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The Fossegrimen Folly

Page 16

by Michael Almich

  Shy turned to see the other boys file one by one around the bend of the cliffside. Finn stepped forward to hand him the bag, but Shy could see they were bewildered. He opened the bag and pulled out the designated offerings. He stepped forward with the treats and the fossegrimen's eyes lit up. His bulk jumped up from the rickety stool with an ease Shy would never have thought possible. He stepped forward to meet Shy halfway to accept the sandwich and the cookie.

  "A sly one you are, I see…. I know," he mumbled as his fat fingers shoved the cookie into his mouth. Then he held the sandwich aloft, and began to salivate. Shy could see big drops of slimy wetness escape the corners of his mouth.

  Shy heard mumbles and whispers from the boys behind him. He realized what this must look like. With the cookie disappearing like it did when they gave one to Tom T, and now the sandwich hovering in the air above Shy, it must just be hitting them that there really was something in front of them. They must be frightened especially since they could not see it. He dared not take his eyes off the fossegrimen, for fear it would disappear. The creature was now slowly, delicately, lovingly lowering the sandwich into its mouth. It closed its eyes as the sandwich went in.

  "HHHrrrrrrmmmmmmm….." It moaned.

  Then it popped open one eye as it began to chew. Small flecks of half chewed food came flying out as it continued. Soon the fossegrimen had shambled back to its stool, and dropped its bulk back to a sitting position. Then, it just looked at Shy.

  "HHmmm… this one thanks you for the delicacies. Now, you must surely have a request or two of this one?" He left the question hanging in the air, and said no more.

  "Well… Yes. I was hoping that you would allow these friends of mine to see you, to see through your Glamour for a time."

  The bushy brows furrowed into its dark forehead. "I see… I know…" It mumbled to itself in thought. It seemed to be considering the request.

  "This is not teaching you how to play the fiddle young one. Not a typical request, 'tis true. I think this would be acceptable, yes." With a clap of his oversized hands, he took down his Glamour.

  Nothing was different to Shy, but he could hear the gasps of disbelief from the group of boys behind him. Finally, Shy allowed himself to turn. Mouths hung open and several of the boys were edging backwards. Shy smiled inwardly. That will teach them, he thought. Then he instantly felt bad for the thought. After all, they had followed him, in the dark, into the creepy woods and down to a waterfall in search of what they had all thought was a make believe creature.

  Shy turned back and watched the fossegrimen as it again held the fiddle in its hand. He thought he could detect a smile on the creature's face, but it was difficult to tell as the cliff blocked out the moonlight.

  As he played a slow mournful tune, the fossegrimen again addressed Shy. "You have another request," it began with certainty in its voice, "I know… I see." After a pause, it continued, "what else would you have gifted?"

  Shy looked back at the other five boys. Several were still gaping, but Daniel nodded to Shy, prodding him on. Shy turned back to the staring fossegrimen and took a deep breath.

  "We would like to know where the treasure is?"

  The creature leapt up off the stool, which tipped. After a deep hissing intake of breath, the behemoth stepped towards Shy. Shy for his part, stepped back, nervous at the sudden strange behavior.

  "Why do you ask this of me, young one? You have the sight, you have no need of the treasure…" it began. When Shy didn't answer, it continued, "They know, they see. You are already in danger. To ask this will … it should not be asked, young one."

  The creature had softened its tone at the end, and Shy was emboldened. He said, "We all need the treasure, I want it to bring my Dad home."

  At this the fossegrimen furrowed its brows again. "This treasure will not do what you think. You are innocent, I know, I see. I cannot deny your request, but I can warn you. Beware the unexpected, young one. Will you withdraw your request?"

  The fossegrimen now towered over Shy, an intimidating figure. Shy nearly bent backwards as the creature twisted its fat torso until its face was within inches of Shy's. It spoke these last words so close that Shy could smell the rude, fishy odor of its breath. "Do you chance the riddle? If you agree, you are bound. If you do not answer, you will pass through the waterfall forever. This is unbreakable, young one. And you others," He straightened swiftly, "do you wish the riddle? Do you seek the treasure with your friend?"

