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Delta Redemption, SEAL Team Phantom

Page 15

by Elle Boon

“That’s the plan,” Jase agreed. “You keep Jack safe and happy ‘til we get back.”

  Another squeeze of his neck, which Jase mimicked on Kai, and they stepped back.

  “Damn, I was hoping you guys were gonna kiss,” Alexa joked sauntering into the room.

  Kai groaned, pulling Alexa into his arms. He walked out as she made a high-pitched noise, going in search of Brooke. If she was already asleep, he’d crawl into bed with her and Jack after a quick shower.


  Brooke bit the pad of her thumb and looked at the clock for the hundredth time. “What’s taking so long?” she asked quietly, not wanting to wake Jack. He’d woken a little bit ago, gone to the bathroom, and let her change him into pajamas and fell right back to sleep. That seemed like ages now.

  She spun at the sound of the door opening to find Jase entering. He looked tired, yet more handsome than any man had the right to. Lifting her thumb toward the bathroom, she made her way into the small room. Jase followed, a crease furrowed his brow.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked once the door was closed.

  “What’s wrong? Are you serious?” She looked up at his face and thought of smacking him upside the head.

  He placed his hands on his hips. “You’re cute when you’re all fired up. Now, before you hit me, can I take a quick shower?”

  Those lines of worry and exhaustion were stark in the bright bathroom. “Fine, but you can talk while you’re showering. Two birds with one stone,” she said.

  He lifted her face with one bent finger. “I’ll tell you everything. You know, you could always take a shower with me. Two birds with one stone.” He grinned down at her as he tossed her words back at her.

  She looked at her body and the little smudges of dirt from their foray outside earlier. Taking a step back, she pulled the shirt over her head. No sexy strip tease, just an efficient removal of her clothing, one article at a time, not once meeting his eyes until she stood naked before him.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” His hand brushed her hair off her face, the pads of his fingers traced down her collarbone to one hardened nipple.

  “I’m not, but I like that you think so.” She shivered in the cool of the room.

  He leaned back, turning the shower on with one hand. “To me, you’re the most gorgeous woman on the planet, and I’m the luckiest bastard alive ‘cause you’re standing in front of me, letting me touch you, see you like this. It’s enough to make a man like me feel like he’s almost worthy.”

  Brooke grabbed his hand and laid it over her chest where her heart was beating like mad. “You are more than worthy, Jase Tyler. You’re an amazing father to a son you didn’t even know about until a couple days ago. You accepted him and love him without question. I loved you three years ago for the man you were, and I love you now for the man you’ve become. But do you want to know what’s crazy?” She didn’t wait for him to respond before continuing. “I’m going to love you even more tomorrow than today and every day after more than that. My love for you and Jack will know no bounds.”

  Jase lifted her up, covering her mouth with his. There was no gentle brush of lips. This was a hard, almost desperate clash of lips, teeth, and tongue. Finally, he pulled back, his breathing choppy. “God, I’ve hoped…prayed you cared about me, that I hadn’t killed any chance at you and me.” A tremor shook his big frame.

  She clasped her hands on each side of his face. With her own face so close to his from him holding her, she stared into his eyes. “Never, Jase. You’re it for me. I kept saying to myself, ‘tomorrow I will move on’. I prayed for you and hoped you were happy. Only the next day came and I didn’t move on. I couldn’t because you still had my heart.”

  He sat her back on the tile floor. His eyes held hers while he undressed, each article of clothing joined the pile she’d made. Steam filled the room by the time he was naked. He pulled the door to the shower open and led her inside. “I’ll spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you, too,” Jase promised, shutting the door as he whispered those words, but she heard them through the sound of the running water.

  Ever the gentleman, Jase allowed her under the running water first. She was conscious of him filling his hands with shampoo. Maybe she should have been slightly embarrassed. However, that wasn’t even close to what she was feeling as he told her to switch places with him. Only instead of him concentrating on himself, he worked the shampoo into her hair, paying close attention to her every sigh, it seemed as his fingers massaged her scalp. “You could make a fortune at my salon,” she moaned. Heck, women would line up around the block if he were the one to do all the wash and rinse jobs.

