Twin Flames: Soul Memory

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Twin Flames: Soul Memory Page 5

by Alix Richards

  Eyes are the window to the soul…

  “You told me ‘eyes are the window to the soul.’”

  Again Joy’s gaze shifted, looking at everything else but him. Once more, the tazer of anger shot through him. With a quick inhalation, her pale slivery-blue eyes shot back to his.

  Had she felt his fury?

  Then a repeat of the moment before filled him, peace. They were more than just alike as his sister so nicely put it.

  “I’ve said many things, Jair-Jay.”

  Her slip made his pulse race. Who was she to him that her affect on him was instantaneous and magnified?

  “You can call me Jairo, I don’t mind.”

  The permission felt right, his legal name belonged there on her lips. His nickname could remain with everyone else. Joy was different and deserved to know firsthand how unique she was to him.

  “All right…Jairo.” Her mouth quivered as she glanced down at her hands and then back up to him. “If it makes you uncomfortable I can call you ‘Jay.’”

  “No, my birth name belongs on your lips and no one else’s.”

  “Do you know how beautiful you are to me?” Awe reflected on her features and made his heart pound. She was the beautiful one.

  * * * *

  Darkness enshrouded him and Joy was gone.

  No light filtered through his eyelids as silence encased him. Jairo was alone.

  What happened? Where’d she go?

  Would they connect again?

  * * * *

  Joy opened her eyes and continued breathing in and out slowly as the plane made its descent into the Denver airport. She hated flying.

  She had called to him when the panic started. Not understanding why, it wasn’t as if he could help her. Whatever was between them kept her mind focused and off where she actually was, and she had said his name.


  It did not help her memories, although trusting her instincts seem to have paid off.

  This time, anyway. Joy would just have to keep relying on that part of her she hadn’t ever consciously touched.

  Why had she tried to make herself into someone she wasn’t?

  Chapter Seven

  Music played softly in the background. Joy wouldn’t have chosen the beautifully romantic tones. Her lips tilted up as she caught her reflection in the mirrored wall. She lifted her hands to her face and then ran them down the front of her body.

  What covered her wasn’t anything she owned. Since returning home, she’d found all the clothing in her dresser and closet was comfortable and practical, not sensual and sexy.

  She tilted her head, and her hair fell loose over her shoulder, something unfamiliar. The tresses were either braided or in a sloppy ponytail recently.

  Her attention traveled back to her clothing. The passionate red transparent-lace negligee with spaghetti thin straps had a form-fitted bodice that cupped her breasts. It flared at her hips to a skirt in triangle layers, like multiple scarves draped by their corners.

  Joy turned and noted her bare back except for her tattoos. Facing front she moved one of the pieces to reveal red stockings held by a matching garter. A pair of stilettos in the same shade encased her feet.

  What in the hell is going on? A fantasy?

  She remembered laying her head on the pillow and closing her eyes. The music had been Def Leppard, not the slow seduction stuff filtering from non-existent speakers. She’d worn a tank top with panties, not…this.

  Joy was dressed for sex, not sleeping.

  Without hesitation, she touched her ass and found a lacey thong. Eyes wide she glanced around, she didn’t recognize her surroundings. That seemed a common occurrence recently.

  A massive bed stood in the center of the room.

  This must be a dream, but whose? My imagination doesn’t move along these lines.

  Then she giggled and covered her mouth as she walked teasingly slow to the red satin covered piece of furniture. She bent and ran the tips of her fingers across the smooth surface and sighed. If this was a dream, playing it up won’t hurt, fantasizing with no fear of rejection.

  Joy sat sideways and crossed her legs. She gazed out into nothing but blackness, drawn to the burning tapered candles scattered throughout illuminating the bed in a gauzy, hallucination-induced mist.

  At the faint rustle of movement she turned. Her dream lover stalked toward her.

  She stood as he approached. In all the times she’d visited, this was a new scene playing out. Was it his? Why couldn’t she remember?

