Recovery (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 3)

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Recovery (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 3) Page 7

by Sophia Hampton

  “You’re right, and I’m doing this for them, sweet cakes. I don’t have a choice. My husband sold us down the river for drugs under the ruse of a college fund. I need to turn him in to save them, to save him.”

  Andy knew it was time for him to come out. He couldn’t let Melanie handle this alone. It was all his fault. He stepped out from behind the tree and saw Rebecca’s eyes zeroing in on him. Melanie tried to follow her gaze, but Rebecca’s moved in even closer, pointing right at her heart. “I told you not to move, bitch.”

  “Now, Rebecca, there’s no need for this. Leave Melanie out of it, put your gun down, and tell me what’s going on.”

  All he accomplished was making her laugh and spit towards his feet as he approached her. “You stay next to your old lady, you stupid shit. You’re my ticket out of this mess, and you’re good to me dead or alive. It’s nothing personal, but I’ve got to save my boys.”

  “Did they threaten your boys, Rebecca?” Andy asked her, trying to talk her down, get down to the bottom of what she was feeling.

  “What do you think, Andy? Now, shut the fuck up. You’re coming with me either way. It can either be in one piece or in a body bag made out of these stupid woods.”

  Melanie reached over and grabbed Andy’s hand. He squeezed it, trying to reassure her. He had no intention of letting either one of them get hurt. “You need to think about this, Rebecca. I know you must be hurting. It almost killed me when I found out that this whole thing was Frank all along. I don’t believe you had anything to do with it, I can’t. You’re a great mother. Let me help you. You can run, get IDs and live somewhere else. I’ll give you all the money I have left. Just please, let Melanie go.”

  He saw tears start to flow from Rebecca’s eyes and could see how desperate she’d become. She’d lost the husband she thought she knew, and he children were in grave danger. She was nothing but a frightened mama bear protecting her cubs with violence. She needed to be reasoned with, and he had faith that she could be.

  “I can’t, Andy. I can’t leave him. You’ve got to understand. He’s a good father. I need him. The boys need a man.” Melanie squeezed his hand and looked at him with a warning in her eyes. He wanted to tell her to be quiet, but he knew she was her own woman.

  “Rebecca, you’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met. You do not need a man, especially one who would put his wife, his best friend, and his children in danger. We’re starting over, and so can you. Let Andy help you get away from that bastard. Even if you love him, you must know your whole family is better off without him. He’s a coward, not a man.”

  Rebecca fell to her knees as her eyes filled with buckets full of tears. “Why did he do this, Andy? When did he do this? Why did you let him do this?” They both approached her slowly. Andy going for the gun and throwing it to the side. Melanie wrapped her thin arms around the woman with the purple hair that Andy had always thought to be in the perfect marriage. Nothing in his life had been as it seemed.

  “It’s okay, Rebecca. There’s a man named Manuel, an old friend of mine in Tijuana. I’ll give you his contact information and give him the heads up that a friend is in need of identification for her and her two sons. He’ll probably be able to mail it to you even, wherever you go. I can buy you a bus ticket; whatever you need. You just tell me what you want.”

  Melanie rocked back and forth with her like a baby as she cried and nodded her head in agreement to Andy’s proposal. A weight had been lifted from Andy’s chest once again, and he knew that he’d never take life or Melanie for granted ever again.


  “Hey boys, how would you like to see Disney World?” Rebecca had finally calmed down enough to go back to the tent with Melanie and Andy. She had all the information she needed to escape the Colombians, the club, and her own husband.

  At her question, both boys perked up and looked at their mother, stunned. “Really, mom?” They asked in unison. Everyone had always thought they were twins, though they were about two years apart. They looked and acted almost exactly alike.

  “Yeah, get ready to go, boys. We’re getting out of here. Be sure to tell Uncle Andy bye.” She smiled at Andy and Melanie giving them both a quick squeeze before heading towards the parking lot and front entrance. Andy filed the moment in his head, knowing it was probably the last time he’d see that shock of purple hair. A few moments later, the boys came out of the tent with their backpacks and hugged both of them before running off after her. In his heart he wished them the best. No family should ever have to go through what they went through with Frank.

  “So what now?” He heard Melanie sigh and lean into him like she couldn’t support her own weight anymore. He saw the traces of mascara running down her face. He was surprised she wasn’t passing out or something. She had just been held at gunpoint. He couldn’t believe what a strong woman he had.

  “Now, we go wherever we want. We find a home, a job and all of that. Any preferences?” Andy smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her. He could never take that beautiful woman for granted again. And how easy marriage would be after the shit they just survived through together.

  “I did have a few ideas, if you’d like to hear them, Andy.”

  “I would love to hear them, Gene.” He giggled as he said her new name. Maybe they would have to fix that a little. She didn’t look at all like a Gene. “But my name is Jack now.”

