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Hot Set

Page 11

by Ivy Blake

  “Places, everyone, places!” Claire said from her director’s chair, with me by her side. “I am happy to be working on this movie with all of you talented people. We’re going to have an amazing first day and if anyone needs anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  Everyone on set cheered happily, but suddenly, Hudson stepped front and center.

  “Wait,” he yelled out, “I need to say something.” He looked directly at me. “I need to have a minute with our brilliant second assistant director. Chloe, you are an amazing woman. Your talent and charisma are unparalleled and this past year of my life with you has been nothing short of a utopia.”

  “Uh, Hudson?” I asked nervously as I shifted. “What are you doing?”

  He stepped closer to me. “I told you from the very first day I met you, I knew you were the one.” I felt tears welling in my eyes. I knew what was about to happen. “Chloe, I love you more than life itself. You are literally my better half and today…” He went down to one knee and pulled a tiny black box out of his pocket. “I was wondering if you’d do me the honor of allowing me to be your husband?”

  Everyone stood around nervously in anticipation of my answer. Tears rolled down my cheeks and my heart thumped in an excited panic. I couldn’t even speak because I was too choked up, so I nodded my head and reached out to him with a laugh. Everyone clapped as we embraced each other.

  “I love you, Hudson.”

  “I love you too, my brilliant girl.”

  I barely heard the cheers of the cast and crew as I melted into his arms. I had everything I had ever wanted, and the future had never looked brighter.

  I had found happiness at last, and I would never let it go…

  ~ The End ~

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  Undercover Love

  Dr. Boss

  Royally F*cked

  Cade (The Black Angels MC)

  by Savannah Rylan

  Chapter 1


  “Harp! Catch!”

  I snatched the beer bottle out of thin air before I popped the top. The alcohol flowed down my throat effortlessly, leaving behind a sting that matched the bruises on my hips. Cade’s hands were around me, holding me close as I chugged the beer down. I wanted to wash away the taste of my former life as the leather-bound shorts I wore wrapped around me tightly.

  “Those shorts look fucking hot on you,” Cade said.

  “Ya think?” I asked, winking. “Figured you’d like them.”

  “Oh, you figured, huh? And how’s that?”

  I tossed my beer bottle and turned around in his arms. I threaded my arms around his neck and crashed my lips into his, feeling the warmth of him underneath me. His hands helped me onto his bike, our tongues dancing like wildfire as he struck up his bike.

  I clung to him tightly as we rode off down an alleyway coated in darkness.

  I felt so free during that biker rally. Like I could be my true self. Happy and carefree. Sassy and strong. There was no one there to well me what I was supposed to be doing or how I was supposed to look. No one was coaching me on how to talk or trying to get me to put makeup on. My father wasn’t chirping in my ear about lady-like tendencies, and my mother wasn’t trying to stick me in ruffled fucking dresses.

  I loved that place, and I didn’t want to leave.

  I graduated from The University of New Mexico six months ago. My parents were pushing me to go to law school, but I convinced them to let me take a year off. They were against it fully, with my father being screaming angry at the idea. But when I offered to help with his election campaign for Mayor of our small little town, he seemed to warm up to the idea.

  He thought to make the campaign efforts a family affair would boost his poll numbers.

  At the biker rally, I wasn’t the daughter of Ryan Thomas. I wasn’t the prim and proper college-educated daughter who could do no wrong. I didn’t have to mind my manners, address anyone with any ounce of respect, and I sure as hell didn’t have to keep my mouth shut. My pencil skirts and tasteful heels were traded for leather shorts and roughed up boots, and the wind that whipped through my hair on the bike of a motorcycle gave me my own personal definition of ‘freedom.’

  I partied how I wanted, I flirted with whomever I wanted, and no one was judging me for spreading my legs with carnal desire.

  Cade had been fantastic. Hot as fuck with a body that left me breathless. His rock hard abs matched his strong shoulders, and he tossed me around in bed like I was nothing but a ragdoll. I had my hair pulled while he called me all sorts of disgusting names that fluttered my pussy and warmed my skin. His green eyes penetrated me every single time they landed on me. His brown hair fell in his face, shaggy and soft despite his chiseled demeanor. I couldn’t get enough of his body that weekend, and when the rally ended I found myself missing him.

  I loved every second of that man. From his protective attitude to his gravelly voice to his calloused hands that gripped my tits a little too tightly. The way he marked my body as his own with his teeth and the palms of his hands haunted me for weeks. His throbbing cock filled me in ways I’d never experienced. The men I had been with before him were boys compared to the girth swinging between his chiseled thighs.

  And oh, how he loved sex on his bike.

  He’d ride me into dark alleys and take me right there. He’d bend me over it or sit me right down onto his lap. His cock would stake me, causing unearthly moans to fall from between my lips. He would bite into my shoulder before licking the marks he caused, bringing me pain before soothing me into a heady orgasm that left me breathless.

  That was what Cade was.


