Recovery (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 3)

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Recovery (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 3) Page 6

by Sophia Hampton

  Melanie leaned back in her seat as well and closed her eyes, falling asleep to the sound of the bus on the road. Andy quickly came to her mind, penetrating her dreams, her worries turning into nightmares as the bus drove on to what was hopefully her final destination.


  Andy couldn’t help but stare in the rearview mirror as he showed his passport to the man at the border. He was headed into Tijuana to get himself a new ID, something he was lacking after the El Paso incident. He had caught the Colombians following him once already and had even spotted a small group of motorcyclists headed down to probably get a shipment. He had recognized one of the faces as one of the younger members of Satan’s Cubs MC. The more experienced members were probably either out looking for him or fighting over whether or not they even wanted to be in the club anymore. Luckily, no one seemed to recognize him, but it gave him a feeling of uneasiness.

  He had been watching his back for a while, worried that every person he met was working with the Colombians. With the way they could throw money around it was quite possible.

  He drove through over the border glad to have made it that far. But Mexico was dangerous territory. He needed to be in and out quickly.


  “Hey, long time no see, man. You look ridiculous. Next thing I know you’ll be driving a minivan in a three piece suit.” Andy gave a bro hug to Manuel, the man who was going to save his ass by giving him an ID and quick. “So what can I help you with today?”

  “Oh, I thought you would have heard. Satan’s Cubs MC have gone to shit and so have the Colombians.”

  “Man, don’t say things like that here. I swear they have eyes and ears everywhere.” Manuel looked around nervously, and Andy swore she saw a nervous tick even. The Colombians were a true bad bunch, and he was beginning to rue the day that he or anyone he knew ever got involved with them. His mind automatically went to Charmaine and Rebecca. How were they handling all of that?

  “Sorry, I understand. So, I need a hook up. I’m on the run from them and my own club. They’ve been instructed to turn me in.”

  “Oh, that’s rough shit bro; your own turning against you. If you got the cash, I’ll help you out. Only cuz I hate their shit just as much as you do at this point. They act like they run the whole fucking country sometimes, but then again money usually does get you that kind of power.”

  Andy chuckled, knowing how right Manuel was. He knew Manuel would help him out and was so glad the Colombians hadn’t gotten to him first. He hadn’t wanted to scare Melanie, but he was pretty sure the other guy had been taken out or at the very least tortured for information. He really hoped Melanie was sticking to the plan and doing okay. For all he knew she decided to stay home and forget about the whole thing. He certainly wouldn’t blame her.

  “Okay, stand up and smile bro,” Manuel instructed, snapping a picture for the ID “Okay, let it print and dry. It’ll just be a few.”

  “Thanks so much for doing this, man. I know the risks, and you might wanna move shop or something.”

  “Nah, don’t worry about me, bro. Half of them change their identity like they change their clothes, and I’m the fastest and cheapest around. They need me too much. Plus, I’ll just get rid of the evidence, deny you ever came here.” Manuel shrugged as the sound of the printer rattled through the walls of the dump he set up office in.

  As Andy left Manuel’s, he couldn’t help but feel like he was being watched. He had planned to lead the trail through Mexico and maybe then up to Nevada. Those were places that many ex club members went on the run to. It was easy to hide themselves and find another group of some kind to protect them. It would lead the Colombians on a false trail until he could be sure they were lost long enough for him to reunite with Melanie and start a new life. But something gave him the bad feeling that it wasn’t going to be that easy. They’d already caught up with him twice, and he couldn’t afford a third time.

  His brain began to churn, formulating a new plan, but it was dangerous. It was also something he wasn’t too keen on. He would lead them back home, make it look like he was turning himself in and saying goodbye to Melanie. He was sure they had already realized that she came back. Hopefully, she was already gone and he wouldn’t be leading the enemy right to her front door.

  Andy decided to give it some time, an hour or two of driving before he made the final decision. If they didn’t catch up to him anywhere, maybe he wouldn’t have to do something he despised. So, he hit the road, heading west towards where he last knew a local gang to be that also dealt in drugs. The Colombians would probably think he was going to offer them his services for protection. They’d take him in a heartbeat with his experience.

  It didn’t take long until he knew that it wasn’t going to work. About ten miles out of the town he spotted something in his rearview mirror; two men with guns in a white Cadillac. It was old but a bit too nice for the area. But he recognized one of the men; the big one that always paid him on runs. “Shit!” he muttered to himself, knowing he needed to get out of their view and turn around in time to have a window to call them off. He was pretty sure that if he offered to come willingly there wouldn’t be a need to waste their resources.

  He sped up, passing and weaving between vehicles. He could see the Colombians trying to catch up, but no way was their big car going to make it. He saw an opening between two eighteen wheelers and passed between them on the lane line, praying neither of them were distracted or sleepy. He knew once he was in front of them, he was out of view, and he followed a pickup in front of him off to an exit, passing the truck on the ramp. There was honking and rude gestures, but he was pretty sure he got out.

