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Hot Set

Page 41

by Ivy Blake

  Dave tipped his head backward, indicating the crew was already inside the office. I walked in, my head still fuzzy with thoughts of Ensley and I found the boys waiting for me. I had never been late to Church before, but I was the President now, so none of them dared to ask me where I’d been.

  I tried to push thoughts of Ensley out of my head. She was nothing more than a beautiful woman with a beautiful laugh. I tried to convince myself that there was nothing special about her, other than a smashing body and a tight pussy, but I was failing miserably at it. I could already feel myself falling for her, and this was going to turn out to be a disaster.

  The guys stood up when I walked in. These were men who were brothers to me. We rode together, we fought together, and we drank together but ever since Enzo went to prison and I was the new President, their attitude towards me had changed a little. They wanted to make sure that they were always respectful of me. I didn’t want that kind of formality, but if Enzo were here, he would have reminded me that it was exactly this respectful attitude I needed, in order to keep everyone in check. I was now in a position of authority, and I needed to act that way. So, I went along with it.

  “So, ideas. Anybody got any?” I began. I needed to first establish that we didn’t have any other choice so that accepting Ensley’s offer would seem attractive to everyone.

  Brooks, Jamison, Topher, and Beckett were sitting around the table while I stood at one end of it. They looked at each other, slightly uncomfortably, and I could predict that none of them had thought of anything. They clearly didn’t have any new ideas in the past three days, and they were ashamed of it.

  “We’re not sure if going legit is the right idea,” Beckett spoke up, and I glared at Topher, who was the treasurer. He shifted in his seat and drew in a deep breath. I had backed him into a corner.

  “I hate to admit it, but money-wise, going legit is the best way we can hide our dough while pulling in some more,” he said and shrugged his shoulders. The others didn’t seem too pleased by that statement, and I caught Brooks shaking his head.

  “Listen up brothers, this is what we need to do. Not just that, but these are Enzo’s orders. I know you don’t want to go legit, neither do I, but we don’t have a choice right now, and Enzo is right,” I said. Jamison clapped his hands together like he had suddenly come up with a great idea.

  “What about Dirty Harry’s?” he said, echoing the same thoughts I’d been having the previous night.

  “It’s already a set-up business, and it would be the perfect front!” he exclaimed, and I gripped the back of the chair in front of me.

  “First of all, it’s not a front that we’re looking for. We have to genuinely look for a new business. Enzo wants us to stay low, and we can only do that by not getting into any more shit,” I said. Jamison shook his head and looked away. I didn’t think that it was going to be so hard to convince these guys.

  “And secondly, you think Dirty Harry’s pulls in enough dough to keep us happy? To give us the standard of living we are used to?” I continued, and the guys were staring at me. I had finally struck a chord with them.

  It wasn’t just about finding something for us to do, we had to find something that was lucrative, that would keep the cash flowing in.

  “I’m out of ideas then,” Jamison mumbled, and I drew in a deep breath.

  “Okay, well I have one. Protection for hire,” I stated and crossed my arms over my chest.

  My brothers were staring up at me like they had no idea what I was talking about.

  “How hard is it to get it into your thick skulls?” I snapped, and they looked at each other.

  “You mean like bodyguards?” Brooks clarified, and I clenched my jaw and turned to him.

  “You can call it whatever you want, but yeah, something like that. Someone pays us to protect them,” I said, and they looked at each other again.

  “There is nothing we are better at than scaring the shit out of people. Why not make some money out of it?” I continued before they could start changing their minds.

  “So, what? We follow a couple of beer-bellied businessmen around in their limousines and make sure they don’t get shot?” Beckett asked, and a couple of laughs rang out in the group.

  “Beer bellied businessmen, rising actresses-whatever, paying clients should be good enough for us,” I replied.

  “Rising actresses?” Topher asked. That had caught his attention finally.

  “Ever heard of Ensley Adams?” I said and his eyebrows crossed.

  “That blond cutie on TV?” he said.

  “Wait she’s the one on that new show. The one with the perfect tits!” Beckett commented, and I had to do everything in my power to not punch him in the face. Of course, I had no reason to. We’d slept together, that was all there was to it. It wasn’t like she was my woman now. She was a celebrity. Why would she want anything more from this other than a business relationship? Besides, my brothers didn’t know how well I knew her.

  “Yeah, well, she’s going to pay us for our first gig,” I said, and both Beckett and Topher cheered and exchanged high-fives.

  “How did you bag that?” Brooks asked, and I shrugged my shoulders.

  “I have contacts. What do you think I’ve been up to these last few days?” I said. I was going to have to play it cool. None of these guys were in relationships, and we had never spoken about women seriously. I didn’t want to be the first one to start a conversation about a woman having a hold over me.

  “Fuck, brother, that’s a good idea!” Jamison stood up from his chair, and he stretched his hand to me. We clapped hands, and he thumped my back. Suddenly, an idea that they were all against seemed to have turned into a good one now that they knew who our first client was going to be.

  “Okay, should we vote on this? All those in favor of this new gig,” I said. All four of them raised their hands. It was a unanimous decision, which was great because for Ensley’s sake; I needed all my brothers to be equally in on this.

