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February The Fifth (The Glothic Tales)

Page 8

by Derek Haines

  ‘I’ve heard it is a rather dangerous place this Unterlodd Void sir,’ Snurd replied sounding totally flat and disconnected from the subject.

  ‘I’m sure it’ll be fine,’ Feb assured.

  ‘Haven’t heard any explosions for a while,’ String shouted out.

  ‘That’s probably good news,’ Snurd shouted back, but still flatly. ‘I presume we only have a few million wandering asteroids to worry about now.’

  April, May and June looked worried.

  ‘Everything will be fine,’ Feb reassured them. Just as Snikkle and Likklet clearly made an emergency hard right, followed by an even harder hard left that jerked everyone violently from side to side.

  ‘Missed it!’ String shouted.

  Another violent manoeuvre and even String shut up. Followed by a loud explosion on the right of the ship confirming that the Noorlac interceptors hadn’t yet been called off. Or worse, that the Hoogs were within range. Or extra double worse that they had hit an asteroid. Feb considered the situation and thought he really preferred the idea of the Noorlac interceptors shooting happily at their force shields that Snikkle said could last all week.

  ‘You all alright?’ Feb asked his sisters. They all nodded nervously.

  ‘You’re February the Fifth, the Supreme Potentate of the Twelve Sun Systems of Gloth Feb. Don’t forget that,’ April said and reminded Feb if he needed it or not that he had a responsibility. To his people and family. He sucked in a huge breath of confidence.

  ‘Yes April. Thank you,’ Feb replied as two massive explosions rocked both sides of the SSGCC-Twelve. After the shuddering subsided Feb decided he could stay seated and passive no longer.

  ‘String! You’re in charge. Break out the champagne when things get quieter. I’m going back up to the flight deck.’

  ‘Roger Feb! We’ll all be fine, won’t we?’ String asked everyone and Feb’s three sisters and Snurd nodded back somewhat confidently.

  ‘Be careful Feb,’ May said as Feb unbuckled himself and headed for the hatch. A smaller explosion accompanied, like clockwork, his exit through the hatch throwing him head first into the corridor.

  ‘Oh I said be careful Feb,’ May said with a smile.

  ‘Thank you May. I’m fine. Thanks for being concerned,’ Feb said with a huge smile.

  It took Feb much longer to get back to the flight deck as regular bangs and explosions rocked the SSGCC-Twelve every few seconds. He finally made it through the hatch with a customary thud.

  ‘Don’t worry sir. Everything is under control,’ Likklet said in an extremely unconvincing tone.

  ‘Hoogs?’ Feb asked.

  ‘And the odd floating rock sir,’ Snikkle answered.

  ‘No Noorlacs then’

  ‘Yes, still with us sir,’ Likklet responded.

  ‘How far to the Unterlodd Void?’ Feb asked as the SSGCC-Twelve glanced an asteroid and sent Feb flying across the back of the flight deck.

  ‘Another fifteen minutes at least sir. You’d better buckle up,’ Snikkle half ordered.

  ‘Will we make it?’

  ‘We’ve suffered a lot of damage to the shields sir, and we’re starting to lose power.’

  ‘So? Will we make it?’

  ‘Not sure sir,’ Snikkle replied.

  Feb thought for a second or two.

  ‘Try Glothic High Command again,’ He ordered Likklet.

  ‘Trying now sir.’

  ‘Quickly Likklet,’ Feb added with a new authority in his voice. Likklet issuing his call sign more urgently. It took nearly two minutes and a few more explosions and asteroid glances before Likklet confirmed he had contact.

  ‘On screen three sir. Click the green button,’ which Feb did immediately.

  ‘Who am I speaking to?’ he asked in an authoritative voice.

  ‘This is sub-lieutenant Crabblic speaking.’

  ‘Sub-lieutenant Crabblic, this is the Supreme Potentate of the Twelve Sun Systems of Gloth. February the Fifth.’

  ‘Yes sir!’ a somewhat surprised sub-lieutenant responded.

  ‘I am about to issue your vaporisation order for ignoring my transmissions. If you don’t put me through to your commander in five seconds I’ll sign it and transmit. Understood?’

  ‘Eh, yes sir. Yes sir,’ an obviously concerned sub-lieutenant in charge of receiving more mundane and normally less threatening communications said. ‘Connecting you now. Please go ahead.’

  ‘Fitchfatlic!’ a grumpy looking Attack Commander said as his image flashed onto Feb’s screen.

