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Page 21

by Rachel Billings

  None of them had touched her when she walked away from that stage. Clay hadn’t even reached to take the bag she carried. They’d just waited for her, respectfully letting her pass through them as she left the studio and not surrounding her until they exited the building. There, he’d pushed in front of her, knowing that Jace and Quinn would have her back.

  As he guessed, Tomlinson and the goon squad lay in wait among the crowd outside. “Go,” he said over his shoulder to Quinn. Clay pushed himself up into Bryce’s face in a threatening enough manner that the goons paused, not sure whether to stay and protect the asshole or go after Gem. Like they’d trained for it, Quinn stepped up and bulldozed his way through, and Jace put his hand to Gem’s back and tucked her up on Quinn’s six.

  In just moments, it was over. Clay gave Tomlinson nothing but a hard stare of disgust then followed his…his family to the car. He thought for a moment that the asshole was going to spout off, but a lot of the crowd on the street had been in the studio. Bryce was a man without a lot of credibility at the moment.

  Clay caught up to the others just as Quinn opened the door for Gemini. She looked up before she got in. “I know you don’t care, but I do. You said what you have on Bryce is enough to protect you—the three of you. Is that the truth? I want your word on that. Not your fake word, but the real deal.”

  She was right. He didn’t care. He’d fucking relish the fight if Tomlinson ever had the balls again to come after any of them—including her. Especially her. But he didn’t have to lie to her this time. The potential for seeing his ass hauled up in court with criminal charges would mean a whole different deal to Tomlinson than a little bitch slap—sorry, Gem—on women’s television.

  He met her eyes and let her see. He didn’t have to drum up any fake sincerity. “It’s the truth. You have my word. The real deal.”

  She held his gaze for a while before she nodded. It was possible she didn’t find him lacking.

  “I’m not going to apologize for tracking you to the studio, Gem.”

  “I know you won’t.” She frowned a little, but was too honest not to say more. “The truth is, it was wonderful to see you all walk in. It gave me a lot of strength.”

  She met each of their gazes in turn, then moved to get into the car. She paused when Jace spoke.

  “I saw you hand your pearls to Christine,” he said. “I’m guessing you made a little donation to the shelter.”

  She looked back at Jace and then at all of them again. “I’m not a hero.”

  Quinn touched her shoulder. “Oh, yes, you are, babe.”

  Clay and Jace nodded their agreement.

  Gem gave a little sigh. “I’d have given them the ring, too, but for the idiot here.”

  Clay wanted to kiss her. “Sorry, sweetheart. But that sure as hell felt good.”

  She got into the car. But she spoke over her shoulder, loud enough for them all to hear. “To me, too.”

  He felt vindicated and more or less forgiven. But still, he needed her with him tonight.

  Inside the room, he set their bags down. He reached into his duffle and got out his toothpaste and the hotel toothbrush she’d used the night before. Nodding her toward the bathroom, he handed them over. While she was gone, he opened the bed and put out an extra T-shirt for her.

  When she came out, he put his hands on her shoulders and looked at her. Her makeup was gone and he could see the smudges of fatigue under her eyes. He rubbed his thumbs over her skin. “You’re so beautiful, baby,” he said. He put a soft kiss on her lips. “And tired. Get into bed.”

  He left her alone to undress while he hit the bathroom himself. Then he stripped and got into bed beside her. He needed something from her. Leaning over her, he took her mouth in a gentle kiss. When he lifted to look into her eyes, he didn’t see any objection. He went back to it, kissing, kissing like it was all he had to do all night. Her lips were soft and her taste so fucking sweet he thought he really could do just that for the whole night.

  But it wasn’t what he needed.

  Keeping at it, gently wooing her mouth, he moved one hand to her breast. He cupped her, the soft T-shirt separating him from her skin. He stroked his thumb over her until her nipple peaked. He didn’t tug the shirt out of his way. He didn’t squeeze or pull on her nipple. A light touch, he just kept rubbing her with his thumb.

