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Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1)

Page 13

by Maggie Mundy

“I’m sure you said she looked pretty with no clothes on from the way she reacted.”

  They all laughed and it broke the ice. Cassi thought she might like this woman after all. Before she sat down, Cassi went to the kitchen and arranged some of Sasha’s cookies on a plate. If she had to go through this interview, she would try and get something out of it for her friend. She put the plate down and sat next Declan. He held onto her hand and it gave her strength. Cassi just hoped she wouldn’t mess up.

  Deanna leaned forward. “So you two are the news today, but I’ve a feeling you’ve been together a while. How did you meet?”

  Cassi’s mouth went dry and she was glad when Declan started to talk, because her mind was not together enough to actually get the words out.

  “A few months back, I hurt my ankle hiking. Cassi came to my rescue that day.”

  “So Cassi, were you surprised to meet a TV star out in the woods?” Deanna asked, as she leaned forward, piercing Cassi with her stare.

  “I didn’t know him. I thought his face was familiar, but that was it.”

  She wouldn’t mention the fact his butt was the first thing she saw.

  “That must have bruised your ego, Declan.”

  “I was so glad to see someone come down the track. I thought I was going to be there all night. I don’t think I made a very good first impression as I was cussing from the pain.”

  “I’ve heard worse, and his ankle was pretty swollen, so I’m not surprised.”

  “The rumor is you spent a night in a secluded cabin in the hills. It sounds romantic.”

  “He was the perfect gentleman. I have to admit that with his sprained ankle I held the upper hand. Once the storm passed, he was able to get out by helicopter.”

  “For some reason I think more than you’re saying happened in the cabin. Do tell me what happened next?”

  “Cassi likes her privacy, but I pestered her until she would see me again.”

  “Obviously it worked. I’ve been told you have a son, Cassi. Can you tell us where you’re from and were you married?”

  That was more to the point than she expected. Cassi hoped the discussion would just be about them. People would find out anyway, so she might as well get it over with. It was the way Deanna asked something harmless and then threw in a big question that threw her.

  “I have a little boy, Tommy. He is four years old, but I was never married to his father. I grew up just outside of Boston originally, but have been in L.A. a couple of years now.”

  “I know it may be hard to talk about, but is it true you escaped an abusive relationship?”

  Cassi gripped Declan’s hand so tight she thought she might be breaking his bones. He just smiled, which gave her strength. At least this way she could control what was being said initially, and the press would find out anyway.

  “Yes. I came to California with the clothes on my back and my boy in my arms. I was lucky I had a friend and a place to go. So many women feel trapped because they would be on the streets if they left. I think the most important thing women need to know is they can ask for help.”

  She hoped that would be enough.

  “So are you interested in acting, Cassi?”

  “No. I am looking at the catering industry with my friend, Sasha. These cookies are part of the fare for our Gourmet Picnic range.”

  The rest of the interview ranged around the TV show, and then photos were taken out on the deck. Cassi reckoned she would come out of it grinning blankly. As they walked back inside, Deanna came across and touched her arm.

  “You did well. Go with your gut as to whether you trust people and you’ll do all right. By the way, he looks smitten. I hope it works out for you. I wanted to ask you something else. I have a connection with a women’s shelter I support. I’d like you to come along to a fundraiser and bring Declan with you. It would help us raise more money.”

  “I’d like that very much. I’ve been lucky finding him, and it would be good to help others.”

  Everyone left except James, who came back into the kitchen as Tommy and Jack came up from the TV room with Duke in tow. Tommy ran over for a hug.

  “Mommy, you look pretty.”

  “Thank you, darling.”

  James had his arms folded as he stared at her. “I can’t believe Cassi got Deanna wrapped around her little finger. I heard Deanna’s first husband treated her rough and the second one left her money. Hear she’s on the scout for number three. Well done, Cassi.”

  “I told you she was good,” Declan said, as he hugged her.