  ‘This is your Supreme Potentate Fitchfatlic. Your vessels are attacking my cruiser SSGCC-Twelve. Could you tell me why before I sign your very own personal execution order?’

  ‘Eh, sir, I, really, I don’t…,’ Fitchfatlic blubbered.

  ‘Not vaporisation Fitchfatlic. Execution!’ Feb insisted. ‘I’ll sign and transmit now then.’

  ‘No sir. No. I’m signalling Attack Command as we speak.’

  ‘I can still hear very unfriendly explosions Fitchfatlic!’

  ‘Calling off the attack now sir,’ a clearly agitated Fitchfatlic replied. ‘Issuing the order now sir.’

  ‘I have my finger on the transmit button Fitchfatlic! Preparing to send your execution order!’ Feb said firmly and extremely threateningly.

  ‘I’ve issued the order sir. I have,’ a clearly panicked Fitchfatlic almost cried.

  ‘Waiting Fitchfatlic!’

  ‘Yes sir. The attack is cancelled.’

  ‘We’ve just been hit again Fitchfatlic! I think I’ll send the order!’

  ‘No sir. No sir. The attack is over. Recalling all craft! Recalling all craft!’ Fitchfatlic repeated in desperation.

  ‘Reduce power Snikkle.’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘Likklet. Are they halting their attack?’

  ‘Yes sir. Seems so. The Hoogs have halted.’

  ‘Take it easy then Snikkle. Get us into Unterlodd Void safely.’

  ‘You still want us to enter the Void sir?’ Snikkle asked.

  ‘Can we be tracked in there?’

  ‘No sir. We’ll be out of contact completely.’

  ‘Good. How far?’

  ‘Ten minutes sir.’

  ‘Right. Stop here.’


  ‘Stop here!’


  ‘Yes sir!’

  ‘Who ordered this outrageous attack on my cruiser?’ Feb bellowed.

  ‘The order came from the Grand Council sir.’

  ‘Who Fitchfatlic?’

  ‘I’m not sure sir. I’d have to check.’

  ‘You have five seconds Fitchfatlic or your future in the Glothic High Command is in serious jeopardy.’

  ‘Yes sir. Just a minute sir.’

  ‘The Twelfth Sun System could use more garbage collectors!’ Feb said with aggression.

  ‘Yes sir. I mean no, I mean. Just a second sir. Here’s the attack order. Just checking,’

  ‘Faster Fitchfatlic!’

  ‘Here it is sir. The order was signed by The Puissant of Croonumble, Lefroy Overload. The President of the Grand Council.’

  ‘Thank you,’ was all Feb said before clicking the transmission off.

  ‘Right Snikkle. The Unterlodd Void. Pronto.’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  Hanging Around

  ‘Entering the Unterlodd Void sir,’ Likklet announced.

  ‘Can you find a safe place to park this big ball?’

  ‘I’ll find somewhere sir,’ Snikkle replied. ‘We need a few hours to assess the damage anyway.’

  ‘Right. Get to it and I’ll check on the others.’

  ‘Everyone alright?’ Feb asked as he made his first firm footed entry into the Luxury Class cabin.

  ‘I think so,’ June said first.

  ‘Fine here,’ String answered.

  ‘Somewhat of a noisy and rather bumpy ride sir,’ Snurd said in his customary unexciting monotone voice.

  ‘Good,’ Feb said.
‘We’ll be parking around here for a while. It’s safe to move around now. Get something to drink.’

  Feb could sense Snikkle was taking things very carefully as he could hardly feel any movement. As everyone was getting to their feet, Likklet’s voice came over the intercom.

  ‘We’ve entered the Unterlodd Void. We’ll be taking a stationary position in about ten minutes. Sorry for the bumpy ride.’

  ‘So we’re safe now Feb.’

  ‘Not exactly June. But we should be fine here for the moment.’

  ‘Why did they attack us Feb?’ April asked.

  ‘The order came from Lefroy Overload.’

  ‘What? That’s impossible. He wouldn’t,’ April responded.

  ‘I’ll need to find out more April.’

  ‘Are we still going to The Cavern of Clavius?’

  ‘Yes April. If we can.’

  ‘I’m sorry sir, but I heard you mention Lefroy Overload sir,’ Snurd interrupted.

  ‘Yes Snurd. You know something?’ Feb asked.

