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Hot Set

Page 30

by Ivy Blake

  Chapter 19


  The evening after our day out in the beach, I was in a meeting with Gino in the Brighton Beach store when I got a text. It was from an unknown number.

  Leo, please come over. I’m being watched. Think it’s Adam. Hurry! - Isabella

  I leapt out of the chair I was sitting on and grabbed my jacket.

  “Where are you going?” Gino asked as I rushed out of the room.

  “To Isabella. She’s scared she’s being watched,” I told him and left him there.

  I drove as fast as I could from the store to the house. I was careful not to park too close but I could see that Marco wasn’t at home; his car wasn’t in the driveway. I went right up to the front door this time. I didn’t give a shit about who was watching me or who was inside the house. I knew Isabella was in there and I wanted to make sure that she was safe.

  When I came up to the door, I found that it was open. I pushed it and stepped in.

  “Isabella?” I called out her name. “Sofia?”

  I couldn’t hear either of them. The house seemed quiet. The light was on in the kitchen and I walked towards it, down the hall.

  “Isabella?” I said her name again and pulled out my gun. It was too quiet and I could sense that I wasn’t alone. Pointing my gun ahead, I kept walking until I stepped into the bright light of the kitchen.

  I hadn’t seen the man standing next to the kitchen door; he snapped the gun out of my hand, kicking it to the ground away from me. He had his own gun in his hand and he was pointing it at me now.

  I heard a clap and I jerked my head around to see Adam standing next to a chair, on which Isabella was sitting, clapping his hands.

  “Isabella!” I shouted and made to rush to her, but the man, who was undoubtedly Adam’s bodyguard, blocked my path, pushing me back and pointing the gun to my head.

  “You better stay back, cowboy,” Adam said in a low slithering voice. I could see that Isabella had been crying, her mascara running dark over her cheeks, her hair messy. She was whimpering as she sat there.

  I kept my distance from her, focusing my attention on Adam now.

  “Where is Sofia?” I asked.

  “Don’t worry, your little girl is fast asleep in her room,” Adam replied and I clenched my jaw.

  “See, didn’t I tell you he’d come, Isabella?” Adam looked at her now, placing his open palm on top of her head, beginning to stroke her hair. I had to force down my desperate urge to jump him, to choke him dead with my bare hands.

  “What the fuck do you want from us?” I growled at him, and he looked up at me again, with a smile spreading on his face.

  “The question is, Leo from Naples, what do you want from me? Did you really think that I wouldn’t notice the tracking device? You two played it well. You had me fooled there for a few days, but not for long,” Adam replied, and the way he was stroking Isabella’s head became even more menacing.

  I clenched my fists at my sides, trying to keep my rising anger under control.

  “What do you want?” I growled again through gritted teeth and Adam sighed heavily.

  “It’s very simple, Leo. I want you dead and I want Marco to know just what his precious daughter has been up to behind his back. Marco has told me all about you, how you manipulated his little girl, got her pregnant and then disappeared,” Adam was speaking with a slithery grin on his face.

  “That is not true and you know it!” Isabella shouted and Adam turned to her, leaning to look into her face.

  “You will keep your mouth shut while the men talk, do you hear me, woman?” Adam said and then his hand slid down from the top of her head until he was pinching her cheeks with two fingers, tugging her face close to his. I thought he was going to kiss her right in front of me. I could feel myself stiffening with anger, my rage boiling over. I knew I couldn’t stop it. I didn’t have my gun and this man’s bodyguard had his pointed right at me.

  Isabella whimpered and he released his grip on her cheeks and her head bobbled from the force. Adam whipped around to me, taking long strides in my direction.

  “Tell me, Isabella, what do you see in this guy that I don’t have? You think he’s some sort of saint? You think he hasn’t committed ruthless things himself? You think he’s above your Papa and me?” he spoke in a low hissing voice, glaring straight at me.

  “Whatever he’s done, he did it because Papa made him!” Isabella shouted and Adam threw back his head and laughed.