  He sped like his life depended on it, which it probably did, taking back roads to find somewhere he could safely pull over and make a call, where he wouldn’t be so conspicuous. About two miles off he saw a gas station and made a judgment call, parking his bike at a pump so it looked like he was getting gas. The Colombians would find him there one way or another, so this was his only chance to save himself.

  He pulled out his phone and began dialing the number he used to be able to call without fear all the time as he made his way to the restroom. Luckily, it was unoccupied. Frank took only seconds to pick up as if he’d been waiting for Andy to call all along. He probably had.

  “How can I help you, Andy?” His voice no longer sounded casual and friendly, but calculated and greasy. He couldn’t believe he’d never seen it coming, never suspected anything. And this was the guy the whole club counted on to lead runs and keep them together when the president wasn’t around. Andy shook his head in disgust.

  “You know exactly how you can help me, buddy.” Andy spit out the last word like venom. “I can’t believe you’ve done this to my family.”

  “Did you really just call me to tell me off? Don’t you think we can track you? Look, you got a head start; it’s the best I could do for my old friend. I bet they’re on your tail right now, so why don’t you get going.”

  “Call them off, Frank.”

  “And why would I do that?”

  “Because, I’m coming to you. No need for bloodshed or unnecessary confrontation here.”

  “Well, well, how the mighty have fallen. I did notice that Melanie showed back up here. I bet she got tired of life on the run, or maybe just life with you. It’s too bad because I bet that pussy tasted sweeter than honey. Maybe I’ll give it a try. Heaven knows my woman will never leave me no matter what I do.”

  “You leave her out of this! I’ll meet you at the warehouse alone. Now call them off!” Andy hung up the phone, shaking with rage. He wanted to kill the man that was once his best friend for talking about the love of his life that way. How Rebecca stood for that piece of shit, he had no clue.

  Andy walked back out to his motorcycle, pretending he didn’t see the white car parked a few pumps away. Hopefully, they’d get the call soon.

  Andy drove off, heading back to the main road. He was sure to be seen this tim
e, proving to the Colombians he knew would follow that he was heading home. They made no move the rest of the way to the border, just followed close behind. And once he made it over the United States border they disappeared. The plan seemed to be working, but now he’d have to face his own personal Judas and escape alive.


  “It’s nice to see you’re being smart, Andy. It would have been a blood bath otherwise. Now, they’ll kill you nice and clean without torture. Hell, maybe they’ll even let you live and you can do their bidding to pay back all that blow you took.” Andy looked his former friend up and down, not recognizing what he saw. He had lost a significant amount of weight. He looked old and gaunt. He was also dressed more like a casual business man and less like a guy in a motorcycle gang.

  “You know very well you’re the one who stole it, and that’s why you’re going to let me go.”

  An evil laugh rang through the dark early morning outside of the clubhouse he once called home. “Let you go, have you lost your mind? You’re the only one who’s going to have a price on your head, man. I’ve got a family to worry about. You don’t. It’s that simple.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll make it look real. Like I overpowered you and got away. They won’t kill you or your family, just dump you and the club for good.”

  “And you think I’m the one betraying the club? Pot’s calling the kettle black, man. You’re full of shit if you think it’s okay to let all of them go hungry for your gain.”

  “I have faith in their ability to find something else. And anything else would be better than under your thumb.” At that statement, Andy tackled Frank to the ground. As the two desperate men wrestled and punched and kicked, Andy imagined himself as a wild animal. He didn’t care what he had to do to make it out of there. He bit and scratched at the man that he once called brother with the thought of Melanie rooting him on the whole time.

  He felt blood trickling down his face, his nose had just been punched, and Frank slid out from under his grasp looking for something to hit him with. Andy took the moment into his hands and grabbed the lamp that sat on the table. He threw it with all his might at the back of Frank’s head as he came at Andy with the pool stick. Frank fell to the ground, unconscious. Andy had won, and it was time to get out of there and get back to the woman he loved.

  He found Frank’s motorcycle with the key in it and took it, leaving his own in its place. Hopefully, it would take him just far enough without suspicion that he could dump it and find her. The nightmare was finally coming to an end.


  The sign read Phoenix as he rode into the bus station on the back of some old lady’s bike. He had pretended that Frank’s ran out of gas several miles back and hitchhiked to the bus. He was certain that the Colombians were looking for him and the bike by now.

  He gave a smile and a wave as he left the old woman and headed to get his ticket. He hadn’t been able to trace Melanie’s whereabouts yet, and he found himself feeling a little anxious about it. She should have reached somewhere safe already. Had she been taken? Had she really left him for good? He didn’t know, but he hoped if he hopped on a bus for a few stops that he’d know what to do by then.

