and the perpetrator just walked right in. It happened during the middle of the day when most of her neighbours were at work. Sweetheart”—Nathan reached down and held her face in his hands—“you have no idea how crazy it makes me when you put yourself at risk.”

  “My God, Nathan, I had no idea. I’m so sorry. I promise, I’ll remember from now on,” Rose assured him. Looking into his eyes, she saw his worry and concern. She felt terrible knowing she’d caused him such unnecessary stress.

  “Yes, you will. I’ll make sure of that. For that offence, my love, you’ll be figged today and for the next five days for at least twenty minutes. While that ginger is inside of your sweet anus, I’m going to whip you with my belt. Your cheeks will be sore and possibly bruised. I’ll try not to mark you, but I need to be sure you understand the seriousness of what you did,” he explained patiently.

  Rose began to shake a bit. Five days? He was going to whip and fig her for five consecutive days? She knew that she could object and request a lesser punishment, but the story of the Collinsville woman truly did frighten her. She also realised the chances of her remembering to lock the damned door were slim if he didn’t re
inforce the rule. Silently, Rose nodded her acquiescence.

  “It’s time.”

  Obediently, Rose stood and walked to the discipline room with Nathan following behind her. She waited while he approved the arrangement of paddles. When he saw the ginger and knife, he nodded. Rose was pleased that she had correctly anticipated his desire. Finally, Nathan took his place on the chair. Rose quickly positioned herself on top of his lap. The first twenty-five swats were lovely. Thankfully, Nathan had delivered them with a moderate hand and for that she was grateful. Her skin was pleasantly warm, but knowing the reason for the spanking made Rose feel remorseful.

  “First offence is over, sweet Rose,” Nathan said, rubbing her bottom and back. “Ready for the next or do you need a break?”

  “I’m ready to go on,” she assured him. Bless him, he always made sure she was ready for more before continuing.

  “Oh!” Rose shouted, shocked by the next swat. She’d been expecting his hand, but instead, her bottom had been assaulted by something hard and slightly cold. Damn! She’d forgotten that he had said he’d use an implement this time.

  “You’ve had this paddle sitting out for a while, love. It’s right in line with your air conditioning vent. Bet that startled you a bit,” Nathan commented.

  Panting, Rose nodded. “Yes, Sir. Twenty-five, Sir?”

  “Indeed,” he assured her.

  By the time Nathan had administered fifteen heavy strokes, Rose had tears running down her face and juices glistening on her thighs. Nathan had one hand firmly holding her back in place and his leg thrown over hers to keep her from kicking free.

  “Only ten more. Need a break?”

  “No, Sir,” she sobbed. “Please continue.”

  “That’s my good girl,” he praised.

  Her ass was on fire. Her face and her pussy were both dripping wet and she couldn’t decide if she were more remorseful or turned on.

  “Count,” he ordered.

  “Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four,” she counted. Damn him. Focusing on counting forced her to feel each hard blow instead of fantasise about him.

  “Last one,” he said, landing a fierce blow to her right cheek.

  “Twenty-five!” she cried.

  She lay across his lap, his hand soothing her back as she brought her sobs under control.

  “That’s it,” Nathan said softly. “Remember, from now on you’ll rise at six-thirty in the morning so that you can do your yoga. You’ll start you day right and you’ll be happier because of it.”

  Sniffing, Rose answered, “Yes, Sir, I will. Thank you.”

  Gently, Nathan turned her over and held her close. She nuzzled against his neck.

  “You’re forgiven, girl,” he whispered.

  She kissed his neck. Warmth and love and peace spilled over her.

  “Thank you, Nathan,” she said.

  He held her, ran his fingers through her hair and kissed the top of her head.

  Once her tears had subsided, he shifted and looked down at her.

  “You ready for the last offence or want to wait?” he asked.

  Rose sniffed and considered. She had no doubt that Nathan would wait on the final and worst punishment if she wanted him to. She also knew that she had broken one of the few expectations that he had insisted be met. He would offer no mercy with the next administration of discipline but, now understanding more fully his fear for her safety, she wanted none. Instead, she looked forward to proving her worthiness to him.

  “I’m ready, Sir,” she acknowledged.

  “Stand up then, and hold onto the closet pole,” he instructed.

  Slowly but obediently, Rose obeyed. Nathan whistled softly and Rose knew he was peeling the ginger root, carving it into a plug that would stay in place until he removed it. He was taking his time preparing the herb so that her bottom could recover from its recent assault and she could meditate on her misdeed. And she was. Finally, she was beginning to understand why Nathan insisted on locked doors.

  A few minutes later, she winced, feeling the cold wetness of the ginger as Nathan inserted it into her anus. She bit her lip and moaned when the stinging singed her delicate tissue. Gripping the pole a bit tighter, she prepared for her whipping.