  “I don’t know about that, but at least I got through the first day.” Cassi shook her head, wondering what was to come.


  The next day wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. The security guard, Connor, went with her and Tommy to the hospital. Connor wasn’t burly, but was ex-army with a stern presence that made people turn away. As expected, they were followed once they left the gated community.

  Inside the hospital, the doctor ordered another x-ray, and when he was happy, the plaster cast was removed. Tommy was particularly proud of his new scar.

  “Can I keep the plaster with the turtle on?”

  “Of course you can. Audrey would be upset if we lost it.” It was a bit grubby, but she would have it as a memento for him to look at when he was older.

  There were still photographers at the hospital when they left. Connor and the other security men from the hospital kept them at bay as they got back in the car. Her heart was pounding and she kept Tommy in her arms. What did shock her were some of the questions yelled at her.

  “Is he Declan’s child? Did Declan break his arm? Are you engaged? Are you pregnant?”

  People’s imaginations were ridiculous to be coming up with such comments. In the car, she looked to Connor. “Is it always going to be like that?”

  “You’re new news and they can make money. Most of what they shout is rubbish to get you to respond. Best thing is to ignore them. You can’t stop them taking the photos. If they get too close, I’ll get in their way.”

  “Thanks for being here.”

  “It’s my job.”

  The next day, she hired a van and went back to the house and picked up the stuff they needed. The furniture wasn’t theirs, so it didn’t take long. There were a few bags that would be going to the thrift store, though Tommy wasn’t prepared to let anything go. She reckoned it was a subconscious thing with him, because he had left somewhere before with nothing. Connor stood out in front and then drove them home to Declan’s house. This was their new home, but it still felt like a holiday house. Would she ever go back to this other life again?

  In truth, she didn’t think she could ever go back. This was the future and she would go along and see where it ended up. At least with Declan by her side, she felt safe for now.

  Chapter Eleven

  If someone had told her life would be so different a few months back, she would never have believed them. Waking up next to Declan each day was wonderful. She would turn over sometimes and just stare at him. He was handsome, of that there was no doubt. It was his big heart, and the little things he would do, that won her over though.

  One morning she woke up with a long-stem red rose on the pillow next to her. He was such a romantic, and she loved it. He would be gone for hours and sometimes days filming, so they always made the most of their time together.

  It was the way he acted with Tommy that really touched her heart though. Between Jack and him, they were teaching her little boy to swim. Declan said as long as they didn’t go to the beach, he was good with that. Keeping Duke out of the pool was another thing. He would run around barking if he thought Tommy was in trouble. Tommy was obviously part of Duke’s pack.

  Then another day she woke up, and Declan was gazing down at her. He bent down, and kissed her.

  “You going to say you love me yet? I can see it in your eyes that you want to.”

  “It’s getting closer.” She wanted to but something still
held her back.

  “That’s all I need to hear, now let me at your body before Tommy wakes up.”

  If she thought living together might make her doubt whether their relationship was right, her doubts were unfounded. She actually believed they all had a long future together.

  Today he was off filming and she headed over to pick Audrey up. They were still working on the business, and Cassi was getting through her assignments for her bookkeeping course with ease now that she didn’t have to work.

  Declan could provide for her, but she had relied on a man completely before. It didn’t end well. She had learned her lesson and would do everything she could to make herself a stronger woman, and teach Tommy the same lessons. She would be here because she wanted to, not because she had to.

  Sasha was still working relief at the village, but Cassi believed they were not far off starting up the catering business in earnest. Deanna was promoting them around town and they were getting orders for at least four or five picnics each week.

  When Cassi arrived at the village, Audrey opened the door to her room and appeared different. Her clothes were as glamorous as usual. The makeup, slight but flawless, and there was a bit of an impish grin on her face.

  “You look as if you’re planning something,” Cassi said as she raised an eyebrow.

