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The Melier: Home World (Women of Dor Nye Book 2)

Page 5

by Poppy Rhys

  “He is weak to breed such a beast,” the queen said so lowly her voice was like scraping gravel, hatred for Lucia seeping from every pore.

  “He’s stronger than any of you, you fucking ungrateful, harp-” ing, evil bitch! The remainder of that accusation was only a whine behind Val’Zun’s hand as he clamped down so she could no longer speak. Probably for the best, since the queen looked like she was ready to lunge and shred her human body to ribbons.

  “Loo-Sha,” Zun whispered harshly, warning her to not continue down the path she’d set upon. Her nostrils flared over his thin fingers as she panted with adrenaline and fury. Soren’s hands rubbed along her back and hips to try and calm her down too, and then Zun was hesitantly pulling his hand away from her mouth when he thought she might be more civilized.

  “You should be ashamed,” she said more evenly. “Not only did he fight in a war for his people, your people, but he gave up precious years and much of his mind to survive his enslavement.” Her chest rose and fell shakily as she tried to breathe around the arrogance of his mother. “And you’re standing here calling him weak because I happen to be human?”

  Lucia’s fingers curled in on themselves.

  “You overstep,” the queen growled.

  Lucia huffed a breath, disbelieving.

  They glowered at each other for another stretch of time.

  “I should slit your throat and have you fed to the carnivorous birds.”

  Soren and Val’Zun growled then.

  Her shoulders rose with her boiling anger and what was left of her good sense flew out the side of her head. “Try it,” she said between gritted teeth.

  “Get her out of my sight!” the queen hissed, and then Lucia was being hauled up by Zun. Soren threw another black look at his mother before they were toting her through the splitting crowd and to the princes’ suite.

  Chapter 4

  Soren stormed through the suite, shredding cushions, and stalking back and forth. Unable to contain his anger any longer, he roared as he threw a table against the wall, a loud crack splintering the atmosphere as it broke into three pieces and crashed to the floor. On he stalked, unable to get enough oxygen to his starving lungs.

  “She humiliates me!” he boomed as his brother and mate stood back.

  “She insults my mate!”

  His whipping tail knocked over a vase and the fragile material shattered upon landing.

  “She insults me!”

  The clicking of his rolling growl flooded his ears and threatened to overtake him.


  “No, Loo-Sha,” he cut his left hands through the air as he continued to stalk. “Do not defend her. Do not tell me lies and say she did not hurt you.”

  Soren caught sight of Val’Zun rubbing his mates back, and he felt awful that she needed comfort and he was too busy seething, but it could not be helped.

  He could not believe his mother’s actions. He could not believe she said such terrible things, and in front of family, close friends, and important citizens. These were the people that were supposed to cherish his mate, as he did. He knew his unorthodox pairing would be hard to accept, but…

  It surprised him when she had indicated he insulted family, as he could not remember the red female at all. He did not recognize she was a relation, and that made it worse, as his family should accept his mate.

  Instead they snubbed her, insulted her, belittled her, and called her beast and creature. They did not see she saved him, made him strong, and a better individual. She blessed him with progeny, risking her own health to do so.

  How dare they?

  “I will not stand for it,” Soren ground out and another vase crashed to the ground as he turned. “We leave. Tomorrow, we leave for Dor Nye. Fuck trying to bridge worlds, I want no part of this hatred.”

  “Soren,” Lucia shook her head. “You knew this would happen. If we run away now, it will solve nothing.”

  “She is right, Val’Ja,” Val’Zun agreed. “We knew it would not be easy. It will take time.”

  He roared again in frustration.


  Lucia jumped every time something new crashed to the ground while she watched Soren storm through the suite, temper flared and dangerous. She could feel the tension waving off of Zun as he stood beside her, but he seemed to remain calm for her benefit. Maybe he realized two storming beasties would be too much for her to handle. She’d never seen Soren in full on tantrum mode and she wasn’t sure she wanted to ever see it again.

