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February The Fifth (The Glothic Tales)

Page 18

by Derek Haines

  ‘And the others?’ Feb asked Overload.

  ‘December was to be used to simply store the twelve facets of the Royal Gregorian family traits after they were extracted from you.’

  ‘Hence the attempts to capture me after the investiture,’ Feb added then continued. ‘So why didn’t they just use December in the first place?’

  ‘Probably a mistake on their part in the end, but then they thought it would be easy to use you sir as you were the successor.’

  ‘And a malleable fool?’ Feb asked.

  ‘Put crudely I suppose, yes. I believe their initial plan was to allow for your investiture, for good public relations so to say. Then extract the twelve facets of the Royal Gregorian family traits from you after a few days then install them in December.’

  ‘Until they could find a way to get them from December and use them themselves,’ Feb concluded.

  ‘Correct sir,’ Overload confirmed.

  ‘But the traits were initially to be extracted from my father, weren’t they?’ Feb stated with certainty, and sadness.

  ‘Yes. That was the original plan sir.’

  ‘And our father?’ April asked.

  ‘Their attempt failed badly. I believe he is dead. I’m truly sorry April,’ Overload conceded.

  ‘And our brothers?’ Feb asked.

  ‘I don’t know sir. I really don’t have any information regarding them at all.’

  A timid tap on the door broke the air. The door opened slowly. ‘Would you like more tea?’

  A few polite thank you but noes gave Giovanna the cue to close the door.

  ‘Alright,’ Feb started again once Giovanna had closed the door. ‘If I have understood the situation, it is probable that I can still rely on the loyalty of Glutz and the Gregorian Guard.’

  ‘I believe you can sir. So long as he is still…..’

  ‘Hasn’t been arrested you mean?’ Feb asked.

  ‘There is that possibility sir.’

  ‘By who?’

  ‘The Grand Council Guards. Kortek and Umblicat have assumed command I believe, with the cooperation of the commanding officer, Major Snerlic.’

  ‘Guard against guard,’ String almost mumbled to himself, but was heard by everyone.

  ‘It would seem so young String,’ Snurd agreed.

  ‘Very well,’ Feb said. ‘Anything else Mr President?’

  ‘I think not sir.’

  ‘Just one question,’ April asked Overload.


  ‘Our sisters?’

  ‘I have no information about May and June, or your pilots. I’m sorry.’

  To Find A Crown

  Lefroy Overload was a tired and defeated man. He left the Cavern Parlour alone for some rest after his admissions. The others stayed to consider the situation.

  After a period of silence, it was String who set the situation clearly. ‘I think you need this Glutz and his men onside Feb, to take on the Grand Council Guards. Without some muscle, these two councillors won’t be able to do much.’

  ‘Yes String, but there are other considerations.’ Feb replied.

  ‘Your sisters, yes,’ String replied.

  ‘And our two wonderful pilots,’ April added.

  ‘Of course,’ Feb agreed. ‘But also the possibility that my brothers are alive as well.’

  ‘Do you really think so Feb?’ April asked.

  ‘There’s a possibility April. So we can only hope. But even if we can get Glutz and the Gregorian Guard organised to help us, if we went back to Gloth with all their weapons blazing, these two rogue councillors would still have time to react.’

  ‘To harm May and ….,’ April started to say.

  ‘It would seem we have an order of events here,’ Snurd said. ‘Without hostages these gentlemen would have much less to bargain with. Problem number one. But in the long term it would seem clear that this General Durrgan Dirrth at Glothic High Command will be the key player in establishing who officially holds power on Gloth. Problem number two.’

  ‘Any other problems on your list,’ Feb asked Snurd with half a smile understanding that Snurd had arrived at the essence of the issues.

  ‘Getting back to Gloth aboard something other than a fish transporter sir,’ Snurd replied. Everyone had a small, but tension relieving laugh at Snurd’s remark. All except Snurd who was very serious about his dislike for smelly fish transporters.

  ‘Well my friend, I think we’d all prefer more suitable transport,’ Feb replied with a smile. ‘But before we get to that, I think we need to consider your first point.’

  ‘Yes sir. I think that is the most logical step under the circumstances,’ Snurd replied.

  ‘And any ideas?’ Feb asked.

  ‘I am afraid I am at a loss there sir. I am not well qualified to locate missing persons.’