  “Jack, huh? Well, it’s nice to meet you Jack.” Melanie held out her hand to shake his, pretending they were meeting for the first time. And even though it was a cute joke, it also felt right. They were starting over with a new life entirely, and things were going to be so different now. It made perfect sense to start at the beginning.”

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you too, Gene, was it? What is a beautiful woman like you doing in a rough place like this?”

  “Oh, well, I was just trying to find myself, you know. That’s why I dyed my hair blonde and all. As you can see, it’s not really my color. I’m thinking of trying more of a deep red or auburn brown and then moving up to the mountains of Montana, living off the land, all that stuff.”

  “Well, Gene, it just so happens that I go wild for redheads. I hope this is not too forward, but I was kind of trying to find myself too. Maybe we could find ourselves together. What do you think?”

  “I think you’re the sexiest guy ever, even with your new look and that there’s a bus with our name on it.” Melanie’s smile lit up his world as she jumped at him. He caught her and spun her around, knowing that no high or adrenaline rush would ever bring him such happiness and pleasure as holding the woman of his dreams in his arms.

  “Well, what are we waiting for, then? Let’s go!” Melanie let out a squeal as he ran with her, her bags in hand, back to the bus station to catch the next bus going north. He didn’t know how they’d afford a place once they got there or find a new life and new careers, but with Melanie by his side he was sure they could accomplish anything.

  They held hands as they climbed onto the bus, finding two seats together. He gave her the window seat so she could experience the beautiful scenery, the trees and mountains replacing the desert he had spent his life staring at. “So, tell me what happened after you left me,” Melanie insisted, squeezing his hand. Andy closed his eyes and took a deep breath in. He wanted so badly to spare her from how close he came to never seeing her again, but he remembered the agreement they made to never hide things or lie again. He knew there was no choice but to be honest.

  “I went down to Mexico to talk to a friend and get what I needed from him. He whipped it up for me real quick, but by then I had already been caught up with once. After I left I soon got caught up again. I was going to lead them around through the country to make it seem like I was looking for a gang down there who would give me work and protect me. That’s where a lot of ex MCs disappear to when they’re in trouble. I thought it would be an obvious choice. But they kept catching up to me. Those fucking Colombians were behind me with guns
and I was scared shitless, I had to do something drastic to get out of there.”

  He flinched and looked to Melanie for her reaction. He knew he was scaring her, and he grip had tightened on his hand and arm. But her face gave nothing away which he was thankful for. “So, I pulled over and called Frank. The dickhead threatened you and pissed me off, but I made him believe I would turn myself in. Told him to meet me at the warehouse, you know the clubhouse. By the way he talked I knew he believed you had left me. So, I didn’t think I’d bring you any danger by coming back. I hoped you were already gone. I fought Frank, took his bike, and found a way to you. You know the rest.”

  She knew he was leaving out a few details; Andy could tell by the look she gave him. But, thankfully she left it alone. “I still can’t believe Frank caused all this.”

  Andy nodded as she laid her head on his arm. He just wanted to forget about the man he had trusted with his secrets and his life for the past decade, but the truth was he’d always be there at the back of his mind. “He fooled us all, babe. No one could have seen it coming. When I saw him, he looked like a totally different person.”

  Melanie let out a grunt in response, and Andy could see that she was falling asleep. He smiled to himself and put his arm around her as the bus took off to their final destination -- the one where they would find each other again.


  “I actually think I do kind of like you as a redhead.” Andy smiled at Melanie as they waited for the real estate agent to show up. When they made it to Montana, Andy had found a mysterious wire in his bank account for more money than he’d ever seen at once. He had a feeling that someone was feeling guilty for what he’d been through. They immediately ran an Internet search for a mountain cabin. It’s what Melanie had suggested they do. And here they were standing in front of a place out of a fairytale wishing they had bought warmer clothes when they got Melanie’s bottle of hair color. And Andy was getting impatient because he had big plans beyond the signing of papers. He didn’t even need to look at it. He had the money up front, and it was a dream come true. The agent had promised he could get the paperwork done expediently for a little extra since it was a bank owned property.

  Finally, they could see a truck pulling up the mountain path, and out of it got a short man that reminded him a lot of Martin. He tried not to laugh at the thought as they shook hands and went through introductions. He could tell Melanie was itching to see the inside and get the process going just as much as he was.

  The agent walked them through the house which was cozy yet large at the same time. It had a warm fireplace, wood everywhere, and two floors. “Now everything will be run off of generators since you’re off the grid here. Can you handle that?” Andy nodded, barely able to pay attention to the real estate agent. He was too excited, too amped up about what was happening and what was about to happen.

  He was happy to see how in-awe Melanie was at the sight of everything. It was really a beautiful house, and it was about to be all theirs.

  As they reached the master suite, Andy could feel a hole burning in his pocket. He was about to burst with the most important question he’d ever asked in his life. Once the agent seemed to pause and let them look around, he took Melanie’s hand and got down on one knee in front of her.