  Until he felt it. Her quickening—the little shiver of tension through her body, the quiet moan of surrender. Lifting over her then, he settled between her thighs. Watching her face, sinking into her eyes, he pressed himself inside her.

  She was just barely wet enough for him. He had to work his way in a little at a time. She let him do it. Meeting his gaze, quiet and calm as her body accepted him, she gave him what he wanted. What he needed.

  Finally he was there, sunken fully into her sweet body. There. That was what he needed. He burrowed in, all the way deep, then put his elbows at her shoulders and lifted up. He cupped her head in his hands as he gazed at her.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I know.”

  “You understand who I am.”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “I couldn’t let you face Tomlinson alone.”

  “I get it.” Gemini looked at him like she really did. “But if I’d told you what I was doing, you’d have tried to stop me.”

  He understood her, too. “I don’t think I’d have succeeded.” He didn’t like admitting that, but it was true. What she’d done was important to her, and he wouldn’t have had the heart to stop her. He’d had to find a workaround.

  “No,” she said.

  But it would have been a fight she didn’t have in her at the time. He got it. “I won’t stop you from doing the things that matter to you. Because I love you.”

  He cupped her head in his hands and pumped into her once.

  She wrapped her fingers around his wrists. “I won’t stop you from doing the things that matter to you. Because I love you.”

  “I will always claim the right to protect you.” He thrust into her once more, not hard, but damn…real.

  “Understood,” she said, simply.

  He guessed it was simple. He was a warrior at heart. There was a place inside him that was a throwback to the caveman in his ancestry. He’d see nothing wrong with tossing her over his shoulder and whisking her away to safety if the situation called for it.

  But if she wouldn’t allow it, he’d stand and fight for her. That’s who he was.

  “We good then, Gemini Walker?”

  She smiled at him, maybe just a little distracted by the way he thrust into her again. “We’re good, Clayton Wilder.”

  He smiled back—but didn’t get distracted from what he was doing inside her. “Gemini Walker Wilder. I like the sound of that.”

  His hand was back on her breast now, a bit more aggressive than what he’d been doing before. He could tell she had to work to focus. “I think I’d better just stick with Gemini Walker from now on.”

  “You can if you want,” he said, thinking that might be one of those things that mattered to her. “But in my head, from here on, you’re Gemini Walker Wilder.”

  The grip of her hand tightened on his wrist. The other sank into his shoulder. He’d felt her fingers spasm the last time he’d shoved into her. She was definitely getting distracted. “Just so you don’t call me the little missus.”

  “I won’t,” he said. At least, not out loud. And he wasn’t sure whether he’d said that out loud or not. He was distracted now, too. Clasped by that hot, tight pussy, held by those sweet brown eyes. His breath shuddered each time he stroked into her. It was taking her, too. Her breath hummed out and she opened her legs further to cradle him. He could feel how it stimulated her, the way he rubbed against her clit with each thrust.

  They were there together, his face just a whisper from hers, their eyes open and their souls connected. Clutching each other, they went over, a rush of breath and soft sighs, words of love and need, and that last, exqui
site moment when he emptied into her.

  * * * *

  The next day they had a pretty drive though western Colorado. Gemini was a little amused that Clay did nearly all the driving. Jace and Quinn gave him a gentle hard time about it—he was trained, they said, using finger quotes, in high-skill driving. Like they all hadn’t had the power of a fighter jet in their hands.

  But those two traded off turns with Gem in the back seat, taking advantage of the opportunity for a little hanky-panky, and so they weren’t really complaining.

  Neither was Gemini.

  Clay spent some time on the phone with his captain. That one took the story to headquarters. The brass in his department would know what had happened. And the DEA agents were left to slink out of town with their tails tucked between their legs.

  Over lunch—she had Clay at her side then, and his left hand pressed between her thighs—they hammered out plans for their future. It made sense, they agreed, to live at Jace’s place. His was the only home that could accommodate them all. Gemini would share Jace’s room—or closet space, at least. It was clear her sleeping arrangements would be a sort of rotation.

