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The Braille Club (The Braille Club #1)

Page 20

by J. A. Kerr

  London, 2012


  Benedict arrived at the Savoy Hotel early and after checking-in, he went to his room, intent on working. When he saw the door, he froze. It was the same door Siena had sent him in her email. He felt in his pocket for the key nestled there. His heartbeat increased as he opened the door and dumped his bag and laptop on the bed, before heading back down the corridor to the lifts.

  He found room fifteen and nervously pulled the key from his pocket. He tried the card with the ribbon in the slot and was rewarded with the light changing to green, and he pushed the door open. The room was empty save for a mobile phone on the pillow and lifting it up he saw it had one message.

  Siena: Meet me tonight, and I will give you my decision.

  Benedict felt his heart flutter and quickly texted.

  Benedict: I have a plan; be ready to meet me in room 15 when I text you.

  The phone buzzed.

  Siena: Okay, but I can’t stay long…

  Benedict put the phone in his jacket and left, his heart beating faster at what this new twist would mean, and he tried to work on his laptop until it was time to get changed, nervous about tonight; it felt like too many things could go wrong.

  He had asked Ava to text him when she was en-route; she had already done this and was to text again when she arrived. Pre-dinner drinks were from six-thirty to seven p.m.; already six-forty, he was relieved when his mobile buzzed with another text confirming Ava had arrived. He replied saying he would meet her at the function. Leaving his room, he found the reception bar of the event quickly, positioning himself so that he would see her arrival. He was momentarily dumbfounded as she made her entrance.

  Ava looked breathtakingly beautiful and very, very sexy. The red dress clung seductively to her lithe body as she crossed the floor towards him. Every eye in the room followed her movements as a slightly flustered waiter offered her a glass of champagne. She would be the perfect distraction, thought Benedict as he turned to greet her, but just at that moment he caught a glimpse of Siena, and his heart did a somersault.

  When he turned back to Ava the flush of pleasure he’d seen in her face earlier was gone. He thought she appeared troubled but put it down to being nervous about the dinner. She was not the only one. Benedict had everything riding on the events of this night. He welcomed Ava and then fell silent, completely preoccupied. The room was noisy as they awkwardly stood together. He was not conscious that he had barely spoken to her. Distracted, he had been giving one word replies to her questions and struggling attempts at small talk.

  “Do you know anyone else at our table?” she asked as Benedict studied the seating plan.

  “Just a client,” he replied cryptically as the doors of the function suite opened and people started to move inside.

  They were not at the same table as Siena and her husband, which was a relief. Benedict purposely stood with his back to the room since his first glimpse of Siena. He dreaded seeing her husband, Nick. He knew what he looked like, and he was sure Nick would know him. They walked to the beautifully decorated round tables and sat down. He glanced at Ava. She looked happier as she spoke to the wine waiter. She gave Benedict a dazzling smile as she lifted the ice cold Sauvignon Blanc to her lips. She took a big gulp of her wine, then seemed to relax. Benedict barely touched his, as the ever attentive waiter topped up Ava’s glass.

  He frowned. She was already tipsy as the starters arrived and he hoped the food would help soak up the alcohol. The last thing he needed was Ava to get drunk and ruin everything. Benedict had barely spoken a word to her, as the woman to his left engaged him in one topic after another, while Ava had been in deep conversation with a gentleman on her right who was flirting outrageously with her, as well as topping up her glass. Benedict excused himself from the table just as the desserts arrived, and walked into the foyer, texting Alex he was on his way. He knew that people would shortly be free to move around and that Nick would seek him out. He arrived at the room five minutes later and tapped at the door. Alex opened it, and he quickly went inside.

  “Remember what I said. Stick to the topics you know, do not discuss business, and look after Ava. She’s quite drunk already I think, but she’s very sharp.”

  Alexander looked uneasy. “Ben, is all this necessary?”

  “Yes, it is. From what Siena’s told me, her husband is very suspicious as it is. I just want to talk to her, Alex, nothing more; put my case across, and if she says no then I’ll walk away, no harm done.”

