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Deception (Tamia Luke)

Page 2

by Naomi Chase

  Shanell frowned. “Why would you do something like that?”

  Tamia said nothing.

  “I know you told me that you and Fiona had a big falling out,” Shanell continued, “but I didn’t think either of you would carry it this far. I mean—damn, Tamia. You’re sisters. What if the jury had found you guilty? Don’t you think Fiona should have been there for that?”

  Tamia was spared from answering when Mark returned with two plates filled with food. After Tamia and Shanell thanked him, he told his wife, “I’m going downstairs to say hello to a friend. I haven’t seen him since we graduated from basic, so I’ll be back in a little while.”

  “Okay, baby,” Shanell said distractedly, using her fork to cut into a crab cake. “Have fun catching up.”

  As Mark walked away, Tamia eyed her friend incredulously. “Wow.”

  Shanell glanced up from her plate. “What?”

  “You and Mark have such a trusting relationship. You didn’t even ask him the name of the friend he was going to see.”


  Tamia hesitated. “Mark’s an attractive guy. Some women might think twice about letting their husbands out of their sight in a club filled with half-naked hoochies.”

  Shanell chuckled dryly. “Girl, please. Mark just returned from Iraq. If he wanted to cheat on me, he had a whole year to do so. And I don’t think he did.”

  After another hesitation, Tamia couldn’t resist asking, “How do you know for sure?”

  “Because I trust my man.” A wicked gleam entered Shanell’s cognac-colored eyes. “And because ever since he got back, he’s been fucking me like he ain’t sniffed pussy since the dawn of the millennium.”

  Tamia shrieked with laughter. “T-M-I!”

  Shanell grinned unabashedly, forking up another bite of crab cake and chewing for a few moments. “Look, I’m not naive. I know that military men have a reputation for being dogs. But I can honestly tell you that my boo’s not like that. We’ve been married for five years, and he’s never given me any reason to even suspect that he’s cheating. And while he was deployed, we made damn good use of our computer webcams and cell phones. You’d better believe I gave that brotha plenty to look forward to when he came home.”

  Tamia chuckled. “I bet you did, hussy. It’s always the ones sitting up in church every Sunday who’re the biggest freaks.”

  Shanell grinned. “Don’t hate.”

  “Whatever.” But Tamia was feeling somewhat jealous. It had been more than five months since she’d gotten laid. She missed the feel of a man thrusting between her legs. But since she was on a mission to win back Brandon, she’d made a pact with herself not to sleep with anyone but him—no matter how long it took her to convince him to give her a second chance. After the way she’d betrayed him with Dominic, depriving herself of sex was the least she could do.

  But looking around at some of the buff, tattooed biceps on display, she wondered how long she’d be able to hold out.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting, ladies.” Lou had returned with two drinks, which he passed to Tamia and Shanell before lowering himself onto the sofa beside Tamia. “I got held up talking to one of my clients.”

  Shanell pounced on the word. “Clients?”

  “Yeah.” Lou snagged a buffalo wing from Tamia’s plate and took a bite, chewing appreciatively. “Mmm, that’s good.”

  Shooting a quick glance at Tamia, Shanell asked casually, “What kind of work do you do, Lou?”

  “The kind that pays the bills.” He winked at Tamia, who grinned and shook her head at Shanell.

  “I think that’s his polite way of telling you to mind your own business.”

  Shanell scowled. “I was just trying to make conversation. Damn.”

  Tamia and Lou laughed.

  “Excuse me,” interrupted a sultry female voice.

  Everyone glanced up to encounter a voluptuous, honey-toned beauty with a weaved mane that hung down to her ass and D-cup breasts pouring out of her black leather minidress.

  She was staring at Tamia with an awestruck expression. “I’m so sorry to bother you, but aren’t you Mystique?”

  Tamia instantly stiffened. Setting her plate down on the small table beside the sofa, she said coolly, “I used to be.”

  “Oh, my God!” the young woman squealed excitedly. “It’s such an honor to meet you! I’m a huge fan of your work.”