  Gemini noticed the waitress was very interested in this part of the conversation. She hovered nearby whenever she had the least excuse. At one point the two women’s gazes met, and Gem could only give a mental shrug. She couldn’t help that three incredibly hot men had claimed her. She wasn’t going to toss them back. Not even one of them.

  Warming Gem’s heart nearly to tears, the talk turned to having babies. With their utterly masculine swagger, not a one of them had any concern about her history of miscarriage. “Your body had the sense to reject the bastard’s spawn” was how Clay crudely phrased it. “It won’t happen again.”

  Oddly, Gemini trusted Clay’s word on that.

  But it meant they’d need more room, was the point. So they debated building on to Jace’s place versus starting over somewhere else—one of the old mansions in town or maybe a new build. But they all loved Jace’s spectacular location and were leaning towards an addition there if they could manage it. Clay would give up his loft, Quinn would rent out his apartment, and that would help with the finances.

  “And I’ll work,” Gem said. “As soon as I get my credentials squared away in Colorado.”

  That drew the quiet attention of all three men. “You’re going to be busy,” Quinn said. “Babies. Remember?”

  “Well, we don’t have them yet.”

  “Nine months,” Clay asserted, all male confidence.

  Jace met her eyes. “Did you start those pills I got you?”

  “What?” Clay asked at the same time Gemini nodded her head.

  Jace explained. “I hooked her up with some birth control pills via that OB/GYN who’s a friend of mine.”

  “Well, she can stop them now.” That was Clay again, who apparently never had an opinion he didn’t share.

  “I’m here,” Gemini said, drawing attention back to her. “I’ll decide to stop them. When I’m ready.”

  Quinn looked at her with a twinkle in his eye. “Are you ready, babe?”

  She bit back a smile. “Maybe. Soon.” A couple cycles, she thought. To let her body heal. To work up to facing that risk again, that chance of heartbreaking loss.

  With a slow breath, she let it go. Her men were confident they could give her a baby. She wouldn’t doubt them.

  She napped in Quinn’s arms for the last two hours of their drive. It was nearly dusk when they got to Jace’s home. Clay and Quinn left to return Mrs. Konik’s car and fetch back Clay’s Outback. While they were gone, Jace made a run to the grocery. By the time they were all together again, Gemini sliced grilled steak onto salads and had bruschetta ready for the table on the deck. Jace opened wine for her and passed beers around. They sat together, watching Pike’s Peak disappear into the dark and city lights start to glow.

  Clay and Quinn had both brought their bags into the house when they’d gotten back and taken them into Jace’s spare rooms. Gemini knew they’d brought fresh clothing, just as they’d tucked into a bag for her that Quinn had handed over. It marked a first little step in their plan to live together.

  They all seemed aware of it, too, as quiet settled after they finished their dinner. Quinn leaned forward and clinked bottles with his friends. “I’m going to like this,” he said.

  Clay and Jace indicated their agreement. Gemini looked at Quinn. “But I’m going to miss living above Mach One.”

  Quinn met her gaze and smiled. There were a lot of nice moments to remember of their time there.

  Perhaps thinking of making some nice memories at Jace’s place, that one stood up and wandered down one level of deck. He took back the cover on the hot tub, started the jets, and lowered the lights. “Come down here, Gemini,” he said. “And lose the clothes.”

  “I can help with that,” Clay offered. He stood and pulled her to her feet. She suspected he remembered what she had on beneath her clothing.

  She’d bought undies and an extra travel outfit when she’d shopped the day before. She’d worn the short, slit denim skirt with a crocheted lace top on their drive. When she’d dressed that morning, it was the bra and panty set that Clay seemed to really appreciate. He found his way down there now. He unfastened her skirt and let it fall to the deck. Then he grasped her top and waited for her to lift her arms over her head.

  When he was done, both he and Quinn admired the view. Arden Fair had a Frederick’s. Her men seemed to approve.