  When they all nodded, he boomed, "And so you are all bound." He turned and ambled back to his stool. He reseated himself and began to play the fiddle slowly. Looking keenly at the boys, he said, "I never was, I am always to be, I am always coming, yet never arrive. Who am I?"

  Chapter Eleven:

  "Treasure seekers beware!"

  "THAT'S the riddle?" Henry half whispered behind Shy's back. "That's not the riddle!"

  Shy moved back to the group of boys, wide eyed and slightly panicked.

  "That's not the riddle." Henry repeated louder, this time addressing the fossegrimen. He actually took a step forward. The other boys grabbed him, but as they looked at each other, they realized their mistake. They had assumed it would be the same riddle as in the story that took place seventy years prior.

  They huddled together and a tense whispered argument began. Henry was mad at the fossegrimen. Sawyer claimed Tad must have told the story wrong. Finn was glaring at Daniel since the whole thing had been his idea. Daniel was trying to focus the group. Only Shy and Sampson didn't speak. Shy was in shock. He couldn't think. They had planned this out so well, why hadn't they considered that the riddle could be different.

  "Guys!" Daniel was still struggling to get the group focused, and past their bickering. "Guys! We have to try to figure this out. If we don't, we are all goners! Think about the riddle. It's usually a trick, or a play on words. I never was, I am always to be, I am always coming, yet never arrives. Who am I? THINK!" He whispered.

  Shy turned to look at the fossegrimen. His music had changed slightly. The fiddle tune was a little faster. The creature actually had a sad look on its face as it looked at Shy. Its eyebrows drooped and its mouth was downturned into a pout. He turned back to see Sam with his eyes closed, thinking.

  Daniel finally had their attention. "We can do this. Think! Who is always coming, yet never arrives?"

  "My sister!" Blurted Henry. The boys quieted instantly and looked at him. "Well, when my mom yells upstairs for her, she says she coming, but she never does!"

  The boys looked at him for a second, then went right back to talking, ignoring his answer.

  "Well, it's true." Henry said bitterly.

  Shy's panicked feeling increased. He heard the music get faster a second time. He turned to see the fossegrimen's hands work the bow faster over the strings. It's a timer, he thought to himself. To the others he said, "Guys, the faster he plays the less time we have. It's like a game show timer, I know it!"

  The boys began to shout out nonsense answers amongst themselves. The music got faster still, and louder. Shy didn't know what to do.

  "My mom is gonna kill me!" Sawyer wailed.

  Shy began to back away. He could think of nothing else to do. In Tad's story the logger had yelled and screamed, but some unseen force still propelled him into the waterfall. There was nothing he could do. It now didn't seem like the music could get any faster! The fossegrimen's hands were fairly flying over the instrument. Shy saw out of the corner of his eye that the others also were starting to edge away, except Sam. He had opened his eyes, and was staring at the fossegrimen. He took a step forward, then another. Shy saw his lips move, but could not hear anything between the roaring of the falls and the music wailing. However, as Sam spoke, the music stopped. The creature was again standing, with a hint of a smile on his face.

  "Oh, ho! It must be the orange hair…. Like me… see." He danced a little jig with his hat in hand, showing off his orange hair.

  Sam was smiling. Shy wasn't sure what
had just happened, but the fossegrimen continued his jubilation.

  "Orange hair means big thinking, it does. I see, I know."

  As the creature continued its strange dance, Sam moved back to them.

  "What was it Sam? What was the answer?" Daniel demanded.

  "Tomorrow." He answered.

  "No, I need to know now!" Henry demanded.

  Sam smiled. "No, tomorrow is the answer. It never was, it always will be. Tomorrow is always coming, but it never arrives, because then it is today! It’s a trick, just like you said Daniel!"

  The celebration began as it really sank in that they had been saved. Sawyer and Finn jumped on Sam like he had just scored the winning run in the bottom of the ninth. Henry high-fived Daniel and Shy. Shy marveled at the big red-headed kid who was always ready to throw his weight around, but never seemed all that smart. Then, Daniel and Shy turned back to the fossegrimen, whose dance had come to an end.