  ‘Oh, it’s simple. We just need to find out who is holding them,’ String said.

  ‘Go on,’ Feb replied.

  ‘Well Feb, when you so kindly had me arrested for serving tea….,’

  ‘Yes, alright String. Sorry about that,’ Feb said with a grin. ‘Go on.’

  ‘Only joking Feb. I sort of forgive you now,’ String replied with a laugh. ‘But when Commander Glutz took me from your office, he handed me over to one of his officers. I remember Glutz telling him to process me and log me in the ‘Quiet File’.’

  ‘Any idea what that meant String?’ Feb asked.

  ‘Not really Feb. Sounded really secret though. I was thinking that maybe this officer might be someone to contact. Maybe your sisters were entered in the same file. You know, being secret and all.’

  ‘Do you remember his name. This officer?’

  ‘Oh yes Feb. How could I forget? Lieutenant Grubbilli.’

  A tap at the door broke their discussion. It was Giovanna. ‘I’ve prepared a late dinner for you.’

  ‘Oh that’s very kind of you Giovanna,’ April answered.

  ‘The dining room is just down the corridor.’

  ‘Thank you. Oh, have you asked Mr Overload to join us.’

  ‘I tried, but it seemed he wasn’t in his room.’

  ‘Alright, we’re coming now,’ April said and looked to find instant agreement from everyone else and Giovanna closed the door.

  ‘Let’s get going then,’ Feb said. ‘Eh, String. Would you mind seeing if Mr Overload is around? See if he wants to join us.’

  ‘Sure Feb.’

  For a late dinner, Giovanna had excelled. A table of Rom delights. Four types of pasta with three sauces, plus a marvellous selection of what they discovered was called antipasti.

  ‘Should we wait for String?’ Snurd asked.

  ‘Oh I don’t think that’ll be necessary. There seems to be more than enough. He won’t miss out,’ April answered. ‘Will you be joining us Giovanna?’

  ‘Oh thank you, but no. I’ve already eaten. Please enjoy,’ she replied. ‘But, if I may, I’ll stay for some wine.’

  ‘Oh, please do,’ Feb said. ‘I’ve been meaning to ask you if you’ve been to the annex on Terranova Two.’

  ‘No never.’

  ‘But you know Atoth?’

  ‘Only by correspondence.’

  ‘So, he’s never been here either.’


  ‘That’s a pity,’ April added.

  ‘Yes, it is I suppose,’ Giovanna said. ‘But it’s a very long way.’

  ‘I can vouch for that indeed,’ Snurd said. ‘Particularly by Mr Atoth’s preferred means of supplied transport.’

  ‘Oh. And what is that?’ she asked.

  ‘I believe it is the transport system your family owns madam.’

  ‘Oh yes. I’m so sorry Mr Humped. A little fishy for some.’

  ‘Yes I would go as far as to say that …,’ Snurd started to say before String’s bursting through the door interrupted him.

  ‘Feb! You’d better come with me. Quick!’ String said almost breathlessly, and Feb sprung to his feet.

  ‘Yes. Co
ming String.’

  Feb followed String in silence as String led the way, running. Towards the Dodecahedron Chamber. As they turned the last corner in the corridor, Feb saw what String was so perturbed about. The doors to the Dodecahedron Chamber were open, and from the iron clasp that secured the closed doors at the top of the doorway, Overload’s body was still ever so gently moving from side to side, from a noose of twisted bedsheets around his neck. His tongue awkwardly hanging from the left side of his mouth, and his eyes deathly wide open. Feb moved towards Overload’s dangling body and stood and stared up into the dead eyes of his Grand Council President.

  ‘I would’ve forgiven you sir. But it seems, you could not find a way to do the same for yourself.’

  Feb stood for some time just looking at Overload. String wasn’t sure what he should do, so he made the wise choice to wait quietly. After some minuets, Feb finally spoke. ‘Help me get him down will you String.’

  As much of a shock as it was too all, Overload’s death signalled that it was time to act decisively. With no Supreme Potentate or Grand Council President on Gloth, Gregorian Rule and the Twelve Sun Systems of Gloth were now extremely vulnerable. Snurd in particular painted a very disturbing picture of what could eventuate if Hadlian Kortek and Alsiatious Umblicat seized control of the Grand Council and Glothic High Command as well. Feb and April were more of the view that they may have already done so.

