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Bearly Royal_Alaric

Page 14

by Ally Summers

  He laughed. “Because of that look. You just came in my hand and you still get shy. You still act surprised. I don’t think I can ever get enough of your eyes when you come. You get lost in it.”

  “Only because you take me there. It’s never been like that before.” There wasn’t an explanation for it other than Alaric was what my sexual existence needed to be complete.

  He exhaled. “You’re mine. That’s why.”

  He said it with such certainty I was willing to believe the explanation. My body belonged to him. My soul. And I was starting to think my heart did too.

  He glanced at his watch. “I have five minutes before I am announced. We need to hurry.”

  He weaved his fingers through mine and led me through the tunnels. We walked down stairs into more levels of hallways. I would never be able to find my way back. We emerged in the library.

  He grinned. “Thought this might be a good place to start your evening. You can wait here. Cosette will come get you when it’s time.”

  I gripped his hand. “Couldn’t I just sneak in? I don’t need a big announcement.”

  “You do. It’s the official introduction that’s required of a royal appointment. You’ll be fine.”

  He started to walk away and I felt the queasiness in my stomach return. “Alaric,” I called.

  He stood in the doorway. “Yes?”

  “The vote. What happened? How did it go?”

  He grinned. “It passed.”

  I stared at the set of double doors that reached at least twelve feet high. There were two guards dressed in full ceremonial uniforms. Their white gloves gripped the handles.

  This was it. On the other side of the door was a ballroom full of guests.

  I closed my eyes, picturing Alaric’s smile. His eyes.

  The doors opened and a man next to the grand staircase began to speak in a booming voice. I froze when I realized where I had heard him before. He was the MC at The Titan. Holy shit.

  Someone whispered behind me to enter the room.

  “Announcing the arrival of Eden Jacobs, official Royal Consort to King Marquis.”

  He didn’t act like he recognized me.

  I stepped forward toward the top of the staircase. I wish someone had warned me the ballroom was sunken. Guests entered at the upper level. There was a balcony that surrounded the floor below. I had to walk down an entire flight of stairs.

  I looked down. Alaric was in the center of the room, smiling.

  Suddenly I realized I could do it. It didn’t matter if the MC knew who I was. Alaric was standing at attention as if he were still in the royal navy. I couldn’t keep him waiting.

  By the time I reached the bottom step I knew everyone was watching us. He stepped forward. I offered my hand, curtseying the way Cosette taught me. When I rose, he took my hand and led me to the row of men and women closest to us. This row was Alaric’s cabinet.

  “Nice to meet you.” I shook hands with the first man, followed by the rest of the line. “Thank you for attending.” I smiled and nodded.

  Once I had made all the government introductions, the room watched as Alaric led me to the opposite side of the room. The royals sat in chairs.

  I was required to curtsey to each of them. I already preferred the government side of the ballroom. But these people were Alaric’s family. This was critical.

  I smiled when I saw Juliette. Thank God, I knew someone in this sea of diamonds and tuxedos. It was as if I had been given a small lifeline.

  I dipped in front of her. “Princess Juliette,” I repeated the phrases Cosette had taught me.

  We moved to the next person. He had dark hair and eyes like Alaric. I recognized him from the pictures as his brother Henri.

  “Prince Henri.” I curtsied.

  The ballroom was quiet as I shifted along the row. I wished they would at least play music.

  Next was Prince Broderick, then Prince Derek. The Marquis family genes were strong. There was a striking resemblance between all the brothers.

  Last in line of the siblings was Corbin.

  “Prince Corbin,” I greeted him.

  His eyes followed me. I couldn’t separate the man in front of me from the stories I had heard about the woman he lost. Did he resent me? Envy what Alaric had done?

  He nodded, dismissing me quickly.

  There was only one final introduction.

  I lowered my head in front of her. “Queen Thea,” I spoke clearly.

  Her expression didn’t change. She nodded.

  I exhaled.

  The music began and the intense focus on my every word and move was over. Guests were free to mingle, drink, and eat.

