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Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1)

Page 15

by Maggie Mundy

  Tommy came running in wet from the pool with Jack and Declan behind him. Cassi had thought it would be easier if she kept them all out of the kitchen.

  “Okay, short stuff. Time to get upstairs, washed and get ready.” Nina, her child-minder was coming around for a movie show.

  Nina was a lifesaver, bringing around her two kids to watch movies in the theater room. They would have popcorn and balloons. She hoped they would be back from the gallery before the kids even noticed they were gone. These days she didn’t need to use Nina to look after Tommy, but it was still good to have her as backup.

  Two hours later, they pulled up outside of the gallery. Sasha went on ahead with the food to organize the catering staff. Connor pulled up and she could see the photographers and fans gathered outside. It didn’t seem to make any difference how many times she dealt with this. It was not getting any easier.

  After he got out of the car, Declan put his arm around her waist and his warmth reassured her. Cassi still found herself searching for Steve’s face, but as always, there was no sign of him. She should believe the others when they said the likelihood was that he was dead. It was still sad her son’s father might be gone.

  Some young woman shouted out. ‘Declan, I want to kiss you and have your baby.’ Cassi bit her tongue before she said anything.

  Once they were inside, he leaned in and whispered, “She just gave me an idea. When we get home, I think we need to practice how to make babies more.”

  “Who said anything about babies?”

  “I was just talking about the practice.”

  Sasha was next to them. “Did I hear someone mention babies? You’re not keeping a secret from me, are you? I don’t think I can deal with any more stress today,” Sasha said as she watched the serving staff make their way around the room.

  “No babies and everything is going well. The food is going down a treat, though I think some of the skinny girls will go and barf it up unfortunately,” Cassi added.

  They started to walk to the back of the gallery where Tristin and Audrey were standing. Audrey’s paintings adorned the wall and most had red dots below to show they were already sold. Some were her classic flower paintings with the unusual and somewhat freaky twists. Others were of people around Los Angeles. Snapshots of the rich and poor alike, but in paintings instead of photographs. Cassi saw Kirsten and waved. Kirsten’s son was at the house playing with Tommy.

  “This is fantastic and the food is delicious,” Kirsten said. “I’ve bought one of her paintings, too. I hear Tommy has an original on the cast from when he broke his arm. If she keeps going this well, it could pay for his college education.”

  “That would be good. I’ll phone home in a minute and make sure Nina hasn’t gone insane with the kids.”

  James came over and took Declan and Kirsten off to meet someone. Cassi called home. Nina was fine. The kids were chowing down on popcorn and soda. Deanna stopped her along the way and kissed her on both cheeks as the official photographer snapped them.

  “I believe I have to thank you for something. Audrey has just donated one of her paintings. I hope to see you at the fundraiser next month when we auction it off.”

  “I’ll be there. I really want to help, so let me know if there is anything else I can do.”

  “You may regret offering. I see someone I need to chat to, but I will call you later.”

  Cassi took a deep breath and headed over to Declan. He was talking to the director they had met at the restaurant. They were chatting about New Zealand. Going there was something she would never consider happening in her lifetime. If he did go, she got the impression it would be in the next month or so while they were not filming Dark Storm.

  Audrey came over and kissed her on each cheek.

  “I can’t believe this is happening. I loved my husband when he was alive, but he always said this was just a hobby. He said no one would want to buy them.” She motioned for Sasha to come and join them.

  “I want to say something to you both before I burst into tears and can’t get the words out. I would never have done any of this if not for you both.”

  Sasha hugged her. “If you told any of us where we would be today, and in Cassi’s instance, who she would be with, I’d have asked what you were on.”

  “I think Audrey’s giving me a run for my money in the relationship stakes. Speaking of the handsome Tristin, here he comes.”

  “I think he’s expecting me to make a speech, but I don’t want to. If I start babbling, cough so I know, and I’ll shut up.”

  “Hello ladies, I need to claim the wonderful Audrey back from you.”

  Tristin took her away and the speeches started. Declan came over as Sasha went off to check on the food again. When the talks were over, Cassi thought she would check and see if anyone was inquiring about the gourmet picnic baskets.

  Stephanie stood at the front desk writing the details of the people buying the paintings. The pile of flyers on the desk for the baskets and the women’s refuge fundraiser were gone. Cassi hoped Stephanie hadn’t just shoved them in a drawer because she thought they lowered the tone of the place.

  “So did all the flyers get taken then?”

  “They were gone as soon as people sampled the food. Plus Deanna’s fundraisers are always a success. Sasha can really cook. My sister’s getting engaged and I think she should cater for it.”

  “I should cater for what? My ears are burning. What’s she saying about me, Cassi?”

  “She loves your food and our business could get bigger than ever after today.” Sasha carried on talking to Stephanie as Cassi glanced around the room and back outside. The crowd was less, but there were still some diehards who were going to wait until they left, so they could get another glimpse of the celebrities.

  Cassi felt the blood drain from her face as her body went cold. It couldn’t be him, surely, but the man at the back of the crowd looked just like Steve. She ran to the door and burst outside. People were screaming at her and cameras going off in her face. Connor was beside her and touched her arm.