  Tamia inwardly groaned. The last time she’d heard similar words, she’d gotten caught up in a web of deceit and betrayal that ended with her being framed for murder.

  “I’ve watched all of your Slave Chronicles videos,” the girl gushed. “You were amazing! Honestly, you’re the reason I got into the business.”

  “Is that right?” Tamia glanced at Lou, who looked decidedly uncomfortable as he tugged on his thick black ponytail. “Did you also work for Voyeur Productions?”

  “Sure did.” The girl stuck out a manicured hand. “My name’s Halima, but I go by Honey.”

  “Hello,” Tamia said, accepting her handshake. “It’s nice to meet you, Honey.”

  “Have you seen any of my movies? Lou says I remind him a little of you.”

  “Does he, now?”

  Honey nodded, smiling slyly. “The way you used to—”

  Lou cleared his throat loudly, cutting the girl off.

  Tamia gave him an amused sidelong glance before returning her attention back to Honey. “Now that the studio is no longer in business, what are you doing with yourself these days, Honey?”

  Please say you’re in college trying to make something of yourself, Tamia silently prayed. Please don’t tell me you’re still doing porn.

  “Oh, I’m still working for Lou.”

  “Really?” Shanell interjected, eyeing Honey with undisguised interest. “Doing what?”

  “I’m one of—”

  Lou jumped up as if the sofa had suddenly caught on fire. “That reminds me, baby girl. There’s someone I want you to meet.”

  “Okay,” Honey agreed. “But can I have Mystique’s autograph first?”

  Lou looked askance at Tamia. “If she’s okay with that.”

  Tamia hesitated, biting her lower lip. She’d spent the past eight years trying to distance herself from her days as the underground porn star famously known as Mystique. But Dominic Archer’s intrusion into her life had blown the lid off her scandalous secret. Anyone who’d followed Tamia’s criminal trial—as most Houstonians had—already knew the salacious details of her past. So what harm was there in signing one measly autograph?

  She mustered a smile. “Got a pen?”

  She’d barely gotten out the words before Honey whipped out a Sharpie and passed it to her.

  “Paper?” Tamia asked.

  Honey shook her head, bending down until her voluptuous cleavage was mere inches from Tamia’s face. “I want you to autograph my titties.”

  Shanell sucked her teeth. “Who the hell do you think she is? Nicki Minaj?”

  Tamia laughed, scribbling her alter ego’s name across the soft mound of Honey’s breasts.

  The girl beamed with pleasure. “Thank you so much, Mystique. I can’t tell you how much this means to me.”

  “No problem,” Tamia said, handing back the Sharpie.

  Honey remained in her face. “If you’re ever interested,” she purred, “I’d love to have a threesome with you sometime.”

  Tamia chuckled. “Thanks for the offer, baby girl, but I’m strictly dickly.”

  “So am I.” Honey winked at her. “But I’d make an exception for you.”

  Leaning back against the sofa, Tamia drawled, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “I hope you do.” The girl licked her glossy lips and smiled, then slipped her arm through Lou’s as he led her away, his hand resting lightly on the thick swell of her ass.

  Shanell stared after them, shaking her head in disgust. “I bet he’s fucking her.”

  Tamia laughed. “Knowing Lou, that’s probably true.”

>   “She looks barely twenty-one.”

  Tamia sipped her drink. “That’s how he likes ’em. Young, but not young enough to be considered jailbait.”

  Shanell’s eyes narrowed shrewdly on Tamia’s face. “Did you ever—”

  “No,” Tamia said, already anticipating the question. “I never slept with Lou.”

  “Good,” Shanell said with such vehemence that Tamia laughed.

  “Damn, girl. He’s not that bad.”

  “Um, yeah, he is. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I definitely think he’s sexy. He reminds me of a younger Benicio Del Toro, right down to those hazel eyes and juicy lips. Girl, the first time he showed up to testify at your trial, I thought he was Benicio.”

  Tamia chuckled. “He gets that all the time.”

  “I’m not surprised.” Shanell frowned. “But as fine as he is, there’s something about him that rubs me the wrong way. I don’t trust him, Tamia, and I don’t think you should, either.”

