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Bearly Royal_Alaric

Page 10

by Ally Summers

  I observed the interaction with new interest. He leaned in, listening intently to the thick Spanish accent. Alaric easily moved back and forth between the languages.

  Cosette was also in our caravan. But she was in a group that waited for us by the cars. Once we stepped into the grove, I was on my own. I had to hope I didn’t screw up some kind of royal rule. I also had to try not to melt in the hot sun and ruin my beautiful dress. It was hard to walk in heels and navigate the rocky terrain.

  Alaric offered his hand when we reached a root patch. I thought I heard a camera snap when I took his palm.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  He grinned, but began asking more questions about the water levels in the area. The farmers argued over how much rainfall they had in the past two weeks. I maneuvered over the next set of rocks successfully.

  I think I was too confident. Feeling graceful and lithe like I was Juliette. I didn’t keep my eyes down when I should have watched every step. My toe hit a root and I tumbled forward.

  I shrieked just as Alaric wrapped a hand around my waist, snatching me toward him before I could hit the ground.

  There was no mistaking the sound of cameras now. My eyes widened.

  “Are you ok?” he asked.

  I nodded. “I’m sorry.”

  He set me upright, allowing me a second to find my balance. “I’m so sorry.” The press corps was going crazy.

  “As long as you’re all right, Eden.”

  “I am.”

  He threaded his fingers through mine. “Maybe I should keep a tighter hold. Just in case.” He squeezed my hand and I pressed my lips together to keep from grinning.

  “Thank you.”

  We walked for another hour. I stayed by Alaric’s side, taking in every part of the discussion. I had no idea there was so much detail in growing olives. I had clearly taken them for granted.

  We rejoined the caravan.

  Cosette greeted me at the giant SUV that we traveled in from the airport. “You may enter the car,” she whispered. “His Majesty will take a few photos and wave at the crowd. Alone,” she added.

  “Ok.” I climbed into the vehicle. I was grateful to have her there. The idea that I needed a royal manager was seeming less and less ridiculous. There was so much I didn’t know.

  I watched through the window as Alaric signed autographs and posed for pictures with the farmers. There were groups of children in the crowd. It seemed as if everyone from the local villages had gathered for the event.

  Cosette sat in the front seat. She turned around, handing me a cold bottle of water.

  “Thank you.” I was thirsty. I didn’t know how royals managed to always appear cool and dry in the heat.

  “How did it go? Did anything happen I should know about?”

  I shrugged. Maybe I should let Alaric mention my high heel mishap. I didn’t want to upset her. After all, she was the one who chose my accessories.

  “I didn’t expect it to be so warm.” I fanned myself.

  “Don’t worry. You have several dress options for dinner. You have plenty of time to shower and prepare for the next event.”

  “Oh good.” I took a long sip. “What next event?” I thought this was the only scheduled appearance we had. Alaric was intent to gather as much information on the groves as possible to present to the cabinet.

  She smiled. “I can’t go into details.”

  “Why not?” She was supposed to be my manager. If there were details, I needed to know. I needed mental preparation if it involved socializing with the village’s elite.

  “I’ll let His Majesty explain.” She froze when the car door opened and Alaric slipped in.

  “Your Highness.” She nodded and turned to look through the windshield.

  He kicked the dust from his shoes. “I think that went well. What about you?”

  “Did you get the information you needed?” I asked.

  “And then some.” He pulled my hand into his lap. “Thank you. I have what I need to convince the cabinet.”

  I grinned. “I’m glad. They all seemed happy you made the trip.”

  The SUV lurched forward, the tires crunching over dirt and gravel.

  “What’s next?” I asked.

  He looked at me sideways. I caught a glimmer of playfulness.

  “You’ll see.”



  Decorum. Rules.

  I hated the bullshit that came along with being the head of the royal family. Cosette pointed Eden to a room across the hall from mine.

  We couldn’t stay in the same suite when we traveled. The country would lose its fucking mind if the citizens thought their unmarried king slept in the same bed as a woman.

  “I’ll have her ready by five,” Cosette assured me, guiding her out of my reach.

  I shoved my hands in my pockets. It was absurd. Eden should be with me in my suite. At my side. In my bed.

  “She doesn’t know about the surprise,” she whispered.

  “Thank you.” I walked into my rooms, closing the door with an irritated thud. I walked to the bar and poured a drink.

  There wasn’t anything that could quench my thirst for her. The bottle wasn’t deep enough.

  I sat on the couch and grabbed the remote. I rarely watched TV unless it was football, but I turned on the flat screen.


  The headline flashed across the screen.

  American caught by His Royal Highness

  There was a succession of photos that blurred in random order of Eden losing her balance and me stopping her fall.

  This trip was supposed to be about support for irrigation funding, not about Eden. I stormed to the hallway.

  “Yes, Your Majesty?” The security officer nodded.

  “I need Wallace and Elena on the phone immediately.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I slammed the door and paced in front of the TV. There was very little coverage about the event today, and an abundance of speculation about Eden. Who was she? Where did we meet? Why was she on a domestic trip with the king?