  They considered their choices. But all involved getting back to Gloth as soon as possible. Unnoticed. Snurd agreed that he could suffer one more short, fish flavoured journey. Giovanna arranged for the pilot who had bought them to Erde, to meet with Feb to discuss the flight.

  Co-Pilot First Class Heggix Concurian arrived at the Cavern with his senior pilot, Pilot First Class Flaximoss Xylocram very early the next morning. Feb and April welcomed them and guided them to the Cavern Parlour where Snurd and String were waiting.

  ‘Very nice to see you all again,’ Xylocram said as he accepted the seat offered to him.

  ‘And you too sir,’ Snurd said politely.

  ‘Very well. We should get underway I think,’ Feb said wanting to move on and save a lot of time on pleasantries. ‘How soon would you be able to take us to Gloth Mr Xylocram?’

  ‘We’re scheduled to transport a consignment in three days sir, so I would need to be back before then. So, the latest I could leave for Gloth and return in time would be tomorrow evening.’

  ‘Would it be possible to leave for Gloth today?’ Feb asked.

  ‘Certainly sir. I would need about three hours to prepare for the flight, but it would suit me better than tomorrow, as it would be a bit of a rush.’

  ‘Good. So where do you normally land when you fly to Gloth?’

  ‘The Erdean Salmon Conglomerate’s warehouse is just outside Gloth City sir. We usually land there to unload.’

  ‘I don’t know it. Where is it near?’

  ‘Just to the north-east sir. Here, I can show you on my PortaNav.’ Xylocram said as he took out his PortaNav and set his coordinates. An aerial view appeared on the PortaNav’s screen. He changed it to map view. ‘Here sir,’ he said as he pointed to the location.

  ‘Can you enlarge it for me please?’ Feb asked.


  ‘Stop there,’ Feb said. ‘So this is your warehouse here?’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘Can you enlarge this area here,’ Feb said as he pointed to a position on the PortaNav just a little to the south of the warehouse landing zone. ‘Ah good. Now this building here. Can you bring up a ground view?’

  ‘Yes sir. Just a second,’ Xylocram said as he made the necessary adjustments. ‘There we are.’

  ‘Very good. Yes,’ Feb said.

  ‘What is it?’ String asked.

  ‘The Royal Coach Hangar,’ Feb said with a smile.

  ‘Back to the beginning Feb,’ April said.

  ‘Yes April. Could there be anywhere better?’ Feb asked.

  Just as the two pilots were about to leave and get ready for the flight, Feb had one last question.

  ‘Gentlemen. Could I just ask one thing more?’

  ‘Certainly sir,’ Xylocram replied.

  ‘Do either of you have a spare Gloth Q’muniktor that I could borrow?’

  ‘Oh, I have a spare one sir aboard ship,’ Concurian said instantly. ‘It’s not the current model sir. It can only be used in Sun System One.’

  ‘That will do very nicely indeed.’

  ‘Well, you can have it sir,’ Concurian explained. ‘It was used by one of our cargo handlers, but he’s emigrated to Sun System Seven. I had meant to have it recycled anyway.’

  ‘Thank you, that’s very kind of you. Um, by the way. What’s was this man’s name?’

  ‘Chronnlyc Biastrall sir.’

  Once aboard and settled for the short trip to Gloth, Feb took the Q’muniktor that Concurian had given him. He entered a number and called. Waiting in vain as there was no answer. He then tried another number. After a few seconds it answered.

  ‘Gregorian Guard, Lieutenant Grubbilli speaking.’

  ‘Good afternoon Lieutenant Grubbilli. This is February the Fifth, the Supreme Potentate of the Twelve Sun Systems of Gloth calling.’

  ‘Oh, I’m sorry. I have your name here as Chronnlyc Biastrall,’ Grubbilli said somewhat suspiciously.

  ‘That’s correct Lieutenant Grubbilli. I have had to borrow a Q’muniktor to call you.’

  ‘But I need to confirm…,’

  ‘Switch to video Lieutenant Grubbilli, and conduct a facial and iris recognition please.’

  ‘Doing so now,’ Grubbilli said understanding that only a few people knew of this security measure. ‘Confirmed sir.’