  Jase grunted. “No thank you. I think the only hair I’d like my hands buried in is yours. Switch,” he commanded.”

  Brooke moved under the water, closing her eyes while the suds were rinsed away. When she opened them, she found Jase’s eyes staring at her chest. “I can’t believe you’re here with me.” One finger ran over her puckered nipple, wiping away a drop of shampoo. Jase grabbed the conditioner off the shelf, poured some in his palm then motioned for her to change spots with him.

  “Ya know, I can do this myself.” Brooke offered but turned around. Having Jase’s hands on her, even when he was doing something simple like washing her hair, was exciting her to the point she was sure it would take only a few flicks of his nimble fingers down south, and she’d come.

  Once Jase worked the conditioner through her hair, she was prepared for him to move them around again. Her heart pounded in anticipation. Two strong arms came around her, pulling her back to his front, letting her feel the hardness between his legs. Oh, she knew he was affected by her nakedness. It had been impossible to miss seeing his erection when he’d stripped before ushering her into the shower. Yet, he’d always had supreme control when they’d been together.

  “I’m aware you can wash your own hair. I find I like doing it. In fact, I like it a lot.” His palms smoothed over her stomach then down her thighs. “Tilt your head back and close your eyes,” Jase said as he brought his hands back up her body, creating tingles everywhere he touched. “Tell me about your tattoos.”

  The water ran down over their heads while Jase rinsed her hair. The scent of raspberry filled the room, making her open her eyes to see him squirting body wash into his palm. Still, with her back to him, he continued his delicious treatment, washing every inch he could reach until she was sure she’d go mad with need. His words had her breath catching.

  “The phoenix represents me and what I felt like after I had Jack. I don’t know how to explain it, but it was like I had a new purpose…a new life. Like the mythological phoenix that recycles its own life when it perceives its impending death, igniting itself on fire only to reemerge from the ashes stronger, that was how I felt after…well, after you left and I had Jack.” She took a deep breath. “The semi-colon is for my brother, but I put my own stamp on it. Instead of the standard dot on top, I have a heart and the bottom swirl is also made up of a heart with a swirl.” Brooke wiped away a tear.

  Jace traced his finger up the side of her ribs. “They’re gorgeous, like you.”

  “My turn.” She moved out of his arms, taking the fragrant soap and filling her own palms. Jase raised one brow but allowed her to run her soapy hands over his shoulders and down his pecs. Under his tattoos she could feel scars and paused at the feel at what was clearly a puckered wound. “Is this a bullet hole?”

  Jase’s jaw flexed before he nodded. “War is ugly, Brookey.”

  To take the look of anguish off his face, she allowed her hands to smooth down his flat abdomen, skimming over the healing wound on his side. She looked up as she traced the muscles downward until she reached the fine line of hair. “You know why they call this a happy trail?” She grinned up at him while teasing him with her almost strokes toward his flexing cock. She could feel him, hard and thick, pulsing against their lower half.

  “Because it’ll make me really happy if you get to the end
of it?” His gruff words made her smile, but she didn’t look up, keeping her concentration on teasing him.

  Sliding her fingers down, she scraped her nails along his thighs and stepped back to give herself room. She looked up to see if she had Jase’s attention, the heated look in his dark gaze was exactly what she wanted. He widened his stance, making room for her as she went to her knees, clearly knowing exactly what she planned.

  Jase reached down, circled the base of his cock and stroked himself in a slow glide. She couldn’t take her eyes off his hand as he continued the sexy act again, making her heart pound.

  Unable to contain herself, she leaned forward and took the flared head into her mouth. Using his legs for support, she licked and sucked, angled her head to the side and stared up at him.

  Their eyes met as a shudder went through him. She took as much of him into her mouth as she could. Feeling the tip of his dick hit the back of her throat she gagged and had to pull back. Over and over she moved on him, loving the way he moaned.