  Her panties were black with white polka dots, boy shorts with a ruffle of lace that almost formed its own tiny, flirty skirt. The shelf bra left her breasts mostly bare, with a little pink bow in between. Clay’s eyes glittered as he looked her up and down. He grasped one nipple then lowered his mouth to the rise of her breast. He sucked long and hard, leaving a bruise. His mark. Clearly proud of himself, he flicked her nipple as he let her go.

  Quinn stood between her and the steps to the lower deck. He enjoyed watching her walk to him, if the tenting behind his fly meant anything. “I like the look,” he said. He surely couldn’t be surprised at the way the bra left her breasts bare, because he’d had his hand down her top in the backseat of the Lexus. Still, the way he feasted with her eyes made her think he appreciated the visual. “You are so very pretty. Like a gourmet frosted cupcake.”

  His hands hovered for a minute like he couldn’t choose where to touch. Finally, he slid them around her waist and brought her close so that tenting action had a nice place to nestle. He’d changed into one of his band shirts—Amazing Snakeheads, this time—and she felt the rough catch of the silkscreen print tug at her nipples. His breath was hot and needy as he bent his head to her neck. “God, you make me hot.”

  He kissed her deeply before he let her go, and gave her a pat on the ass as she walked away.

  She stopped at the top of the steps and put her hand on the rail. The lower deck was dark, but she could see that Jace was standing naked in the center of the hot tub. The water was just below waist-high on him, and his hard cock bobbed on the churning surface. His eyes reflected light and desire.

  “Is that how you spent my money yesterday?”

  Gemini smiled. She was very sure he didn’t object. “A good bit of it.”

  “Nice work,” he said. “Now get down here.”

  She walked down the stairs, not needing to look behind her to know that two pairs of eyes followed her just as intently as the single pair in front. When she stopped at the very edge of the tub, she could hear that Quinn and Clay had followed. Close behind her, they were shedding their clothes.

  Jace stepped forward and raised a knee as he propped his foot on a ledge under the water. He slid his warm hands up her legs to her hips. He hooked the waist of her panties with his thumbs and pulled them down just enough that her clit was revealed. Leaning in, he took her with his tongue. She shuddered as he pushed in, pressing between her thighs and then withdrawing to torture her clit.

  Keeping the e
lastic hooked, he circled his hands around until he could spread them over her bare ass cheeks. He had the panties bunched in his hands then, low enough to offer her anus to one of the men behind her.

  Quinn stepped up, or was it Clay? Whichever, within a second she felt moist fingers circle her and then press in. She rocked back, hitting a hard chest and knowing by the scent that it was Clay. She lolled against him, humming in pleasure as he took one breast in his hand, and Quinn came around to suck her other nipple into his mouth.

  She saw stars, in both the literal and figurative sense. The night sky was dark and endless above her, and she imagined the moans she let out soaring into space, drifting forever. There was a light on high in the house next door that suddenly blinked out. She wondered if someone there had heard her and peeked out to get a view of the action.

  It was so dark no one would see much, and she didn’t care in any case. It was a little extra jolt of thrill, considering that someone was there in the dark, watching her men pleasure her.

  Quinn sucked hard on her nipple just as Clay pushed a finger in to ream her, quick little curls of wicked stimulation. Jace closed his lips over her clit and drew hard at the same time he trust his fingers into her cunt. All of it was too much. She gave up wondering if anyone was watching or listening, and gave over to it. She nearly collapsed in pleasure, held by the arm Clay circled around her waist and the two sets of fingers now shoving roughly into her.

  “No,” she keened. “Oh, God. No.”

  But yes. Yes, it would happen. Even as she began to wail, she heard her men assure her. Yes. She arched back into Clay and threw her arms up to the sky. She shuddered and cried out, rocking against those wicked fingers, glorying in ecstasy.

  Hands were on her then, sliding her out of her bra and panties—someone said to be careful, they’d want to see those again—and gently lowering her to the tub. She ended up in Jace’s arms, and he settled her into the water curled in his lap.


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