  He could see the wheels turning in her eyes as she realized exactly what was going on. The tears were already filling up her beautiful eyes. She had thankfully taken the contacts out already so he could see her real ones. “My love, my life, my beautiful and incredibly sexy woman,” Andy began, careful not to say her name and slip up. His voice was already shaking. Was he going to make it all the way through his speech without crying? “I could not imagine a life without you, and I believe we can face the world together. Hell, we already have. Would you do me the honor of giving me that strength for the rest of my life -- and maybe even beyond that -- by becoming my wife?”

  He slid the ring box out of his pocket and presented it to her. It had a beautiful blue pearl surrounded on each side by both of their birthstones. He wanted a unique ring, not just some huge diamond. She deserved something more special.

  He waited for her answer as his eyes began to get wet. She placed her hand over her mouth, probably trying to keep from crying out and simply nodded fervently. He slipped the ring on her outstretched finger and kissed it along with every other finger on her hand. She had just given him the best gift in the world.

  “So when can my fiancée and I sign these papers, sir?” He asked, never taking his eyes off of her face. He could hear shakiness in the agent’s voice as he talked, and it made him laugh a little.

  “Well, we can get started right now as long as you have what I’ve asked for. But are you sure you don’t want to look anywhere else first?”

  “I’ve never been more sure,” Andy answered, standing up hand-in-hand with Melanie.


  “Shhh, be quiet. We have a full house, and we don’t want to traumatize our children that way, do we?” Melanie whispered down at Andy as she climbed on top of him. He was groaning in response to her bare body against his. She couldn’t believe at her age that he still got off on how she looked, but it was one of the many things she loved about Andy, her husband.

  “But it feels so good,” Andy groaned as Melanie began to move her hips in rhythm, his hard shaft moving around inside her. She closed her eyes and started to go harder, letting his cock slip further and further inside of her. He penetrated her deep, and his girth was still able to fill her up after all those years. She moaned, no longer caring who could hear because it felt so good.

  She let her nails rake across his chest, digging in deep. He reached back behind her and ran his hands up her bare hips and back until he reached her hair and grabbed a chunk of it in his hand, yanking it. She called out, and she knew her family would have heard that. But she was too far gone, lost in lust with the love of her life.

  Their chests rose and fell in unison as she sped up, trying to get more out of him. She could feel her tits shaking around as she humped his body; still as perfect as the day they met.

  Suddenly, Andy flipped them over so that he was on top and thrusting deeper into her still. He dipped down and began kissing at every part of her he could reach, letting his tongue snake out at intervals and lick her soft skin. Then, he began using his teeth as his breathing picked up. He bit at her collarbone and her nipples, loving the feel of them lodged between his teeth. There was no one left on Earth but the two of them as their bodies melded together.

  “Oh, Andy,” she moaned, daring to use his real name, the one she knew him by at the beginning. There was nothing to fear alone in their bedroom. The nightmare from two decades ago had been almost forgotten, like it was only a bad dream.

  He shoved his hard cock hard into her wet, pink center, and she arched her back in response. She could feel herself getting close to climaxing. She wrapped her legs tight around his body and dug her nails into the back of his neck, glad he was still keeping his hair short for moments like that. She pulled him down into a passionate kiss as he slammed in and out a few more times, making her body quake.

  She muted her screams by sucking and nibbling on his bottom lip, her heart feeling like it was going to beat out of her chest. Her center grasped his shaft inside of her firmly, pulsating against it. She felt Andy begin to shake as well as her body brought him to the edge of pleasure. They laid there holding each other, enjoying the feel of their bodies in pleasure together.

  A knock came at the door, breaking their trance. “C’mon guys, we want to open the presents!” They both laughed as Andy pulled out and climbed off of her.

  “Be there in a sec, buddy!” Andy called back to the voice on the other side of the door. Apparently the whole house had woken up without them.

  Melanie pulled on a sweater dress and Christmas-themed stockings, causing Andy to give her a lust-filled look. But they would have to wait for another round until later.

opened the door with Andy following behind her into the den where the tree they’d decorated themselves towering in the corner. It was a real tree, a tradition they had started that very first year they’d moved to Montana. Melanie smiled at her two children sitting on the floor next to each other, waiting for everyone to be ready to open presents. She still saw them in that moment as babies having their first Christmas, but her son, Jared was in college and only visiting for the holidays. Her daughter was sixteen and dating. In fact, her boyfriend was coming to dinner later that evening.

  Melanie tried not to get emotional at the thought as she started passing out the gifts to everyone. Andy’s parents took up space on the leather couch they had found to match the one they left behind in California. They had been sure to make new memories on the new couch to match the other one as well.

  And in the matching recliner sat Melanie’s mother, an achievement that had seemed so far away two decades ago when they had finally stopped being on the run. But Andy had managed to surprise Melanie on their wedding day by bringing her mother to live with them. He had paid for a nurse just like he promised, and her mother was doing well. Though, her memory for the grandchildren was always just a little fuzzy.


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