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BLADE: The villains also love (English verson) (Duology of criminals Book 1)

Page 21

by Mari Sillva

  - Glad to be the first. - she laid a light kiss on his lips, so he would relax a little. - Even because we have to clarify many things, one night will be little to put so many years to date.

  They spent the night lying together in a hammock on the porch in the moonlight. Estevão took off his coat to cover her in his arms. Each one told his version of the story and they saw, then, that everything was just a misunderstanding. Since that night, they had not been leaving, spending time together talking about everything and dating.

  Chapter 14

  Whoever despises, wants to buy...

  Jesse woke with the day almost clear, she was exhausted. He had managed to get some sleep, spent much of the night beside Blade holding his hand, his condition had worsened a great deal, about forty degrees fever or more. She spent ten minutes napping and thirty delirious, all the time calling her an angel, repeating over and over how happy she was that she had found him. She would not let the investigator get away from him for anything, she was afraid she would not come back.

  Carter felt bad for liking him more sickly than healthy he was being kind and loving to her. After spending hours watching him so vulnerable in that way, shivering under a plaid duvet of red and brown with such a lost look, he felt like spending the rest of his life taking care of him, would never tire of it. Very carefully, she managed to get out of his arms without waking him, who now slept like an angel.

  She knew she should wear her clothes as fast as science would allow and run from that place while the volcano was still asleep. But he did not resist when he looked at that wonderful scene. God! He was the most beautiful man in the world, a rebellious, overwhelming beauty. Even Blade's appearance looked like a crime, and that outlaw way of it only made him all the more attractive, dangerously seductive. However, the excess of beauty did not compensate for such rudeness for one person. Instead of the following reason, he listened to the heart and put his hand on the handsome face of the bandit, who was in a heavy sleep. Now they were facing each other, she was caressing the apple on the left side of her face and, taken at the moment, closed her eyes and brought her lips close to intend to touch his. It would be just a quick seal and no one would know, she thought.

  - What are you trying to do? -Bother me Blade exploded in a thunderous scream, looking at that half-naked woman on her rug who had no idea where she came from, intending to kiss him without his permission.

  Jesse still had his lips in a gorgeous little pout standing in the air, with no courage to open her eyes and look at him. She was scared to death. She could feel the warmth of his breathing burning her face, she was snorting like a wild bull. And she would have to face him alone! At last, even the birds that were delighting in the humming solar heat perched on the window ledge disappeared in fear.

  - Sorry! I did not mean to scare you. -She shrank down, covering her breasts with her hands, embarrassed.

  She had never been almost naked in front of a man. When she had the courage to look at him, his eyes turned into two flames of fire, the volcano had erupted.

  -I hope you have a good explanation for invading my hiding place, but how could you find this place alone? If you can´t even find a rubber band to hold this "flashy" hair. -Blade was naturally thick, but when he was nervous he had no limits.

  -Sorry! -She asked again, sitting on her knees, trying to hold her hair in one hand while the other held her breasts.

  She did not know what to do, she was scared and confused. Maldonado could not help but notice the half-naked body of the girl, with a little difficulty because the pain in her body was able to sit down, leaning her back on the couch so that she could assess better if she stretched her arm could touch the face of Jesse. This idea crossed his mind, but it swept through his mind before he could manifest such an absurd and insane act. Anything about Jesse Carter stirred his nerves from the unconventional look of her outfit totally out of a normal woman's patterns to her chaotic style of life. She did not know if she had a more expensive or crazy look. However, the girl caused sensations she had never felt before and were not only negative.

  -I told you to stop with this stupid craze to apologize for everything it looks like a scratched disk. - Blade was disgusted by the young woman, he found her awkward and awkward.

  -I really do not understand why you're always so rude to me, every time I try to help you treat me like I'm your worst enemy, making me feel like the dumbest person in the world.

  The expression in her eyes told her everything, he had hurt her deeply. But he felt no remorse for it, not at all.

  -But you're dumb, sleepy, clumsy, slow cry. - You checked it out. Jesse can hear your heart breaking into a thousand pieces.

  -I do not understand what you get by offending people, it's so sad, I'm so sorry for you, I wanted you to be different, - she said, almost crying, with tears shining in the corner of her eyes.

  -So you break into my house and try to rape my body and you still have the right to be offended? - I, who was almost raped here, girl, should thank me for not denouncing you for that, -he exclaimed, offended, like a maiden who had been besieged by a disgusting man.

  -I did not break into your house, stupid, when I got the door it was open with you fainting right in the middle of it. By the way, "welcome " for saving your life, for having spent the night at your side for fear that you died in my arms burning with fever. Even singing a lullaby I sang, hoping to calm you down a bit because I was delirious. -Added the strangely ironic researcher, folding her arms nervously, her stubborn hair covering her honey-colored eyes.

  The thug found that the girl was too delicate to be rude to anyone, that sort of attitude did not fit her. But the irony bothered him Jesse made him sound selfish and rude. And he was, even more so with the young woman.

