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Ancient Guardians The Legacy of the Key

Page 16

by Morgan, SL

  Easy for you to say. “Yeah, I guess. But I think I’ll feel better if I took a couple of hours out of my day to study and stay on top of things.”

  Their conversation was cut short as Simone, Lillian, and Catherine approached them in the corridor.

  “Levi—Reece—well, this is a surprise.” Simone announced, forcing Levi and Reece to stop and greet them.

  Reece was surprised to see the three women. She had rarely seen them around the Palace since Allestaine and Navarre’s return; the three women had made great efforts to avoid her. Her body tensed under Simone’s scrutinizing gaze. It was obvious the woman was not happy to find Reece with Levi.

  “Ladies.” Levi acknowledged them.

  “Good morning.” Reece managed.

  Simone smiled at Reece. “It is a good morning, Reece. We were just on our way to your room to give you our farewells.”

  “Farewells?” Reece questioned.

  “Well, yes. You see, we will be traveling to a friend’s estate for a short vacation. It is quite a distance from the Palace, and we may be gone for close to a month. So,” she grinned, “If we do not see you before you return to Earth, we wanted to use this opportunity to wish you well.”

  “How very considerate of you, Ladies. Now—if you’ll excuse us, my Mother is awaiting Reece for a private breakfast.” Levi answered with irritation in his voice.

  Reece was grateful that Levi politely interrupted before she had a chance to answer. Simone was unceasingly proving to Reece what a strange person she was. Yeah, I’m sure you wouldn’t be able to rest if you knew you didn’t say goodbye to me, Simone.

  Reece smiled at the three women. “Thank you. I hope you all enjoy your vacation.”

  Lillian and Catherine both smiled, and offered their farewell’s. Simone’s eyes narrowed as she took notice of the arrow bracelet on Reece’s wrist. Reece watched as a hint of red touched the woman’s cheeks; she could feel the anger radiating from her.

  “Enjoy your breakfast, Reece. As I said, if you should return to Earth, and we don’t see you again, it was a pleasure to know you.”

  Before Reece could respond, Simone and her friends hastily made their exit.

  Reece looked up at Levi, who had a grin playing in the corner of his mouth. “I’d like to say it would be lonely around the Palace without them; however, I believe you’ll finally find yourself at peace amongst us now.”

  Reece shook her head, “Well, I’m glad Simone reiterated why I need to be studying.”

  “As I said earlier Reece, you should not worry over your schooling. When you return to Earth, we will help to make it a smooth transition for you.”

  Reece forced a smile upon her face. “I really don’t know how you’re going to do that, but okay.”

  Once they were in the sunroom, Levi led Reece to her seat, and walked over to his mother. She stood to give him a heartfelt hug. “I suppose you and Harrison are prepared to leave?”

  “All ready. It should only be a short visit—two or three days.” He looked at Reece and grinned. “Reece, everything will be fine.” He then addressed both women, “I will leave you two ladies to enjoy your breakfast. Enjoy your day.”

  “Be safe, Son. We’ll see you soon. Thank you for bringing Reece this morning.”

  Levi nodded, “It’s always my pleasure.” He gave a quick bow, turned, and exited the room.

  Allestaine looked at Reece with concern, “Is there something troubling you, Reece?”

  Reece smiled, hoping it would ease Allestaine’s concern. “No, I’m fine. I was just worrying about my third semester in medical school this year. But, like Levi said, it’s all going to be fine.”

  Allestaine smiled, “Yes, it will.”

  Two servants brought out various breakfast items, and set them on the table. They filled the ladies’ tea cups, and made their way from the room.

  As the women ate their breakfast, they spoke about Reece’s visit to the city the day before. Reece’s animated account of the day’s events delighted the Empress.

  “Reece, it appears that you enjoyed your visit to the city, and I am thrilled to hear it. Levi and I had a brief discussion about the young boy, Christopher, that you met yesterday.”