  “Sure. Once a killer, always a killer. Wouldn’t you agree, my man?” Adam reached a hand out to my shoulder and patted it. I yanked myself away from him.

  “You know what the real difference between us is, Adam?” I spoke, narrowing my eyes at him.

  “I’m all ears, cowboy,” he said, still smiling.

  “I don’t pick weak children and women to enslave and traffic just because they wouldn’t be able to put up a fight. I pick someone my own size to fight, but you don’t, because you know you’ll lose that fight,” I said.

  I could see the smile drooping on Adam’s face. He hadn’t liked what I’d just told him.

  “Shut the fuck up!” he shouted and pulled a gun out and pointed it right at my head. I could feel the cold metal touching my temple and Isabella cried out in fear.

  “You miserable piece of shit,” I said. Before Adam could make a move, I’d grabbed the barrel of his gun and twisted his arm. I smiled as he cried out in pain. I pulled the gun from his hand and pointed it at his bodyguard. I quickly pulled the trigger and the man fell bleeding to the floor. He had an open wound on his left thigh, enough to make sure that he wasn’t going anywhere.

  I turned the gun to Adam next, who lifted his hands up in the air from fear of getting shot.

  “You okay?” I heard Gino’s voice behind me. I should have known that he’d follow me.

  He came up to stand beside me, pointing his gun at Adam, too.

  “Hello Isabella, don’t think we’ve formally met,” Gino said.

  Isabella stood up from her chair, wiping her cheeks with the back of her hands.

  “Hello Gino,” she said to him and then looked at me, a soft smile of relief was tugging the corners of her lips.

  “What are we going to do with this fucker?” I asked Gino.

  Adam had worked his way to a corner of the kitchen. There was fear in his eyes now that he knew he was overpowered and outnumbered. His wounded bodyguard was on the floor, still bleeding.

  “It might be best to keep him out of Marco’s way so that he doesn’t get suspicious,” Gino said and took a few steps towards Adam who cowered away.

  “Marco will never have to know. I could just disappear,” Adam suggested, his voice quivering as he spoke.

  “You put my daughter’s life in danger! You set a trap for Leo!” Isabella was screaming at him now. I lowered my gun and went to her. Adam wasn’t a threat anymore; Gino had him covered.

  “Are you okay?” I asked her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She sank her face into my chest, holding me.

  “Please, I swear I’ll just disappear. C’mon boys, you know what it’s like to work for Marco,” Adam continued and Gino glared at him threateningly.

  “You’re coming with me, and you’re staying with us until we’ve got Marco and then we can decide what to do with you,” Gino grabbed Adam by his collar and started dragging him out of the kitchen.

  “You clean up here and then we meet back at our usual spot?” Gino asked, stopping to look at me at the door. Adam, who was a fucking mewling coward, was cowering beside him, allowing himself to be led away by Gino.

  “I’ll see you later, thanks,” I told him. Gino tipped his head at Isabella before he went away with Adam in tow.

  “What are we going to do about him?” Isabella asked, looking at the wounded bodyguard on the floor.

  “He’s going to get out of here and leave us alone,” I said and pointed my gun at the man. He shielded his face with his hands and then groaned as he started to
drag his bleeding legs along the kitchen floor towards the French doors.

  I followed him, keeping my gun pointed at him, until he was finally out of the doors and in the garden. I watched him drag himself out of the garden, then struggling to climb over the wall and get away. I locked the doors and turned back to Isabella.

  She was standing in the middle of the kitchen, wrapped up with her arms around herself.

  “What if he comes back? What if that man tells Papa?” she asked and I walked to her, hooking a finger under her delicate chin.

  “He’s a paid guy. Adam is nowhere in sight, which means that he doesn’t get paid, which means that he will have no interest in seeking revenge right now,” I told her, and then throwing my arms around her, I pulled her close to myself.

  “What is going to happen to us, Leo?” I heard her whisper as I held her to my chest.