  The hand in the back of her hair tightened, pulling her off and up until she was standing before him, and then he had her against the wall, his lips covering hers with a fierceness that she knew she would crave for all time.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist.” He ordered even as he helped her, both hands going under her ass while he pressed himself deep inside her. “God, yes, you feel so good. Hot, warm, and willing woman. My woman.” He pumped his hips with each word.

  She looked down and saw the way her breasts looked smooshed against his slightly hair roughened chest with the sexy tattoos, the water from the shower background noise, the cool air hitting her overheated skin. All the while, Jase continued to move inside her, faster and harder, and then he bent, taking one of her breasts into his mouth, biting down hard enough it stung. The small bite had liquid fire shooting straight to her clit, making her cry out on his next inward thrust. “So close,” she gasped.

  He released the tormented nipple with a slow lick, moving to the other and giving it the same treatment. Her breathing was coming in ragged pants. With every move he made, she shifted, trying to get him to hit that bundle of nerves down below. He cupped her chin with one hand with exquisite care, his thumb brushing back and forth over her lip. “Tell me what you need. What you want.”

  Every nerve in her body felt exposed as he continued to rub his chest on hers, his cock moving in and out. Yet, she needed more. “Touch my clit. Please.”

  Jase’s smile was bright before his head dipped to her neck. “Your wish is my command.” Nipping and sucking, he left a trail of kisses down her neck until he captured her nipple in his mouth again. At the same time, his fingers reached between them and flicked over her mound, finding the bundle of nerves. He tugged with his teeth on her nipple and gripped her clit between two fingers, sending her over the edge.

  The combination took her breath away. Complete and pure pleasure, so erotic and sinful she couldn’t think as her body milked his. “Jase, right there. Yes, yes, oh fuck, don’t stop.”

  Her arms cradled his head as he pumped his cock in and out at an amazing speed. His body jerked, a full body shudder as his cock spasmed inside her.

  She closed her eyes, savoring the feel of the two of them connected.

  “You have a really dirty mouth when you’re coming.” Jase’s words were said with a hint of satisfaction.

  A shiver shook her even with his warm body still pinning her to the tile wall. “I guess you bring out the bad girl in me. Um, are we running out of hot water?”

  Jase helped her stand while he pulled the lever farther to the hot side, blissful warmth flowed back out of the water spout. “Why don’t you hurry and clean back up. I’m used to a wash and go in any condition. Besides, the view is great.”

  Brooke made quick work of washing and rinsing, all under the heated perusal of Jase. God, she loved the way he seemed to be mesmerized by her. Oh, she was aware of every flaw her body had but embraced each and every mark made from carrying Jack. Yes, they were an honor to have.

  When she moved to switch spots, Jase caught her face between his palms, kissing her in a completely different way than the frenzied kisses from earlier. Soft brushes of his lips back and forth over hers, followed by a lick of his tongue, he pulled back with a groan. “You better get out of here, or we’ll be frozen and wrinkled by the time I’m through with you.”

  A peek down between his legs showed he was already hard again. “Wow, someone has been eating their Wheaties. Or is that for something else?” She winked and got out before he could swat her on the ass as he reached for her. They hadn’t used a condom this time, but she did a quick mental calculation and hoped the contraceptive pill worked. Although she loved Jack with all her being, she and Jase needed time to make their relationship stronger for the three of them, not add another baby into the mix. However, if they did end up with another she knew they’d love him or her as much as Jack.

  Chapter Thirteen

  By the time Jase got out of the shower, Brooke was already dried off and dressed in a pair of shorts and shirt. He wrapped the towel around his waist and walked over to where she stood by the mirror brushing her hair. “Tomorrow, you and I are going to head back to your parents’ home. How do you truly feel about leaving Jack here with the SEAL team?”

  The brush paused in her hair, her eyes meeting his through the mirror. “You trust them with him? With our son?”

  He watched the tension in her body while she waited for him to answer. Without a second thought, he nodded. “Absolutely. I wouldn’t have mentioned it if I didn’t. They were the first I thought about when I realized I needed backup. When it comes to the safety of you and Jack, if it’s not me, they would be my backup plan.” The truth hit him square in the chest. Yes, he’d been more than a little pissed at his team for not believing in him, but he still trusted them with the lives of those who meant the most to him.

