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One Dance for Case (The Possessed Series Book 2)

Page 13

by KL Donn

  Her eyes shot to his. They gleamed with wonder, lust, and her own possession of him. “Yeah, baby,” he whispered just as he slid inside of her.

  Overwhelming heat encompassed him.



  Evelyn’s entire body felt as if it was going up in flames. Casey was finally inside of her, and she had one thought. Home. Being together. A complete puzzle of two intricate pieces was what this felt like. For once in her life, she thought of herself as more than just an abandoned girl. She was the other half of someone’s soul.

  When Casey started to move inside of her, she felt every pulsing vein. The slow slide in and out was incredible. Her orgasm fast approached, and there was nothing she wanted more than to have him join her in ecstasy.

  Tightening her inner muscles, she wrapped her legs around his lower back, pulling him as tight to her as possible. Before she could do anything with her hands, he lifted both of her arms above her head, pinning her down. She was at his mercy and happy to be there.

  “I’m so close, Casey,” she whispered. Eyes locked onto his.

  “Come for me, Ev,” he murmured back. His hips picked up speed, slamming into her with enough force that she was pushed up the bed. He crawled upwards with every thrust.

  Stars lit her eyes, and her toes curled and tingled. Her thighs shook, and suddenly, she was flying into the universe of gratification. She could feel her breath stall in her lungs; her entire body shook with the force of her orgasm. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she might have screamed his name, too.

  “Oh fuck.” Casey’s breathless vow tickled her ear. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She could feel him shooting jet after jet of cum deep into her pussy. His whole body was just as tense as hers.

  “Casey,” she sighed happily just as he murmured, “Evelyn,” against her lips before taking them in a deep kiss filled with satisfaction. She sensed his every feeling in the way his mouth moved against hers. The way his tongue tangled with her. Each nip was one filled with wonder.

  He pulled away with a smug smile. “You’re a screamer,” he teased.

  She felt her cheeks bloom red. “I didn’t mean to.”

  “I’m gonna make you scream again, sweetheart,” he kissed her cheek. “As many times as I can.”

  Her pussy contracted at his words, and if his groan was any indication, he obviously felt it as well. Collapsing on top of her, he buried his face in her neck, and she could feel him murmuring something but couldn’t hear the actual words.

  “What are you saying?” She finally mustered the courage to ask him.

  Turning his head so his lips were at her ear, he whispered what she thought might be a prayer. “Thank you for giving me such a perfect creature. For giving me the other part of my soul.”

  “Oh Casey.” Sighing, she brought her hands up to his face, telling him, “Thank you for not giving up.”

  “I will never give up on you, baby,” he promised. “Your mine, and I fully intend to capitalize on that every chance I get.” She couldn’t help but laugh. She knew he would, too.

  They must have fallen asleep because Ev was awoken by loud moaning and groaning from Casey. Rolling over to face him, she watched as his back bowed off the bed and a pain-filled moan was torn from his throat. Every twitch of his body burst in agony. His hands were balled into tight fists, ready for whatever fight he was battling.

  An ear-piercing scream ripped from his body as she finally realized what was happening. He was reliving the worst day of his life. The day he not only lost his leg but himself as well.

  She was terrified. Should she wake him up? Should she run to the big house and get Dom? So many questions and no answers had tears welling in her eyes.

  “Casey?” she cried out, wishing she could help him. She’d heard of things like this happening, and fear held her back. What if while he was locked in his mind and she tried to wake him, he thought she was whoever he was battling? She wouldn’t be able to defend herself against him, but she also couldn’t let him suffer, either.

  Taking a fortifying breath, Ev straddled his waist, lowering her body to his. She lay on his chest listening to his erratic heartbeat. His struggling picked up, and she became nervous.

  “Please come back to me, Casey,” she whispered, running her soft hands up and down his coarse chest hairs in a soothing caress. “I need you.”

  His thrashing finally calmed down some, and she was thankful for that, but he was still stuck in his mind. She felt helpless when he needed her most. Hot tears began to streak down her face, landing in small pools on Casey’s chest as his breathing labored.