  Just as he walked up to the ticket booth he heard a beep in his pocket. His heart skipped a beat as he saw Melanie’s signal come back on. He’d had his tracking program on alert to tell him the very moment her phone turned on. She was in northern Wyoming which gave him a sense of relief. He was so sick of staring at nothing but desert. Even now, Phoenix mimicked the backdrop he’d had for most of his life, a life he wanted to forget now and start over.

  He bought a ticket and hopped on the bus with a newfound skip in his step. He was headed to Melanie, and no one was around to stop him this time. It was all about to be over and they could begin their new lives together. He knew exactly what he would do; find a job and work his ass off to save up for a ring worthy of her amazing body and beautiful face. A ring to commit to the woman that loved him enough to run with him.

  He was one of the first people on the bus, so he got a good pick of seats. He chose one a few rows back so that he was near the driver in case something bad did happen for some reason. He also wanted off quick when he got to his destination. He was going to find Melanie, make love to her, and then have a good, hot meal with her. He couldn’t wait.

  He watched as people of all ages and races got on the bus: a single mom and her two daughters, a homeless man, an old woman, and a nurse. They were all normal people; not a single one looked suspicious. It was the biggest relief ever. He let a teenage boy have the window seat just before they took off and leaned back ready to get some rest. He couldn’t remember sleeping at all in the last 48 hours.


  The bus came to a squealing stop, signaling to everyone that not only had it arrived at the next destination, but it was also in dire need of new breaks. Andy had slept for most of the ride between watching people come and go. It had been rather eventful. But now here he was pulling up to the Yellowstone stop. He narrowed Melanie’s location down to the area and assumed she was on the camp grounds. It was probably the only thing she had the money left for.

  He felt a smile spread across his face as he practically ran down the steps of the bus and out to the doors of the station. He had nothing with him but his wallet and cell phone which meant he had no lines to wait in and nowhere he needed to go. He decided to just walk to the campgrounds, or maybe he’d find someone to give him a ride. Either way, he was well on his way to Melanie.

  When he reached the office where you paid for camping, he walked up to the counter to ask if someone fitting Melanie’s description had been there. “Hi, I’m looking for my wife. I’m supposed to be meeting her here from a business trip, and my phone is dead. Can you tell me if a tall, thin woman with short blonde hair and ice blue eyes is camping here? She might have gotten here yesterday?”

  Andy tried to give a peaceable smile and hoped that the old man behind the counter couldn’t tell that he hadn’t showered in almost a week. At least he still looked clean cut and not like part of a motorcycle gang. Otherwise, he would have been screwed.

  “Yeah, that sounds familiar. She came in kind of late and had another woman with her, one with purple hair. There were two young boys with them. I thought maybe they were lesbians or something. But I guess they’re just friends. Not that I’m judging. More power to you, buddy. Here’s a map of the grounds. I gave them slot 88.”

  Andy felt all the color drain from his face. A woman with purple hair? That meant Rebecca was there. He had no idea how she was taking the whole thing, and she could be a friend to Melanie on the run as well or just as easily an enemy. Somehow his gut told him it wasn’t a good sign, though.

  He found the place on the map where the tent should be set up, and he took off in a sprint. He ran into children and the elderly, mothers and brothers the whole way, not caring. Their campsite was closer to the back of the section, where they could easily go unnoticed if something bad happened. All he could hope was that Rebecca hadn’t completely lost it. That she meant no real harm.

  Then, he saw a large blue tent, one big enough for two or three people. He could see shadows inside. He didn’t hesitate bursting in, but all he found were Rebecca’s two sons playing a handheld video game. “Andy!” they said in unison, giving me a hug. He couldn’t help but feel a pang of heartache for what they must have been going through. Their father was crazy through and through. Did they even know what was going on?

  “Hey, can you tell me where your mom went buddies?”

  They both pointed straight ahead into a small wooded area that led towards the park. “Mom said her and the other lady needed to talk about adult stuff. She said you’d come. Is Dad with you?”

  “No guys, I’m sorry. But maybe we can give him a call in a little while. I’m going to go find your mom. You two stay here, and I’ll be right back, okay?” The two boys nodded, already back into their games. The bliss of being a child wou
ld have been nice to have at that moment, but Andy knew that the adult talk was not anything safe or good.

  He took off in the directions the boys pointed, and a few yards into the trees he could hear voices. One sounded in distress and the other clearly angry. He got as close as he could and saw the back of Melanie’s shirt and jeans, her newly blonde hair pulled into a short ponytail. As he peeked from around a tree trunk he could see that Rebecca’s arm was outstretched and holding something black; a gun. It was pointed right at Melanie.

  “Where is he?” Rebecca screamed into Melanie, making her shake with terror. He watched as Rebecca took another two steps forward, slowly closing the gap between the two women. He could hear the tears in Melanie’s voice.

  “I told you, I don’t know. He just told me he’d find me when the time came. My phone is on. You’re the one who turned it on. Please, don’t do this. You have two beautiful children waiting in that tent for you.”


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