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Bad Move The Lucid Dreams

Page 8

by Clark, Wayne

  As I got out of bed we both had heard one of our baby’s crying, I ran out

  the bedroom as Jennifer followed, I was heading towards their bedroom,

  and the crying came from downstairs.

  “John. The crying is coming from down stairs?”

  Jennifer ran downstairs, I headed in the baby’s room finding Lilly still in

  her cot, and eve was missing from hers? All I heard was Jennifer shouting.

  “Omg! Its OK baby, mummy’s here. Leave us alone!”

  I ran downstairs with Lilly to see what was going on. Eve was in Jennifer’s

  arms, it was confusing to why had eve been downstairs? Jack was barking

  at the front door but no one was there I had checked outside the front.

  “Jennifer, were was eve?”

  “On the kitchen floor?”

  We then knew it wasn’t safe to keep Lilly and eve on their own tonight, it

  wasn’t even safe in this dam house any more, it was time to think about

  us moving house, we can’t keep putting up with this. We both checked

  every door and windows downstairs then headed back to bed with Lilly

  and eve with us tonight. No way was we having the twins in that room on

  their own. Jennifer and the baby’s where a sleep while me and jack was

  awake, I stayed up for a while to see if things would calm down, luckily it

  had calmed down, nothing more happened, I was getting tired

  so I decided to get some rest, tomorrow I have my counselling session.

  Chapter five, enough is enough

  Today is the day I meet with my new councilor, very anxious about it

  though but to say the least I know I will get the help I need, the sessions

  are about Unfolding what was real and what wasn’t real in my life events.

  It is embarrassing for me but it’s very important at the same time. I had

  got out of bed, and had a wash before going downstairs, it was a beautiful

  sunny day I was actually excited to be going out today, its not that far to

  walk either and on a day like this is even better. I than went downstairs to

  see Jennifer, Lilly and eve, I walked in the living room to see Jennifer

  smiling at the twins.

  “Morning John. I thought I would let you sleep a little longer more.”

  “That was nice of you Jennifer. Kind of sick of sleeping. Been sleeping long enough”

  “Are you referring to the coma?”

  “Ha-ha. Yes I was.”

  “That’s pretty sick. Anyway are you going to be OK today john?”

  “Yes I will be, it’s only in the village.”

  Half hour later I had headed in to the village for my appointment. As I was

  walking there I had seen Sargent Jackson drive passed me, he slowed

  down realizing it was me.

  “John! Haven’t seen you in a while? How have you been?”

  “Hi, I have been better than usual thank you, yourself?”

  “Really good thank you, you heading in to the village John?”

  “Ah yes I have an appointment with a councilor.”

  “You need a lift?”

  “No thank you. I really need this walk, but thanks though.”

  “Never mind, well take care John”

  He than drove off, I knew I had to break ties with him, my main focus is to

  get better. Jennifer had text me to check if I’m OK, she than mentioned of

  she could burn the reports of doctor Carter, I couldn’t say no, it was time

  to let go of that now. I had arrived for my appointment, I was the only one

  there, I had then been called in. I walked in the room and took a seat.

  “Hello John, nice to me you, my name is peter”

  “Hi peter, I’m really anxious about this “

  “Don’t be. Just remember you can stop this session at any time you chose.“

  “Well that is good to know.”

  “OK. Let’s begin shall we john?”

  “Rather now than never.”

  I felt the anxiety rushing through my body, my mouth was dry, my heart

  was pounding.

  “So John. First question I would like to ask. Does right now feel real to you?”

  “Yes it does”

  “And how do you know for sure?”

  “Really? Well I don’t. I suppose nothing wired as happen yet.”

  “OK. So from what I have been told by your doctor is that you suffer from lucid dreams that have had a major impact in your day to day life. Correct? “

  “Yes that’s correct. But I have medication to prevent those dreams.”

  “Ok. Can you tell me what the last lucid dream you had?”

  When he had asked me that I broke down in tears, I couldn’t control my

  emotions, I know all the lucid dreams where bad, but Jennifer being dead

  was somewhat my worse dream ever.

  “Yes. It was the worse one I had had out of them all. My wife Jennifer died due to me kicking the operating theatre window, she lost blood and I got sedated.”

  “Ok. Can I ask how life is at home? Any stress?”

  “Actually no they hadn’t been any stress that could have triggered this. Also I did want to point out what other things have happen?”


  “When I came out of a coma witch was real, I had asked Jennifer if she would have her friend stay. Her name was Cathy. However Jennifer said she wasn’t real. I don’t want this happening to me?”

  “I can understand that John. That is why we are having these meetings. Not to pressure you but to look after you.”

  I felt happy to be talking to a stranger about it. Not someone I Know.

  “Yes. I also had another dream witch felt real. I woke up in a coffin hearing people crying and my favorite song being played.”

  “Yes. I think what we will do John is carry on with these appointments. Try not to dwell too much on them dreams. Maybe do different things. See how that goes.”

  “OK. I feel a lot better talking to you peter.”

  “That’s good to Know John. Right that’s all we have time for today. I will send you a letter for your next appointment with me. “

  I wasn’t really happy with the results today but I suppose its early days

  yet. I headed back home to Jennifer and the twins in the pouring rain. This

  weather can’t make its mind up today. I was finely home, freezing as hell.

  Walking through the front door completely drenched through. Jennifer

  came walking downstairs with washing as I was hanging my coat up.

  “Hay john. How did it go today?”

  “Yes it went OK I suppose. Where’s Lilly and eve?”

  “Upstairs. I decided to try them upstairs again”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea Jennifer?”

  “No. but we have to try, we can’t be bullied right?”

  “I suppose so Jennifer.”

  “I’m making coffee. You want some John?”

  “Could do with one please.”