  Tamia sucked her teeth. “What’re you talking about? Lou and I are old friends. He’s always been there for me.”

  Shanell gave her a look. “Just because he made you a porn star—”

  Tamia took umbrage. “It was more than that. He really looked out for me.”

  “Of course he did. You were making him money.”

  “What about after I left his studio?” Tamia challenged. “He protected my identity even when he didn’t have to anymore.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Shanell countered. “You said yourself that you still don’t know who gave Dominic your real name. For all you know, that scheming motherfucker might have paid Lou off. Or am I the only one who doesn’t think it’s just a coincidence that Lou shut down his film studio shortly after you went to prison—and now he’s living large?”

  Tamia shook her head in vehement denial. “You’re wrong, Shanell. Voyeur Productions meant everything to Lou. He hated losing the studio, but he couldn’t afford to stay in business anymore.”

  “Or maybe he was ready to conquer new territory and the payoff he received from Dominic opened new doors for him.”

  Tamia took a long sip of her drink, wishing that she could dismiss her friend’s ugly suspicions. But Fiona’s devastating betrayal had taught her that she couldn’t put anything past anyone, including those who were closest to her. She didn’t want to go through the rest of her life questioning people’s motives, but if she couldn’t trust her own flesh and blood, who the hell could she trust?

  “And that’s another thing,” Shanell continued doggedly. “How much you wanna bet that Lou’s ‘new business venture’ involves pimping out young girls like Honey?”

  Tamia set her glass down with a thud and glared at Shanell. “This is supposed to be my homecoming party, but all you’ve done is talk about shit that’s bringing me down. Can you please give it a rest?”

  Shanell looked taken aback. “I just—”

  “I’m serious, Shanell. Don’t make me ask one of Lou’s bodyguards to escort your black ass outta here.”

  Shanell’s eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Think I wouldn’t?”

  They stared each other down, then simultaneously burst out laughing.

  Sobering after several moments, Shanell sighed and shook her head. “You’re right,” she said contritely. “I don’t mean to ruin your celebration. It’s just that I can’t help worrying about you. You’ve been through hell, Tamia, and I don’t want to see you get hurt again. You need to be careful.”

  “I know,” Tamia said soberly. “And I truly appreciate your concern, Shanell. You’ve been more like a sister to me than Fiona, so I know you’ve got my back. But I’ve been looking forward to this night for months. So I just want to relax and enjoy myself. All right?”

  Shanell nodded. “All right.”

  “Thank you.” Tamia grinned, reclaiming her drink. “By the way, I think you may have missed your calling. For a minute there, I thought I was being cross-examined by a damn lawyer.”

  Shanell smiled, but she was no longer looking at Tamia. “And speaking of lawyers ...”

  Tamia followed the direction of her friend’s gaze.

  When she saw who stood at the entrance to the VIP lounge, her heart thudded.

  Brandon had arrived.

  And he was very much alone.

  Chapter 3


  “Hey, the rainmaker’s here!” Lou announced boisterously.

  Brandon grinned and shook his head as a loud chorus of cheers and applause swept through the crowd. He sauntered into the lounge, oozing so much swagger that Tamia’s nipples hardened and her pussy creamed. She watched as he stopped to shake hands and chat with Lou and several members of Lou’s entourage.

  After what seemed an eternity—but was probably less than three minutes—Lou pointed out where Tamia was seated. When Brandon looked over and met her gaze, Tamia’s pulse quickened. He flashed a lazy smile, and damn if her panties didn’t get wetter.

  As he started toward her, she couldn’t help admiring his appearance. He’d changed into a fitted Versace suit over a stark white shirt with the top three buttons undone. He looked so delicious that Tamia couldn’t even blame the females whose lustful gazes tracked him across the suite.

  “Dayuum!” Shanell exclaimed appreciatively. “That brotha is hella fine.”

  “You ain’t never lied,” Tamia murmured.

  When Brandon reached them, he bent and kissed Tamia’s upturned cheek. The feel of his soft, full lips had her clit throbbing at the memory of his mouth buried between her legs. She would have given anything to feel his long, thick shaft stroking her walls until she shattered and screamed in ecstasy. Making love to Brandon was all she’d thought about while she was locked up. That—and getting free.