  “Great,” I said and finally pulled a chair out so I could sit down.

  “So, what does she need protection from? Some lunatic fans?” Jamison asked.

  “A lunatic ex,” I replied.

  There was a new sizzle of excitement in the room, now that the guys knew we had a specific target. The prospect of just protecting a beautiful celebrity from crazy fans wasn’t as enticing as protecting her from an aggressive guy. My brothers were thirsty for blood. We had been sitting on our asses for too long since the raid, and we needed to get all this pent-up energy out on something or someone.

  “We need to formulate a plan,” I said.

  We finally had an idea that was going to work.

  Chapter 16


  I wasn’t sure what to do with myself, now that Thorn had gone.

  After he left, I remained in bed for several minutes, surrounded by the scent of him. My bed was still warm from his presence, and I thought I could still feel him around me in the room.

  I knew I shouldn’t have slept with him, but the previous night had been like a gift. Before he touched me the way he did, I didn’t think I would ever be able to sleep again. Then, after the orgasm, I felt like I had the best night’s sleep in a long time.

  No other man, and especially not Ryan, had made me feel the way that Thorn had. Despite looking the way he did, despite his lifestyle; with me, he had been gentle and thoughtful and selfless.

  Sleeping with him had been good for my mood, but it was bad because now potentially, he could be working for me. I sat up in bed with a jerk when I thought about whether being together might have affected that decision. He had told me the previous night that he would take it upon himself to keep me safe, even if the rest of the MC didn’t agree, but that was before anything happened.

  There was a very good chance that he might have changed his mind now. What if he didn’t want to get into the complication of working for someone he had slept with? I had his cock in my mouth this morning, I
had gulped down his come-that was a pretty personal thing to do. We had already crossed all the boundaries of a professional relationship.

  I was beginning to feel miserable again. When could I leave my apartment again? It was a Sunday, so it was okay for me to stay in, but I had work the next day, I had appointments to keep. If Thorn didn’t want to provide protection for me anymore, I would be scared to even step out of my house.

  I guess I could hire a protection service. Several celebrities in the area had their own security detail. But would a professional security detail really deter Ryan?

  I showered listlessly, and changed into a fresh summer dress and did my hair. That was an hour gone, and there was still no word from him. I was anxious again. I was itching to pick up the phone and call him, but I didn’t want to come across as someone who was too clingy. I didn’t want him to think that I had turned into someone whiny and needy just because he had slept in my bed the previous night.

  I walked around the house, tidying the place up. I put all the letters away. Ryan’s letter was already in the bin where Thorn had thrown it, so I didn’t have to worry about it.

  I looked at my phone again, scrolling through the call list-just to see his name on my screen when the phone rang. It was Thorn calling.

  “Hey,” he said to me, and I could already feel the butterflies in my belly. Just his voice was good enough to calm me down.

  “Hi,” I replied and perched myself on the arm of the couch.

  “Are you doing okay?” he asked. I couldn’t believe that he was still so concerned and polite towards me.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I haven’t left the house if that’s what you’re wondering,” I said, and I could feel the tops of my cheeks flushing.

  “Good. Well, I wanted to call you and let you know that I spoke to my brothers and the club has unanimously agreed to take you up on your offer,” he said. I stood up again with a jerk. My heart was racing in my chest. My face was pulled into a wide smile. It was possibly the best thing I had heard all year!

  “Really? Thank you, Thorn, for convincing them. I’ll always be grateful to you for this,” I said, and I was pacing around the room again.

  “You can stop thanking me now, Ensley, I’m officially your employee. Everything I do, I’m getting paid for,” he said, and I felt a quick sag of my heart. What did he mean by that exactly? Did he make me come last night as a part of the deal too? To make me feel safe?

  “Of course, yeah, how do you want to be paid? How much?” I said. It seemed like Thorn had already discussed the figure with his friends because he gave me a number quickly and I agreed to it. I didn’t care about the cost right now. I had the money, and I wanted to use it to keep me safe.

  “You can pay me in cash,” he added, and I agreed to that too.

  “So…” I began to say, but he cut me off.

  “We’re just going over a few things now. We’re going to try and find out where the motherfucker is hiding and then smoke him out. I don’t want to just hang around and follow you everywhere you go. Eventually, I would like to eliminate Ryan as a problem from your life,” he said, and I could feel my mouth going dry. Eliminate? Did I just get a contract kill on Ryan? I didn’t know exactly what he meant by that, but I tried to brush it off.

  “Okay, thank you…sorry, that’s great, Thorn,” I said, fumbling with my words, which made him laugh a little.

  “You sit tight there, princess. I’ll come over to your place soon. I’m taking up the first shift,” he said.

  His words were like music to my ears. Even after the call had ended, I couldn’t get the darn smile off my face. The last few words he had said, were enough to set my body on fire. He was still calling me princess. Maybe I did mean more to him than just a job.

  Even though I had spent all morning trying to convince myself that being with him had been a bad idea, I couldn’t help but be excited now that I was going to see him again. I felt like a foolish girl, way in over her head.