  “Yes, what Levi did for his family was so kind.” Reece replied.

  Allestaine smiled, “That is what I wanted to talk to you about. You see, after Levi informed me about his family’s loss, I feel obligated to pay them a visit. Would you care to join me?”

  “Oh, I’d love to. When are you planning to go?”

  Allestaine smiled. “Well, my daughter will be home with in the week, and I have made plans to go after that. Elizabeth is excited to meet you, and I believe this will be an excellent opportunity for you and her to get acquainted.”

  “I really do look forward to meeting her.”

  “She will be much more enjoyable company for you than Simone, Lillian, and Catherine.” She laughed. “Now, regarding our visit to the city, we will be staying for close to three days, and will be visiting the areas where the less fortunate live. I have amassed clothing and other items that have been donated for those who might be in need of them.”

  Reece smiled; this family’s interest in those less fortunate was very endearing, to say the least.

  “Is there anything I can do to help you prepare?”

  “Well, if you’d like, once we finish breakfast, you can accompany me to the collections room, where I have been organizing the donated items.”

  Reece nodded; the last of her concern for school was waning, and being replaced with the excitement of helping Allestaine with her charity work.

  The rest of the afternoon passed fairly quickly. Reece was amazed at all of the items Allestaine had accumulated. Excitement washed over the lady as she would show Reece the different outfits and pieces of furniture that were to be distributed to the needy.

  “Reece, to see the expressions on their delights me more than anything.” She laughed. “Excited as they are, I am equally as thrilled.”

  “I have never been a part of anything like this, Lady Allestaine; but considering Christopher’s response to Levi yesterday, I can only imagine what it will be like to go and donate all of this.” Reece said as she looked around the room filled with furniture.

  Allestaine smiled, “I truly believe you will enjoy this; I am happy you are coming with us.”

  The two women passed most of the day going through all of the items and arranging them. Reece became more excited about the trip and the opportunity to witness the happiness this would bring the people that were to receive the items.

  After breakfast the next morning, Lady Allestaine dismissed herself to attend to her duties. Reece used this opportunity to go into the Palace’s vast library in search of book containing medical reference material.

  She walked along the many different books, not knowing where to start. I’m never going to find anything in here. Her attention was drawn to an area of books that might resemble what she was looking for. She pulled one off the shelf that seemed like it would relate somewhat to medical science. She opened it, and glanced through its pages. None of the terms they used made any sense to her, and she knew it was pointless to try to read it. As she reached to put the book back on the shelf, another caught her attention.

  It was a history book about the Pemdai people, and it instantly sparked her interest. She pulled it off of the shelf, and took a seat in a chair by the window. So involved with the interesting writings within the book, she barely caught the image of the tall figure standing in the doorway. She looked up, slightly startled, and noticed Levi—dressed as if he had just stepped off of Wall Street—staring at her with an amused expression on his face.

  At first glance, the impeccably tailored black suit he wore gave the impression of power and wealth. Was it the suit? Maybe it was just Levi. Everything about him exuded nobility and inexorable power. If it weren’t for the stunning grin he wore, she would have been somewhat intimated to be in
his presence at the moment.

  “Forgive me if I am interrupting you.” He said as he crossed the room to where she sat.

  He took a seat in a chair across from her, and holding three textbooks in his hands.

  Trying to keep a level head in response to this exquisite man sitting in front of her, she responded. “This is a surprise, Levi. You’re back from Earth already?”

  “Yes, we handled the assignment much sooner than we expected.” He looked at the book she held in her hands. “Catching up on Pemdai history, are we?”

  Reece fanned the pages with her fingers, “You could call it that. Actually, I came in here hoping to find a book that would relate to medical science.” She laughed. “That was kind of an absurd idea. I couldn’t even understand the terminology you use here. But, hey, I tried.” She finished with a smile.

  Levi softly laughed, stood up, and handed her the books he brought in with him. “Maybe you could relate better to these terms.”