  “I can’t lose you as well,” she said. “I have never been good enough for anyone, and then you came along and pushed your way into my life. I finally see a spark of hope, Casey. Don’t snuff it out, please.”

  Ev knew she was babbling a bunch of nonsense. It wasn’t as though he were dying. The nightmare would eventually end, and he’d wake up, but her helplessness had her spilling all of her fears out to him.

  “When my mom left, I was so lost. I didn’t think I’d ever let anyone in again and fought so hard against ever feeling that kind of pain in the future. I didn’t want the impression of abandonment to be all I knew.” She had to force back the tears. “When Lacey didn’t try to come back for me, I thought I could live with that. I could move forward. I didn’t. I searched for her for years. When I finally found her, she asked me what I wanted. Can you believe that?”

  Taking a few deep breaths, she didn’t realize his body had relaxed, or that his breathing had evened out. She just talked to him. “When I met Andy, I knew I had to be in their lives. I’d like to say it was because I wanted to make sure he was happy and healthy but the reality was, I was tired of being alone. I wanted to be around people again.” Bitter laughter left her at the thought. “I know, I know. I dance in a strip club and am around people all the time. But they don’t give a shit about me. They just want what I can give them.”

  Dance, I love to dance.

  “There was this one foster home I stayed at…the mom, she loved ballet. I think it was the only time I’d ever felt loved or wanted. She used to dance with me. Taught me everything she could. Her mom was a true ballerina, and I weaved this whole life I would have if only I could be one, too.” Tears clogged her throat again as she thought of that home. “It lasted for six months before she passed away from undiagnosed breast cancer. I mourned her loss more than my own mother.”

  Remaining silent for a while, Ev closed her eyes, picturing what it would be like to have a little girl of her own. She would teach her to love, to laugh, to live life to the fullest, and to embrace whatever made her happy. Featured in her dream was Casey, a wonderfully caring and encouraging father. He would show their children that the sky wasn’t the limit, and they could conquer the world.

  “Is that why you dance?” His rumbled question took her off guard.

  Looking up his chest to meet his tortured gaze, she told him, “Yes, Annie was a graceful dancer. Dancing keeps me close to her.”

  Running his fingers through her hair, the sun hit his face just as he told her, “I love you, Evelyn.” Her breathing stuttered. She was held frozen in his hypnotic gaze. “I love how selfless you are. I love that you give your all to those things you’re passionate about—even when you think you aren’t. I especially love that you know exactly how to handle me.”

  How was she supposed to respond to that? Was he expecting a declaration from her? She couldn’t say she didn’t love him; she just wasn’t sure she knew how to. She just wasn’t. She didn’t know what the emotion of love even was, not being raised around any type of affection at all.

  Case must have seen the fear in her eyes because he smiled and assured her. “I don’t need the words back, Ev. What you did just now? Not trying to force me out of hell. It brought to light just how much I need you. Your pain drew me back better than if you’d blown a horn in my ear. I
need you in my life every bit as much as you need me.”

  “I’m scared,” she whispered in the now bright room as the sun set.

  “Tell me.”

  “I’m scared I won’t know how to love you the way you need. I’m scared I’ll love you so completely, I’ll lose myself. I’m scared I’ll never be enough.” As she bared her fears to him, the tears she’d been trying so hard to hold at bay fell.

  Wiping them away with a thumb on the apple of each cheek, he told her, “Any love you give me will be perfect. If you lose yourself to me, you better believe I’m just as lost to you.” He paused so the words would sink into her. “More importantly, baby, how do you know I’ll be enough for you?”

  “Don’t you say that,” she told him angrily.

  He arched a brow as if to prove his point. “You’re more than enough for me. I’m in this for life, Evelyn. All you have to do is decide if you are, too.”

  Casey watched Evelyn dance every night for a week after he’d confessed his love for her. Obsession settled in while watching her entertain now that he knew the reason behind her love for dance. The pleasure that embraced her entire body and soul as she moved was breathtaking. She didn’t dance for the attention. He didn’t even think it was because of the money. She did it because it was the one thing in her life that she enjoyed.