  -Has it occurred to you that I might rather die than be touched by you? I can´t stand your presence, you're the most despicable person I've ever met. There is nothing more pathetic than you half-naked in front of me with rosy cheeks like a stupid teenager, I can´t feel anything but revulsion, I'm disgusted to look at your face of Saint Puritan. - He turned his face away, too nervous to keep looking at her.

  Deep down, he hoped that that horrible feeling inside him would still pass to Blade it was easier to make him hate him than to assume that no other woman had stirred his structures so much. He was already used to the pain, but that new feeling frightened him too, so he was known not to be afraid of anything.

  -I should have let you die, you shithead! Go to hell and take all this arrogance together.

  Jesse stepped on top of him, snarling like an angry jaguar pointing one of the claws right in the middle of his face as a threat. His face was tense, his eyes tense, his teeth clenching more and more with rage as his adrenaline overpowered his body. Now so, so close could he aspire to the girl's natural scent. It was nice, sexy and fascinating. As well as her breasts that were practically being rubbed on Blade's face, all she had to do was reach out and touch them, she did not want to. It would have killed curiosity to know if Jesse's skin was as soft as he'd imagined, as were the silky curls that were touching the tips of his shoulders.

  -And who's going to send me to hell, investigator, you? - You will at least have to learn to shoot because being a good target is not your forte either. He leaned forward so that his face was inches from Carter, staring at her with complete debauchery.

  - Fuck you!

  Jesse stood up angrily, picking up the pieces of clothing scattered across the floor of the room that, in the rush to heat Blade, had played anywhere. It was so good and loving that he felt like laughing at such profane words coming out of his mouth, it was like hearing a nun swear.

  -So the good girl is not so holy, virgin girls that not say that sort of thing? - And he stepped on the scene again, unbearable and presumptuous. Jesse counted to ten as she tried not to do anything crazy with him.

  Blade leaned back on the couch, leaning her head against it comfortably to watch the scene of the cabin: the investigator
fumbling with the simple act of wearing a pair of slacks. He watched as she sensually pulled the piece upholding one hand on either side, never imagined that anger could make a woman more attractive than Victoria's Secret's best lingerie. She had beautiful legs and a small, but steep, hard ass. Her middle breasts suspended by a white lace bra that made a seductive contrast to Carter's dark skin, she could tell that they would fit perfectly inside his hands, better still, inside his mouth, sucking one after the other. The waist was thin, curvy.

  -Lost something here? - Jesse asked nervously with the way he had looked at her.

  If he was disgusted then why did not he take his eyes off her? She closed the button of her trousers quickly, arranging the shirt even faster.

  -I do not see you as an FBI investigator with a hundred and twenty thousand dollars a year income, that's about ten thousand a month, she makes all that money, she can´t afford to buy a new outfit or pay a decent place to live? - he asked passively and lifted her chin for more direct eye contact with her.

  -I have other priorities and I do not care what you think about me. -Which was not true, but she was not going to expose herself at the moment. And sure enough, she added. -Not every woman likes luxury, some care about more important things, or a special dream.

  Jesse closed her eyes and smiled serenely as if she was remembering some important moment for her, and she was. She had not seen much of the salary since a long time ago and was very proud of it.

  It all began on the happiest day of her life when she had received her first salary, she had never seen so many hundred-dollar bills together, and after stepping out of the box he stuffed the small money pouch with a rubber band into a yellow envelope and put it in his coat pocket. He wanted to buy a modern camera that had been dating for a long time. But a light breeze of wind passed with an old piece of newspaper that stopped well on her face, completely covering her vision and making her bang her head on a pole farther ahead. There was an announcement that read:

  The Angel Home Association of Children Living with HIV / AIDS is urgently in need of donations for the repair of the plumbing and the completion of the renovation of the children's bathroom. The dressing room is used by thirty boys and girls served, from zero to thirteen years according to the house's sister, Sister Florence. Reform will be necessary to solve leakage problems and to tailor locker room facilities to small ones since the structure was built for children. If we can´t get the help we'll have to close, please do not let this happen! We are counting on you.

  In addition to donating all his salary for the necessary reforms and renewing the children's uniform, Jesse pledged to donate fifty percent of it monthly while he was working in life, and she did it right. She also made weekly visits to play with the little ones she loved as if they were hers children and had a lack of heartbreaking. Like her, they needed to be accepted as they were and with much love and care. Thirty percent of the salary was severely put into an account to realize the dream of going around the world photographing different cultures and things. Jesse had turned out to be a cop to please her father, but since she was little she was passionate about pictures and always said she wanted to be a famous photographer when she grew up. However, things did not happen as planned. The remaining twenty percenter used to pay the bills, which now, living alone, appeared more and more, gladly that never called luxury with her appearance.

  -And what priorities would that be? Blade's voice sounded curious even interested.

  - It's none of your business.

  She took one of the old sneakers on the rug and went looking for the other, furious, muttering some profanity without looking at him.

  - Where do you think you're going? - Maldonado followed her in his underwear. The girl was pacing in search of her tennis shoes.

  -Far away from you.

  She could not face him, how should Blade's mouth be hot with passion, instead of cold and full of irony? Then his gaze drifted deeper into his body and he came upon a considerably large volume beginning to wake up inside Calvin Klein's white underwear, it seemed twice as big as the night before and yet he had not fully awakened.