  ‘Rather complicated sir. I mean the situation with the Presidency of the Grand Council.’

  ‘Well, go on please Snurd.’

  ‘There’s a theory or rumour going around the secretariat of the Grand Council that Lefroy Overload is heavily influenced by two younger members of the Grand Council. He survived his last election with their help it’s said, and they’ve promised he can finish his current term which takes him to his official retirement, but more likely to an easy ambassadorship on a comfortable little planet with generous expenses.’

  ‘Sounds like a very normal situation Snurd.’ Feb said.

  ‘Yes sir, but in recent months there have been whispers about Overload being unhappy about certain Grand Council decisions being passed without his knowledge. He has over ruled some decisions in recent weeks I believe.’

  ‘So who are the two Grand Councillors who have been putting pressure on Overload?’

  ‘Hadlian Kortek and Alsiatious Umblicat sir.’

  ‘But what do they have over Overload other than his last election? And surely these two must have other Grand Councillors in their pockets to be able to organise this kind of rebellion against the Supreme Potentate.’ Feb asked.

  ‘That I don’t know sir. But there are a number of inter-related families involved here.’

  ‘Yes Snurd. As your letter pointed out.’

  ‘I’ve been working in the council secretariat for a long time sir and know many of the councillors and executive staff. I just can’t believe that the events of recent days are in line with the loyalty and ethics of Overload and Glutz in particular.’

  ‘And what about Oderly Kerth Dagnion?’

  ‘He has liked to throw his power around since he was appointed personal assistant and advisor to the Supreme Potentate sir. Before that he was working in my department. It was a surprise promotion to say the least.’

  ‘And when did he receive this promotion Snurd?’

  ‘Just after the last Grand Council Presidential election.’

  ‘Thank you Snurd. Very helpful. We’ll discuss more later.’

  ‘Yes sir. Certainly,’ Snurd said as blandly as usual, even though he had every reason to be pleased that February the Fifth was taking him very seriously.

  While Snurd and Feb chatted, the others were investigating the catering in the Luxury Class galley. He found his sisters and String busily preparing lunch.

  ‘Don’t forget Snikkle and Likklet!’ Feb said as he entered.

  ‘Can they come down to have lunch with us Feb?’ June asked.

  ‘I’ll go and check.’

  ‘Great Feb,’ June smiled.

  ‘Be ready in about an hour,’ April said as she carved thin slices of expensive river salmon from Erde. A small sister planet to Gloth, it was on the other side of Alternus and was a popular holiday planet for short vacations for Glothians.

  ‘Alright. I’ll be back soon,’ Feb said as he started to leave for the flight deck.

  ‘Can I come too sir? I’m not a very good cook,’ Snurd asked.

  ‘Sure. Come on then.’

  ‘All under control gentlemen?’ Feb asked as he arrived on the flight deck.

  ‘Yes sir. Just doing a damage assessment now,’ Likklet replied.

  ‘Are you sure we’re out of reach here?’

  ‘Indeed sir. As we are in the void, we are actually moving around all over the place. Impossible to track us in here,’ Likklet said very assuringly.

  ‘So why don’t we bang into things if we are moving all over the place?’ Snurd asked.

  ‘Well, because everything else is randomly moving too, and we’re moving with them in the same random paths,’ Snikkle replied.

  ‘That doesn’t really make sense,’ Snurd argued.

  ‘Imagine all the objects in the void have a singular magnetic polarity. Therefore they repel each other,’ Snikkle answered and could see Snurd was lost.

  ‘So you’re saying it’s safe then?’ Snurd asked.

  ‘Oh yes. Perfectly,’ Likklet chipped in.

  ‘It’s only when we try to leave that it gets a bit tricky,’ Snikkle said.

  ‘And why’s that?’ Feb asked, now interested in the conversation.

  ‘Well sir. The problem is that when we start moving under our own power, we won’t be randomly moving in rhythm with everything else in here. Plus we really have no way of knowing how far we are from the boundaries of the void. So it’s a bit like crossing a very busy road with your eyes and ears closed,’ Snikkle explained.

  ‘And not knowing how many vehicles, how fast, what direction and how wide the road is,’ Feb added.

  ‘That’s a good analogy sir,’ Snikkle replied.

  ‘Will our shields help?’

  ‘Oh a little sir. If we can get them repaired and operating on full power, debris and smallish rocks will be no problem. But against a planet wandering aimlessly at high speed, definitely not.’

