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Hidden Truths (Intertwined Souls Series Book 3)

Page 25

by Mary D. Brooks

  “Yes, nine months before it would actually happen. Imagine the horror of knowing someone you loved would go through that? Imagine you were that person’s beloved aunt. Did she know what Eva was going through? Felt her pain, her fear?”


  “Tessa endured that and other shared experiences that were far worse, Zoe. I endured them with her because she is my beloved and she was going through the pain.”

  “You are a lesbian, like me?”

  “I am.”

  “Did Papa know?”

  “He knew. Bless his heart, he knew, but thought this was a phase I was going through because I had lost my Timothy. Your father loved me.”

  “Why did he call you Crazy Stella?”

  “He thought I was crazy for wanting to work in a lunatic asylum. I really hate that word ‘lunatic’—it’s an ugly word. He also thought I was crazy because of my dress sense. Not because I was a lesbian.”

  Zoe returned her attention to the artwork. She couldn’t take her eyes off Eva’s face. The terror was so real, so palpable. “She must have been terrified and in so much pain.”

  “She was, but you have to remember that she survived that. She survived all of it. They tortured her and she survived. Eva is far stronger than she even realizes.” Stella tapped the artwork with her finger. “This was torture.”

  “They were evil.” Zoe pointed to the doctor in the artwork. “That’s Eva’s uncle.”

  “I know. Eva had to endure this for months, but she did endure it, and she did not lose her mind. That takes an exceptional amount of courage, internal strength and a will to survive.”

  “That’s my Eva.” Zoe smiled. “She wanted me to come back for the inheritance. She didn’t want me to lose anything despite knowing we would be back here. This cabin holds so many bad memories, but also good memories.”

  Stella smiled. “When Tessa showed me this, I was so proud of you.” She dug through the other art and came up with one. “I remember saying to Tessa that I didn’t want to be on the other end of this.”

  Zoe took the artwork, glanced at it and then looked up at her aunt. “Wow,” she said softly. A teenage Zoe was looking back at her, her face contorted in rage as she fired at a German’s officer’s face. From an artistic point of view, Zoe was impressed. She brought the artwork closer when she noticed the artist had even drawn the scratches on Zoe’s face from her mad scramble to reach the major’s house, which was going to be blown up during a Resistance attack. “That is incredible.”

  “When Tessa showed me this, I remember thinking how much you must have loved Eva to go into this cabin to fight for her life. It wasn’t to kill in revenge for your mama, but to save her life.”

  Zoe looked up and blinked rapidly. “I didn’t think.”

  “No, you didn’t.” Stella held Zoe’s hand. “Your heart was telling you what to do and you did it. Now what you should do is go into that room and just hold Eva. Tomorrow you and Eva come down to the farm.”

  “We were going to go to see...”

  “Yes, you pay your respects to your mama, to the boys, and to my brother. I’ve already given him a good talking to, so it’s time for some tender, loving words from his daughter.”

  Zoe smiled. “Would Papa have been disappointed in me?”

  Stella shook her head. “No, never. Your papa would never have been disappointed in you.” She lovingly caressed Zoe’s hair. “My darling Zoe. Your mama was told she shouldn’t have any more children, did you know that?”


  “She didn’t listen and she fell pregnant with you. The doctors told her it was either your life or hers. She chose yours. I was in Larissa when you were born. Your mama was in labor for thirty-six hours and we thought we would lose you both.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “No, I don’t think you would have. Your papa called you Zoe, a new cherished life, and he didn’t call you Maria after our mama. He would have been so proud of you. I can see him in my mind, his chest puffed out and curling his moustache.” Stella wiped the tears from her eyes. “I remember when I came down on your first birthday. You hadn’t learned to walk yet and your papa was doing everything to make you walk to him, but you wouldn’t have any of it.” She laughed lightly. “Big green eyes and all those red curls. You were his little girl. I remember he turned to say something to me and the next thing we knew, your mama’s arms were flapping to get our attention. We turned and there you were standing, and you took two steps, stopped, looked around, took another two steps and flopped on the ground. I wasn’t sure who was prouder, you with a huge grin on your face, or your papa, who had picked you up and danced.”