  Alaric walked up next to me, leaning to kiss his mother on the cheek.

  “I had no idea you were flying in for the ball.”

  “Wallace called and told me what you had planned. I needed to meet the girl who has upended the country.”

  I knew I was supposed to remain polite and emotionless, but my mouth opened.

  “Mother,” Alaric warned with a sharp tone.

  “I’m trying to remember the last time the king had a royal consort.”

  My mouth went dry as she continued her cold digs at my title. This was the opposite of going well.

  “I was a child, but I remember whose mistress she was.”

  Oh my God. If the queen assumed the worst, she couldn’t be the only one. I was mortified.

  “If the Dowager Queen has something she would like to say, maybe we should go to the royal study.” Alaric gritted his teeth. “I’m not interested in your public manipulations tonight.”

  She pinched her red lips together. She was a beautiful woman. Like her children, she had jet black hair and eyes like coal. There was barely a hint of fine lines in her skin. It was hard to gauge her age, but her oldest child was 32, so that put her somewhere in her fifties.

  “But isn’t the ball for the public?” she questioned.

  I didn’t know if I should run or slowly back into the crowd dancing behind us. I could disappear and find one of those tunnels.

  I looked over my shoulder and my heart sang. Bonnie was here.

  Before I could hear another icy exchange, I bowed. “It was wonderful to meet you, Your Majesty.” I looked at Alaric. “Bonnie is here.”

  “Go,” he advised. “I’ll find you in a moment.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace.” I made sure to curtsy as low as I could without falling over. She may have hated me, but she was still Alaric’s mother.

  I made myself walk slowly instead of taking off in a full run.

  Bonnie laughed when I reached her. “This is unreal.”

  I pulled her into a hug. “You have no idea.”

  “You look amazing, by the way. Like an actual princess.”

  “I can’t take any credit. I have a royal stylist.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Of course you do.”

  A server walked up to us with a tray of champagne. “It would be an honor to serve the Royal Consort.”

  Bonnie giggled. “This is crazy.”

  We each took a glass.

  “Thank you.”

  He walked away and we skirted through the crowd to find a corner where we could talk. I had completed my official duties. I needed a few minutes with my best friend.

  “I’m so glad you’re here. The queen didn’t exactly warm up to me.”

  Bonnie wrinkled her nose. “Most mothers love you, but they also aren’t forced to.”

  “What do you mean?” I was glad to have the champagne. The bubbles danced in the glass.

  “She doesn’t have a choice. The entire country watched while she received you. If she dissed you in front of them, she’d look like a bitch. She had to be nice to you. That probably just pissed her off.”

  “The rest of them didn’t act like that.” Although, I didn’t have a good read on Corbin.

  Bonnie shrugged. “Yeah, but it’s their brother. Not their first son. My mom is ridiculous when it comes
to my brother. You know that. Thomas this. Thomas that. He is the definition of the prodigal son.” She looked up. “Well, until I met these guys.”

  I laughed. “Ok, good point. Thomas has always had it easy and your mother never likes the girlfriends. Valid example.”

  “I’m sure once the publicity dies down, she’ll like you. How can she hold it against you that you’ve fallen for her son?”


  “Are you saying you haven’t?”

  “No, I’m not saying that.”

  “Then why don’t you admit it?” she pressed.

  “Because do you have any idea how scary and intimidating all of this is? Look at this place. We’re at a ball. A royal ball. And those people behind us are princes and a princess. I have a royal manager. I can’t even pick out clothes without her approval.” I was starting to breathe quickly.

  “Hey, it’s ok. It doesn’t have to go that fast.”

  I shook my head. “But it already has. I’m scared to death that I can feel something like this for him so quickly. But it’s like the more I try to fight it, the more he has a hold on me. I’m in so deep.”

  She smiled. “I’m happy for you. Try to enjoy it. Even if there is an evil queen. What fairy tale doesn’t have one of those?”

  We both laughed.