  “Then, that’s good enough for me. I wish he could go with us.” She swallowed, taking a deep breath. “I know that sounds stupid, but having him with me, where I’m the one keeping him safe, makes me feel…in control. Does that make sense?” Brooke sat the brush on the counter, her voice wobbled slightly only to have firmed at the end. So damn tough his woman.

  He caged her in with his body behind her, his hands going around her slim waist, rocking them side-to-side. “If you didn’t have that instinct, it would probably be abnormal. You’re a mama bear wanting to protect her cub. In this instance, you’re protecting him best by letting five big SEALs and two women, who I’m pretty sure are just as fierce as those men, take care of the most precious thing to you. You, Brooke Frazee, are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, let alone been lucky enough to call mine. After this is over, you, me, and Jack are going to have a big discussion.”

  “You know, that sounds pretty ominous, but I’m not scared of you or your talk.” She picked the brush back up.

  Jase took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles. “I’m going to get dressed and check in with Kai. I’ll be back in a little bit. Don’t wait up though. Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day.” He kissed the side of her head before stepping away. If he didn’t leave then, he didn’t think he’d be able to anytime soon.

  Back in the bedroom, Jack slept on, peacefully, knowing his mother was near. Jase made a silent promise to his son, and himself that one day in the very near future there would be no secrets between them. Jack would know he was his father and hopefully call him dad. He’d make sure Jack went to bed every night secure in the knowledge both his parents loved him and would protect him, always.

  Quietly, like he’d done hundreds of times, Jase pulled on pants and a shirt followed by socks and shoes. It was a habit to dress completely when leaving his bedroom, just in case the need to flee arose. He ran his hand over his face, the slight stubble reminded him he hadn’t shaved after the amazing bout of shower sex with Brooke. One day, he wouldn’t always be looking over his shoulder, having to always be on gu
ard. He shut the door behind him without making a sound and came to a stop. The sight of Oz standing across from his room with his legs crossed over one another, casually leaning against the wall like he had been there for a while, made him raise his brows in question.

  Oz lifted one shoulder. “Before you go into the weapons room I wanted to ask you or Brooke what some of the little guys favorite foods were. You know, for tomorrow. He’s a cute kid and seemed to like all of us well enough, but sometimes, comfort food is needed.”

  To say he was stunned would’ve been an understatement. Jase gave a nod, unsure if he spoke if the words wouldn’t come out a bit raspy. Oz’s simple action reminded him what he’d been missing for the last three years. Brothers. Men who had his back and those of his family. If something had happened to him before he’d found out about Jack, Brooke would never have had these men stepping in to help her if she needed it. Now, she not only had him, but the five men he’d once been closer to than his own family. “He likes peanut butter and banana sandwiches.”

  “Ah, shit. What is that…like in your damn DNA that you passed off to him?” Oz shook his head but smiled, his dark red hair glowing in the hallway light.

  Jase punched him in the arm. “I told you to try it. You’re too big a pussy though, so don’t judge asshole. My kid has great taste.”

  Oz punched him back but didn’t say a word until they walked into the weapons room where the rest of the team, minus Tay and Alexa, were holed up. He relaxed when he saw that Kai wasn’t sitting with a tension filled stance. He’d always known when something wasn’t right by how the big man sat or stood. Now, he was leaned back with a satisfied smirk on his face. Clearly, he wasn’t the only one who’d been doing some extracurricular activities in the shower. Clapping his hands together twice, just ‘cause he knows how that always annoyed the shit out of Coyle, he looked around the room before he sat down. “Alright boys, here’s the game plan. Tomorrow, I’m taking Brooke with me to try to get into her father’s home office. I appreciate you taking care of Jack while we go there and back. Thanks to Oz here, he already knows what my little guy’s favorite snack is. Oh, and he loves to share the most amazing treat with his friends so don’t hurt his feelings.”


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