  "Treasure seekers beware! Great value is in the eye of the beholder, young ones. Remember too, good fortune is a trickster, and often walks hand in hand with lady jealousy. I know, I have seen…. You must pass through the waterfall to the lake beyond." The wobbly, massive arm pointed to the falls behind the boys. "There, in the depths you will find a chest. Only with chest in hand will you be allowed to pass back into this world. Be warned, do not dabble there. Things considered precious, treasure even, often are protected. Now go!" He bellowed at the end.

  By this time, the other boys had gathered behind Shy and Daniel. They huddled up and Daniel took charge. "I guess we head over to the waterfall. I hope there is a pathway under it, or something like that. Otherwise we try to go through it."

  They moved to the pool that collected the water from the falls, and skirted its edge until they were close enough to the falls to feel the mist in the air. The roar was even louder here, so Daniel had to yell. "Look for a path, or a ledge, or some way to get past the falls!"

  The boys spread out, even though there was not much ground to cover. The falls came crashing down before them into the pool. The two sides of the river gorge walls met the waterfall here, but there did not appear to be so much as a ledge.

  "I guess we get wet." Daniel yelled.

  Just then Shy held up his hand. He had been staring across the pool and thought he had seen something. It was Glamour, but it was too far to see what it hid, even with the moonlight streaming down onto the pool, unobstructed.

  "There is something on the other side of the pool!" Shy yelled to the other boys as they leaned in and turned their ears toward him. Shy pointed across the pool.

  Daniel looked at where Shy pointed. "You are gonna have to swim," he said.

  Shy nodded vigorously. Although he was scared, especially to swim in a deep dark pool at night, he was excited that they were this close. His excitement won out. Where is Ralph when you need him, Shy thought. He was the brave swimmer. He was the one that swam out to save Claire. The air was cool, though it was midsummer, and the mist rising from where the falls slammed into the pool made it damp. Shy stripped off his shirt and shivered. He just left his shorts on, but took off his shoes and sox. The shore next to the pool was not sand. Rather, it was pebbles of varying sizes, though most had been smoothed by time and the power of the waterfall. Shy had to really walk carefully to the water's edge. The pool was dark and cold as Shy dipped in his toes. He chose the narrowest part of the pool, away from the falls. He waded in, and was surprised at how quickly it got deep. Only a few steps and he had to begin swimming. He turned and looked back at the group of boys. One of them had his flashlight out and was shining a spotlight on Shy.

  He swam for the other side quickly. The water was cold, true, but Shy was imagining huge, slimy creatures with eel bodies and circular sucker mouths, lined with rows of tiny razor sharp teeth. The darkness and the ripples from the waterfall only served to reinforce his imagination, and the water creatures grew more grotesque and horrible as he went. Soon, he felt something brush his foot, and his panic grew to a climax. He was already sucking in fast gulping breaths. A second later he realized his foot was hitting the bottom for the other side of the pool. He climbed out and looked back across the water. The light was still trained on him, and he thought he could hear some muted yells coming from the other side. He didn't have a chance to decipher the sounds, though; not with the waterfall's unending roar.

  Shivering and wet, he turned to look at the craggy cliffs and boulders on this side of the waterfall. He stared at the spot that he felt he had seen something. Sure enough, he felt the area blur, like his sight was pushing through clear jelly, and then snap into focus. There was a crevice! It opened to a narrow path that wound back behind some boulders and disappeared. Shy turned and stepped back to the water's edge.

  "There's a path!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. He guessed they couldn't hear him but he tried one more time. "I am going to check out the path!"

  The light bobbed a bit from the other side. He wanted to at least follow the path for a few feet, just to make sure it was what they were seeking, before making the others swim across the pool.

  He turned and gingerly ran up the slight slope on bare feet. The path curved instantly to the right and narrowed between the wall of the cliff and the boulder. From that point, it seemed to head directly toward the falls. As he followed, the roar became louder still. Ahead he could see the water barreling downward in torrents. The moonlight filtered into the path, which had now become more of a crevice between two solid walls of stone. The path looked as though it ran directly into the falls! He paused. They couldn't go through there, they would be crushed. He almost turned around in disappointment, but something pushed him on a few more steps.