  Reece stared in disbelief at the books Levi placed into her hands. She looked up at him, “Levi? These are my books from school.”

  He grinned, “Indeed, they are.”

  She placed the books over on the side table and stood up. Any childish attraction she had toward him earlier had vanished. She was absolutely speechless by what he had done. The consideration he had taken for her with this gesture had overwhelmed her with admiration for him. “How did you manage to get these?”

  “Well, Harrison and I took a little detour on our way back to Pemdas. We have ways of doing things on Earth without being noticed…we’ve had a lot of practice.” He finished with a wink.

  She smiled widely and resisted the urge to reach her arms up and around him to thank him with a heartfelt hug. The generosity of this man outshined any faultless quality he carried in his physical appearance. “Levi, I really don’t know what to say. Thank you so much.” She managed.

  “It was my pleasure, Reece. Now, if you will excuse me, we just returned from Earth, and I need to get cleaned up before Harrison and I report to Samuel.”

  She smiled. “Okay. Thank you, again.”

  He grinned and gave her a quick bow before he turned to leave the room.

  Reece laughed inwardly as she watched him walking confidently across the room in his pristine suit. The guy looks like a million bucks right now, and he thinks he needs to clean up? She shook her head, and turned with excitement toward where her books awaited her.

  Reece sat back down in the chair, and felt more motivated than ever to start going through them. She had no idea how long she sat before she realized she wasn’t getting anywhere with her studying. She didn’t know where to start, or what she needed to study. Unable to engage herself into her books, she decided that a change of location might help.

  She walked over to a sitting area just outside of the library, which overlooked the main entrance to palace. It was perfect. The sofas were inviting and the views of the Palace gardens behind them were magnificent. Feeling more confident now, she walked over to a plush sofa and sat down. She flipped one of her books back open, and began to read. The change of location didn’t seem to help her either, as now she was distracted with the scenery around her. If she wasn’t staring at the chandelier that hung over the entryway, her eyes were drawn to the grand staircase in front of her. Why was this happening? Levi goes out of his way to bring her these books and now she has no desire to study? Reece was determined to get something out of these books. She brought her attention back to the paragraph that she must have read at least hundred times, and started to read it again. As soon as she started reading, the front doors to the Palace opened, and two tall men walked through them. Levi and his father were impressive in their appearance, dressed in white muslin shirts, complemented with their cravats and lavish, silk waistcoats. Even though this was casual dress for these men, Reece still marveled at their attire. The men went their separate ways, and Reece returned her attention to the book in her lap. However, instead of reading the words on the pages, she was envisioning Levi in his pale blue waist coat, crisp white shirt, and dark trousers. I can remember every detail of Levi’s outfit, but I can’t manage to remember the sentence I’ve read a hundred times. She didn’t want to study anymore– she’d never felt so distracted before, so disengaged. But now, because Levi went out of his way to bring her books to her, she felt obligated to.

  She laid her head on the back of the sofa, closed her eyes, and softly exhaled. What time was it, anyway?

  “Reece?” A low and smooth voice called out.

  Levi. What am I supposed to tell him when he asks what I’ve learned so far?

  She opened her eyes to find him staring down at her with that ridiculously handsome grin.

  “Hey, Levi.” She responded.

  “Everything okay?” He asked.

  “No, not really. I don’t know what my problem is, I can’t focus. I haven’t even been able to read a whole paragraph without my mind wondering off, and then I’m staring at the lights or whatever. I don’t get it; I can’t concentrate on any of this.”

  Levi laughed, “Well, maybe I can help.”

  Reece exhaled, “I doubt it.” She answered, knowing very well that he would only magnify her inability to concentrate.

  Levi arched his brow at her, “I believe I can. Give me a moment.”

  He turned and disappeared down the grand steps before her. She shook her head, realizing this was going to be a waste of both their time. Oh well, I’m not in a position to turn down help.