  “Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.” Bonnie’s face turned white and her laughter ceased.

  “What is it?”

  She cowered in the corner, trying to hide behind me.



  “From the gala, him.”

  I thought she was talking about the MC. “Yeah, I know. He’s the royal announcer apparently. Don’t worry. He’s not going to say anything.”

  She shook her head. “Not the old guy. Him.” She pointed carefully. “Russel LeRoy. The duke. He was the one.”

  “The one you went home with at the gala?” I questioned.

  “Yes,” she eked. “Shit. What if he sees me?”

  “Is that bad?”

  I still had no idea what happened with her the night of the gala. On the rare occasions we had seen each other since, we were so short on time it wasn’t discussed. I assumed I would get the details eventually, but not like this in a room full of hundreds of people.

  “It’s terrible.”

  I looked at Bonnie. “Did he do something?” I was worried. “Did he hurt you?”

  “Oh God no. Nothing like that. No, he wasn’t like that.” She gulped. “He saw me. He’s coming over.”

  There was no point in trying to conceal her. Bonnie was tall. She was stunning and men always noticed her. I saw the man she was talking about and he was on a mission. He was headed straight for us.



  “You realize this is beneath you.” I stared at my mother. She hadn’t softened in the years since she left Freychon.

  “It’s certainly beneath you,” she snapped. “She’s not crown material. You know that. She will disgrace your father’s legacy.”

  I leaned toward her as if I was going to kiss her cheek and smiled. “I am my father’s legacy. And I have chosen her.”

  “American?” I heard the disdain in her voice. “Not an ounce of royal blood. And worse—she’s full human. You think she can handle royal cubs? Doubtful.”

  “That’s not your decision to make.” I gritted my teeth. “I’m the alpha king.”

  “And look at what you’re doing with that privilege,” she hissed. “Does she even know? Does she know what kind of monster you are?”

  I glared at her.

  A quick laugh escaped my mother’s lips. “Ah-ha! She doesn’t have a clue who you are. You’re just like your father. Secrets and deception. You think she’ll still love you when she finds out you’re a beast?”

  “That’s enough.”

  I took a step back. There were too many ears in the vicinity. Too many bullshitters who would eavesdrop and gloat over our family squabble. Happy that we were broken since my father died. One more sign the House of Marquis should hand over the royal reins to another family. I didn’t want to hear the vile things my mother said. She was bitter and angry. I couldn’t let that invade what I had with Eden.

  My mother clicked her tongue. “Looks like Russel has the same taste you do.”

  I rotated in time to see LeRoy’s hand land on Eden’s wrist. She tried to shake him off. What in the hell was he doing? He couldn’t touch her.

  I cut through the dancefloor, ready to rip the head from his neck. I had to suppress the instinct to roar in front of everyone.

  “Get your hands off her, Russel.”

  Eden’s face was horror-stricken. “A-Alaric, wait.”

  I barely heard her. I gritted my teeth at LeRoy.

  “Your Majesty.” He smirked. He let go of Eden’s wrist knowing that if he didn’t I would punch him in the teeth.

  “Do you want to tell me what the fuck you’re doing?”

  “Having a conversation with my tally.”

  Eden tried to explain. “I was only trying to tell him—”

  I narrowed in on LeRoy, pushing Eden out of the way. “That was settled at the gala.” I didn’t believe he had the balls or the stupidity to bring that up here. She was never his tally. “You’re drunk, Russel. Go home.”

  He laughed. “Not your tally.”

  “He’s talking about me.” I noticed the girl next to Eden. “Hi.”

  “Alaric, this is my best friend, Bonnie. The one I told you about.” She pressed the information with her eyes.

  Russel puffed his chest. “That’s the problem. What is she doing here?”

  My anger started to dissolve and I realized the problem. LeRoy had no interest in Eden.

  “Who let the tallies in here?” he asked. “They shouldn’t be allowed at balls. And not in the prestigious blue ball room,” he mocked. He was definitely drunk.

