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by Annabelle Weston

  He struggled to keep his legendary cool.

  He watched as she sipped her water. He wanted to touch her moist mouth, to lick her full, red lips. Those lips called to him to be kissed, caressed, devoured.

  The white, crisp blouse she wore was unbuttoned to where her luscious breasts were just hidden from view. He couldn’t help glancing down to see a hint of rounded flesh. Hoped for a turn of hard nipple. His cock twitched, blood pumping through its length. He cleared his throat as if that might help.

  Despite knowing his response was all wrong and he’d be a fool to pursue her, he wanted her.

  He had to keep from groaning out loud. Here she was giving him her trust, basic stuff in any client relationship, crucial in this one, and all he could do was think about ripping her clothes off.

  What the hell are you doing, pal? She’s a client, for crying out load. She’s in a very vulnerable state right now and you are here to help, not undress her!

  Preston gulped down his ice water. The women he dated were spoiled and rich, and every one a player. He gave as good as he got, treated his ladies like goddesses, but he was always the one who walked away.

  For God’s sake, man. What are you thinking? You’re going to hit on the mayor’s daughter?

  Oh, yeah.

  He’d let her take the lead. If she wanted, he would show her a good time. After business hours, of course. He doubted she’d be in the mood, despite her earlier attraction, especially after he divulged this next zinger.

  Meanwhile, he might need to drop a few ice cubes in his lap.

  “Tell me,” she said. “I’m a big girl.”

  He realized, with a start, that she’d been waiting. There was no way to ease into his next statement.

  “Don’t you need a moment?” Preston said, fighting the urge to hold her hand, to take her in his arms. Kiss her. Spread her thighs…

  She shook her head. “Hit me with all you got. I’m homeless and broke and you’ve told me my father cheated on my mother. What else?”

  Preston loved the spark of defiance in her. The complacent, obedient teen had become a feisty, independent woman. He welcomed the change—and all that it brought with it. She’d be a tiger in the bedroom.

  He’d give her a strong shoulder to lean on when the burden became too much.

  “As I’ve told you, your mother established a secret trust. She didn’t want to risk your father or Victoria bankrupting Sparkle Industries. Since you were still underage, she turned her assets over to Night and Night to manage. My mother has made certain that excellent people are running your grandfather’s company.”

  Cadence ran her pink tongue over her bottom lip. She wasn’t coming on to him, no way. Cadence, the mayor’s darling daughter, had never given him a second thought.

  Even so, he didn’t look away. And he was, without question, turned on.

  His mind reeled with what he’d like to do with her. He couldn’t, of course. What he’d told her was shocking, life changing. She was vulnerable and he’d be taking advantage of a client in a highly emotional state.

  One day this whole mess would be behind them. This morning he must be on his best behavior. The difficult task of explaining the family history was his.

  And there was more.

  “I’m confused,” she was saying. “My father told everyone Mother had sold the company.”

  “That’s what she wanted your father to think.”

  “He was outraged when he found out,” she admitted. “He claimed she sold it for less than it was worth.”

  “What she actually did was sell part of the business. It was that money that your father inherited when she died.”

  “My grandfather’s company was left to me?” Cadence asked, still mystified.

  “Yes,” he answered. He had good news after the bad. He would have the pleasure of delivering it to her.

  Chapter Three

  Cadence shuddered, suddenly cold. Her life was turning into a freakin’ soap opera but the family drama wasn’t going according to the script.

  Her parents’ model marriage had been nothing but one of deceit and betrayal. Pretense and lies. She’d been put on display as the perfect daughter, the light of their lives.

  It’d all been for show.

  “Your mother had many different assets,” Mr. GQ told her. “Most of them went to your father. Fortunately, there were a few investments she kept hidden from your father and those were left for you.”

  He stopped and stared at her with his heart-stopping green eyes. He wasn’t making this up.

  Her father had been such a bastard her mother had taken steps to protect her wealth. She’d pretended to sell her family’s business so Cadence would have an inheritance Victoria couldn’t touch.

  “She kept the trust a secret. She was afraid if Edward Burke found out, he’d take legal action,” Preston continued. “Only my mother and I, and now you, know of its existence.”

  How many other secrets had her parents kept from her, she wondered. How many lies had been told?

  “Are you all right?” Preston asked.

  “This isn’t one of my better days.”

  “Understood.” It was said with kindness and consideration. He sat back in his chair. She sensed he was a patient man. She appreciated how he didn’t rush her.

  “Exactly how much money are we talking about?” Cadence asked.

  “As of nine o’clock this morning, thirty-seven-and-a-half million.” His face remained neutral, as if he delivered this kind of news every day.

  Cadence couldn’t help but let out a loud, obnoxious laugh, complete with a snort. He had to be joking. Was this guy for real?

  “You’re not serious.” Cadence fanned herself with her hand as the room closed in around her.

  Preston shifted. She’d probably insulted him, which wasn’t her intention, but thirty-seven million? That was almost twice what her father had received when her mother died.