  Levi was soon up the steps and approaching her. He extended his arm out to her, “Come with me, I have sent for some trays of food to be brought out onto the balcony. We can start going over your books there.”

  “Oh,” Reece stood up abruptly, “I forgot, I was supposed to meet your mother for lunch.”

  Levi laughed, “As soon as I noticed your absence in the dining room, I realized you were probably up here engrossed in your studies. I explained as much to my mother as I dismissed myself to find you.”

  “Well, shouldn’t we have lunch with your family then?”

  Levi shook his head, “With Harrison out for the afternoon, and you and me taking our lunch on the balcony, my mother and father are currently enjoying a quiet lunch alone. A luxury they rarely enjoy.” He walked over and picked her books up from where they lay scattered on the sofa. He tucked them under one arm, and offered Reece his other arm. “Shall we?”

  There was no backing out now. She had to admit, this was kind of neat; maybe studying with Levi would be helpful after all.

  Chapter 15

  The temperature outside was much warmer than it had been in days, making lunch on the balcony an excellent idea. While they ate, Levi read through one of her textbooks. It was his calm, yet assertive demeanor, combined with the lovely weather and scenery, that seemed to help Reece relax. Thankfully, she could finally concentrate on the material she had been struggling with earlier.

  She hadn’t realized just how famished she was, until she started eating. With nourishment her body obviously required, she was more alert and focused. As it turned out, Levi wasn’t the distraction she thought he’d be. Having his help was more useful to her than she initially imagined.

  He easily proved to Reece how intelligent he was. She was awed at his ability to take the difficult material and make it interesting to her in a way it never had been before. By the time they finished their lunch, Reece had gained more knowledge from her books than she believed she could have learned in a week.

  As they were relaxing with their tea, a servant walked up to the table. “Master Levi, Mr. Howard is here to see you, sir.”

  “Thank you,” Levi answered the servant, and brought his attention back to Reece. “Please excuse me for a moment.” He politely excused himself, and made his way up the short staircase to speak with the young man who waited there.

  Reece used this opportunity to admire the physique of the tall and noble man. Even with his back to her, sh
e could sense the command and authority he always carried himself with. Strength and power always seemed to radiate from him. There’s nothing wrong with admiring him, Reece thought innocently.

  After a short conversation with Mr. Howard, Levi returned to his chair, “Forgive me for that interruption. That was Mr. Howard, one of the Guardian instructors.”

  “Oh. Are you leaving again?”

  Levi grinned, “No, we won’t be returning to Earth for at least two weeks. Harrison and I were asked to instruct a new group of Guardian recruits. Mr. Howard was here inquiring after Harrison.”

  “Where is Harrison, anyway?” Reece asked.

  Levi sipped his tea, “He has been planning the training curriculum we will be using in our combat sessions next week. By the time he has finished, I believe the new recruits will hate us both.” He laughed and returned his attention to the textbook he had been reading.

  “I think that’s enough studying for one day. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty much done going through this stuff.”

  Levi laughed. “That is understandable. I am sure you have been at this since I returned this morning, anyway.”

  Reece grinned. “Pretty much. This was really nice, though, Levi. Thank you for everything you did to help me today.”

  Levi smiled, “It was nothing. I must say, I enjoyed going through the information in your books.”

  After they finished their deserts and tea, Levi told Reece that he and Harrison would be traveling to Sandari the next day to escort Elizabeth back to the Palace. He offered to assist her further with her studies during his free time upon their return, and Reece accepted the offer without hesitation.

  Over the next two days, Reece was engrossed either with studying her books, or helping Allestaine organize items in the collection room. Even though she had stayed busy, she had to admit that she missed Levi. He and Harrison were due back at any moment with Elizabeth, and the thought of seeing him again brought a wave of excitement through her. She knew she probably wouldn’t encounter any of them until dinner, as it was a long journey from Sandari Kingdom to Pasidian Palace. With that in mind, she tried to remain focused on her reading.


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