  No one else seemed to notice our discussion. “Shut up, LeRoy. No one knows. There’s no reason for you to announce it.”

  “Francois is here. You don’t think he’s going to realize the new Royal Consort is a tally?”

  I wasn’t comfortable with where he was going with the conversation. He needed to shut his fucking mouth.

  “I’ll leave. I’ll just go,” Eden’s friend offered. “I don’t want to ruin your night, Eden.”

  “No. You’re not leaving.” Eden spoke up. “You’re my guest. You have every right to be here.”

  LeRoy laughed as if he heard a hilarious joke. There was nothing funny about this. The fucker liked trouble.


  “Russel, please,” Bonnie pleaded. “I’ll go. I’m sorry.”

  Eden looked at me frantically. We both knew things were escalating. I still had no idea what LeRoy’s problem was with Bonnie.

  “Out here,” I ordered.

  We hurried through one of the side ballroom doors. We maybe had five minutes before our absence was a problem. They followed me to one of the sitting rooms women used to use during balls. It had been aired out for tonight. There were fresh bouquets of flowers. There were crystal dishes with House of Marquis chocolates and mints on the tables. I locked the doors behind us.

  “Ok. What the fuck is going on?” I turned to them. “And I don’t want to hear your bullshit, LeRoy. The truth.”

  Eden put an arm around her friend. She was visibly shaken.

  “She shouldn’t be here.” He pointed at Bonnie.

  “Stop being a dick,” I snarled.

  He glared at me. “You think this is going to work out? You realize you have to pay an exit fee.”

  I shoved my hands in my pockets. “I know.”

  Eden’s eyes darted back and forth. “What is he talking about?”

  I shook my head. “I’ll explain later. We have about two minutes before we have to get back to the ballroom. I need to know that the secrecy of the gala is safe between us. Whatever happened between you two is your business until it interferes
with me, then it becomes mine. You are walking a fine line right now with that distinction.”

  LeRoy’s eyebrows knitted together. “You bastard. You get everything you want. Even her.”

  “Eden hasn’t done anything to you. And I doubt Bonnie has either. You’re being a royal ass. If you don’t want to be here, leave. Nothing is keeping you here.”

  “Except Carina,” he retorted.

  Eden looked confused. “Who is Carina?”

  “His wife,” Bonnie answered. “Lady LeRoy.”

  “You’re married?” It was as if a small explosive had been detonated in the middle of us.

  “Don’t look at me like that. It was an arranged marriage. Royal convenience,” he explained.

  There was no rule in the society that members had to be single. With only a one-night commitment, it didn’t matter, but something had happened between Russel and Bonnie. Carina was apparently a problem.

  “Is that why you didn’t want to talk about it?” Eden asked her friend. “You didn’t want me to know he was married?”

  “I couldn’t. We agreed. And it was complicated.” Her eyes darted to Russel.

  He stepped in front of me, separating the girls. He slipped a hand around Bonnie’s waist, tugging her toward him. “I can’t help it. I can’t get the other night out of my head. And then tonight I saw you by the staircase. Do you know I almost left Carina right then?”

  “I can’t either forget it either, but …”

  “But nothing.” Russel pressed his forehead to hers.

  Damn it.

  I interrupted. “LeRoy, you can’t leave Carina. And this can’t happen.”

  “I know that,” he hissed. “Some of us can’t write laws and grant positions for women we love.”

  “I’m not married,” I corrected him. “You would lose your title. Carina will destroy you. Her family will come after you with everything.”

  “Don’t you think I fucking know that?”

  “You are the reason Francois has contracts in place. This is why he has to protect the society. What have you done?”

  “Me? You brought a tally into the palace.”

  I backed up. I realized he was mad at his situation. Pissed at the world. I received the brunt of it because I had Eden. In his eyes I had won something he couldn’t have. Personal happiness. He had no idea what he was talking about. Eden was the only light I had. She was going to be my mate. It was something I couldn’t explain to anyone here.


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