  Her eyes flitted about the mess, feathers and stuffing littering the floor and shards of wood and pottery making it dangerous for the thin skin of her feet. She would have to be careful of where she stepped. Val’Zun’s hands continued moving about her back and she surprisingly took comfort in that gesture. She decided when he wasn’t being a grump, he was agreeable for the most part.

  Her knuckles were pale as she clasped her hands together tightly while she watched Soren begin to calm down after what felt like an hour of his raging.

  “Soren?” she hedged.

  He slowed, his eyes blinking as he looked at her like he was trying to focus and remember who she was, and once he did, he made his way to her.

  “Loo-Sha,” he sighed when he reached her and dropped down within the circle around her that seemed clear of debris. She ran her hands over his shoulders and along his face to try and calm him further.

  “All will be well.” Her voice was soft and reassuring. She kissed his nose and then his lips, feeling the tension begin to leak from his body.

  He exhaled, and then they smiled at each other.


  The following day, Val’Zun stood within the palace medical facility, looking over the charts for the new recruits he would be training in a few days’ time. He was grateful, after his extended stay upon Dor Nye, to get back into routine and his responsibilities. He was relieved, and excited, by the idea he might get some reprieve from Lucia.

  Val’Zun paused mid-sentence as his train of thought veered toward her once more, involuntarily. It was as if his thoughts had a thirty second rebound; they always ended up slinging back to Loo-Sha.

  “Prince Val’Zun?”

  He looked over at the medic, Tuzon, and tried to remember what he was saying, but he couldn’t. And after an awkward, continued silence, he looked back to the chart and scrubbed his forehead.

  “You were saying…”

  “I cannot remember,” he sighed, and gave into his curiosity. “I apologize. I am distracted lately.”

  The medic made a noncommittal sound. “It is the Therran, is it not? She is on every tongue in the palace.”

  The end of Val’Zun’s thickly furred tail twitched from side to side in agitation, because he knew what his people were saying about the human. It was not good. Not at all. He could hardly take offense though, since half of his own thoughts toward her were not good either.

  “She is coming here today, is she not?” Tuzon asked. “I received Prince Val’Ja’s order for an implant last eve. I will admit, I am eager to study her.”

  Val’Zun gave the medic a sharp look, as Lucia was not to be reduced to cells that could be studied in a dish.

  “Respectfully, of course,” Tuzon reassured. “Mainly observation.”

  When the bay’s air vents started up, he could smell Lucia was not far, and he groaned. It had been nice, escaping her pheromones for a sliver of time, but it seemed that was going to be cut short.

  “Has the pairing been successful?”

  “No,” Val’Zun sighed, noticing the medic was careful in how he asked his question, since his flaws as a lesser male were known to very few throughout the palace. He tried not to broadcast it, as it was something shameful he carried. “She does not know.”

  “You have not approached her?” Tuzon’s expression was quizzical.

  “I have not,” he replied. “I have only sought, and received, permission from Val’Ja. I am still…” he trailed off.

“Ahh,” the medic understood. “It is her Yadana blood that has you reacting so strongly.” When Val’Zun sent him a suspicious look, Tuzon explained he received hair and skin samples of the human with Val’Ja’s implant request.

  “That cannot be,” Val’Zun dismissed. “She has other relations who are of Yadana heritage, and I felt nothing for them.” He shivered, thanking A’Drast he was not powerlessly attracted to Lucia’s mother, and grandmother.

  “They are mated, yes?”

  “They are.”

  “This human was not?”

  “She was breeding when I met her,” he corrected.

  “With Val’Ja’s progeny?”


  “Have you given thought as to why brothers, royal and non, often share a mate?”

  “It is tradition,” Val’Zun said, irritation lacing his tone. Lucia’s scent was getting stronger and Tuzon was reiterating things he already knew.