  ‘Good. Now I need to speak with Commander Glutz urgently but he’s not responding. Do you know how I can reach him?’

  ‘Just one moment sir. I’m switching to a secure scrambled frequency,’ Grubbilli said and a short crackle and hiss appeared, and then faded. ‘Yes sir. Commander Glutz is currently on Alternus sir.’

  ‘Do you know the reason?’ Feb asked, immediately curious as to why Glutz would leave Gloth at such a sensitive time.

  ‘No sir. I’m sorry. He didn’t brief me.’

  ‘When do you expect his return?’

  ‘I’ve not been advised sir.’

  ‘Very well. So, how can I contact him? I did try with this Q’muniktor but he didn’t respond.’

  ‘Understandable sir. Commander Glutz can only be contacted via an official secure device. But perhaps I can try to patch you through from here.’

  ‘Yes Lieutenant Grubbilli. Thank you.’

  ‘Just one moment sir. I have not done this very often.’

  ‘I’ll wait.’

  ‘Thank you sir.’

  A minute or two passed and Feb could only hear crackling, beeping and clicking on his Q’muniktor. He was relieved when he finally heard Grubbilli say, ‘Please go ahead. Audio possible only,’ and then a familiar voice greeted him.

  ‘Glutz speaking.’

  ‘Good afternoon Commander Glutz. It’s February.’

  ‘Good afternoon sir. Where are you?’

  ‘On my way to Gloth. But just before we go any further, I’m afraid I have some very bad news for you.’

  ‘Yes sir?’

  ‘Your wife’s grand father, Lefroy Overload, passed away yesterday.’

  ‘Oh dear. That is bad news. Not only for my family but for Gloth as well. Can I ask what happened?’

  ‘It was suicide I’m afraid commander, but I would like this to remain between you and me. It happened on Erde in Rom.’

  ‘What was he doing there?’

  ‘He was distraught with the events of recent times. Look, I’ll make the arrangements for him to have an official funeral on Gloth, but unfortunately there are other matters to attend to at present.’

  ‘Yes sir. I understand. Thank you for advising me so quickly.’

  ‘Now. I believe you’re on Alternus. C
an I ask why?’

  ‘Yes sir. I’m due to return this evening to Gloth. I came here to arrange special protective custody for some people close to you.’

  ‘My sisters?’

  ‘Yes sir. And your two pilots.’

  ‘Oh, I’m so glad to hear they are all safe. But, who ordered the protective custody?’

  ‘General Durrgan Dirrth sir.’

  ‘Commander, that is the best news I could have received today. Look, there’s not a lot of time. I’ve just left Erde. Perhaps I could meet you on Alternus before you leave.’

  ‘Certainly sir. You know of the problems on Gloth I presume.’

  ‘Some, but probably not all,’ Feb admitted.

  ‘Well sir, I just received word less than an hour ago that a new Grand Council President has been elected and that the investiture of a new Supreme Potentate is arranged for the day after tomorrow.’

  ‘Who is the new president?’

  ‘Grand Councillor Hadlian Kortek sir.’

  ‘And the new potentate must be December. Am I correct?’

  ‘Yes sir. Correct.’

  ‘Alright. Where can I find you on Alternus?’

  ‘Sending my coordinates to you as we speak sir.’

  ‘Thank you commander. Can you hold for a minute or two while I check with my pilot?’

  ‘Certainly sir.’

  Feb ran to the flight deck and Xylocram agreed to change course, but noted that they would have to leave Alternus within three hours. Feb assured him that it would be no longer than that.

  ‘Very well Commander Glutz. I’ll see you in a little over two hours.’

  ‘I very much look forward to seeing you sir.’

  ‘Are you sure you can trust Glutz?’ April asked Feb when he told the others of the change in plan.

  ‘I hope so April. But the first reason is May and June.’

  ‘And Snikkle and Likklet?’ String asked.

  ‘Yes of course. If we can,’ Feb replied and saw Snurd looking very serious. Even for him. ‘You look worried Snurd.’

  ‘Oh, very sorry sir. I was just thinking about what you said regarding General Dirrth.’


  ‘Well, it is most odd is it not? After all he is the one who ordered all the shooting at our cruiser and then issued the order to capture it while we were on Terranova Two. And now he orders protective custody. Do you think he has perhaps had a change of heart?’


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