  He knew he wouldn’t walk away—well, not without a fight. He knew Siena had his heart, but did he have hers?

  “Okay, let’s do this,” said Alex, smiling. Benedict picked up his mobile and waited.



  Alexander went to the function, taking a second to locate the table from the seating plan in his pocket, his gaze falling on Ava as he sat down. God, she was stunning. Ben had described her but his words hadn’t done her justice. He had also studied a picture of Siena and Nick Waters and had, in fact, seen Nick staring at him as he returned to his seat.

  The stare was unsettling and distinctly hostile. Why had Alex agreed to this stupid plan of Benedict’s? Impersonating his brother would be easy; say nothing and remain aloof. If it was the other way round…he felt sure people would suspect. But since Benedict knew no one at the table apart from Ava, well, they just might get away with it. The band started up, and some people from the table left their seats for the dance floor. Ava was still speaking to the man on her right when Alexander returned.

  “Where the hell have you been?”

  She looked furious; probably bored to death by the old creep sitting beside her, he thought. Alex turned to her, his face apologetic.

  Ava stared at him, confused. “God, I must be drunker than I thought because you look different.” Puzzlement and anger combined to make her tone accusing. She stared at Alex. “I can’t put my finger on it…”

  “More wine?’ asked Alex, smiling.

  “It’s your eyes…” Ava blurted, she seemed to struggle with her thoughts. “They’ve got…warmth. Well, that’s the word that springs to mind. Oh my God, I’m losing it,” she said, lifting her wine. Alexander felt a presence and glanced up to see a man’s unsmiling face. He felt himself shiver as he turned to Ava, indicating his presence. Alexander looked up and locked eyes with Nick Waters.

  “Mr. Harrison, we meet at last…Nick Waters.”

  Alex stood and took his outstretched hand in his, and he went into professional mode.

  “Likewise.” He smiled. “This is my colleague, Ava.”

  As Nick Waters turned to meet Ava, Alex sent a quick text to Benedict.

  Nick Waters became momentarily distracted and charmed by Ava before returning his attentions back to Alexander.

  “So, my wife tells me you are no longer handling the villa yourself.”

  “Mr. Waters, no shop talk tonight, after all we’re here to enjoy ourselves, and I need to ask my beautiful date to dance.”

  Alex gave a little smile before pulling a surprised Ava onto the dance floor. Nick Waters stared after them, a deep frown on his face.



  Siena felt her phone vibrate in her bag and knew she didn’t have long. Informing her mum she had a headache and needed to get some painkillers, she stood and left the table. As she hurried out of the room, she wanted to run to the lifts. She waited impatiently as it delivered her to the first floor and turned to room fifteen, pushing the card into the lock. The door opened. She walked inside to see those glacial blue eyes…and then she was in his arms and he was kissing her, their desire raw and powerful.

  Siena cursed her traitorous body as her nipples hardened, and her core turned to liquid under Benedict’s lips. His kiss had left her breathless and, of course, it had left her wanting more. It had taken all of his restraint to pull away.

  “Well,” he said, his breathing ragged.

  “Yes,” was a
ll she said as his lips found hers. He manoeuvred her until she was against the bed before pushing her down, his fingers pulling her dress up and her panties down as he slid into her. She was so ready for him, her hips pushing up to meet his thrusts as his tongue continued to explore and claim her mouth. It was fast and intense; their orgasms reached within minutes, Benedict pulling out carefully as Siena rose, holding her dress as she padded to the bathroom. She returned to locate her panties and slipped them on.

  “How did you get here before me?”

  “I have a twin,” said Benedict distractedly.

  He came up behind her and slipped his hand inside her dress, caressing her breasts. She groaned, feeling her legs go weak.

  “I want you, Siena, but not like this,” he said hoarsely.

  She could hardly think as her body and mind acted independently.

  “I want to take off this dress and slowly kiss you all over,” he murmured in her ear, as he kissed her neck.

  “I’m leaving Nick,” Siena said in a rush. “He can never know about us, Benedict.”