  Tears rolled down Zoe’s face at the happy moment, a moment she didn’t remember. It sounded like something her father would do.

  “Don’t ever feel your papa wouldn’t be proud of the young woman you have become. Your mama would also be proud, and I suspect those big brothers of yours would have been as well.”

  “Thank you, Aunty.”

  “You’re welcome, darling. Now it’s time for me to leave.” Stella got up and adjusted her skirt. She picked up her satchel and put it into the large bag. “You go and be with your love. I will see you tomorrow.” She kissed Zoe on the cheek.

  Zoe walked her to the door, gave her a final hug and watched her walk down the track. Very quietly, she shut the door and turned off the lamp before she entered the bedroom.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  “Oh Stella, that was so stupid.” Stella admonished herself. She was using a horse and cart to make her way back to the farmhouse from Athena’s Bluff, where she felt she had left Eva with a reopened raw wound and Zoe half mad with worry.

  Stella brought the horse quietly up to the farm. She could see light from the windows. A moment later the door to the farmhouse opened and a figure emerged. Her hair glistened in the dim light. Tessa Lambros was a tall woman with waist length black hair which framed a long face and full lips. Her light gray eyes watched as Stella dismounted from the cart. Tessa leaned against her wooden cane, resting her hand on the silver handle.

  Tessa slowly shook her head as Stella looked back and then unhitched the cart from the horse. She took the reins of the horse and led him to the stable without saying a word.

  “You’re late, Angel.” Tessa spoke for the first time. She put her arm around Stella’s shoulders and leaned down for a quick kiss. “I was getting a little worried.”

  “Why are you up and about?” Stella asked. “Didn’t I tell you not to put any weight on that knee?”

  “Yes, knee hurts, I’ll live. What happened with the girls?”

  “Tessa, please, listen to me. I’m your partner but I’m also your doctor. Listen to Dr. Stella, please.”

  “I do listen to you, Angel, but I’ve waited thirty years to meet my niece. She’s barely twenty minutes from here and I’m getting a little anxious.”

  Stella shook her head. “I’ve never seen you so impatient before. I think I like it, in a strange kind of way.” She chuckled.

  “What happened?”

  “We may have a problem.”

  “What did you do?” Tessa asked as they went inside the house. She closed the door as Stella took the satchel out of her bag. “Oh, no. Tell me you didn’t show her the artwork.”

  “I did.”

  “I told you that was going to be too much for her to take.”

  “I wasn’t thinking, Tessa, I wasn’t thinking and I should know better.” Stella shook her head and put her arms around Tessa’s waist. She looked into Tessa’s troubled light gray eyes. “It was like reopening a very raw wound.”

  “Tell me what happened.”

  Tessa led Stella to the sofa and they sat down.

  “Zoe went to town to pick up some supplies and she left Eva at the cabin. While they were outside, I let myself in.”

  “How did Eva take that?”

  “You would be surprised. She did take it rather well, but she was confused as
to who I was.”

  “What is she like?”

  “Quiet, reserved to the point of being cold. Very direct. Doesn’t like personal questions.”

  “That’s to be expected.”

  “She does have a quirky sense of humor that peeks out every now and then, but then the icy persona wins out and the real Eva disappears. I spied on them...”

  “In that outfit?” Tessa raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes, and I did a very good job.”

  “Those two must be blind.” Tessa laughed. “What did you find out?”

  “The Eva I met and the Eva that was with Zoe are two very different people. She was playful, loving, and open with Zoe. I couldn’t believe it was the same woman.”

  “Zoe is the key. Zoe was always the key. Their lives have been connected before they met and after they met.”

  “She is, isn’t she? Just like you said.”

  “Why did you show her that artwork?”

  “She was slowly coming out of her shell and I thought talking to her would work, like it did for you.”

  Tessa sighed. “You know Eva is very different from me.”

  “I know she is but—”

  “But you thought you would convince her that I wasn’t some lunatic. My guardian angel.” Tessa warmly smiled at Stella.