  “Is there something wrong?”

  “No. I must have imagined it. I just thought I saw someone I used to know.”

  “Perhaps it would be better if you went back inside.”

  “Yes, of course.” She peered at the people, but there was no sign of anyone who looked remotely like Steve. To be honest, so much time had passed, who knew what he would look like now anyway? When she got back inside, Declan came over and stared her in the face.

  “You look as white as a sheet. Are you okay? I saw you run outside.”

  “I must be a little edgy. I thought I saw Steve, but he wasn’t there. I’ll be fine.”

  “Just stay close to me. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Cassi nodded as he bent down, kissed the top of her head, and gave her a hug. For once, his touch didn’t reassure her like it usually did. People were starting to leave so she needed to say goodbye to Audrey and head home to relieve Nina. Kirsten came over.

  “I’ll be following you in about ten minutes and I’ll pick up my little rascal. I hope they haven’t wrecked your place.”

  Cassi said her goodbyes to Audrey and they made their way back out to the car with Connor watching over them. As she walked through the crowd, she glanced around, but there was still no one there who looked like Steve. She needed to get her nerves back under control. It was insane that after all this time just the thought that he might be here could have such an effect on her.

  Back at the house, the kids were having a wonderful time. The little rascals enjoyed the movie and the popcorn. Now they were building robots out of Legos. Tommy ran over when they came in, proudly showing her his creation that was a big yellow and black robot. Its arm fell off.

  “It’s okay, Mommy. You can plug it on again and he can kill all the nasty robots. Jason made one, too. We’re champions of the universe.”

  “I’m sure you are,” she said. She put on a brave face, but fo
r the rest of day it felt as if there was shadow looming over her.

  As she lay in bed that night with Declan’s arms around her, she realized she needed to let the past go, or she would never move on with this new relationship. It would be destructive to spend all their time together looking over her shoulder as if Steve was there. She turned over and peered at Declan sleeping. Her heart swelled as she gazed at him, tears coming to her eyes. She reached out and touched his cheek. He opened his eyes and kissed the palm of her hand, sending a small tickle down her arm. Had she really tempted fate by telling him she loved him?

  “What were you thinking?” he asked.

  “Just that I’m so glad I went hiking and you came into my life.”

  “Well, I’ll be in it for as long as you’ll have me, and as you’re awake, I’ll be inside you too.” He pushed her onto her back and they were a tangle of bodies within seconds. The passion of their lovemaking was almost desperate in their need for closeness. She wanted to hold onto him and never let go.


  Three weeks later, everything was going well and she convinced herself it was all anxiety. There was no sign of Steve and the business was starting to take off. Declan asked the security firm to check out Steve again, and they couldn’t find any record of him anywhere. Maybe he was dead after all.

  Life was busy with picnic orders and Stephanie’s sister still wanted to go ahead with them catering the engagement party. The refuge fundraiser was a success and Cassi said she would help Deanna with the next one. They would even put a couple of gourmet baskets up for auction.

  Audrey started to look for premises for them to use. She said there was one in particular she wanted them to have a look at with her. The next day, while Declan was filming, Cassi and Sasha agreed to go with her. It was in a good part of the city without being too flashy. The downstairs was an old thrift shop and was huge with a small kitchen in the back.

  “I was thinking we could split this area so one section was for the catering and the other was an art studio. I wanted to get other people my age interested in doing painting. So many think they are thrown out and useless and I want to prove them wrong.”

  “No one could say that about you. I don’t think you’ve stopped since we met you. I’m surprised Tristin can keep up with you,” Sasha said.

  “Sometimes he can’t,” Audrey said with a wicked smile.

  They both cracked up as they followed her upstairs. There was a three-bedroom apartment that was dated, but in good condition.

  “This is just a bonus. I’m not sure what I’ll do with it. I have a builder coming in next week. It would be good if you’re both here then, so we can work out what we will do downstairs.”

  It didn’t take long to look around, so they then made their way out of the building and up the street to a small café. It would be a way of taking in some of the local feel of the area. They were chatting away when Cassi shivered and the hair on her neck stood on end. She rubbed her arms to get rid of the goosebumps.

  “You okay?” Sasha asked.

  “I’m fine, but just felt as if someone was watching us. Sorry.” Cassi looked around the café and everyone seemed friendly and minding their own business as they ate or chatted with friends. She glanced out to the street beyond where traffic was flowing by. Her gut tightened. Unlike the time at the gallery when she had been unsure, this time she knew it was Steve standing across the street. He must have noticed her staring out the window because he waved and blew a kiss. Her stomach turned over and she could taste bile in her mouth.

  She didn’t say anything, but Sasha must have noticed where she was looking.

  “Oh fucking hell. Is that Steve over there?” Sasha said.

  “I’ll go and see what he wants.” Cassi stood, but her legs wobbled like they would crumble beneath her.

  “Do you really think that’s a good idea? I reckon you should call the cops.” Sasha touched her arm.

  “The alternative is I do nothing, and then I won’t know what he’s up to. He could go into hiding again and I won’t know when he will pop up again. One thing I do know is I still don’t trust him.”