  “Wassup?” He greeted Tamia, sitting down beside her.

  “Hey,” she said softly. “You made it.”

  “Of course. Hey, girl,” he said warmly to Shanell.

  She beamed at him. “Hey, Brandon.”

  “Where’s your husband?” he asked her.

  “Around here somewhere.”

  “Why don’t you go see what he’s up to?” Tamia suggested.

  Shanell eyed her blankly. “Why?”

  Tamia gave her a pointed look.

  After another moment, Shanell got the hint. “Um, yeah, let me go see what my man’s up to. That’s a great idea.” She set her plate down on the table and rose from the sofa, then winked at Tamia and Brandon before striding quickly away.

  Brandon chuckled softly, watching her departure. “Subtle.”

  Tamia didn’t respond. She was too busy soaking up all his fineness—six two with skin the color of dark chocolate, smooth black hair cut low to his scalp, deep midnight eyes, sexy dimples, and a manicured goatee that framed the most succulent lips Tamia had ever kissed.

  Suddenly she realized that Brandon was staring right back at her.

  “What?” she said self-consciously.

  “That’s what I should be asking you,” he drawled. “You’re looking at me like I’ve got something on my face.”

  Nothing but deliciousness, Tamia mused with a smile. “Nah, you’re good. By the way, I’ve been meaning to tell you that I really like your new goatee. But I thought facial hair was strongly discouraged at the firm.”

  “It is,” Brandon said, stroking his chin. “But now that I’ve made partner—”

  “—you can do whatever the hell you want, right?”

  He grinned, flashing dimples. “Pretty much.”

  Tamia laughed, shaking her head at him. “So it’s like that, huh?”

  “Damn straight.” He nodded at the glass in her hand. “What’re you drinking?”

  “A Blue Motherfucker.”

  “What’d you call me?”

  Tamia’s smile faded. “That’s the name of the—”

  Brandon laughed. “Relax. I’m just messing with you.”

  Tamia grinned, punching him playfully
on the arm. It felt good to be on such friendly terms with Brandon again. After the way she’d hurt and betrayed him, she knew how lucky she was that he was even speaking to her.

  Just then they were approached by an attractive young woman balancing a drink on a small tray. “This is for you, Mr. Chambers,” she purred, handing the glass to Brandon. “A neat scotch from Mr. Saldaña.”

  Brandon looked across the suite. Meeting Lou’s eyes, he nodded and raised his glass in a small toast.

  Lou nodded back and smiled.

  Tamia watched as Brandon sipped his scotch, looking smoother than James Bond. One of the things she admired most about him was his versatility. Although he’d grown up in one of the wealthiest zip codes in Texas, he didn’t have a pretentious bone in his gorgeous body. He could discuss foreign affairs and commodity futures with the good ole boys at his law firm, then turn around and chill with the hoodest of hood rats. He was comfortable in his own skin, and he made no apologies for who he was—a proud, powerful black man who was on course to take the world by storm.

  Cheating on Brandon was by far the stupidest thing Tamia had ever done in her life. But she had every intention of rectifying that mistake. Starting tonight.

  “I’d like to propose a toast.” When Brandon met her gaze, she elaborated, “For the past several months, we’ve been so focused on the trial that I haven’t really had a chance to congratulate you on making partner. I know how hard you worked to achieve that goal, and no one deserved it more than you. So I just wanted to tell you how amazing I think you are, and how proud I am of you.”

  Brandon’s expression softened with gratitude. “Thank you, Tamia,” he said quietly. “I appreciate that.”

  “I meant every word.” She raised her glass. “Here’s to you.”

  “And you. This is your night.”

  “Which was made possible by you.”

  Brandon smiled. “Okay, then. Here’s to both of us.”

  Tamia liked the sound of that. “To both of us.”

  They clinked glasses and sipped their drinks, staring at each other.

  “I’m glad you came,” Tamia said.

  “I told you I would.”

  “I know, but ...” She trailed off uncertainly.


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