  Stella sighed deeply. “She’s not an easy person to get to know.”

  “She doesn’t make it easy. She makes it hard on purpose. Most people would give up trying to get to know her and move on.”

  “Is that some sort of game she plays?”

  “It’s not a game, Angel, it’s not a game. This is her way of protecting herself.”

  “Yet Zoe got through.”

  “Zoe has more power over Eva than anyone else. If Zoe wanted to, she could kill Eva like she planned to do when they met by just using her words as a weapon. Just as deadly as a gun. It would be so easy.”

  “But she won’t. You said she wouldn’t.”

  “No, she won’t.” Tessa shook her head. “What happened when you showed Eva the artwork?”

  Stella looked heavenward. “She took one look at it and she fell apart. She was utterly terrified. It was as if she was back there. There was a fragility about her that I never expected, even though I should have known.”

  “Sometimes what we know and what we get can be very different. What of Zoe? What do you make of her?”

  “My darling niece is her father’s daughter. I see a lot of Nicky in her—she has his determination and spirit. Her ultimate weakness is Eva.”

  “Her mama’s death shattered that child.”

  “She wasn’t much older than you were when you were sent to Saint Gregori,” Stella gently reminded Tessa.

  “I didn’t see my mother shot in front of me. She wasn’t a child anymore after that happened. She didn’t have you in her corner to look out for her, like you did for me. There wasn’t anyone to soothe her fears.”

  “They both have suffered much.”

  “Yes, but they are both back to where it all began. It’s time we help them heal. They need it and they can’t move on unless that happens.”

  “Well, they have come to the right place for that.”

  “Did our crazy nephew find the train?”

  “Yes.” Stella smiled. “Theo has no patience. He rode that rusted piece of junk metal to the train.”

  “I don’t blame him. I wish I had a rusted piece of junk metal.”

  “You do.” Stella grinned. “Me.”

  Tessa gazed at Stella and smiled. “You are just too funny. Come on, we have a lot of work to do before they come here. They are coming, right?”

  “Yes, they are coming to the farm.”

  “What time?”

  Stella sighed. “Tessa, darling, can you please go back to being calm and serene?”

  “Stella, please…”

  “I know, I know you waited thirty years. One more night won’t make any difference. We can do the chores tomorrow.”

  “We need to get Zoe’s room ready and—”

  “Theresa Rosa Lambros! You are going to drive me crazy.” Stella took Tessa’s hand and kissed it. “Let’s go to bed so that knee of yours can start healing. Of all the things you had to go and do, I can’t believe you stepped into the horse manure.”

  “I didn’t step in it.”

  “No, you slipped and slid in it.” Stella chuckled and waited for Tessa to pass her through the door of the bedroom. Tessa stopped and turned to face Stella with a wide grin on her face.

  “She’s really here.”

  “Yes, she is, and if she’s still talking to me after today…”

  “You mean there’s a chance I won’t get to meet her?”

  “You will get to meet her; there is no doubt about that. Can you please stop fussing?” Stella led Tessa into the bedroom and shut the door.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  ­Zoe slowly opened her eyes and knew Eva was not beside her. Her hand felt the coldness of the sheet next to her. It was still dark. Oh, Evy, how long have you been up? When Zoe had come back into the bedroom, it looked like Eva was asleep, but Zoe knew she wasn’t—her body was wound tight, her face tense. Zoe tried to talk to her but all she got back from Eva was either grunts or silence. Eva was not in the right frame of mind to talk so Zoe just put her arms around her and hoped she would at some point fall asleep.

  Zoe wasn’t surprised that Eva couldn’t sleep after having the worst panic attack she had ever witnessed. It looked horrendous and must have felt brutal. She shuddered at the memory of Eva’s glazed eyes. The image of Eva’s tortured face was burned into her mind.

  Zoe rolled onto her back and looked up at the ceiling for a moment before swinging her legs over the bed. She shivered, since the cool mountain air had dropped the temperature in the cabin. She sat on the edge for a little while and then she picked up her robe and tied it closed. The bedroom door was closed, but she could see light coming from the main cabin.