  “Everything is going to be fine. You should go and check on Sofia, make sure she hasn’t woken up,” I told her.

  “Are you leaving?” she asked, peering hopefully into my eyes.

  “I’m going to clean up this mess; there’s blood all over the floor. Marco shouldn’t find out that Adam was here or what happened,” I told her and Isabella nodded her head.

  “Go up to Sofia, I won’t be long. Keep all the windows locked everywhere,” I said. I waited until she had left the kitchen before I started boiling the water in a kettle. I was good at cleaning up crime scenes; I had enough experience in it.


  It was dark by the time I’d brought the kitchen back to its pristine condition. The house was silent and Isabella hadn’t come down. I made my way up to her, looking for her in the different rooms.

  I found Sofia’s room first and when I opened the door, I caught her sleeping soundly in her bed, all wrapped up under the covers. I stood there for a few moments, watching her sleep…admiring how angelic she looked. Now I had two people to protect, and I was willing to take a bullet for both of them.

  Eventually, I closed the door and knocked on the door across from it.

  “Leo?” I heard Isabella’s voice and she came over to open the door. Her eyes looked red and puffy and her voice was hoarse. I could tell she’d been crying. I stepped into the room and shut the door behind me.

  “It’s all been taken care of. I should go now, your father could return any moment,” I said. Isabella reached for my hand, peering into my eyes.

  “Can’t we go with you? Do we have to stay here?” she asked. I clenched my jaw and looked down at our hands.

  “Just for a little bit longer, beautiful, just until we can end this,” I said and reached for her cheek. Isabella closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, then nodded her head.

  “I’ll wait, I’ve waited three years for you anyway,” she said and when she opened her eyes, we were kissing.


  I pushed her back with my body until she fell on her bed and I stood over her, breathing hard.

  “I really should go,” I said, looking down at how beautiful this woman was.

  “We won’t make a sound, just like last time. Then you can climb out the window,” she said with a seductive smile and she lifted herself up to reach for me. Before I could stop her, not that I would have been able to, she was unbuttoning my shirt. She slipped it off my shoulders and sat up on folded knees.

  Isabella kissed my bare chest, softly at first, before she began to run her tongue down my abs. Her hands had already started unzipping my pants. My cock was throbbing hard underneath and when my pants were out of the way, she took it in her hand and stroked me gently.

  “What were you saying?” she whispered, looking up at me with her green eyes glowing. I grabbed the back of her head, taking a fistful of her hair in my hand. I was hungry for her again and this was all her fault.

  I leaned forward, pushing my tongue into her mouth and tasting her. Isabella moaned softly as I slipped my tongue in and out of her mouth. My hands rose up to her breasts, squeezing and cupping them through her thin cotton blouse. I could feel her pebbled erect nipples underneath the material. I flicked and rubbed them as we kissed hungrily.

  Isabella drew herself away from me and our lips smacked when we parted. She bent down, bringing her face at level with my uncontrollable cock.

  “What are you doing?” I asked her and she looked up at me, her brows arched up on her forehead.

  “Thanking you for what you did here today,” she replied matter of factly, and then I saw her open her mouth wide.

  I groaned, reaching for her head as she slipped my cock down her throat. This was a new feeling, one I’d not experienced with her before. Just seeing my thick throbbing cock encased within her plump lips set me off.

  I was gripping her head tightly in my hand and I started pumping into her. Isabella moaned, sitting kneeling down on the edge of the bed as I stood in front of her. My cock thrust in and out of her mouth and I could feel the tip rubbing against the back of her throat and she moaned each time.

  Isabella moved her body, rolling her hips, touching herself. Her fingers were on her pussy, under her tight denim skirt, while she sucked me. Her tongue lashed deliciously across and up and down my cock in her mouth. I knew I was too big for her mouth; she was breathing heavily now, close to gagging, but she didn’t stop. She kept sucking, kept sliding her mouth down the length of my cock.

  Her fingers on her pussy started moving rapidly. She was making herself come while she pleasured me. It was the most explosive feeling I had experienced till now. I couldn’t control myself anymore, I couldn’t hold back.