  Siena lost her train of thought as Benedict’s hand travelled further down her body. They both jumped as the text went off in his pocket. Benedict told his phone out.

  “He’s just left the room,” said Benedict.

  Siena was out the door and heading to the stairs seconds later, her heart hammering in her chest. Her body felt drugged with her desire for Benedict, but she must put on a performance for a little longer. It would be the performance of her life.

  Chapter 37


  Braille Club, London, Present Day: Elysian members are notified by text if they have achieved Patron or Assignee of the Month. It is sent after the month’s times have been calculated; egos are boosted by the text’s arrival or dented by its absence. Their reward, unless preferences prevail, is a paired session with one another…for the ultimate Braille experience.


  Abbey felt like she was walking through a dense fog as she made her way to Steve’s ward, Olivia by her side. Betrayal was heavy on her mind and heart. She wondered what people saw when they looked at her. The girl who had everything…pain bit even harder into her. Why had she given him another chance? Why had she exposed herself again to this excruciating pain? God, she hated him right now.

  Why had she not realized what he was up to? She didn’t want to stoop to going through his phone and checking his email, but of course, she had done it. He had left his phone out knowing it was clean and knowing that was exactly what she would do. She hadn’t thought he could be so devious. It wasn’t the phone in plain sight that was the problem. As soon as she entered the ward, the nurse stood up and approached her.

  “Mrs. Marshall, I’ll page doctor now.”

  “What’s happened?” Abbey’s voice sounded harsh and bitter.

  “Er…your husband’s condition has…”

  “Mrs. Marshall.”

  Abbey turned to see the kind doctor she had spoken to yesterday and knew by his face, by his eyes, that it was serious.

  “We need to talk, please.” He indicated the room with seats and Abbey took Olivia for support as she followed him in.

  “I’m so very sorry, Mrs. Marshall, we have been trying to contact you.”

  “Abbey, please call me Abbey,” she whispered, trying to delay what was coming. Abbey looked into his caring eyes as the tears started to roll down her cheeks.

  “Your husband’s condition has deteriorated, I’m afraid; he has suffered another haemorrhage. We’ve stabilized him for now, on life support, but the bleed was significant. I have the results of the brain scan here.”

  He held up the film of Steve’s brain, explaining that what appeared to be white was in fact blood. There was no hope of recovery; no brain activity…Steve was gone. The full gravity of the doctor’s words hadn’t got through to Abbey. She could deal with the bitches and the media; it was the doctor’s kindness that undid her, pierced her heart like a knife through butter as she started to sob uncontrollably, his hand on her shoulder, while the kind nurse giving her tissues only made her cry harder. In fact, it was Olivia’s voice that calmed her.

  “Abbey, Abbey, come on. You need to see Steve,” she said sharply. She thrust more tissue into Abbey’s hand. “Dry your face. Come on, you need to do this,” came her no-nonsense voice.

  Abbey’s sobs were inhuman as she lifted her grief-stricken eyes to Olivia.

  “I’ll come with you, let’s go now.”

  Abbey nodded slowly.

  “Go into the loo and splash some water on your face, you’ll feel better.” Olivia’s voice never wavered, although inside she too was shaken to her core.

  Abbey rose slowly as the nurse steered her towards the toilet. The doctor turned to Olivia with genuine respect in his eyes.

  “You handled that well, thank you.”

  She wasn’t totally immune as she brushed angrily at her own tears.

  “My job is crisis management,” Olivia sighed. “Dealing with divas and their egos, although that’s not Abbey. She’s my exception. I couldn’t do your job. I only survive because I don’t care about the people I work with, whereas…you must.”

  The doctor nodded at Olivia before smiling sadly. Abbey shuffled back, her face washed but ravaged, and together they walked slowly to Steve’s room. The monitors seemed obscenely loud as they entered the otherwise silent room.

  “Is there nothing else you can do?” said Abbey brokenly as she approached Steve. He appeared smaller, diminished somehow, but otherwise his handsome face was smooth and untroubled, like he was asleep.