  Eva raised her head at the sound of the door opening. She had been sitting on the sofa staring at the floor for what felt like hours, oblivious to the cold with just a singlet and panties on. Zoe padded towards Eva, stopped in front of her and knelt.

  “Hey.” Zoe took Eva’s hands into her own.

  “Did I wake you?”


  Eva reached out and brushed red-gold strands from Zoe’s eyes.

  Eva gracefully slid down from the sofa and knelt before Zoe. “Make love to me, Zoe.” Eva untied Zoe’s robe, which fell away, and effortlessly removed Zoe’s singlet. Eva kissed her intensely, passionately and hungrily. Zoe reached up and entangled her fingers in Eva’s dark hair. Eva ran her hands over Zoe’s flesh and lowered both of them to the flokati rug, all the while passionately kissing Zoe. She stretched the length of her body out alongside Zoe and ran a strong, yet delicate hand up the span of Zoe’s figure, stopping at her face to gently brush her fingers across her lips. Eva smiled and kissed her again.

  “I love you so much. I need you.” Eva breathlessly pledged her love, her lips moving down to Zoe’s neck, bringing her hand to the underside of a soft breast, brushing her thumb across the nipple, the flesh hardening under her caress.

  “Yessss...” It came out more as a strangled groan.

  Eva continued to tenderly kiss and stroke Zoe’s body. She moved over her and lowered her body down, her weight resting on her arms. Zoe moaned in pleasure.

  Softly, breathlessly, Eva whispered, “Remember I promised you my heart, my body, my soul.” Zoe was beyond answering and simply nodded her head in response.

  Eva lowered her voice even more. “Everything that I am, everything I have is yours. My life...everything I have, Zoe...all of belongs to you.”

  “Oh, Eva!”

  Zoe’s nipples tightened with arousal as Eva slid down her body, allowing her skin full contact with her.

  “Please, Evy…” Zoe whispered faintly, arching her back as Eva permitted h
er fingertips to brush across very erect nipples.

  Eva slowly enclosed one of the hardened nubs with her mouth and sucked gently. Using her knee, she spread Zoe’s legs apart and moved her thigh in to press against the warm wetness she found there.

  Zoe groaned loudly at the feel of Eva suckling at her breast. Eva’s mouth left her breast and trailed soft, warm kisses down her body. Her hands skimmed across the entire surface as if trying to memorize Zoe’s form, igniting raging fires wherever they went. Zoe’s constant moans echoed in the cabin as Eva let one hand slide down to caress her thigh, her legs unconsciously parting once they felt her lover’s fingertips gliding along the skin, goose flesh erupting wherever those fingertips wandered. A shiver ran the length of her body.

  Eva’s lips and tongue were weaving a sensuous path of pleasure down the flat plane of Zoe’s abdomen, pausing to tease with her tongue just along the hairline that separated the smooth skin from the chestnut curls below. Eva couldn’t help the delighted whimper that escaped from her throat at the feel of her own wetness.

  Settling her shoulders between Zoe’s thighs, Eva breathed deeply, savoring the delicious musky scent that was so Zoe. Her mouth watered at the perfume of Zoe’s ardor, her own body tensing in delightful anticipation at the thought of tasting that sweet wetness.

  Eva slipped her hands under Zoe’s hips, pulling her closer to her waiting mouth. She ran her tongue lightly along the drenched folds, feeling Zoe’s hips rise up in response. Zoe spread her legs wider as Eva grazed her tongue across the sweetness. Eva took the warm folds into her mouth, letting her tongue investigate every curve and crease. She allowed her tongue to explore, delighting in Zoe’s moans of pleasure. She slowly began stroking the hidden nub, now swollen with need. Eva felt her own desire increasing, and the sound of Zoe’s breathless moans, combined with the feel of her hands entwined in her hair, caused her to practically hum into the flesh under her tongue.

  “Oh, God, Eva...please...oh, please, don’t... stop.” Zoe raised her hips off the floor, and thrust harder against Eva’s insistent tongue.


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