  Audrey walked out to the car, waving her hand dismissively at her. Cassi had no intention of letting her get away with it, and grilled her all the way back to Declan’s. It made no difference. She said she would only talk when she saw Sasha. They all settled in the kitchen at the counter with their coffees.

  “Tell us what’s going on or I’ll get Sasha to attack you with one of her posh chef knives she has just bought.”

  “Hey. They were a good investment because we don’t have to pay rent anymore. It was a good use of my severance pay from the village. Plus, I flash them at Jack and he backs off. I don’t get why guys think because they do dangerous stuff we would all be turned on. It scares me shitless. I wouldn’t be involved with someone like him for anything. Plus, he’s after every bit of skirt he sees.”

  “No. You stick to your drummers,” Cassi said, though she reckoned Sasha had a soft spot for Declan’s brother. The problem was every time Jack would do something nice, he would say something to get her friend’s back up. Sasha was right, though, he wasn’t a one-woman kind of guy. They had seen a fair few girls leave in the morning. Then again, Sasha liked to play the field as well.

  “I’m a good girl, sort of. I haven’t seen my drummer guy in weeks.”

  “So what’s new, Audrey?” Cassi asked. “You can’t keep us waiting any longer.”

  “You young women are making such big changes in your life, so I thought I should not waste my time. I needed to get on and sort myself out. I used to paint, and was successful when I was young. Then I married, traveled, got pregnant, and it fell by the wayside. I recently took some of my old paintings out of storage and it seems there is an interest in them.”

  Sasha did a little twirl and then gave Audrey a hug. “Oh my God, that’s fantastic. I always knew they were brilliant.”

  “That’s very kind of you, dear. I’ve been contacted by a Tristin Lombard. He has a gallery and wants to show my work. I thought he would be some young man with a name like that, but his website shows him to be a rather handsome silver-haired gentleman.”

  “I can see a bit of a blush starting there. Maybe he likes more than your paintings,” Cassi said.

  “He wants me to call in today, and I was wondering if you girls would take me there. I’ve not been ‘out there’, so to speak, for a while. I could be reading the signs wrong when he called me. He is expecting me at two.”

  Cassi hugged her. She wanted Audrey to get whatever happiness she could. “No problem, and it gives us time to discuss the business. I’ve set up a website and done the flyers we agreed on. The contracts are all signed as to the partnership we are all getting into. I want everything to be up front and clear. I’ve approached some local papers and foodie blogs who will do some features. We could spend loads advertising, but I think word of mouth will get us going. If Declan was at a photo shoot, they would jump at it. I want us to do this on our own though. What about you, Sasha?”

  “I’ve put together ten baskets and have developed menus of different costs. I’ve my suppliers set up, and if we take off, they would like to sponsor ads and the like. I think they want to see if we are going to fall on our face before they show the money. I reckon we’re ready to go big time if more orders come in. I’ve also bought some classy chef's outfits I can do the deliveries in.”

  “Well, we can only hope it takes off and this hasn’t all been for nothing. So let’s head off to your gallery. Maybe you could take Tristin on a picnic,” Cassi suggested.

  “Let’s see what he’s like first. If he is sleazy with wandering hands, I have no intention of being groped for the sake of the business.”

  Cassi and Sasha burst out laughing as they headed for the door. Half an hour later, they pulled up outside the Lombard Gallery. It was in a swanky area of Bel Air, and even though Cassi had bought a lot of new clothes since moving in with Declan, she still felt underdressed. A young woman who looked about a size two in an immaculate, dark-blue dress stood up and greeted them. Audrey stepped forward.

  “Hello. I’m Audrey Winters. Mr. Lombard is expecting me.”

  “I’ll call and let him know you’re here. I have to say, I love your work.”

  “Why, thank you,” Audrey preened herself.

  They walked around the gallery, peering at the art as they waited. Nothing had a price tag on it which would indicate they would be out of Cassi’s price range. Ah well, she had an original Audrey Winters on Tommy’s cast. There was one large painting on the rear wall. It was of a massive magnolia flower with what looked like a drip of blood flowing over the petal. Audrey’s name was underneath.

