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BLADE: The villains also love (English verson) (Duology of criminals Book 1)

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by Mari Sillva

  -You will not kill him, Blade! - He's my friend, the only one I have. Bobbi collapsed, his face looking tired, he looked twice as old. Sadness makes us look older, if we do not take care of and pay attention to the subject, it can lead a person to a sea of endless darkness called depression. -Besides, I deserved the punch, you do not even know what happened, and you already want to kill the guy. - He came out harsher than he wanted, a kind boy, but at the moment he did not have the patience for that conversation.

  - Friend? Has he ever killed someone for you or helped you hide somebody? -Li asked nervously as if what he had said was normal. In the world of crime, it was, but Bobbi was not part of this world. -So many bad people for you to get involved with, but no! - It was soon to make friends with the judge's son's cushion I do not want you near this Maxmilian Thompson. Did you hear? He mumbled a few swear words in Chinese, fidgeting in the arm of the black canvas couch with silver studs. They did not speak ugly names in front of him, at least not for understanding.

  -I understand what you said, Li, it's ugly to say that, you know that? - He teased with his brother rolling his sapphire eyes. Sitting on the high bench of the dark marble counter in the Minibar where he was not allowed to touch anything or less than ten percent alcohol, that is, nothing at all.

  - Understand how? - He asked in amazement.

  -You promised to take me to meet my grandparents, remember? - This one confirmed with the head moved, to speak in his relatives made him emotional, for many years did not see them. -So I went on a Chinese course a few years ago, it was supposed to be a surprise, I wanted you to feel proud of me in front of your parents, - he concluded, smiling a little uneasily because of his swollen face, always very kind, impossible be mad at him for a long time.

  — 我已经有一点 (I already have) - answered in Chinese.

  - Spanish nobody learns, right? Julius whined jealously.

  - Who said no, boy? - The mountain of muscle opened a wide smile, showing its incredibly white teeth. -I still learned high school, it was the first course I chose because of you, - he exclaimed proudly.

  - Enough! -Maldonado clapped his fist on the red bookcase of anger, caught everyone's attention. -Stop playing the clever side of your brothers by changing the subject, you will now say who did this to you, - he ordered, and by his expression, he was not joking, not really.

  -Forget it, Blade, what the fuck! - He held his mouth as he spoke. -How cute, his first expletive, - Julius exclaimed proudly.

  -Am I wrong or did you answer me, brat? - Blade spat the words, looking at him menacingly, taking two firm steps toward him.

  -No, sir, - said the young man withered, bowing his head. -Excuse me, I just want you to get this crazy idea about hurting Max, he's a great person, - he added, still holding his head low.

  - I don´t care - He said dismissively.

  -You must not hurt good people, - he said, like a boy scout, but the United States flag was missing.

  -I'm not obligated to anything! - He replied with total disdain. He ran his hand through his hair, naturally charming, leaning against the wall with one of his feet for support.

  -Damn it, Bobbi! - Stephen stammered, standing with his back to the large wooden window with his elegant posture.

  Soon after, the deafening sound of a thunderbolt took over the place making the windows open brutally, shaking his long hair and black cloak at the will of the wind, thus starting to rain from nowhere, since the sky was blue when they arrived.

  From the window appeared the raven flying majestically with wings full of feathers fulfilled and black cap which dusted with pausing on the shoulder of Salvatore, did not like to see the owner nervous, this hardly happened. The young man was startled by his reaction, his eyes widening in surprise. After all, this had never screamed at him before, not even when he hid his two pistols in a lot of sand from the yard when he was three, and look what were his favorite relic collection of the fifties.

  -How do you want us to do nothing with this guy who hurt you? - I'm sorry kid, but no one touches my baby brother, even if he deserves it.

  -Sometimes I wonder if he trains this creature to make these triumphal entrances or whether the crow has parted with the gray. Alone this thing is not, man! -He scratched his head in confusion, never understood Stephen's strong connection with the bird that was to look at him with red eyes, lightly stirring his beak as if he understood what he had said perhaps the other ray that lit the room was an affirmative answer.

  Nobody's going to hurt anyone here! Julius decided to end his opinion until then he had only heard the others. -Sit here on my side, son, tell me exactly what you hear between you and your friend.

  And so he did.

  -I told him I was in love, - he said, but only a little. But enough for everyone to realize that it bothered him enough.

  - It's worse than I thought. - Blade almost fell from the wall that was leaning against it.

  -In my family, I've never had a" case "before. - Li was horrified, Stephen already said nothing, but he was paler than usual with wide blue eyes.

  - Know that you have my support, son. I'm not prejudiced with anything! I will continue to love you regardless of your sexual orientation, -he said with a comforting look.

  -But what are you talking about? - The youngest of the family nearly choked on his saliva. -I told him I was in love with his sister, - he explained, which to him was obvious.

  - At least he likes vaginas. Blade sighed in relief.

  -By God, Maldonado, stop saying that sort of thing in front of the boy! - Stephen was angry with him.