  ‘So we avoid planets?’

  ‘If we can sir,’ Snikkle said with a little too much incertitude for Feb’s liking.

  ‘Alright. What about the ship itself?’

  ‘We need more time to insect the damage sir, but my main concern is fuel,’ Snikkle replied.

  ‘And what’s the problem?’

  ‘In the void there are no sun-spacial particles, so we can’t refuel.’

  ‘So how much fuel do we have?’

  ‘Probably enough for one attempt at blasting from the void. And hoping we’re reasonably close to the edge of it sir.’

  ‘Alright, let’s worry about that when the time comes. Lunch will be ready in an hour or so. Can you join us?’ Feb asked Snikkle and Likklet.

  ‘Of course sir. That’ll be grand,’ Snikkle accepted.

  ‘And the ship?’ Snurd asked.

  ‘The ship will be fine. Extremely safe in fact. It’s in no danger at all while it’s randomly moving around,’ Likklet said very calmly.

  ‘Good,’ Feb said. ‘Anything else gentlemen?’

  ‘Just one thing sir,’ Likklet started. ‘Do you think Glothic High Command will reissue an attack order once we leave the void?

  ‘I think that’s a certainty now gentlemen,’ Feb said and turned to leave, indicating quite regally that there were no more questions.

  After a satisfying lunch, April and Feb found themselves apart from the others in the corner of the Luxury Class cabin. While the others discussed the wonderful salmon from Erde, and the likelihood or not of escaping from the Unterlodd Void, they discussed more weighty topics.

  ‘Do you have any idea what’s going on Feb,’ April asked.

  ‘It’s becoming a little clearer April. There are those trying to overthrow Gregorian rule.’

  ‘But who’s actually behind it?’

  ‘I’m not sure, but Snurd has given me a clue I think. Hadlian Kortek and Alsiatious Umblicat seem to have something over Lefroy Overload, but I have grave suspicions about Dagnion.’

  ‘So is it simply ab
out one of them taking over as Supreme Potentate Feb?’

  ‘That’s where there are questions to answer April. It doesn’t make any sense for them to have killed Father, March and October, and then have me invested as Supreme Potentate. They had to have a reason for doing that. Plus the tea episode and their following attempts seem to suggest that they want me alive. Even the attacks today were not aimed at killing me.’

  ‘So you’re saying they need you for some reason. Alive?’

  ‘It seems logical to me.’

  ‘But for what?’

  ‘That’s what I don’t know April.’



  ‘I don’t want to offend you. But have you considered that they thought you were a bit of a, well, um, a fool, and thought you would cooperate with them easily?’

  ‘April. Something happened at the investiture ceremony. Overload transferred something to me and there’s no doubt it has made me different. I just don’t have any idea what it was, but since then I have felt wiser and more in control of my thoughts and actions. I’m hoping the answer is on Terranova Two.’

  ‘So you think they, whoever they are, will still attack us when we leave this void.’

  ‘I’m sure April. Whatever their plan is, it really is becoming obvious to me that they need me alive to complete their coup.’

  ‘So why did they relent and call off the attack on us?’

  ‘They didn’t April. Whoever they are. I was lucky enough to frighten two lower ranked underlings. That’s all. The order will certainly be reinstated. But I think they only want to disable our cruiser.’

  ‘To get you.’

  ‘Seems to make sense.’

  ‘So how long will we stay here?’

  ‘It depends on Snikkle and Likklet. Once they have the ship in order, I think we’ll head directly for Terranova Two.’

  ‘And what do you expect to find there?’

  ‘I really have no idea April.’

  ‘So how do you plan to get us out of here?’ Snurd asked Snikkle.

  ‘Oh come on Snurd. They’ll do it.’ String said before Snikkle could answer.

  ‘Yes. I think Sergeant Snikkle and Lieutenant Likklet have done wonderfully well,’ May added. ‘I’m sure we’ll all arrive safely.’

  ‘Safely where?’ Snurd asked.’

  It took Snikkle and Likklet, with the help of Feb, String and Snurd, two days to get the cruiser ready for service. Most systems were operational but there was a shortage of power. Until they could get the SSGCC-Twelve free of the Unterlodd Void they couldn’t replenish their fuel supply with sub-spacial particles. And as all the power they had would be needed to try to free themselves from the void, there was no power for the shields. There was no time to consider the risks too deeply though, as for every hour that they stayed, their power was diminishing.


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