  I groaned. I knew she would be photographed, but I underestimated the press’s interest in her. The fact that I scooped her up in a heroic gesture only fanned the flames.

  Security knocked before entering with two phones.

  “Elena is on this one and Sutfcliffe on the other.”

  “Thank you.”

  Elena was the go-to on royal damage control. I told Wallace to hold the line a minute.

  “Elena, have you seen the headlines?”

  “Yes. They are taking over social media. I’m afraid the entire country knows about Eden Jacobs’s trip into your arms, Your Majesty.”

  Damn it. I closed my eyes. “Is there any way to extract more coverage on the olive groves? That’s the point of my being here. That needs to be the headline.”

  “I can release a memo from the palace regarding the trip today. I’ll update all of our sites.”

  “But that’s it?”

  “Sir, I think you need to be prepared for the frenzy over Eden. You have never taken a companion on a trip. It was bound to cause questions. Her citizenship creates even more interest. Americans in Galona. You might as well have caught a unicorn.”

  “I know. Wallace mentioned it more than once.” He was still waiting for me on the other phone. “Do what you can, Elena. Spin this away from Eden. The cabinet meeting is tomorrow. I need the votes.”

  “Yes, sir. I will do everything I can.”

  “Do more, Elena.”

  I hung up with her and pulled the Wallace phone to my ear.

  “Wallace, I assume you know why I called.”

  “Miss Jacobs, sir?”

  He fucking knew why. He wanted me to admit I had been wrong to bring her. That wasn’t going to happen.

  “Yes.” I clenched my jaw. “I thought it might take the press longer to show their interest in her, but it was escalated by one picture.”

  “I saw i
t, sir.”

  “Everyone has seen it,” I snarled. “Cosette is working with her now, but I need protocols in place when we return tomorrow.”

  “I don’t understand, Your Highness, what type of protocols?”

  “I can’t let her return to her apartment in the city without security. She won’t be able to go to the library. Her world has just been interrupted. I expect a solution when we return.”

  “She’s an American citizen, sir. Maybe she should contact her embassy.”

  “This happened on a Galona domestic trip. She’s my responsibility. We are going to provide her royal security. Leave the embassy out of it.”

  “Are you suggesting she move into the palace, sir?”

  I rubbed the back of my head. “I’m suggesting you find a way to keep her safe. One that will satisfy my requirements and keep the country from imploding with gossip.”

  This was a fucking train wreck.

  “Your Highness, this is unprecedented. No companion has ever lived at the palace. It’s not possible.”

  I exhaled. “Make it possible. Find some historic anecdote. Find a loophole. You and I will meet when I return in the morning.”

  “I know my royal history, sir. To even broach this topic without scandal is impossible.”

  “Wallace, I’m not asking. Am I clear?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  I tossed both phones on the couch and slumped in the chair with my bourbon.

  One trip. One tiny misstep and I had done what I avoided my entire life. I had fallen for a woman so hard that I was willing to break every fucking royal rule to have her.



  I knew something was wrong the instant I saw him. He was hiding a scowl when he should have been smiling.

  Cosette had chosen every inch of my outfit. I knew I looked more supermodel tonight and less princess.

  For the first time since I met Alaric, it seemed as if he looked right through me. He didn’t seem to notice the subtle dip of the V between my breasts, or the slit that rose to my thigh.

  He met me at the car parked at the rear entrance of the hotel.

  “What’s wrong?” I searched the dark swirls in his eyes for answers.

  “Nothing, love.”

  I slid into the seat, careful to keep my knees and ankles together as I spun my glittery heels onto the floorboard. Cosette had been specific about every movement of the night.

  The chauffer held the door as Alaric climbed in, his heavy frame engulfing the air in the backseat. I could feel the heat of his irritation. Only, I had no idea what caused it.

  “What’s the surprise?” I asked.

  He gazed out of the window. “Dinner.” His voice was flat.

  “Oh.” I watched the tiny shops of the village drift by. I had never been to Sangreaux. I wanted to stroll through the streets with Alaric. Peek in the toy store. Buy chocolate from the candy shop. Stop by the local bar and sample martinis topped with their famous olives. But Alaric didn’t see any of the charm. I knew the village wasn’t part of tonight’s surprise.

  The car finally stopped. I peered around the corner and saw a marina. At the end of a line of boats was an enormous white yacht.

  Alaric stepped from the car and waited for me outside.

  Were we sailing on that? I could count three tiers. There was possibly another one beneath the water’s surface.

  Alaric offered his arm. I slipped my hand through, connecting our elbows.

  “This is your surprise.” He nodded at the yacht.

  “It’s amazing. Is this yours?”

  He nodded as I noticed the royal crest of Marquis.

  I took one of the crew members hands as he walked me along the plank. It was only wide enough for one person to pass at a time. Alaric was directly behind me.

  “Your Majesty.” The crew bowed in unison once we were aboard. “Your state rooms have been prepared.”