  -Do not be an idiot, Estevão. I bet he must have seen more vaginas than you have in life.

  -I refuse to answer that. - She turned her back to him angrily.

  - Great! - Shut the fuck up and let the boy finish his story. He turned his eyes to Bobbi, who was amused listening to their discussion of "vaginas."

  -The trouble is Lia's only sixteen, just a child. I have always tried to escape this feeling I have for her, especially for her brother and her jealous father. But when she appeared in my office saying she was in love with me and stole a kiss from me, I did not have the strength to stop her. The problem was that Max showed up at the very moment and already came up to me with everything. - He leaned back against the couch, discouraged as if he wanted to shift the burden of guilt to the furniture.

  -Then whoever should have taken that punch was the kissing-eater, - Blade muttered, not knowing the girl, but what little she had heard about her was more than enough to dislike her. -Not you, who was taken by surprise by this evil devil. If you are like this at sixteen, God alone is in your cause when you reach thirty. - His voice was softer now, but without patience.

  He walked closer to him, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, thrusting his hands into the pockets of his black jacket.

  -Not quite, Blade, - he said, embarrassed, his face red. -I'm six years older than her so much bigger and stronger I could have easily avoided the kiss if I wanted to. - He wriggled his hands nervously.-"But I did not, now I've lost my best friend for it. - He looked down sadly.

  -That's what lets the head down want to speak louder. - Esteban looked at him stupefied. Blade was old-fashioned even in a conversation with a twenty-two-year-old. -If only I had stuck his penis in the girl's vagina, that's fine, but getting punched by a stolen kiss is too much, - he said naturally.

  - Jesus blood has power! - Stephen proclaimed in horror.

  -You never stuck your cock in a vagina before, Stephen? - Said thickly, Salvatore grew paler than normal, lucky that he was not blushing easily because he would not have looked like an ember. - So do not give me cheap morality it's past time we had a conversation with this boy about sex. -This time it was Bobbi who blushed.

  - Explain what Blade? I've had this conversation with him a long time, as soon as I entered adolescence in fact. -Julius, wisest of all, said it quietly, stroking the young man's brown hair.

  -So enough to talk about p
enises and vaginas for today. -Stephen closed the subject finally Li was squirming on the couch, laughing so hard at their strange conversation about sex. -Go to your room, Bobbi it's past time for you to sleep, son, it's about 10:00 a.m. Today is my day to spend the night at home with you I hope we do not have any more problems with any Thompson involving your name in between. -It was as strict as ever.

  - Or rather forget that they exist! - Blade went straight.

  Bobbi said goodbye to everyone with one arm. Maldonado, as always, stood like a wooden stick when his turn came. And he went to his room crying in silence. He would never disobey an order of the brethren, but staying away from the judge's daughter would be almost impossible.

  -I have a job to do in two weeks. We're going to steal a line of valuable diamonds, -Estevão said as soon as they were alone. These matters were not spoken in front of Bobbi.

  -And how much are we going to make? - Julius asked curiously, the part of planning where they were going to steal was Li's.

  -An average of twenty million, if we find good buyers for the pieces, I do not want my share, they can divide between you, - Stephen confessed, which made them look at each other suspiciously.

  -And where would that robbery be? - Blade asked with an arched eyebrow.

  -It will be in a place where we can easily enter in disguise, there will be many people present, - he said mysteriously.

  -That makes my job a lot easier it will be easy for you to infiltrate the guests. -The Chinese had his right hand on his chin with long thoughts the operation was all ready in his mind.

  -I will not leave the house if it is not to make a profit of less than fifty million it is not worth risking in the midst of this pile of people for this muck. Why do you both want to steal something you do not want? -Blade was short and thick.

  -Because it's not about the money. -Salvatore looked farther than usual as if he was remembering something. -It's personal, - he said, throwing a magazine cover with a picture of a beautiful young woman on the small coffee table as the main subject.

  In two weeks' time, the grand parade of the new collection of stylist Nayla Borges will take place during a Masquerade Ball, sponsored by millionaire Fox Companies that lent pure gold and diamond jewelry to brighten the event.

  Chapter 7

  The Dancing to Fantasy

  Jesse was sitting on her bed hugging her own legs, her face buried in her thighs to hide the crying. Rocking her body compulsively back and forth as if in a rocking chair, she did not want to hear the screams coming from the room echoing everywhere, probably even in the neighbors. To vary his pajamas was much bigger than his size.

  From time to time she was forced out of her trance to bring her hand to her shoulder to retrieve the tip of the blouse that flowed over the velvety black skin like a rattlesnake. She hummed the lullaby her mother sang to her before she slept when she was small until today it helped calm down, but in her tearful voice, it might not have the same effect as her mother's. She did not like it when her parents quarreled, especially if it was her motive.

  Shine, Shine, Shine, I want to see you shine

  Up there, in the sky, in a line drawing

  Shine, Shine, Little star, dance, a beautiful ballerina

  Shine, Shine, Shine I want to see you shine

  Up there, in the sky, in a line drawing

  Shine, Shine, Little star, dance, beautiful dance...