  While she danced and made her rounds around the club, he did his best to keep busy because otherwise, he’d be tormented by every man in the room that stared at her with just as much heat as he did. So he searched every network he could to find her sister and nephew. So far, no luck. He did find out that Marcus was going to be doing serious time in Red Onion State Prison. He got a kick out of that one because ROSP was where the worst of the worst were sent to rot.

  He felt no remorse that the other man was living with some of the worst rapist and murders in the state. He deserved everything he would get and more. From what he’d seen, Marcus was a pussy. He enjoyed instilling fear in those smaller than himself. He wouldn’t last long in ROSP.

  “Hey there, hot stuff.” One of the new dancers Ev had pointed out to him sidled up beside him. “How come you sit here on this silly computer and don’t watch any of the good dancers?” She’d seen him stop to watch Ev, noticed how riveted he became to his woman’s natural sensuality.

  “Maybe I only like one,” he tossed back, still not looking up at her.

  Evidently, the woman didn’t like that he was dismissing her. “You mean Evie?” Bitter laughter followed her rhetorical question. “She’s washed out. Don’t you want someone fresh? I can make all your dreams come true, baby.” Casey was sure her voice was supposed to be seductive. He just didn’t feel it.

  Before he could respond, Ace walked up, tossing an arm around her neck. “Hey there, sweet stuff, just an FYI—that means for your information in case you can’t figure it out. That washed-out chick you’re so easily insulting?” Case was dying to laugh, but he wanted to see where Ace was going. “This is her man.” The dancer’s eyes shot down to his in shock.

  “You’re with her?” Disgust rang through her words.

  “Every fucking night,” Case bragged.

  “You know she gives other men things?” The way she said things implied Ev was hooking, which he knew she wasn’t and wouldn’t.

  Getting to his feet because he was beyond angry now, he snarled, “Try bad-mouthing my woman again. See where it lands you.” He let his rage shine through his eyes. “The trash or the morgue.”

  Warm hands smoothed up his back, and he knew immediately that Evelyn had seen what was happening, what he was about to do—throttle this stuck-up slut.

  “Casey?” she crooned against his back.

  “Yeah, Kitten?” He didn’t take his eyes off the slut trying to get herself killed.

  “Sit down.” Her tone was like breathing fire.

  “Say what, now?” He did look at Ev then.

  “Please?” Well, fuck, why’d her voice have to be so sweet, and she was batting those pretty endless blue eyes so nicely.

  Sitting down, he felt like a dog doing his master’s bidding, but he’d happily heed to this woman’s wishes. Ev’s attention quickly darted to Ace and the other woman. “Ace?”

  “Yeah, sugar?” Case wasn’t happy about the pet name.

  “Take a seat.” She was really pushing the whole obedience thing it seemed. A bark of laughter left him when Ace immediately sat down.

  “Shut the fuck up. When a beautiful girl demands shit, you damn well listen. Even when another man is getting his dick wet with her instead.” His fist shot out at Ace’s words, hitting him right in the shoulder. “Fuck! Dude! I was kidding.”

  “Watch your mouth.” Case glared, pulling Ev onto his lap and burying his face in her neck. He loved her scent. He knew it was the fancy girl soap she used to smell so sweet. Peaches and vanilla or something. He could get lost in it.

  “Lizzy.” He heard Ev talking to who he presumed was the other stripper but happily continued to smell her. “This isn’t a whorehouse.” Ace howled with laughter. “You need to snap those pretty legs closed and stop offering something you can’t deliver on. Hardy told you this when he hired you.”

  “You’re such a snotty bitch, Evie. Always thinking you’re better than everyone else,” Lizzy whined.

  “That’s ‘cause she is,” Case chimed in, shooting her a deadly glare. He watched her squirm.

  “Yanno,” Ace began. “That man right there,” he pointed to Casey, “has killed more men and women in his seven-year stint as a Ranger protecting a country that abandoned him when he was injured, than any other man I know. You’d be smart not to insult a woman he’s obsessed with. I can only imagine the damage he would inflict then.”