  His mesmerizing eyes bored into hers and he was not smiling.

  He is serious.

  “Come on. Grandfather’s business was just a hole-in-the-wall dress factory.”

  “Not anymore.”

  She’d never been a slave to fashion but was pretty sure Sparkle wasn’t one of the major labels in the posh shops.

  “I’m sorry, Preston, but this is too weird. I understand you may really believe what you are telling me but that amount of money just doesn’t make sense. It is just too farfetched. Too out there.”

  She smiled at him out of politeness and got up from her chair. He put the file on the table and stood as well.

  She shook her head. This had to be a bad dream.

  “Cadence, please, sit down.”

  “I’ve heard enough for one day. Actually, for a lifetime. I need some air.”

  Preston opened the file folder he had referred to so often during their conversation. He pulled out a letter-sized envelope.

  “You can’t leave until you read this letter,” he said.

  The smile she had pasted on her face disappeared as she stared at the envelope. She took it and sank back into her chair.

  Her name was on the outside. It was from her mother. She would have recognized the neat and feminine handwriting anywhere.

  The blood drained from her face.

  Her hand trembled as she opened the envelope and took out a single sheet of paper. It was dated September 5. As she read, the words blurred, seen through unbidden tears.

  Her mother explained that she’d created the trust. When Cadence was old enough, she’d tell her why. If something happened to her, she’d leave the task of explaining to Marianne Night.

  “She was always so protective,” Cadence said, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

  “She loved you very much.”

  Cadence looked up. “You do realize if she hadn’t gone to the Twin Towers that day, she’d probably still be alive.”

  “Don’t blame yourself.”

  She put the letter back in
the envelope. Preston was right. It was over and done. Nothing would bring her mother back. Blame wasn’t something she should indulge in.

  “I have to believe my father loved her in his way,” Cadence stated firmly. “She had to have loved him because they stayed together.”

  Preston nodded.

  “I still want to pursue a lawsuit,” she said.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Damn straight.” She gritted her teeth. “I’m going to expose my father and Victoria.”

  “You can’t.”

  “The money was my mother’s. Why should it go to finance Cyrus’ ambitions and Victoria’s lavish lifestyle?”

  “I’m guessing Cyrus’ career in politics won’t go very far,” Preston replied. “The mayor’s enemies will eat him alive.”

  “He’ll be finished once this scandal comes out.” Cadence couldn’t wait to see Cyrus’ smug face when he learned his mother had been a mistress.

  “I suppose there will be satisfaction for some in dragging the Burke name through the mud.” His tone was subdued. He was warning her what a lawsuit could mean.

  “What would you have me do?” She sounded pathetic but she didn’t care. It wasn’t fair.

  He was watching her with those gorgeous eyes.

  “I can’t let them get away with stealing.”

  “There’s more at stake than your father’s money. The secret trust will be found out if there’s a lawsuit,” he replied.

  “Victoria may go after the money in the trust,” she murmured.

  “A lawsuit could tie up your accounts for years.”

  She looked at Preston. He was cool, calm and collected. She wished she could be so calm but the betrayal, the deviousness of Victoria’s schemes cut deep.

  “What do I do now?” she asked.

  “The company is all yours.”

  “My mother’s legacy.”

  What a legacy. It was more money than she’d ever dreamed of having. More than she’d ever be able to spend. She released years of anger and frustration, knowing it was time to move on.

  She turned to Preston. “I remember my grandfather vaguely. He was a very big man with a booming voice. Once in a great while, my mother would take me with her to the factory.”

  She hadn’t thought about her grandfather in a long time. She’d hated the factory, the noise and people running around. Her grandmother had been a famous model and according to family legend, her grandfather had started the company, Sparkle Industries, just for her.

  Probably another lie.

  “I will take you there if you like.”

  “No, I don’t want to see it.”

  “You’re not even curious?”

  Cadence shook her head. “I was never into fashion much. I was the kid with her nose always in a book.”

  “There’s more.”

  She was struck by how extraordinarily sensitive he was. “You’re right. Going out there will remind me of my mother.”

  “She wanted you to have the company. I’ll bet she would’ve wanted you to take over for her.”

  “I don’t know a thing about the fashion industry, let alone how to run a business.”

  “You’re smart and you’re savvy. You’ll catch on.”

  “I appreciate the vote of confidence.” She made a decision—the only one she could make. “I’m going to sell Sparkle Industries.”

  “In this economy? You’ll take a loss.”

  “Better than running my inheritance into the ground.” She rose. She couldn’t sit any longer. “I can live comfortably on thirty-seven million.”

  “Why don’t you think about it? Sparkle has a strong management team. They’ll run things until you make up your mind.”

  “No.” He’d given her good reasons to keep Sparkle but she just couldn’t.

  “I know a couple of excellent real estate agents who specialize in commercial real estate. You’ll need a financial planner for tax purposes. I’ll give you their numbers.”

  “Thanks.” She hesitated. She’d one more favor to ask. “I’d like Night and Night to keep managing the trust.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “I’ll need one of my own.”