  “No,” the medic said with a grin. “It is a baser need that calls to our anatomy from a primitive time when we had not yet developed advanced technology. Similar to the reason for the occurrence of coo’va in breeding females.” He explained what Val’Zun recognized as the annoyingly thrilling odor Lucia emitted whilst carrying Re’Len. He had never smelled anything like it before, but that was easily explained away, since Melier females were often scarce during gestation. “Male siblings would share a mate, for economical and safety reasons. If one died, their female and progeny were not left unprotected.” Tuzon gestured toward him. “It is less common today, however, that is the origin.”


  “In time, it would be easier to ignore,” Tuzon said nonchalantly. “If you chose to, that is.”

  Val’Zun narrowed his eyes, assessing the medic, waiting for the joke.

  “It can, and on occasion does, happen with any compatible species. It is equally likely to occur with a Melier female, as a Yadana one. You do not see other males reacting to the human as you, and your brothers do, am I correct?”

  He gave a quick, single nod, as he had been expecting her pheromones to set off many males in the palace with her sweating, but that had not happened. Val’Koy was the only one who showed interest, but that fit right into what the medic was saying, since he was a sibling.

  “It is interesting, the strange gifts A’Drast and M’Oklo have bestowed upon us.”

  Gifts, Val’Zun inwardly snorted, feeling only a small guilt for being ungrateful. He wouldn’t call that biological anomaly a gift.


  Lucia was being escorted through the palace to what she surmised was the medical wing. The soft blue slippers upon her feet made her travel nearly soundless, their color matching the long sleeved dress that outlined the curves of her body in a silken fabric. She awoke with a chill in the cool palace and figured as long as she didn’t venture outside, she would be comfortable.

  When they reached the wing its glass doors opened automatically once they were in range of the sensors. The sterilized air enveloped her sense of smell, small traces of ointment and chemicals lacing it. Inside stood Val’Zun speaking to a purple skinned Melier in a dark green sleeveless tunic, and matching pants. They were going over what looked to be codes hovering in the air in bright blue text.

  Most likely another holographic projection of some kind, except when they would touch the text and projected buttons, it would interact with them. When she and Soren neared, they turned and she smiled hesitantly.

  “Loo-Sha,” Soren began. “This is Medic Tuzon. He will be giving you your palace implant today.”

  Lucia dipped her chin in greeting and he did the same, gray eyes regarding her curiously with a medical scrutiny.

  “Princess,” he said. “Forgive me. I admit I am very curious that you are human.”

  Relief flooded Lucia that he didn’t automatically sneer at her, or call her a creature.

  “It’s alright, I don’t mind.” She smiled when he did. When he held out one of his hands, she hesitantly settled her right one against his palm. His skin was warm, and textured, as she guessed it would be.

  “The implant will go here,” he pointed to the fleshy space between her thumb and first finger. “You will be able to gain access wherever you may need to in the palace.”

  Lucia figured he put emphasis on ‘need’ because she doubted she would need to access say, the queen’s suite or the armory. Did they have an armory? She couldn’t imagine they wouldn’t.

  She nodded, letting him know she understood. Zun handed Tuzon a small gun and it was pressed to the spot intended for the implant.

  “On three,” Tuzon said. “One-”


  “Ouch!” she yanked back her hand and shook it out, looking up at Tuzon like he’d grown a second head. “You said ‘on three’.”

  “It is better when you are not tensed for the implant,” he smiled, revealing the large, dangerous teeth unique to the Melier.

  Lucia scowled dubiously, holding her hand to her chest. It seemed doctor’s annoying habits were universal.

  Soren gently took her fingers in his and lifted her hand to his lips to kiss the spot that stung.

  “It is but a momentary pain,” he said and gingerly rubbed her skin. He was right, as the pain began to ebb away with the seconds, and soon it was just a tingling sensation and a fading red mark. She still felt slightly betrayed by the medic, and swept one more glare his way before she exhaled and let it go.

