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Taken by You (Killer Next Door #2)

Page 4

by Carlie Sexton



  Kate walked in the door just in time to answer the phone before the answering machine picked up. She figured it was her aunt calling to tell her about funeral arrangements. She hit the Talk button and answered.


  “Hi, Kate. It’s me.”

  “How are you holding up, Aunt Donna?”

  “It’s been tough, but I’ve made the arrangements for your father’s funeral.”

  “So, when is it?”

  “The funeral’s going to be a week from Friday. Since your dad wasn’t found for many days, his body requires a special coffin. It’s going to take extra time for them to prepare his body and get him up here.”

  The thought of that gave Kate the chills. “I see. Well, as soon as we have our flights booked, I’ll let you know.”

  “Okay, good. We’ve worked it out for you to stay with John and Cathy. They have two extra beds since the girls moved out on their own. They’re really looking forward to seeing you.”

  “I know. It’s been way too long.”

  “Well, that’s how life goes sometimes. How long do you think you will be able to stay?”

  “Unfortunately, I need to miss as little work and school as possible. I’m thinking I’ll fly in next Wednesday and return home on Sunday. That way I’ll only miss a few days of classes.”

  “Sounds good. Let me know as soon as you have your itinerary.”

  “I will.”

  “Great. Talk to you then.”

  “Okay, bye Aunt Donna.”

  After she hung up, Kate sat on the bar stool and put her elbows on the granite counter. She held her head in her hands. Such unfortunate circumstances for a family visit. It’d been more than ten years since she saw anyone from her dad’s side of the family, with the exception of her aunt.

  Neil walked in the door and her anxiety lessened. He looked so good in his charcoal gray suit she wanted to eat him up. It really brought out the gray tones in those stunning hazel eyes of his. He greeted her with a kiss and an embrace. They held each other for a moment.

  “How was your day, my beauty?” he asked, letting go of her.

  Kate nodded slowly. “It was good. How about yours?”

  “I had meetings with clients all day. It was good, just too long.”

  “I spoke to my aunt earlier. My dad’s funeral is a week from Friday. I’m going to fly out next Wednesday and return home on Sunday.”

  Neil pulled her back into his arms. He held her for several minutes, saying nothing. She nestled her head into his chest, loving his strong, powerful arms around her. She felt safe, cherished.

  “I’m so sorry you have to go through all of this. I know even though your dad wasn’t in your life you still loved him.”

  With those words, she began softly weeping. Her shoulders gently shook and she sniffled out some sobs. Life just seemed so unfair in this moment.

  “Let’s sit down,” he said, guiding her toward the couch. They sat facing each other. Neil wiped the tears away from her eyes.

  “You’re right, of course I still loved him. He was my dad. The problem was he really didn’t love me or my brother.” Neil stroked her hair as she continued.

  “He disowned my brother and me ten years ago. My mom worked hard to help us realize he had problems and to just accept things as they are. I guess I have no choice now. He’s dead and I can’t change that.”

  Kate pulled her legs up on the sofa and wrapped her arms around them. Being so open made her feel vulnerable. But Neil had been so loving toward her that she was comfortable confiding in him.

  “Kate, your mom is right,” he said, stroking her face with the back of his hand. “It sounds like your dad had issues no one could fix. He lost out on knowing an incredible woman. I feel sorry for him that he didn’t get to know you. It’s his loss, not yours.” He took her hand and kissed it. “I’m sorry you’re feeling so helpless. I know what that’s like.”

  Kate knew he was referring to Elizabeth. Neil had been completely powerless when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. All he could do was watch her die and be there for her when she did. Actually, he did way more than that. He made her dreams come true before she left this earth. He knew the pain of helplessness. It was so comforting for her to be able to share her feelings with him, knowing he understood.

  “I have an idea. Let’s get out of the house and have dinner. Why don’t you call Charlie and Mitch and see if they want to go out? It will cheer you up to see them. I’m sure you miss seeing her every day.”

  “How do you always know just what I need? I’ll call her right now. Where do you want to go?”

  “How about Mexican? We can go to Chevy’s.”

  “I could go for Mexican. A margarita sounds like the perfect remedy for what’s ailing me.”

  Kate called Charlie and they decided to meet at Chevy’s at seven p.m.


  Charlie and Mitch were waiting in the lobby when Kate and Neil walked into the restaurant. Charlie immediately got up to hug Kate. Mitch and Neil shook hands.

  “You sure are a sight for sore eyes,” Charlie said, letting go of Kate. “I miss you so much.”

  “Me too, Charlie.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. Have the funeral arrangements been made?”

  The hostess approached to tell them their table was ready, so they all followed her. Kate answered Charlie as they walked in front of Neil and Mitch, who were engaged in their own small talk, something about the Chargers.

  “The funeral’s a week from Friday. I’m going to fly out next Wednesday afternoon and return home on Sunday.”

  They arrived at the booth. Kate and Charlie scooted into the booth and the guys sat on the ends. The hostess handed them their menus and said their waitress would be right with them. After she walked away, one of the busboys brought a basket of chips and a bowl of salsa to the table.