  “Isabella…” I said her name breathlessly as I felt myself exploding in her mouth. She moaned and moved, her tongue lapping up the shooting cum from my cock. I kept pumping, kept moving in her mouth until I felt empty, until all my cum had been deposited neatly on Isabella’s tongue.

  I pulled myself out, staggering away from the bed and she straightened herself up. She smiled and it was the sexiest thing I’d seen a woman do.

  There was a sound of car tires crunching gravel in the driveway and I looked over at the window. I was completely naked.

  Isabella jumped out of the bed.

  “You should go, Leo,” she exclaimed in a hushed tone.

  Quickly, I started putting my clothes on and she straightened herself, running her fingers through her messy hair. She went to the window and looked out.

  “He’s in the house, Leo,” she said, turning to me. I was dressed and joined her at the window.

  “Go to him, distract him and I’ll get out of the window and climb down,” I told her and she nodded her head.

  “Wait a few minutes until the chauffeur leaves. Papa will want dinner now, so he won’t go out,” she told me, and then planting a quick kiss on my cheek, she was out of the door in a rush.

  I waited for voices. Marco’s booming voice filled the house and I could hear Isabella, too. They were talking when I went back to the window and saw that the chauffeur had left already.

  Slowly, I made my way down the window, climbing down until I was on the ground. I looked up at the room and caught sight of Isabella entering and I turned and jogged down the drive.

  I ran to my rented car, got in and drove away and the whole time, I could still taste Isabella. I could still feel her mouth on my cock. I had never felt so alive before. The more time I spent with her, the more I saw Sofia, the more desperate I was to end this. I felt like I couldn’t stand to stay away from them for another night.

  I was hoping that Gino had a plan and we could put it into motion immediately. I had already wasted too much time apart from Isabella and Sofia. They were my family now and I couldn’t wait to start our new life together.

  Chapter 20


  I met Gino and Leo the next day, and this time they had a plan.

  After Papa left for business in the morning, Leo turned up at the edge of the garden, where I’d been waiting for him.

  “Get your things, get Sofia, we’re goin
g now,” Leo told me, in a firm commanding voice.

  “Now?” I asked, my heart beginning to race.

  “Yes, pack as little as possible. Just the essentials. Gino is waiting in the car for us, we have to get you out as soon as possible,” Leo said and he kissed me lightly on my lips. I tried to stifle my smile at the thought that we were finally leaving.

  I ran back in the house, and packed just a few clothes and necessary items in a bag. Sofia was in her room playing, and I lifted her up in my arms, telling her that we were going on a trip again. She was excited to hear it and together, we ran out of the back of the house and to Leo.

  He took Sofia from me and we held hands as we ran to the car which he’d parked some blocks away. It was Gino at the driver’s wheel this time and he greeted us with a smile.

  I got in the back with Sofia and we drove off immediately, before any of us had a chance to even settle in.

  “Where are we going?” I asked and the two men turned to look at us. Leo smiled at Sofia who giggled and he touched her knee lovingly.

  “We’re taking you to a safe house,” Leo said, looking at me.

  “A safe house? Where?” I asked, pulling Sofia into my arms. I didn’t want her to worry about any of the things she was hearing.

  “Somewhere far where Marco won’t go looking for you. They’ve been holding the kids and the women in an abandoned mall near New Jersey,” Leo continued and I could feel my heart sinking.

  “So, you’re raiding the place today?” I asked and I caught Gino’s eye in the rearview mirror.

  “Tonight. We’ve already got some guys keeping a watch on the mall. Marco is supposed to be there tonight for some sort of deal. We’ll attack then,” Gino explained. I looked out of the window as we drove down the busy streets of Queens. It was finally happening; Leo and Gino were finally going to take Papa down.

  I looked back to the front, and that was when my eyes fell on the silver dove pendant that was hanging as a charm from a leather bracelet that Gino was wearing.


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