  “So I can get into the cleansing room now?”

  Soren grinned down at her and kissed her forehead. “Yes, and many other places.”

  The sound of the glass doors swooshing open pulled everyone’s attention.

  “Prince Val’Zun, Prince Val’Ja,” a guard bowed. “Your presence is required.”

  She looked back up at Soren and smiled. “I’m sure I can find my way back to the suite. Go.”

  He smoothed her curls once as he often did, and then turned to leave, Zun following. As Zun passed her, his tail snuck up to brush her cheek. She narrowed her eyes at his back but he never turned around, and then they were gone.

  Sneaky bastard.

  Lucia turned to the medic who was still staring at her in that medically curious way of his. She dipped her head and bid him farewell.

  She tried retracing her steps, but apparently she hadn’t been paying enough attention because she was lost in a matter of moments. She ended up in what appeared to be a dimly lit museum, its floor carpeted in plush pale purple.

  Milky green statues in various sizes were placed about the immense room, stealing her attention. She got closer, trying to read the names on the plaques and when a ping sounded, followed by a holograph of white text popping up in front of the statue, she jumped and yelped. Then she placed a hand on her face, shaking her head while she wondered why she was so jittery.

  It probably had something to do with how low the lighting of the room was, and littered with Melier sized figures.

  It was just a tad creepy.

  Her hand fell away and she peered closer to the text. It gave a small history on the statue, including who it was supposed to be, what great deed they did, and why they were being remembered. She moved along, waving her hand over various sculptures, triggering their information to light up.


  On she went, learning about past royalty, advisors, scholars, and engineers important enough to hold a place of remembrance within the palace. She took her time, soaking up whatever she could. Since Gi’Ren had confiscated Lenny that morning after she’d been fed, and Lucia doubted she would see either of them until the babe was hungry again, she had nothing but time to herself.

  I really am just a cow.

  A pretty cow, though.

  She giggled to herself and then came upon one very strange sculpture in the middle of the room.

  Her head tilted to the side and her feet moved her along. Those depicted in the statue were not Melier. At least, not fully. When she stopped in front of them
she swiped her hand, but nothing happened. Again she swiped and ended up with the same results. She took in their features, moving around the platform that held them up.

  A male and a female they were, and Lucia could tell certain features were similar to Melier. The female was six-limbed, very feline with thick, mane-like hair that flowed down her back to pool at the floor, and a tail snuck around her side. Her nose was pronounced, sharp and straight, with flared nostrils, like most Melier, while the male had no nose at all; simply slanted, almond shaped nostrils over a slight hump. He was scaled from head to toe-

  “What is the human doing wondering these halls all by herself?”

  Lucia squawked and turned around so quickly she tripped over her own feet and down she went, landing hard on her side. It knocked the breath out of her and she groaned at the pain in her hip while she looked up to see who was there.


  He was looking down at her, his eerie pale eyes boring into her face. The chill that ran over her body was almost painful, puckering gooseflesh along her skin, and raising the tiny hairs on the back of her neck.

  He didn’t observe her with revulsion, but with a creepy intensity, as if he was dissecting her flesh from her bones with his eyes. A mischievous grin tilted his lips as he watched her slowly get back to her feet.

  “The human has a name. How long were you standing there?” she gasped for air and rubbed at her upper thigh.

  “I followed you here,” he said nonchalantly, cocking his head as he continued to stare.

  Lucia frowned warily, afraid to let her eyes leave him in case he tried anything. “Why?”

  More staring.

  “You are strange.” His voice was smooth and calculating as he completely disregarded her question. “I have been with many species, but never a human.”

  To her horror, he scented the air and unlike when Soren did this, it did not turn her on. She took a step back and Val’Koy’s pupils danced, widening and shrinking to slivers as if he was preparing for a chase.

  “Let’s keep it that way,” she said and took another step back. “Now if you’ll point me in the direction of the suite, I’ll gladly get the hell out of here.”


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