  Chapter 17


  I called out to her from the other side of the door when I arrived at her apartment because I knew she’d be too afraid to open it or even look through the peephole. Ensley opened the door within a split-second like she’d been waiting for me to return.

  She was out of her pajamas now, in a pretty yellow dress that drifted down all the way to her knees.

  I took one step into her apartment, and immediately I knew that I wanted her again. It was so hard for me to keep my hands off her, especially now that she was looking at me like this. Like she’d missed me.

  Ensley stepped back, as I stepped closer to her. The door shut with a bang behind me and I threw my helmet away on the floor again.

  “I’m glad you’re back,” she said, in her usual quiet voice. I stepped closer to her, till now her back was pressing against the kitchen island in her open-plan living room.

  “I’m glad I’m back too,” I said, and I watched as she gulped.

  My gaze drifted down to the front of her dress. The boys were right, she did have the most perfect pair of breasts. They rose and fell underneath her dress as she stood in front of me now. Her golden hair was plaited neatly and placed on one of her shoulders. She’d put on some makeup, but barely any. Her lips were glossy and pink, just like a fresh ripe fruit.

  “So, I guess I’m your employer now,” she said, and I clenched my jaw. It was true. She was going to be paying me money to keep her safe. I was back in her apartment not because we could have sex, but because I was being paid by her to do so. Although, I had jumped at taking first shift. I wanted more time with her, whether I was ready to admit it to myself or not.

  “Yes, I guess you are,” I said, and took another step towards her. There was barely a gap of a few inches between us. I was close enough to be able to breathe in her scent, her sweet precious, freshly showered scent. How long was she going to be clean? I wanted to fill her with my come right now.

  “What are your orders, madam?” I asked, with a grin forming on my face. Ensley’s cheeks flushed, and she shied her eyes away from me.

  “Take off your pants,” she murmured, looking back at me. Like she couldn’t believe she had just said that.

  She didn’t have to ask me twice. My hands were on my belt, and my jeans were sliding down my legs. It didn’t matter what I was thinking an hour ago; that this was now a professional relationship. With her in front of me, there was only one thing to be done.

  My cock hung between my legs now, and Ensley’s blue eyes went straight to it. She licked her lips like she was hungry for me and I squinted my eyes at her.

  “Now what?” I asked, and she looked up at my face again.

  “I want to see you,” she said, and I didn’t need an explanation. I started peeling my jacket off, then my t-shirt. Within seconds, I was standing naked in front of her, just like she had been naked in front of me the previous night. Her mouth parted and she drank in the sight of my chest and abs, the ridges of all my muscles.

  “You can touch me if you want,” I said, with a grin forming on my face. Ensley stepped towards me, stretching her hand out to my chest. I noticed that her fingers were quivering. I grabbed her hand and placed it on my beating heart. She gasped and then giggled before she bit down on her lip.

  I guided her hand, over my torso, down my belly, and to my cock again. I felt her hand wrap around my hulking throbbing mass, and I felt that electric shock run down my spine again. She had some sort of magic touch. Capable of making me lose my mind in a second.

  I pulled her to myself, and she pressed her breasts against my chest, while her hand stroked my cock up and down. I leaned over and pulled her lips into my mouth. She tasted the same, I thrust my tongue down her throat, sucking on her tongue, exploring every corner of her mouth.

  I could feel her breasts rising and falling. She was beginning to go out of breath now, but she didn’t stop stroking me. My cock pumped and grew in her hand. I knew she was capable of making me come just like that,
just in her hands.

  I pulled my mouth away from her and jerked our bodies apart. Ensley gasped when the moment ended. She stepped back, her body pressing against the kitchen island again.

  My cock was erect and ramrod straight between my legs now, pointed at her. She looked upset. She was worried that I was going to put an end to this. I took my cock in my hand and stared at her.

  “Get up on that,” I said and looked over her shoulder at the kitchen island. Ensley gulped and looked back. She could see what I was thinking. I was going to take her now, right there in the kitchen. We had been delaying this for too long, and it was time that I finally possessed her.

  Ensley licked her lips, backed up and jumped up on the counter, with her legs swinging in front of her. Her breasts were still heaving, she was excited, her pale cheeks were flushed red.

  “Good girl,” I said, and she smiled. She was glad that she pleased me.


  I approached her with caution like I was afraid of breaking her. She looked like a beautiful precious doll, perched on the counter, waiting for me to wreck havoc on her body.

  Ensley leaned herself back, adjusting the weight of her body on folded elbows on the counter as I drew closer to her. I looked into her blue eyes. She didn’t look away from me this time, she was going to hold my gaze.

  “Ensley, for this to work, you need to trust me. You need to know that I will never put you in any danger,” I said. The words were coming out of me smoothly, deeply. I had meant to have this conversation with her before but now felt as good a time as any. Either way, it seemed like every time we were alone, we couldn’t keep off each other.

  She gulped, like her throat was dry and then she nodded her head.

  “Tell me you trust me, Ensley,” I said, and she parted her lips.


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