  They watched as she ran away, her legs shaking. He should feel bad. He wouldn’t kill her, just play with her a little bit. Let her know she needs to show some respect to the people around her as well as herself.

  “That was mean, you two,” Ev reprimanded them.

  “She deserved it,” he tried to defend.

  Shaking her head, she got up. “I have one more set in about thirty minutes. Do you think you two can behave until I’m done?” When did they turn into the naughty kids?

  “Yes, mother.” Ace saluted her.

  She just shook her head again and walked away from them. The outfit she was wearing ground his gears, and it took everything in him not to cover her up. Had they been at home, he would have loved to see her dressed in the barely-there sequined bra, hip-hugging boy shorts, and sky-high heels, but in the club, he always had to force himself to calm down, or he might end up in jail.

  “I don’t know how you do it, man,” Ace commented as she walked away.

  “What?” He turned to look at his friend.

  “Let her walk around like that. Let her strip. Hell, just being in this place.”

  “I don’t let her,” he told Ace. “Dancing gives her peace from the other shitty things she’s dealt with. If I told her to stop, it’d crush her.” As long as she was happy and safe, he’d let her do anything she wanted.

  “You should get her a pole for home,” Ace commented.

  Casey was about to tell his friend to shut the hell up when the words registered in his brain. Get her a pole, huh? Then she could dance just for him. Nude. Yeah, he was on board.

  “Not a bad idea,” he replied.

  “You find Marcus?” Ace asked him after they were silent for a while.

  “Yeah, he’s in ROSP. He ain’t gettin’ out.”

  “Shit, it’s too bad some of those guys don’t know he likes to force women to do whatever he wants.” There was a sadistic gleam in Ace’s eyes that he chose to let go. He knew exactly what his friend was about to do.

  “Too bad, indeed.”

  “So look, man, I know you and Dom have been wondering why I’m still here. This is the thing; I’ve kind of been in limbo. I was dating this girl, and she got all stalker c
razy. I had told her before I came out here with Creed that she needed to go.” He seemed sheepish with his confession.

  “Let me guess.” Case chuckled. “She didn’t listen?”

  “The bitch moved all her shit in!”

  He couldn’t help but laugh at the amazement on Ace’s face. “Doesn’t wanna let you go, huh?”

  “A buddy of mine finally forced her out, but dude, this chick is batshit crazy. Completely insane! Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I’m heading up to Canada in a few days.” Ace took a sip of his beer.

  “What, why?” Did they sound as gossipy as he thought?

  “My cousin’s dad was in an accident. He needs some help on the farm, and I need a change. I feel like I’m suffocating. Nick, my cousin, he’s a sheriff in Golden, BC and is also looking for a deputy. I think I’ll be there for a good while.” Case detected some relief in his voice.

  “Everything alright, Ace?”

  Their eyes met, and he saw secrets hiding there. “Things have been intense lately. Nick and I, we grew up together. He’s more brother than cousin. We both want to settle down.”

  “Okaayyy…” He wasn’t quite sure where Ace was going.

  “We, uh, we want to share a woman.”

  Talk about a bombshell. No judgment, just shocked. “Good for you, man,” he said, clapping him on the back.

  Blowing out a relieved breath, Ace tipped his beer to Case, and they toasted silently. “I leave day after tomorrow. So if you need anything, tell me now.”

  “Nah, man, I think we’re good. Just have to find this damn sister.”

  Evelyn couldn’t believe the gall of some people. Lizzy was new to Hardy’s, so she didn’t realize what her cattiness could do to her reputation, yet. While she, herself, wouldn’t say she was close with any of the other girls other than Pixie, she also knew they wouldn’t do what Lizzy had done and talk down to a customer about another dancer. For Hardy, that was a no-no. He had few rules, but three of his biggest were; no drugs, no sex, and treat everyone with respect. If he had dancers at each other’s throats, then his customers weren’t satisfied because everything turned into a catfight. It was a huge part of the reason she tolerated Hardy half the time. Especially with him pushing her to do private dances lately.


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