  He smiled. He had such a dazzling smile.

  Having made several important decisions, Cadence had a gigantic brain freeze. This morning she had been so angry, not at all sure what to do and feeling as if she were controlled by an evil woman who had stolen her inheritance. Now Mr. Night, practically in shining armor—no he was in shining Armani—was telling her she was rich, far richer than the greedy bitch who’d influenced her father to change his will.

  Preston had given her excellent advice. Victoria and the evil spawn would be pissed if they found out. Cadence would have to guard this secret, and it would be difficult.

  “I need to have you sign some papers,” Preston said.


  “Yes, legal and tax documents.”

  “Of course. I’m sorry, Preston, I feel a major headache coming on. It has been a really trying day. Is it possible that we meet later this afternoon to sign papers—or even better, tomorrow morning?”

  “Whatever you want. I’ll have my driver take you back to your hotel.”

  “Yes. Please.”

  It was all too much. A stabbing pain shot across her forehead and she reached up to rub it. This was going to be a whopper of a headache.

  She reached into her purse and pulled out her bottle of ibuprofen. Shaking out two pills, she wished the day were over. She swallowed them and gulped down the last of the water in her glass. She replaced the glass on the table.

  Preston quickly came to her side. The length of his muscular body so close to hers sent a shiver up her spine—and yet at the same time, she could feel the heat emanating from his body. Every single naughty thought she’d had when first seeing him, the thoughts she’d been fighting for over an hour, crept back into her mind.

  His breath was warm on her neck as he stood there. How quickly an act of courtesy turned her thoughts to sex. She wished she could turn, wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him. She needed the connection, she needed to be close to someone, especially now. He could take her away, if only for a few minutes. Her heart sped up, her breath caught in her throat.

  She turned, no longer able to control her desire for him, and was caught in his intense gaze. He wanted her too. He stepped closer, so close she could smell him.

  The sweet smell of his aftershave was intoxicating. She found herself breathing his scent in, wanting more.

  She had been so busy at school, she hadn’t had time for a relationship. Now she found herself filled with a strong need, a longing that gnawed at her from the inside. He was so close…beyond what was appropriate. She fought the overwhelming desire to slide her arms around his waist and press her body into his. To feel the length of his corded muscles against her. To have his warmth seep into her flesh.

  His eyes clouded with lust. His eyelids lowered as he boldly raked his smoldering gaze over her body, and her nipples hardened in reaction. She watched his eyes linger on the two taut buds that strained against her shirt.

  Her nipples ached with the need for him to touch her. If possible, they hardened all the more, practically begging for him to brush his thumb, or better yet his tongue, over the sensitive peaks.

  Cadence’s lips parted. Her nerves were firing like mad. Zings of pleasure formed between her thighs. She was growing slick with need.

  Ever so slowly, he returned that gaze to her face. A devilish smile lifted the corner of his mouth and he raised an inviting eyebrow.

  She wanted to press her breasts against his broad chest, wanted him to grab her, kiss her, place his soft, wet lips on her neck and then lower to suckle on the sensitive tips of her breasts. He could bend her over the table, slide his thick cock inside her, she wouldn’t argue, she’d relish it. Her pussy clenched at the thought, feeling empty all of a sudden.

  Her breath quickened as she shyly smiled ba
ck. This had to stop. She’d be stripping bare in a moment and offering up her goods for him to plunder. She turned from him, embarrassed, knowing he must have seen each thought that crossed her mind, even if he had looked at her approvingly. She hadn’t missed the raw desire in his face, the invitation to enjoy the pleasures he was offering. Oh, how she wanted to give in.

  Her face colored as more erotic thoughts, long dormant, surfaced—her sprawled over the table, his face between her thighs. Her riding him in a chair. Her kneeling before him, his cock deep in her throat.

  She fought hard to keep the moan in her throat at bay. Normally she was so reserved. What was this man doing to her?

  “Thank you, Preston. I’ll call you in the morning,” she choked out. She picked up her purse.

  “Wait, Cadence.”

  She stopped short of the door and squeezed her eyes closed. Just go! You can’t do this. Despite her conscience telling her to leave, she didn’t. But she didn’t turn around either. Instead she looked over her shoulder.

  “I’ll go with you.”

  She was surprised, tried to play it off. He couldn’t be going with her in hopes of sleeping with her. Could he? “Is that part of the service?”

  He frowned. She’d offended him. Half of her wondered if he treated all his female clients with this kind of attention and the other half wondered—what difference did it make?

  He was hot and he was interested in her. She’d be an idiot to say no to him.

  She decided to take that ride. Why not? She didn’t want to be alone just yet. Why was she fighting her desire for him anyway? It wouldn’t lead anywhere, except to pleasure.

  She smiled at him, glad she hadn’t squelched his interest with her short-tempered remark. “Okay. I would like your company. Thanks.”

  “Good.” He followed her to the door and opened it. She could feel the heat of him still and her body reacted.

  Tropical heat tingled throughout her entire body. Her panties grew damp. Would she never cool down?


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