  I looked at him. State rooms? I thought we were staying at the hotel tonight.

  I knew better than to question him in front of the crew. I followed as they led us through the tight corridor.

  The door opened and I stared at the bedroom. There were windows on three sides. A huge bed anchored against one wall, looking out on the sea. Everything was white and bright like the outside of the ship.

  “Leave us,” Alaric instructed.

  I had expected to be shown a separate room. Cosette explained that when traveling, we would have to be kept in separate quarters. It was the only way to protect the sanctity of the crown. I realized no one was aware that the leader of the country was a member of The Titan’s secret society. The sanctity had already been spoiled.

  “What is going on?” I asked now that we were alone.

  He sat on the bed, dragging my hips to him. He pressed his lips to my navel. I heard a growl in his throat. His breath was warm through the black silk dress.

  “Alaric,” I urged. “I don’t understand. Something has upset you.”

  “There aren’t many days when I wish I wasn’t king.”

  “That bad?” I ran my fingers through his hair. He looked in my eyes. That look made me melt. Made me forget all rational thought. It was sexy and forlorn at the same time.

  The captain blew the horn and we departed from the dock. I lulled into him when the yacht sped into the channel.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened to your good mood? Everything was fine at the olive grove.”

  His fingers dug into my sides, pulling my dress higher along my thighs. The slit fell open.

  “I need you,” he groaned.

  I nodded. “I need you too.” I feathered my fingers over his ears.

  “It can’t be dictated. It can’t be controlled.” He lifted my hem, revealing the satin panties that matched the black dress.

  My breathing escalated as his mouth began to explore exposed slivers of skin. I pushed my hips forward. He nipped at the satin, taking it roughly in his teeth.

  “You’re mine.”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  “Mine when I want you.” He pushed the panties to the widest curve of my ass.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  His tongue worked to separate my folds, pushing to my clit.

  The boat rocked gently and I leaned forward, catching myself on Alaric’s broad shoulders.

  “Shit,” I groaned. His tongue lapped deeper.

  “Take these off,” he directed.

  I shimmied out of the panties without question. He leaned backward on the bed.

  “I want dessert first.”

  Holy shit. I’d never done anything like this. I climbed on top of the king, fully dressed in his tuxedo. My evening gown, splayed around me. I hesitated, but Alaric was strong. He planted me right above his face. His tongue traced over my entrance as I sank down.

  “Oh God,” I whimpered. My head falling back as I began to lose control.

  His tongue darted in and out as I rode faster. My hips jutted against the friction he provided my clit. I was soaring high quickly. I looked out at the sea. Alaric’s fingers began to explore my thighs and then I felt the pressure on my backside.

  I bounced when his finger breached the rim of my rosebud. It felt too good. Epic sensations coursed through me.

  “Come, baby. Come for me.”

  He sucked my clit powerfully, pushing his finger deep in my ass. It was a beautiful combination of erotic vibrations, ricocheting from my pussy to my ass.

  “Oh yes.” I panted, feeling the freedom that followed the first breach of the orgasm. I gave in. Falling. Spiraling. Crashing. Until I was useless.

  Alaric kissed the inside of my thigh, before directing it to the other side of his body.

  I sighed. No man made me feel like he did. I thought it was a heat-of-the-moment sex confession, but I started to believe I really did belong to him.

  There was a ding, similar to a door bell.

  “What is that?” I asked. I had barely caught my breath. />
  “That is dinner.” He sat forward, straightening his tie. “Shall we?”

  “But I—look at me.” I was flushed and my straight hair was wild.

  “You look sexy.” He winked.

  I leaned to the floor for my panties.

  “Leave them.”

  “What?” My eyes cut to him.

  “I have more surprises. Don’t touch them.”

  He helped me stand from the bed. I straightened my dress. “You know Cosette would die if she knew I was going to dinner without underwear.”

  He squeezed my hand. “We’re going to have to keep lots of secrets, love.”

  I leaned against his shoulder. I liked how it sounded when he said we.



  The crew let us dine alone. I assured them we could pour our own champagne. I didn’t need them hovering. For once I wanted to forget the servitude that surrounded me.

  Eden looked beautiful in the candlelight, but I realized she looked beautiful anywhere, under any circumstance. I needed her kind of purity. It steadied me when I thought I would crash.

  “Now that everyone is gone, can you please tell me what happened between the time we arrived at the hotel and when we met for our date?” She took a bite of salad.

  I wasn’t used to sharing, for many reasons. As king I didn’t have to express feelings or thoughts. I didn’t govern in a partnership with my siblings. I issued orders. It was my country.

  And now there was an angelic woman who had pure intent behind her questions. It was hard to ignore her naiveté. However, what happened today involved her. I made a decision to include her.

  “I’m pleased Cosette is so good at her job. She kept you away from phones and TV.”

  Eden placed her fork on the side of her plate. “Why? What did I miss?”

  “You are Galona’s new mystery woman.”


  “The trip in the grove. When you fell? There are pictures taking over every headline. It’s plastered everywhere.”


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