  She heard him unhook his belt and slide it from his blue jeans. Despite knowing that it would add to the sting, she clenched her ass cheeks in anticipation of the first blow. Twenty minutes. Pain radiated down her legs as the first blow landed. She hung her head but did not cry out, not that her crying would matter. Nathan had deemed twenty minutes for her punishment and she had agreed, so she neither expected nor wanted mercy. However, when no further blows followed the first, she became uneasy.

  “I said twenty minutes, little Rose,” Nathan whispered into her ear, “but I didn’t say how many strikes I’d land, did I?”

  “No, Sir, you did not,” she answered.

  “No one expects a robbery or a rape, do they?” he asked.

  Confused, Rose shook her head.

  ”And in imitation of that unknown, I plan on whipping you erratically until your time is up. Sometimes you’ll feel the bite once every few minutes, sometimes five or six strikes in a row,” he explained quietly. “In that way, you won’t be able to prepare yourself. You need to learn how to protect yourself in the ways that you can. Maybe this will help you remember to take reasonable precautions, babe.”

  Rose jumped and squealed as Nathan laid the belt across her upper thighs. Involuntarily, she tightened her ass cheeks and the stinging juices of the ginger burned into her tissues. She bit her lip but did not cry. Nathan was right. She had behaved rashly and felt nothing but remorse for her actions. How could she have been so negligent? Considering the dangers she’d witnessed and endured during her childhood and teenage years, she should be more cautious. Perhaps that was the problem. Perhaps she was denying the existence of danger now that she felt safe and secure rather than admitting to the possibility of additional hardships in her life. By ignoring basic safety precautions, however, she was setting herself up for more victimisation. Nathan was right. She needed to be proactive rather than reactive.

  “Babe? You okay?” Nathan asked, stroking her hair.

  Focusing on her thoughts, Rose had completely lost track of time. Her time for discipline was over.

  “Oh, Nathan. I’m so sorry,” she answered, letting go of the pole and turning to face him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed tightly. “I didn’t realise what I was doing by being so careless. I promise I’ll do better. I’ll keep my door locked just as you want me to. Not just because you want me to, though, but because I didn’t realise how careless I was being. I don’t want to be hurt again and I don’t want to take unnecessary risks.”

  “That’s my girl. I only want you safe and happy, Rose. You mean too much to me to risk you being hurt,” he responded. “Now, why don’t you lay on the bed so I can remove that plug? I know after a discipline session you usually have corner time before we make love, but I think you’ve contemplated enough. Besides, looking at your nakedness for the last hour has given me one raging hard-on.”

  Giggling, Rose stood on her toes, kissed his cheek and hopped into bed. She propped herself up on her elbows and knees, wiggling her ass.

  “You’re killin’ me, girl.” Nathan moaned.

  Laughing, Rose looked behind her so she could watch Nathan strip. Blessed goddess but the man was pretty. Sometime through her contemplation, her juices had stopped flowing, but now, with the sight of his strong, hairy chest before her, she felt herself grow wet again.

  Gently, Nathan grasped the end of the ginger and slowly removed it. Rose bit her lip, knowing she had several more minutes to endure the natural sting before it faded harmlessly away.

  “That’s it. Keep your ass up for me,” Nathan murmured.

  Rose put her forehead on the bed, raising her bottom a bit higher. She expected him to enter her, but when she felt his lips on her hot skin instead, she sighed. Slowl
y, methodically, Nathan kissed and licked every inch of skin he had just punished. He took the phrase ‘kiss away the pain’ to a whole new level. Rose squirmed with anticipation and need.

  “Just relax, babe. I plan on taking my time,” Nathan said.

  “Oh, God,” Rose whispered.

  Nathan’s tongue circled her anus. She felt her juices overflow when he dipped into her rear entry just a bit. To add to her sweet torture, he began to play with her clit, tweaking it until it stood erect and throbbing. He inserted one finger into her channel and Rose exploded. There was no slow build-up of soft sensations. Rose’s world simply and irrevocably burst into a million brilliant stars, each shining a light of pleasure straight through her body.

  Then he entered her. Nathan thrust his fullness deep inside and rode her. He held her hips and rocked back and forth. Rose heard herself scream as she tightened the walls of her channel around him, wanting to give him as much pleasure as he gave her.

  “Christ, babe,” Nathan ground out. “Wanted to go slow, but that’s not an option. You ready for me?”

  “Fuck yes,” she answered, panting.

  She felt him grow slightly bigger and squeezed her muscles, milking him to even greater heights. Instantly, his hot seed shot into her, searing her senses while waves of glory washed over her as her second orgasm crashed through her body.

  Nathan collapsed on top of her, pushing her body into the bed. He rolled to his side, taking her with him, lovingly kissing her head. She snuggled into him, spooning her back against his stomach and slowly, peacefully, and undoubtedly content, drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Norton—A very dark red wine with a surprisingly fruity lightness while still maintaining the heaviness of a dry red. Excellent with grilled beef or venison.


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