  The man stopped a couple feet from her, his dark silvery eyes ablaze. She swallowed. This was just a vision, a dream. Like the others. She could be herself completely with him without the fear of reprisal. He wouldn’t think badly of her or expect anything she couldn’t give.

  Joy took that first step, she always did. This was her choice. Raising her hand to his lips, she caressed them and then ran her fingertips down to his defined pectoral muscles. For being a part of her imagination, she drew him perfectly.

  She leaned toward him, trailing her fingers to the waistband of his un-buttoned jeans. She gripped the material and tugged him closer. Not understanding why she saw him this way.

  The soft worn denim stretched taunt across his thighs and cupped his firm ass. His feet were bare like his chest. He had the appearance of stepping from the shower with his damp, shaggy-cut black hair.

  Had he been bathing or swimming?

  She’d created him and should know what he’d been doing. Yet, she wondered which.

  Inhaling his fresh scent deeply, her nipples brushed his ribs and her pulse raced at the contact. Her stomach muscles convulsed at his nearness and her pussy clenched in anticipation.

  Her breath caught in her throat.

  Normally she didn’t have this problem when she encountered him in dreamscape. What made this time so different?

  She shoved those concerns out of her mind. This was the man she searched for and couldn’t find; her moments with him limited. She was in love with a fashioned character.

  Here Joy could have him and be fulfilled. Be whole.

  She reached his mouth without a struggle with the added height of the heels. She wasn’t tall and he towered over her by almost a foot.

  Maybe that’s why they are on my feet?

  Part of her wanted to draw this out while the other desired to take and revel in the ecstasy found when their bodies united. She knew she drove him crazy with desire, teasing him. Once he had enough, she’d find him right where she needed him. Between her thighs thrusting hard, claiming her in the way only he could.

  He’d let her hold the reins, he always did. Those moments Joy didn’t want to start things. They were the times she wished for him to take her and give back what she required to live. He knew her desires.

  She took his mouth with hers and thrust her tongue in to spar with his.

  The first contact made her head spin, the lightheadedness always the same. It stole her breath every time and her heart slammed against her ribs. Joy gripped his forearms to keep from melting to the floor as wet heat pooled between her thighs.

  It always happened when he touched her. After their mouths linked, when her response flooded her insides, she had to steady herself. His hands would grip her hips, not to bring her closer or push her away, more to keep her from falling over.

  Deepening the kiss, his fingers dug into her flesh. Joy pressed toward him. Heat seeped into her body and she bit back a moan of pleasure. Her breasts flattened against the wall of firm muscle. She wanted to get closer…needed to be closer.

  She looped an arm around his neck and pulled him to her. The touch of him fueled the explosive passion right under the surface.

  Her mind and body knew he held himself on a leash. She didn’t comprehend where the insight came from but welcomed it. He wouldn’t harm or try to control her.

  As if he’d recognize her submission, until then he let her dominate the situation. Part of her was glad for the a
cknowledgement and respect.

  Joy broke the kiss and trailed the tip of her tongue from the corner of his mouth to his throat and collarbone. She nipped gently, he jerked and her breath caught. Losing her focus, she tangled her fingers in his hair and tugged his head back. She licked her way from his chest to the side of his neck until she reached his ear.

  “Love me,” she whispered and scraped his flesh with her teeth. “Please.”

  She reveled in the shared jolt of pleasure. Joy loved his reaction to her words and warm breath against his skin. It gave her a small thrill to know she caused this gorgeous male to quake by doing something as tiny as breathing on him.

  Her pulse beat wildly throughout her body, alive and aware of everything around her. He did that to her, no other had her sitting on the precipice.

  The blood thrummed in her veins. Each breath she took seemed to last forever when only seconds had passed.

  His fingers flexed but were not bruising.

  With practiced ease, Joy moved her lips back to his. A hunger beat at her only he could sate. Her tongue met his in a wild dance, stealing the air she gasped. She couldn’t think.