  -If you touch my daughter again, Fill, I'll report you to the police for assault! - Jesse stopped singing at the same moment and widened his eyes, startled by her mother's threat to the major, knew that her mother would never let him know what he had done to her. -And let me be aware that I'm taking my daughters and leaving this house tomorrow, God willing! - When you get home from work you will find this house empty, but do not worry, you will have your arrogance to keep you company.

  Carter had never seen her mother as nervous as she had tonight, she was the most loving woman in the world, but no one touched her daughters, not even her father.

  - No!

  Maria Joaquim was frightened to see her almost airless daughter leaning against the railing of the stairs trying to catch her breath, the supporter was clad in wood that came to shine so clean, just like everything in that house. Jesse had jumped up and run to the living room, past the aisle. Her father stared at her with a heavy expression, but with no trace of guilt to see the marks on her daughter's arm, all in evidence because of the long sleeves of his pajamas tucked above her elbow.

  -Go back to your room, daughter, and pack your things because we're leaving tomorrow.

  Jesse was frightened by her mother's cry, but she did not obey her for the first time in her life, which made her look admired at his attitude. She walked down the steps, staring at her bare feet, pausing promptly before them.

  -Not us, Mother, I will!

  The Major stared at the first-born amazement, collapsing on the dark brown couch visibly shocked by what he had heard. Maria Jose de Negra turned pale, white, like paper.

  -Do not say silly things, girl, you're not going anywhere without me and your sister.

  She tried to get close to her to wrap her in his arms as he always did to protect his little princess from the world, but Jesse was never a princess, she could not handle it, nor did she want to. She had stopped being a dreamy little girl for a long time, perhaps even earlier than she should have. However, Carter did not accept the hug, took a step back avoiding physical contact. It would be easier that way, she thought.

  -And where will you live? - On the street for sure. In addition to the excess of irony present in the Major's voice, there was one more thing, concern.

  -Do not worry, Father, I'm going to be alone. Her eyes flooded like a black sea overflowing.-I've been doing this my whole life the only thing that's going to change is my address. - He gave her a cold look, but inside his words affected him more than he showed.

  -That's not fair to me, my daughter, your sister and I have always been with you at all times.

  Jesse turned her face to the side, could not bear to see his mother crying, all the more because of her.

  -you were by my side, yes, but they never really saw me.

  Jesse looked at her own reflection through one of her little brother's trophies on a shelf hung on the wall next to the hall leading to the kitchen, thinking about what she had just let go of her lips. she saw a sad face, full of marks of life, very heavy for her age, marks that even time could not erase. Anger goes fast, but disappointment can take an entire eternity.

  Nearly everyone she'd met had hurt her in some way, either way. The researcher's evil was to gauge people's attitudes through her, she was too naive. she knew he would hurt his mother by saying that, but it was necessary.

  -I'm not as helpless as I look, I can take care of myself. - You and my sister are the people I love the most in the world! But it's time to really look at me and let me go. She walked over to her and hugged her as tightly as she could.

  -Do not do this to me, daughter, do not make me stay away from you. - The voice of a tearful mother took over the room, she was desperate. She never stayed away from her daughters for more than a day it was as if she were missing a piece of her.

  -Do you really believe me, Mother? - Am I capable of becoming alone, taking care of my own life? She wiped his mother's face, looking at her affectionately.

  -You're incredible, my love, you have your own sparkle! Life will never get you down because you can´t destroy who never gives up. -He stroked the young woman's rebellious hair, knew her well knew she could do nothing but support her once more. -I've always believed in you, my love, in your potential. You're just a little lost at the moment, but when you do meet, no one will hold you back.

  This was Maria Joaquim's way of saying that she trusted her daughter's decision and that even with her bleeding heart, she would let her go.

  -In that a little lost twenty-six years have passed, woman, your daughter is a walking disaster, -growled the major.
- He was most angry with a rabid pit bull. -he knew that the fall that the investigator took from the hands of the doctor who gave birth to her, had left the girl in the aftermath, she just did not imagine they would be so many. This girl is a case of psychological treatment, or a time in some nursing home might solve the case.- Jesse might think he said it in a moment of anger, but he was quieter than usual.

  -Thank you for understanding me, Mom, I love you! - she laid a kiss on her forehead, pretending not to hear his father's crude remarks. Listening to the sobbing of her mother's cries grow more and more filled with pain. -I'll pack up my things, - she said at once, not feeling the length of that moment.

  -On top of that, it was dramatic, always acting like a victim. - Even in the hall he could hear his father, but he did not care at all, he was close to getting away from it all.

  -You have no idea what a wonderful daughter you have, is not it, Fill? - Maybe when you get to see it's too late, you never gave her a chance. Maria Joaquim pointed a finger at her husband's face, her other hand at the waist. She was very nervous, but he was not even shaken by his wife's words, he was a hard-hearted man.


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