  “Who is it?” Audrey asked.

  “It’s Steve, her ex. Just make sure he knows Audrey and I are watching. I’m ready to dial 9-1-1 if you give me a sign.”

  Sasha stood outside the café so Steve could see she was there and ready to move if needed. Sasha held up her cell phone so she could take pictures or call the police.

  Cassi walked across the street. When she got closer, she considered that Steve looked like half the man she knew. He was skinny, unshaven, and his straggly hair didn’t look like it had been washed in days. He couldn’t stand still and kept fidgeting from one leg to the other. Her stomach churned as the coffee threatened to come back up. She hated his power to intimidate her, but her whole body shook. Whatever he said, it was not going to be good.

  “You look beautiful.”

  How could he do that? After all this time and even looking like he did, he could say something that could make her heart ache for what could have been. She couldn’t afford to let him get to her. Declan was a decent man who loved her and she had fought hard to get away from her life with Steve. Feeling safe was wonderful for her and Tommy, and she was not going to give it up.

  “What do you want?”

  “Don’t I even get a hug or a kiss from my wife and mother of my child?” He held his arms open wide.

  Cassi crossed hers over her chest. “The last time we were together, you gave me a broken rib and a black eye. Let’s not pretend to play long-lost lovers, and I was never your wife.”

  Steve gripped her arms and she thought she should have taken another tack. She needed to keep cool as he was obviously on edge. She looked across to Sasha, who was about to move across. Cassi put up her hand to stall her.

  “Okay, that was the past, Steve. I’ve a new life here now, so what do you want? We both know we can’t pick up where we left off. I don’t want to anyway.”

  He glanced around, peering over his shoulder as if he was expecting someone to be there.

  “I need money. I’ve got some guys after me and if I don’t get the money soon, they’ll kill me. You’re with some rich Hollywood dude now. If you can get the money for me, I’ll disappear and you’ll never see me again.”

  Her blood ran cold as she stared at him. He was honest about wanting the cash, she just worried what was coming next when she refused to give it to him.

  “I won’t ask him for money.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Cassi. I need ten thousand dollars or I’m dead. It’s pocket money to him. If you don’t, I’ll make it so he won’t want you or the kid no more.”

  “What do you mean?” It was a warm day, but she felt cold to the core as dread washed over her.

  “I’ve got pictures that I could sell to the press. He won’t want you when he sees what you did with a whole bunch of guys. You remember those times you woke up sore and couldn’t remember? I shared some of my drugs with you. The guys paid me well. Even Hollywood celebrities don’t want whores for partners. I could make you the next big porn star.”

  Cassi had considered him weak and mean but now understood how much she had been used.

  “Here’s my cell number. I need the money within the week, so don’t mess me about.” He grabbed her before she could move away and forced a kiss on her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth.

  She pushed him away, wiping the filth of him off her face.

  Sasha was next to her. “Piss off, Steve. The cops are on their way.”

  “Love you, too, Sasha. Not the greeting I thought you would give an old friend after so many years.”

  “We were never friends.”

  He smiled and walked away as Cassi grabbed Sasha’s arm. She could hardly catch her breath and would pass out if she didn’t have the support.

  “Take a deep breath. He’s gone now. Let’s get back to Audrey and talk. I’ll call the cops and say he’s gone.”
  Cassi didn’t argue and allowed herself to be guided back down the road by her two friends. She had such wonderful people in her life now, and yet seeing Steve made her feel like a wormhole was pulling her backward. Her breath caught in her throat like it was going into spasms. They made it through the door of the building they were going to convert and she sat down on the old couch.

  “You’re not driving anywhere yet. Take a swig of this,” Audrey said as she pulled an elegant flask from her purse.

  Cassi lifted the flask to her nose and could smell whiskey. She didn’t normally drink it, but at this moment she needed some liquid Prozac. Her hands were trembling so much she dribbled some of the contents down her chin. It burned as it went down her throat, but she felt a warmth in her stomach that she knew would bring calm. She handed the flask back to Audrey and wondered what else was hidden in her bag.

  “Hell, he looked a mess, Cassi. What did he say? Because I’d kill the bastard if I could. He has only ever brought you misery.”

  “He wants money. He always wanted money. He owes people and said they’ll kill him if he can’t find it.”

  Sasha paced back and forth, then turned to her. “I knew it. Leopards don’t change their spots. He saw you had a rich boyfriend and thought he would cash in.”

  “It’s what I was afraid of, and why I didn’t want to drag Declan into my life.”

  Audrey touched her chin and turned her face toward her.

  “I accept that I’ve not known you both long and that your friendship goes back a long way. What I do know is you’re a decent person, and this man took advantage of you at a time when you were young and vulnerable. Declan seems honorable, and I don’t think you dragged him into your life. He wants to be there.”

  Cassi looked at this woman and wondered how she could put everything so true into a few words.

  She took a deep breath. “My parents were strict and would say I asked for this. That I am getting what I deserve. I was just meant to marry a good Christian man of their choice.”

  Cassi went on to explain to Audrey how she rebelled and went off with the good-looking bad guy. To be an artist’s muse was all she’d wanted back then. It turned to disaster, though.


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