  “Neil, are you going with Kate to her dad’s funeral?” Charlie asked over the top of her menu.

  “I wish I could, but my schedule’s full next week and I have to be in court on Thursday. I can’t get out of representing our biggest client,” he said with a frown on his face. He glanced over at Kate.

  “It’s not going to be a big deal,” Kate said, exhaling sharply and giving Charlie a glare. “I’ll have plenty of family around me. My brother’s going with me and I’ll have my aunt. She and I have always been close. She’s like the dad I never had.” She wished Charlie hadn’t put Neil on the spot like that. She knew he loved her, but they’d only been in a relationship for the past couple of months. That wasn’t long enough to expect him to drop everything to go to her dad’s funeral, especially when it might bring up sad memories about Elizabeth’s death. She hoped Neil didn’t feel uncomfortable with Charlie’s question.

  “Oh, of course. It’s hard to get away on the spur of the moment,” Charlie replied. She’d noticed Kate’s stern look and did her best to recover. Kate smiled at her and nodded slightly. Relief flooded Kate’s body as Charlie’s response let Neil off the hook.

  The waitress came by to get their drink order. Since everyone wanted a margarita, they ordered a pitcher to share.

  Mitch talked about the company he was working for. He’d just been promoted to sales manager. Kate knew it was a big deal since he was planning on popping the question next month. He’d been given a big raise and he’d also get a commission on every sale his team closed.

  The waitress returned with the margaritas and took their orders. She also had the busboy stop by with another basket of chips and more salsa since the first round had been devoured.

  Kate could tell Charlie was pleased with Mitch’s news. Charlie had been hoping for a marriage proposal for a long time. Her wait would be over soon enough. She couldn’t wait to hear all about it when Charlie called to tell her the big news.

  “So, any exciting plans for Thanksgiving?” Kate asked Mitch and Charlie.

��re splitting the day between our families. We’re going to my parents’ house for lunch and Mitch’s parents’ house for dinner. We’ll be wearing our fat pants for sure,” Charlie said with a chuckle.

  “We’re doing the exact same thing,” Kate said. “It’ll be the first time we meet each other’s family. I’m both excited and nervous.”

  “You don’t have anything to be nervous about,” Neil said, taking Kate’s hand and kissing it. “My family is going to love you just like everyone else does.”

  The waitress brought their food. “Can I get you anything else?” she asked.

  “No, I think we’re good,” Mitch said, looking around the table to see nodding heads.

  “Let me know if you need anything.”

  After the waitress walked away, Kate brought up that Roger was back in town.

  “Shit. It’s been a month already?” Charlie said.

  Kate sighed. She couldn’t believe it either. “Yes. It went by quickly. Neil thinks he’s going to look for me, so please be careful. He might try to follow you to find me.”

  Charlie nodded. “I hope they find some evidence to arrest him. I hate that you’re living looking over your shoulder all of the time.”

  “As far as I know, nothing’s changed. They still don’t have anything to go on.”

  Neil took this as a golden opportunity. “I’ve been trying to convince her to quit Nordstrom.” His voice was gruff. “Just because she’s changed stores doesn’t give me confidence he won’t keep trying to find her. He’s clever enough to avoid being arrested.”

  “That’s a good point,” Mitch interjected. “He’s not an idiot. He’s outsmarted the police and managed to trick people into trusting him. None of the people in his life suspected he was a killer. He’ll most likely figure out that you went to another Nordstrom.”

  “We all want you to be safe,” Charlie added. “Would it be so bad to find another job? I could keep my ears open for you.”

  They were all staring at Kate, waiting for her response. She was slightly upset with Neil for bringing it up after she’d told him she didn’t want to talk about it. But he’d seen an opportunity for gaining support from her friends and he took it like any smart lawyer would. She really couldn’t blame him for that. She wouldn’t want him to be in harm’s way if he could help it.

  “Do all of you really feel I should quit?” Kate asked.

  A resounding, “yes,” echoed around the table.

  “Well, I trust all of you,” she murmured. “I know you have my best interest in mind. I’ll consider giving my notice. I don’t want Roger to find me.” She bit her lip, goosebumps rising on her arms. “I don’t want to be his next victim.”

  Neil leaned over and whispered in her ear. “You won’t be. I’ll make sure of it. I’m never letting anything happen to you.” Then he kissed her on the cheek.

  Kate felt the warmth of his lips against her flesh. His concern overwhelmed her. As she got to know him more and more each day, her love for him grew as well.

  The rest of their outing seemed to flow effortlessly. Kate was relaxed with her friends around her. She loved that Neil knew she needed to see Charlie. He was so in tune with her, perception being one of his strongest traits. How was it possible for them to know each other so well in such a short amount of time?



  On Friday morning, Roger parked outside of the employee entrance of North County Fair Nordstrom. The store was in the northern part of San Diego, so he decided to start there and work his way toward home by going to the UTC location in the afternoon. He watched the employees like a hawk, eagerly anticipating Kate’s arrival. He hung around until one-thirty because he knew her shift would’ve started by one p.m. at the latest. Then he decided to scour the store just to make certain she wasn’t there.