  Releasing his hair, she gripped his shoulders, her knees buckled and head spun.

  Why does the second kiss always knock me for a loop, too? Da-amn! What is it about this guy that makes me putty in his hands? I mean, really?

  She pressed closer and wrapped her arms around his neck as she fed from his mouth. She had to have more.

  “I need you.” Joy pulled back to speak. She dreaded breaking contact with him but the need to have him on top thundered loud and clear. She was tired of holding the leash. She desired her dominant alpha male. “Please?”

  Even as she murmured the words, she feared he’d vanish. He had many times before and she woke with an ache she couldn’t satisfy. She needed him. Wanted him to please her the only way he could. She didn’t wish to take her pleasure or use him to get off.

  This time she desired what he needed.

  Carefully Joy nipped his chin and his lips, wanting him to tire of little tastes. A small part of her said it wouldn’t work, but she knew better. Eventually he’d push her onto her back and press her legs wide…when that happened she would happily die.

  She dropped kisses on his mouth as she raked her nails down his back. He emitted a low growl and desire zinged through her at the speed of light. He neared his breaking point. Her pulse sped thrilling her even more.

  Joy didn’t want to be the leader, not this time. She desired for him to lead her. To press her down and lay over her, she needed him to crush her with his weight, be desperate to touch her.

  The tips of his fingers bit into her hips as his chest pushed against her.

  She stepped back.

  He countered.

  The dance continued until the backs of her calves hit the edge of the bed. She plopped down and he followed. The intensity of the kiss altered, she was no longer the instigator. Joy sighed, this is what she coveted.

  Her head tilted back from the pressure of his mouth. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she tipped back, he was there, holding her. He hadn’t released her or moved his hands and her body burned.

  Oh gods…

  His chest pressed into hers as the mattress bowed under…his knee? Denim scraped her inner thigh and she bent her leg. No other part of him touched her. But he was all around, everywhere, inside her. Her breath caught in her throat.

  Joy gripped his upper arms and then drove her hands into his hair. She loved the silkiness of it against her skin. The sensation of being devoured consumed her and she wanted more.

  He moved back and she nipped his lip, he groaned. The giggle broke free before she caught it and watched his eyes darken. One hand caressed tantalizingly slow from her hip to thigh, his gaze held hers. She couldn’t turn away if she tried, so captivated by the intense heat in them.

  She squirmed as his fingers stroked along the hem of the thong, tickling her. Joy bit her lip to keep from moaning at the sizzling contact with his skin against her sensitive flesh. They brushed under the lace and a jolt of hot desire shot through her body as he spread her nether lips.

  Her eyes rolled back and closed as sensual pleasure flooded her system.

  “Look at me,” he growled from above and she obeyed. “Feel me.”

  “I can feel you.” She sighed. He was the tormentor now. “Please.”

  “What? What do you want, baby?” His mouth brushed against hers and pulled back, their corners tilted. His fingers worked magic on the sensitive nub between her thighs. The tension continued to build. She disliked sexual completion this way. She wanted him inside her when she fell into the arms of ecstasy. “Tell me what you want.”

  His gaze intense on hers, as if he relished the way he affected her. Her tongue wetted her dry lips. Swollen from their heated kisses, no discomfort, instead she needed more.

  “I want you.” She gasped as spasms caught her by surprise when a single digit entered her sheath. She set her teeth to refrain from screaming at his slowness. Joy jerked as he withdrew his finger and reentered adding another. “Inside me, please.”

  “I am inside you.” He leaned toward her and brushed her lips with his.

  “No…” She moaned. Her hands moved to rake his back. She needed all of him inside her. Not a part.

  “What is it, baby? Tell me.” He bent his head and through the lace, his mouth closed around one of her taut nipples. “Mmmmm…”

  Joy bucked as he suckled. She got lost in the sensations zipping along her nerve endings; certain it wasn’t legal anywhere in the world.