  I knew I’d never see him again, but I kept up hope. Bike rallies happened multiple times during the year, and I had planned on going to the next one. I was already setting up a hotel room and transportation as well as planning outfits. I was dreaming about Cade and those lips of his. How they wrapped around my clit and brought me to endless orgasms that left my body begging for mercy.

  But all my plans were halted when I found out I was pregnant.

  Now, I was sitting up at night wondering where he was. The heartburn was becoming unbearable, and it was getting harder to eat. Our little boy was jumping around on my bladder, kicking the shit out of it whenever he got restless.

  A fighter, just like his father.

  Now, I was a pariah to my family. Now, I was a nuisance my father had to spin for the media. Now, I was the charity chase my parents had to take on. The fallen college graduate who had big plans in front of her before they were destroyed. Now, I had to stand by my father while he made me a point in his speeches. While he campaigned underneath the assumption that he would always be a family man and love his family no matter what.

  Even though he berated me for my choices behind closed doors.

  I slid out of bed, allowing dreams of Cade to slip into oblivion as I went to get some milk. I had to get this heartburn to stop. Otherwise, it was going to make me sick. I was gaining weight every week, two to three pounds each time I turned around. This pregnancy was kicking my ass and the farther I got into it, the more I thought about him.

  I wondered if Cade would stand by my side or if he would cast me out like my father. I wondered if he would hold me close at night and get me milk whenever my heartburn became too much. I wondered if he would be angry with my father for how he was treating me. How he was isolating me from the world, not allowing me to leave without an escort, and constantly telling me how foolish of a girl I was.

  Maybe I had been foolish, and maybe I had been selfish, but I wouldn’t take back that rally for anything. Even with the outcome being what it was now, that weekend was the freest I’d ever felt. I was out from underneath my father’s thumb, I was out from underneath my mother’s prying
gaze, and I was free to be who I wanted. I was free to drink what I wanted and eat what I wanted and wear whatever the fuck I wanted.

  I clung to those memories as I laid in bed at night, crying myself to sleep while holding my five-month pregnant stomach.

  I wondered what he would think if he found out I was pregnant. Then, I found myself hoping he never did. Though my dreams whisked me away into his arms at night, I woke up relieved he didn’t know. I knew enough about men to know that something like this was never good. Wild men stayed wild at heart. They never settled, they never stopped, and they always consumed. In the back of my mind, I knew there was another woman right behind me. Another woman willing to spread her legs for that rippling body of his at the next rally. I knew I was nothing but a notch in that man’s belt.

  But it didn’t stop me from hoping that he thought about me like I thought about him.

  Either way, it didn’t matter. He was living his life, and I was living my nightmare. He was out riding with the wind in his hair while I watched the wind blow through my childhood room window. He was traveling and drinking and laughing it up with friends while I laid here in the confines of my room, begging for permission just to go into town.

  Maybe one day I could experience freedom again like I had that weekend.

  Maybe one day I could be happy again.

  Chapter 2


  “We got a job?” I asked.

  “Yep. It’s why I called ‘church,’” Doc said.

  “Who’s in deep shit this time?” I asked.

  “No one,” Vex said. “Ryan Thomas wants protection at his rally tomorrow, though.”

  “The man running for mayor?” I asked. “Why?”

  “Who the fuck cares?” Blade asked. “He needs protection; we give protection. The rally’s tomorrow at one.”

  “Doc, I thought we didn’t get involved with political shit,” I said.

  “No, you just don’t like getting involved with political shit, so I keep you off those jobs. But this time’s different,” Doc said.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “He received a death threat geared towards his pregnant daughter,” Ink said. “Wants protection since his entire family’ll be up there on stage, including her.”

  “His daughter gets a death threat, and he wants her on stage anyway? Sounds like a winner father. She screw a shithead or something?” I asked.

  “Again, don’t know. Don’t care. He’s paying us a pretty penny to do it, so we’re gonna be there at noon to set ourselves up,” Doc said.

  “Why aren’t the police involved if it’s towards a pregnant chick?” I asked.

  “Why the fuck you got so many questions?” Ink asked.

  “Because he doesn’t want this shit plastered all over the news. About the death threat and shit,” Doc said. “Look, Cade. If you don’t want to take this job-”

  “I just want specifics! Get off my dick,” I said.

  “According to Mr. Thomas, who I talked with yesterday, his family doesn’t know about the death threat,” Doc said.

  “You’re shitting me,” Blade said. “His own damn daughter doesn’t know about the threat against her?”

  “I don’t think I’m voting for this guy,” Vex said.

  “You don’t vote at all, so who the hell cares?” I asked.

  “I don’t give a shit about her personal opinions of the situation. If things go south, one of you is gonna have to go with his daughter. That means I don’t want you asshole blabbing anything you shouldn’t. Got it?” Doc asked.

  “Crystal,” I said.

  “Okay. We’re gonna hold a vote,” Doc said. “All in favor of the job, raise your hands.”