  -Good trip. - Maldonado replied roughly, handing him the sneakers he was looking for near her foot.

  She took what was his from his hand and strode out the door, vowing never to step on it. He had practically driven her out of the house in the rudest way possible, offering neither coffee nor water. She was tired, hungry and disappointed. She was so stunned that she forgot to put on her sneakers and stomped on the floor, full of sharp pebbles hurting her feet, tears running down her face. I had never met a person as cruel as Blade Maldonado. He made his way back along the trail, looking back at every moment in the hope that he would come looking for her, sorry or at the very least with a convincing apology in his pocket, but he did not come. Completely destroyed, she took her sister's car and drove home, sad.

  A few days passed and the soles of the girl's feet were still wounded by a small "walk" to the hiding place of the robber who had stolen her heart and then destroyed it in front of her without mercy or pity.

  By chance, the last few days had been quite tumultuous in that department, it seemed that everyone had taken the week to commit crimes, had barely answered a call and the phone was already ringing again.

  Thank God she had arrived Friday afternoon, almost at the end of the day, all she wanted was to go home and take a nice shower in her bath and relax. The other day would be the meeting with Michelangelo at the Photography Fair, was preparing psychologically to welcome his mother, sister and friend Nayla who promised to arrive early to prepare it for the first time he would date someone. Yes! No one had ever invited her out before, not even at a prom.

  -Before you go, review those reports for me, clean my room and organize my living room. - Major Carter threw a stack of reports on the researcher's desk, taking the suitcase under his arm and leaving without saying thank you or goodbye, my daughter.

  After fulfilling hers father's orders, it was only five minutes before she hit the spot when she heard fervent cries from the front desk. A woman dressed in a tiny red miniskirt, a top she called a blouse, a high heel, and a glittering makeup made a real screaming show that she had been robbed after doing a job for her "customer" with erotic dance rights and other more absurd things Jesse blushed at just hearing. Although vulgar, she was a beautiful, dark-haired woman with straight hair below her waist and blue eyes the color of the sea. The receptionist even tried to warn that it was not the place for that kind of complaint, but the woman pretended not to hear. Everyone stopped to see the scene, especially the men, literally drooling in the perfect body of such a woman. The investigator just did not come any closer to watch the confusion because she felt the cell phone vibrate in the pocket warning the arrival of a new message that said.

  You have five minutes to get what we need, the distraction we send will not last long, try not to ruin everything this time. I'll be in the back street of the police station waiting to get the order, careful not to get lost on the way.

  She did not have to be too clever to know who had sent it. Blade could be thick even by a message. Then she ran as fast as she could into the archive room and took advantage of the fact that she had no one to look around and located the shelf only with the letter M. She thanked the heavens for the boxes to be arranged in alphabetical order. It did not take long to find a black woman written on the outside in a capital "MALDONADO CASAL". As she was short, she had to climb into a chair to get what she wanted and ran off to the compound when she walked through the door, slipped the envelope under her blouse, and as she passed the corridor she saw the woman being dragged by two policemen outside. Before leaving, the "distraction" arranged by them blinked at her discreetly. Jesse walked out the back of the building and across the street looking all the way to a darker alley, where Blade was waiting for her with the same arrogant stance. Even without being able to see his face from the darkness, he could feel his eyes burning over his body, impatient.
br />   - Where is it? -It was the first thing he said.

  - What's the magic word? - Jesse waved the envelope from side to side with a fan, just to tease him.

  -Shut up and give me that damn fucking deal! - He yelled at her, jerking the envelope from his hand and holding she firmly in his with certain regret in his heart. -Appear tomorrow for a meeting at the same time. - He gave the warning, quite grossly, without any "thank-you" or any other thing.

  -Sorry, but I can´t go. I'll have a date tomorrow, Miche.

  Blade's hesitation showed that he had hit the right spot. Great, she thought, so he would realize that she was not thrown in the trash, after all, that is not worth anything to one, can be the all of someone else. And so Jesse left without saying goodbye, rolling and tossing aside the "flashy" hair he hated so much.

  The game was starting to turn.

  Chapter 15

  Do not leave me alone…

  Saturday was a sunny day with the sky showing a deep blue, the clouds seemed to have made a deal to get together so that everything would work out for Jesse. The birds sang happily in a lively dance, savoring the light breeze, a perfectly pleasant climate for a walk, a first date, or rather. Carter woke up lazily, rolling back and forth on the bed without a silly grin on his face, going to bed late at night talking on his cell phone with Michelangelo on the long-awaited walk, they were both anxious. He was always as gentle and pleasant as she, had the power to make her feel special with a simple bond.

  - GOOD MORNING! Three voices screamed in unison. With much laziness, Jesse looked up from beneath the Kiki Butovisk's blanket and saw her mother, sister, and best friend with their hands full of purses and other accessories, cheerfully, with a smile from ear to ear, happier than her with all that, not that Jesse was not.

  -Good morning, girls, blessing, Mother! Why all this? Let's travel and I do not know? - Jesse sat on the bed rubbing her eyes her hair all messed up, yawning from sleep.


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