  “It’s amazing, Audrey. A bit creepy, but fantastic,” Sasha said.

  “I did that so long ago. It was a wedding present without the blood. She loved magnolias. Then the couple died in a car crash. I was so angry with grief at the time and it was the only way I could show it. It was stored away with the others.”

  A handsome, silver-haired man in a black suit came and stood beside them. Cassi guessed it must be Tristin.

  “It’s beautiful and thank you for letting me hang it in my gallery. Audrey, I assume,” he said as he offered her his hand.

  “Yes, and these are my friends Cassi and Sasha. I don’t drive anymore and they kindly brought me over.” He shook their hands, but then his attention was back on Audrey.

  “Let us retire to my office where we can discuss the presentation. Would you ladies like to come as well?”

  “No, they were going shopping for a bit, weren’t you?”

  Cassi took the hint and said they would be back in half an hour. Neither of them could afford to shop around here, but would go for a coffee. Declan would have paid for stuff, but she still felt uncomfortable with the concept. The girl at reception told them where a little coffee shop was down the road.

  Cassi sat down and sipped on her coffee, then shook her head. “So much has happened recently and the changes just keep on coming. Audrey is going to be a famous artist with a sexy, sophisticated beau, I reckon. I didn’t see that one coming.”

  “I didn’t see my housemate pairing up with a Hollywood actor, either. Tristin has a bit of the Richard Gere about him, I thought. If I was Audrey’s age, I’d go for him.”

  “I was thinking, as Audrey has designed the napkins and plates, we could see if he would let us advertise at her showing. The sort of people who can afford this stuff would be the sort of clients we want,” Cassi said as she sipped on her coffee.

  “I think we have to use everything we can. I’m glad you didn’t give up on the business now you’re with Declan. I mean, I know you don’t need the money anymore.”

  “This was our dream and I’m not going to le
t that slip away. We’ve both had it tough, and I want to at least try. I think after Steve, I kept trying to prove things to myself.”

  “You don’t need to prove anything. You’ve succeeded by surviving.”

  “That’s another thing. I was wondering if Audrey would be willing to donate a small painting to be auctioned off at Deanna’s fundraiser for the refuge.”

  “I reckon she would. If you’ve finished, we should get back and see how she’s doing.”

  As they walked back to the gallery, Cassi hesitated before going in.

  “What’s up?” Sasha asked.

  “Nothing. I think that’s the problem. Everything seems to be fitting together so I’m expecting it to fall apart.”

  Cassi felt a shiver pass over her, though she wasn’t cold and the sun was shining on a beautiful spring day.

  “Things are going to be fine. Declan said no one’s heard anything from Steve for ages. I hate to say it, but, what with the guys he was dealing with, I was surprised he was still alive.”

  “He was always like a cat with nine lives, but I thought most of them were used up by now. Tommy is so happy and so am I. I just want it to last.”

  “It will because I won’t stand for anything else. Now let’s go in and see if Audrey has ripped his clothes off and had her way with Tristin on his desk.”

  Cassi burst out laughing as they walked back into the gallery. There were a few people inside and they looked around disapprovingly as if she was a kid yelling in a library.

  The girl from the desk came back over.

  “I’ll let them know you’re back.”

  When Audrey did come out, she was laughing. Tristin couldn’t take his eyes off of Audrey. Maybe the desk did get a work out. Their clothes looked too neat still, but she would tease Audrey anyway when they got in the car.

  Tristin took Audrey’s hand to say goodbye, and he held on a bit longer than was necessary. It made Cassi smile. She wanted everyone to be happy.

  “I will phone and talk to you about dinner next week when I return from New York,” Tristin said.

  “That would be lovely,” Audrey answered. He leaned forward and gave her a kiss on each cheek, causing her to blush.


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