  “We are sure, Abbey,” said the doctor gently. “This is the time to call family, to say your goodbyes, before the life support is switched…”

  Abbey dropped to the floor like a stone, as both Olivia and the doctor rushed to her side. When she came round, it was to see her brother Mark’s worried face, and then her parents. Olivia had called them earlier when she couldn’t get hold of Abbey and told them what was happening. They were deeply shocked, but promised to be at the hospital as soon as possible, and they hadn’t let her down.

  For that first second of awareness, she felt totally free before reality came crashing in on her, and she gasped, trying to sit up.

  “Abbey, take your time,” said Mark, his commanding voice stilling Abbey, and she lay back down again. The tears started again. Too exhausted to wipe them away, she let them roll down her face. Her dad came up and gathered her into his arms, hugging her tight as her body shook with sobs of despair.

  “Abbey sshhhhh. You’ve got to be a very brave girl now. The doctors are asking about Steve being a donor, do you know if he wanted that?”

  “I’m not sure,” said Abbey truthfully. “We never discussed it, but I think he’d want to.”

  “Right, I’ll let them know. I’ve got you some tea and sandwiches, and I want you to eat all of them, okay?” Mark held her gaze, and Abbey nodded meekly.

  “When you feel strong enough, we’ll all go back to Steve’s room.”

  Taking a deep breath, Olivia broached the subject of Steve’s parents, making a decision to be completely truthful.

  “Abbey, I’ve spoken to Liz, as you can imagine she was hysterical, but then she was very drunk…”

  “What, in the morning?” said Abbey shocked.

  “Yes, I’m afraid so. I called back, and Kenny answered. He had no idea what I was talking about. Can you believe Liz hadn’t told him? He woke her, but she didn’t remember our conversation. Anyway they know the situation, and it’s up to them now. Kenny said he’d call me back.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” asked her mum reproachfully.

  Abbey thought about Steve’s mobile and finding out about the affair and now this…switching off his life support.

  Abbey’s voice wobbled. “Everything happened so fast, Mum; my phone was flat, Steve’s deterioration. Thank God Olivia was here, or I’m not sure how I’d have coped.”
/>   Olivia’s phone started to buzz and she quickly stepped out and answered it in hushed tones.

  She came back into the room some ten minutes later, glad to see Abbey had finished eating and had slightly more colour in her face. A little later, a nurse came and spoke with Abbey.

  “I think we should proceed, the doctors are waiting,” she said sadly. The group moved silently back into Steve’s room, where one by one they said their goodbyes until it was just Abbey and Olivia.

  “Did you speak to them?”

  “Yes…I’m not sure they’re coming; I’m sorry. Kenny wasn’t making much sense, either. I explained about the life support, but he just kept shouting at me, maybe he was drunk too,” sighed Olivia, rubbing her tired eyes.

  “Okay,” said Abbey. “Let me call them. I need to let the doctors know what’s happening.”

  “Sky News has the story, Abbey; I called in a lot of favours, but I couldn’t keep it under wraps forever, it will be headline news by now.”

  “Yes, of course, I understand.”

  “My team, along with Steve’s people, will deal with as much as we can for you; the club, his teammates, his fans, but his parents are the unknown quantity here. They will need careful handling, Abbey. The trick is not to antagonize them. We must tread carefully and take legal advice. I need to make some calls,” said Olivia, taking her phone out of her bag.

  “Can you let the doctors know we need to delay?” Abbey sighed. “I’ll give Liz and Kenny twenty-four hours to get here, Olivia; I’ll make it crystal clear to them.”

  Olivia nodded as she left Abbey alone with Steve.

  She laid her head on the bed, saying her goodbyes, her head full of good memories like their wedding day, their career triumphs, and their wonderful holidays. Gathering all her strength she called Liz’s mobile; it went straight to voicemail, so she left a short but urgent message for Liz to call her. She tried Kenny next and again it went straight to voicemail. Dread and relief surged through her. They must be on the plane, what other reason would there be to switch their phones off?


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