  Why is he the only one who can do this to me? Why?

  He moved the lace barrier, allowing his teeth to rake across her hardened flesh. She moaned and the tension exploded through her. His fingers didn’t stop and neither did his motions at her breast. He moved to the twin and lavished that nipple with the same attention he had the other. A scream built.

  A mini orgasm, really? He’s the one teasing me now…

  “Please…” she whimpered and bit the inside of her cheek.

  “Please what?” He looked up, but his tongue continued to play with her nipple.

  She arched her back as pleasure shot through her. Her hands shifted to his head and held him to her. Joy couldn’t think past the luxuriousness. What had she wanted again?

  “I need all of you inside me, now,” her voice more a growl to her ears. “I need you to claim me.”

  The rasp of a zipper and the elastic lace moved. The silkiness of smooth, heated flesh sliding against her wet entrance caused her eyelids to flutter as sensations bounced around.

  “Look at me.” He groaned as his dick entered her.

  He pinned her gaze with his. Her jaw went slack as he slid in. His eyes roll closed just as hers had earlier. She wondered what it felt like to be inside him. Although she wouldn’t trade places with him for more than a moment or two, she reveled in him between her legs. During their time together, she loved being a woman.

  Once buried deep, he stopped and took her mouth in a mind-numbing kiss. No more thinking, only a heightened awareness.

  “Gods, I love being inside you.” Joy watched a muscle tick in his jaw. Why was he holding back? “Te amo. Siempre te amare. Tu eres mi vida, mi ser.”

  When he slid out, she whimpered. Then he surged forward, this time without stopping and the tension snapped. They weren’t even unclothed…

  Chapter Eight

  Loud beeping broke the moment. Jairo wanted to yell at whoever was supposed to take care of the damn machines to shut them off so he could go back to the dream he was having.

  “Why are they all going off like that?” Jezzaray’s voice sounded more worried than before. “It hasn’t been twelve hours.”

  “Your brother is dreaming. Depending on the type of dream depends on how it affects the machines he’s connected to,” the doctor’s calm tone eased the tension in the air. “It’s safe to say Jay’s health is normal—�

  “How do you get that?” His sister’s vibes indicated her annoyance.

  The rustle of paper and a few clicks before the door clanked closed. He hated the sound of the metal on metal. It only served to remind him of where he was.

  “Studies show during certain kinds of dreams the brain and body react differently. Your brother’s brain patterns are all that of a normal young male hybrid.”

  Jairo really didn’t like people talking about him when he was there.

  “So that means what exactly?”

  “If by chance he is ‘meeting’ with the woman who matches him, his vitals spike and remain elevated. Akin to an adult human having a mild heart attack.” The squeak of rubber soles on tiles echoed through the silent room and the door lever clicked. “My deduction is this, Jezzaray. Aside from the concussion he suffered a week and a half ago now, there’s nothing wrong. Which leads me to assume the problem lays with the one you call ‘Joy.’ That being the case, until you talk with her, Jay will remain in this sleep-state.”

  “There’s nothing we can do?”

  “I’m not a human doctor, my dear. Those who are my patients are of the hybrid variety. Their genetics are not the same. To answer your question, no, there’s nothing we can do. It’s up to your brother and the woman who matches him. I am truly sorry. I wish I could give him a pill that would set this all to rights. Sadly, that’s not the medicine practiced here in Calanthia.”

  “In other words, we need Joy here.”

  “I would say that is your best chance, yes.” An electronic beep sounded in the distance, followed by a couple softer ones, and then nothing. “It’s not your brother’s body that is ill. It is his soul, his spirit. The one who holds that part of him is the one he needs. Those outside our borders call it alternative medicine. For us it’s more than that. It is everything we are and have always been.”

  For a single moment, Jairo wanted the doctor to continue talking, at the same time he really wanted to see if he could reconnect with Joy.

  Could she be what he needed to be brought back into the world of the living?


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