  “John. They is a letter for you on the kitchen table.”

  I opened the letter, wasn’t something I needed right now. It was a

  mortgage bill.

  “What’s the letter about John?”

  “Stupid mortgage bill. They are demanding three thousand?”

  “Oh. Great? “

  “Don’t worry Jennifer I will call them tomorrow “

  “Should we worry?”

  “No. Not at all honey.”

  “Ok. Well coffee is on the side for you. I’m just nipping to the loo.”

  Jennifer headed upstairs to the loo while I was drinking my coffee. Lilly

  and eve was fast asleep. I was thinking maybe Jennifer and I and the twins

  could go out later with jack. Sick of this house, it’s always

  dull looking. I was standing in the kitchen looking around. There’s nothing

  nice about this house at all. We then had a knock at the door, I went to

  answer the door. It was a deliver guy?

  “Hi can I help you?”

  “Parcel for Jennifer Greyson?”

  Jennifer shouted down to me to go in the living room? Must be a surprise

  or something. I had than walked towards the living room. Jennifer had

  then looked like she had been pushed from the top of the stairs. She came

  tumbling down. She wasn’t moving? The delivery guy dropped the Parcel

  and got out his phoned. He was shocked to what he had seen. As he was

  dialling for an ambulance, he said something sarcastic.

  “Wow is this something you both deal with day to day?”

  I get what he was saying but right then I could have smacked him. I just

  told him to talk to the emergency services while I concentrate on Jennifer.

  Luckily Lilly and are a sleep for now. I could wake her it was clear she was

  unconscious. The only thing I could do was wait for the paramedics

  to arrive. The delivery guy was giving clear information to what had

  happen. Paramedics where five minutes away from us. As me and the

  delivery guy was talking the front door had slammed shut and

  somehow locked its self. The delivery guy was panicking I had seen his

  name on his badge.

  “Richard right?”

  “Yes. Sorry I’m just not used to this kind of wired shit”

  “Believe you me, were not either”

  I had went over to see if I could open the door to find it was looked and

  jack barking from the other side of the door. I ran to the back door to see

  if that was locked...well what do you no? That was locked too.

  I wasn’t taking any chances and began to pick up a chair to smash out the

  living room window.


  Richard came running in to help me pick up the chair. We had then

  through it at the window. What are the odds of that. Bounces off like a

  ping pong ball.

  “Sir was that supposed to happen?”

  I had sarcastically replied.

  “Oh yes I was just testing the security of the windows”

  “Yea, you’re a funny guy. We could just wait for the paramedics?”

  “Yes we should. Can you stay with my wife while I get my kids?”

  “I really don’t think you’re wife should be lying there though?”

  “Huh? Why is that Richard?”

  “You have a big chandelier right above her that looks like its going to fall!”

  “Oh. I see. I never really paid any attention to that old thing”

  “We should move her first. Your name is John right?”

  “Yes that’s my name.”

  “I will help you move her John”

  We had no choice but to move Jennifer away from the chandelier. We

  managed to move her into the living room out of harms way. All of a

  sudden they was things smashing about in the kitchen. I ran

  upstairs to get Lilly and eve as they where crying because of the noise. I

  grabbed them both and ran back downstairs. Jennifer had woken up, she

  was feeling confused to what had happened.

  “Ouch. My leg hurts John”

  She then got up and walked towards the kitchen every think seemed to

  have stopped.

  “John why is the front door wide open?”

  Richard was pleased and made a fast exit.

  “Look guys I am out of here. My advice move out.”

  “John what happened to the kitchen? “

  “Jennifer listen we need to get out of here now”

  “No. we are not being bullied John”

  “I think it’s passed that now Jennifer. Get your things we are leaving.”

  It was getting dark outside. Getting a taxi would take way to long out

  wasn’t working either. I suggested we walk to Georges B&B. Jennifer had

  then got a few bits to take with us. We then left the house with jack and

  the twins. No way are we ever going back there again. But as we all

  walked down the drive way I had then felt this rage.

  “You no what. Wait here Jennifer I will be right back”

  “John were are you going?”

  “You will see”

  I then walked back up the drive way and headed back into the house, I

  headed straight to the back door then to the shed. I was that fed up of

  this dam house my intentions was actually to burn it down to the

  ground, And I was going to watch it burn. Right then I was powerful,

  nothing is going to stop me. I went into the kitchen one final time. I

  turned on the gas on the cooker, I than poured a trail of petrol from the

  kitchen to the front door leading outside the front.

  “John what the hell are you doing!”

  “Doing what we should have done a long time ago”

  “John you can’t burn our home?”

  “You really call this a home Jennifer?”

  I then stood away from the front door and through a match. All I could

  see was a flame trail racing towards the kitchen. Next thing you know the

  house was in flames. Jennifer and I had heard screaming

  from the inside. I just laughed because I knew the spirit had no escape

  and know power over us. I didn’t want to leave until I had seen the house

  burn to Ashe’s. Jennifer had called the fire service while

  calling me crazy. Is that really crazy of me to have done what I did

  considering what that house has been doing to me and my family? Is it

  wrong of me to be protecting our children as a father? Was we to have

  carried on living there being messed with by some think we have no

  control over? While we had watched the house burn away, the fire

  service and the police had arrived. The fire service was rushing

  around to get there equipment set up. Sargent Jackson told them all to

  stand down.

  “Let it burn. It’s nothing but trouble.”

  Sargent Jackson told us to head to Georges bed and breakfast. I am glad I

  did this. Tomorrow we will head to my mums and some how start over

  without any interference. The way I see it. Family don’t

  Haunt Their own. Since living in that house I don’t no what events where

  real and what wasn’t real.

  “Come on Jennifer. Let’s get out of here.”




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