  Suddenly, as he looked at the crushing water just ahead of him, his foot didn't find the ground. He hopped back, and saw that the path at his feet was shrouded in darkness from a moonshadow created by a looming boulder up above him. He reached out gingerly with his foot, searching blindly for the path. Eventually he found it, but it sloped downward sharply. It was an optical illusion! The path appeared to continue ahead of him, but dropped out below, before that point. He had been on a rollercoaster that played upon the same type of illusion. The tracks looked like they ended, but the coaster would drop just before that point.

  He needed to make sure this was the way, yet he should go check in with the others. Torn, he decided to go just a few more feet down the path. He worked his way down the steep embankment. Here, it became totally dark. He had to feel his way with his hands. It was a tunnel, and based on the vibration and roar of the water, it passed just to the side of the falls. He felt forward, took another step and suddenly a bright light bloomed in his vision! Instantly he was blinded and disoriented. He fell against the wall, and then it felt like the ground tilted. He tumbled forward onto soft grass!


  Daniel was nervous and frustrated. "I should have gone with him," he said for the tenth time. "What was he yelling?"

  The others had no answer. Shy had made it across safely, that much had been clear. He had tried to yell something to them, but they couldn't make out the words. He then climbed up into the rocks and out of sight.

  "He went to look for the path, I think…" claimed Henry.

  "What if he went on to find the treasure without us?" Sawyer jealously added.

  "Henry's right. He wouldn't do that." Daniel said in answer to Sawyers question.

  Sam continued to stare at the far shore. "It's not a long swim. Maybe one of us should go, in case he needs help?"

  Daniel considered this again. He wasn't sure what to do. Should he go for help? Finally, he decided Shy would try to help him if the situation was reversed. So, although he was afraid of the water, especially after the sucker fish incident at the Lake Cabins, he decided he had to go. His friend could be in trouble. He began to take off his shirt and shoes. "I'm going after him. If we are not back in one hour, Henry, go get help…. If that happens," he said pointing at the other three,
"one of you go with him, but two of you stay here and watch for us. I'm gonna try to bring this flashlight. If we get back to shore and need help, I will flash it twice. If I flash it three times, it means everything is OK, and we are coming back. Got it?"

  The other four nodded silently in the moonlight. Daniel took a deep breath and walked into the water, holding the flashlight aloft. Just as Shy had found, the water depth increased rapidly, and he soon found himself in a makeshift sidestroke, trying to keep the flashlight out of the water.

  He finally crawled up on the other shore, shivering, but happy to be across the dark expanse of water. It gave him the creeps! Looking forward he saw some boulders, and the cliff. No real plants, just stark stone that gave off creepy shadows in the moonlight. Daniel moved towards the boulders, wondering where Shy had gone. He must have climbed the huge rocks, Daniel thought, there was nowhere else he could have gone. He approached the smallest boulder, which still dwarfed him in size. The water vapor from the nearby falls caused the smooth parts of the stone to be slick. Daniel had a hard time getting any grips to pull or lift himself up the rock. Finally, after several tries, he gave up and stepped back again. He stood tapping his chin thinking about how Shy could see through Glamour, and if the path he had seen was hidden by that deception, Daniel wouldn't have much of a shot of finding it. So, he stood and stared.


  Shy cracked open his eyes, but then immediately brought his hands up to shield them further. Bright sunlight shone all around him. He wondered if he had hit his head when he fell, been knocked out for a while, and now it was daytime. He felt like that wasn't the case, but what else could explain him going from night to day? Surveying his surroundings only increased his disorientation. He was lying in soft, thick, lush grass. It smelled slightly sweet. Purple flowers with soft velvet petals covered the slope next to him. Behind he saw a cliff, but it had long strings of flowered vines hanging over most of its surface. He could see a crushed grass path that led down from the cliff wall, and specifically what looked like an alcove hidden by the vines. Is that where he had fallen from? Was this the other side of the waterfall? He decided it must be.


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