  All of our hands shot up around the room and it was finished. I sure as hell wasn’t gonna allow a pregnant woman to dangle out there helplessly, and I knew all my brothers felt the same way. Doc-- President of The Black Angels-- had a soft spot for kids. Blade-- our treasurer-- had three of them. With different women, but he kept tabs on all of them and was the best father he could be. Ink-- our Sergeant at Arms-- was raising his nephew after someone gunned down his own damn sister, and Vex-- our road captain-- was expecting twins with his newly-wedded wife.

  And me? I just didn’t like people fucking around with pregnant women.

  “Church is adjourned,” Doc said. “Meet back here tomorrow at eleven so we can ride.”

  I hopped on my bike to take a ride. I needed to clear my head and get in the game. It was a ritual I always performed. The day before a job, I took a ride on my bike. I rode across town and into the clay mountains of New Mexico and ate at this diner no one knew me at. It gave me time to think and process the job, then I headed back to my apartment and slept. The ride gave me enough time to center myself, the food helped to energize my body, and a good night’s sleep gave me the strength I needed to be the protector I’d been hired to be.

  After all, being Vice President of The Black Angels meant I had to set a standard.

  According to Doc, this almost-mayor was willing to pay a shitload of money for protection. And if he got elected and we did a good enough job, that meant a lot more business for the club. That meant no fuck ups could happen tomorrow unless we wanted to jeopardize taking on another potential full-time client.

  Riding down the highway with the wind whipping past my helmet, my mind flashed back to Harper. It’d been five or six months since I’d seen that woman, and every time I got on my damn bike, I thought about her. I thought about her long, juicy legs wrapped around me in those short leather shorts. I could hear her soft moans pouring from her mouth. I could taste her pussy on my lips and how willing she was to give her body over to me.

  I was still left speechless at how well she took my punishments.

  She was a one-night stand at a bike rally I went to with The Black Angels, but I wished I’d had her for another night. I found her the last two days we were there and was only privileged to have one night with her. I fucked her against every single surface of that dingy motel and marked her body everywhere I could find that made her jump. I bit into her and pinched her and bent her over my knee to spank her. The way she groaned my name would flood back into my mind every time I got myself off, and images of her bouncing tits would always push me over the edge.

  I couldn’t shake her, and I hated that I had to way to track her down.

  We never exchanged numbers, and I had no idea what state she was from. We had attended one of the largest biker rallies on the South Dakota, which meant she could be anywhere. And I was only assuming she lived in the U.S. because she didn’t have an accent.

  At least not from what I could tell from the way she yelled my name.

  I had to shake her from my mind. I needed to center myself for this job. I needed to let the bike ride clear my head instead of reminding me of some woman I’d never see again. But if I closed my eyes and sniffed just right, I could still smell her. If I concentrated hard and allowed myself to be pulled back, I could still feel her hair wrapped up in my fist.

  And if I wasn’t careful, I could wake myself up uttering her name.

  Chapter 3


  The September winds of New Mexico woke me up early. My pregnancy heartburn was getting worse, my father’s election rally was today, and there was no way in hell I could cover up my ‘bump’ any longer. The red clay mountains back dropped our venue for the afternoon, and I would have to listen to my father preach about familial values and how he loves this town for a fucking hour. My year off from school was almost up, my parents had isolated me from the world, and I was alone.

  Completely and utterly alone.

  When I had to tell my parents I was pregnant; they were livid. My mother cried, and my father flipped a chair. The local press in my hometown had a fucking field day with my pregnancy and tried to spin my character as the rebellious daughter who hated the very town my father loved. I had become the villain, and my father had become the hero, taking in a child that sup
posedly hated the entire world because she was carrying his grandson.

  If only they knew what took place behind closed doors.

  They kept hounding me as to who the father was, but I wouldn’t tell them. The press speculated, drawing off random pictures of me out and about in the town. If I walked by a man and the picture was taken at the right time, he was supposedly the father of my child. My parents got harassing phone calls on a regular basis from the families of these sons who ‘had higher standards than me’ and ‘would never touch the likes of a young woman like myself.’ And instead of defending me, my father simply agreed with them and pedaled his campaign.

  On the backs of the people that hated me.

  I had no intentions of telling Cade about the baby, either. Setting aside the fact that he lived fuck-knows-where, the press didn’t need any more ammunition. At one point, I thought I could confide in my mother. And I almost did. One night, I had been so sick with my pregnancy that I started throwing up blood. While my father fielded the press, my mother rushed me to the hospital. I didn’t know what was happening and I almost caved and told her.

  Until a news segment came on the television in my hospital room.

  It was a segment of my father talking about what was happening with me. How I was throwing up blood and very sick. He was demeaning the father of my child on television without even knowing who he was. Calling him a coward and talking about how I was ‘lucky’ my parents had stepped in to help me in my time of need.

  It made me sick, and I vowed to never tell a fucking soul.

  Tensions were high between us. My mother was running around the city trying to find me something to wear that would tastefully cover up my protruding stomach. My tits were getting bigger, which meant all my shirts now looked inappropriate, and my father couldn’t stand to look at me. I knew I was a disappointment to them. I could hear them talking about it every night. I’d sit at the top of the steps and hear my father say things like ‘what was she thinking?’ and ‘where did my little girl go?’


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