  He walked through every department and looked carefully. He asked for Kate by name in every department. No one knew a Kate. The last department had a Kate, but it wasn’t the Kate, his Kate. He went from feeling elation when he was told Kate would be right with him to deep despair when a petite blonde approached him, introduced herself as Kate, and asked how she could help him. He didn’t even respond; he just turned and walked away, leaving her to wonder who he was and what had just happened.

  It would take about twenty-five minutes to get to UTC. That was the only Nordstrom in San Diego he hadn’t checked. He didn’t think Kate would be able to transfer out of the city and still go to college at SDSU full time, but maybe she had quit school. He had no clue what she’d decided to do. He wondered if the police had gotten to her while he was in Germany. Maybe he should have postponed his trip and stuck around after revealing his feelings for her. But he couldn’t exactly disappoint his son, who’d been anticipating his visit for months. Jacob needed a father in his life; being fatherless was unacceptable for his child. Jacob needs to be taught the things only I can teach him. Plus, the airline ticket was non-refundable.

  He began to replay their last interaction in his mind. Surprising her at work and taking her to lunch seemed like a very romantic thing to do. He’d been open and honest about his feelings. Most women loved it when men shared their feelings, but Kate hadn’t reacted like he hoped she would. He half expected her to tear his clothes off right in the Nordstrom café. Later, he realized she was sick. If she’d been feeling bad at lunch, then it was understandable she wouldn’t have been very excited. However, what if she hadn’t been sick and that was just an excuse to get away from him? Damn it! This is completely unbelievable.

  Roger pulled into the parking lot at UTC. It was already three o’clock and he wanted to be back on the road by no later than four so he could avoid the heavy traffic.

  This was his last shot today to find her, and if he didn’t track her down at this store then he’d start staking out the SDSU campus. That would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. He wasn’t looking forward to that venture. Then he remembered Kate’s roommate, Charlie, and that he could find her at work and follow her home. Why hadn’t he already done that? He’d thought of it, but it had escaped his mind. Forgetting something that important was very unlike him. He was going in too many directions with dating Rose, preparing for the arrival of his son, and searching for Kate. Well, he was already here, so he might as well check out this Nordstrom too. He could follow Charlie home on Monday.

  He made it through the first floor with no luck. None of the associates knew his Kate. He did catch a break on the second floor in one of the ladies clothing departments. The very helpful young lady said she thought there was a new girl named Kate working in the active sportswear department up on the third level.

  He climbed the escalator with a rapid pace, taking steps two at a time. A new girl. That sounded like it could be Kate. He got off of the escalator and scanned the third floor. At first glance, he didn’t see anyone that looked like Kate.



  Kate had gone to the stock room to find another size for the customer she was helping. When she came out of the stock room, she headed straight for the fitting rooms to bring the leisure suit for her customer to try on. Just as she was going to walk out of the fitting rooms, she heard Roger’s voice.

  “Excuse me, miss. Do you have a young woman by the name of Kate working in this department?” he asked with a warm smile.

  Kate froze and then backed away from the doorway, staying out of his line of sight. She had told her co-workers about Roger. They all knew not to tell him she worked there.

  “We did, but she recently quit,” Stacy told him.

  Roger took out his phone and showed Stacy the screen. He had a picture of Kate on it. Kate’s heart began to race. “Is this the Kate that just quit?” he asked.

  “Yes, that’s Kate,” Stacy said.

  “When did she quit?”

  “Not long ago, maybe a week.”

  “Do you know where she’s working now?”

  “I have no idea. Is there anything
else I can help you with?”

  “No. You’ve been very helpful. Thanks.” Roger turned and headed toward the escalator. Kate stayed in the fitting rooms to make sure he was gone, and then Stacy joined her.

  “I take it you heard our conversation,” Stacy said.

  “Yes, I did,” Kate said, her head suddenly spinning. “Thank you so much. You were great. You really thought quickly on your feet. I didn’t want to believe he could find me.”

  Kate was shaken by the near encounter. She felt physically ill. She put her hand to her lips in an effort to quiet herself. What if he’d seen her? What would’ve happened? She needed to sit down.

  “For some reason, I had a gut feeling when he asked for you he was the guy you told us about. It’s pretty freaky he’s looking for you, that he’s obsessed with you.” Stacy wrapped her arms around herself. “The craziest part is he’s really attractive and came across so polite and respectful. No one would guess he’s a killer. It’s really unnerving to think most women would go out with this homicidal maniac. What are you going to do now?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I’m going to quit like my boyfriend and friends keep telling me,” she said, becoming angry Roger could dictate how she lived her life. “I’m afraid he’s not going to stop looking for me.”

  “This is really scary,” Stacy said. “The people who love you are right. You need to find another place to work. Perhaps something that’s not retail. You need to be out of the public eye. He could find you at any store in the mall if he’s persistent.”

  Kate shook her head. “I know you’re right, but with going to school, I need to work on the weekends,” she said.


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