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by Jordan Silver

  “There was one thing my father taught my brother and I as young men that we held to. Never go on the hunt with anything but a clear head. Your lie that day that my brother was in his cups sealed your fate, all that was left was to find out the whys since I knew you were too much of a fool to have dared.”

  He shook and blubbered out excuses, but there was only one thing I wanted to hear. “Did you murder my brother?” I pressed the blade against his flesh until I drew blood.

  “Yes.” It was a squeak but it was all I needed. I said no more words as I lifted his head by the hair, pulled it back and slashed the knife across his throat.

  Blood sprayed across the room and warmed my hands. The father was in shock and all that emitted from him were croaking sounds as if he choked on his own bile. The pig.

  “See what you have done to your son? See what your greed and deceit has wrought? You may join those other men in hell where they await you bastard.”

  I made swift work of taking his head, his pleas dying beneath the sting of the blade.

  “Hang their heads on the palace gates for all to see.” I directed this to Hershey who had turned just a little green.

  “Sire?” He looked rather aghast.

  “You heard me.” I left the room for my chambers and put the matter behind me. I am sick to my soul of lies and deceit.

  My brother for all that he was a disappointment in many ways was still my blood. We had shared much as young lads until our sire’s death had changed him, even more so than that of our mother’s had.

  I had not allowed myself to mourn him properly, not until I had satisfied myself that he was indeed murdered and taken care of the ones responsible.

  Tonight I locked myself behind the doors of my chambers and indulged in the fruit of the vine until exhaustion drove me to my bed.

  Chapter 8

  King Julian


  The outcry started early the next morn as the palace stirred and everyone was up and about. There were whispers and murmurings aplenty, but the word was already spreading of Crompton and his son’s treachery.

  I need not say anything as I had warned my subjects before, what would befall them if they were found in any act of treason against their king.

  I had forgotten my sister in law the night before and knew not if she had come to my chambers as planned.

  Upon awakening I’d been busy making plans for the child who would’ve replaced me had the plot succeeded. Even now Nicholas was taking him to one of my holdings where he would be kept under guard for the rest of his life. I had no more need of conspiracies.

  With that taken care of the next order of business was to send for my sister to bring her back home. She needed me now, and had not been too pleased when I sent her away. Poor little dove I will make it up to her.

  That night there was something strange in the air. Georgina was holding court in one corner of the hall surrounded by all the eligible young men, but it was obvious whose attention she was really vying for.

  Each time her laughter rang out to draw the eye, I ignored all her attempts. I’m sure she’d soon find someone else to warm her bed.

  And I couldn’t help but notice that Cecile kept me in her sights even as she pretended disinterest.

  What made things strange was the way both women seemed to be aware of each other. Each time my eyes strayed to Cecile, which was often because I couldn’t help myself. Georgina would send a look of utter spite her way.

  There was nothing to give away my feelings in the looks I sent the object of my desire. Anyone looking on would see a brother watching over his brother’s widow. But for whatever reason, Georgina seemed to notice something that no one else did.

  For the rest of the evening I did my best to ignore both women. One because I had no interest and the other because there was too much.

  Nicholas returned late into the night with quite the proposition, but not looking forward to a repeat of my last dalliance I had to decline.

  “Are you sure? I hear these two know all the ways to make a man’s rod happy.” I rebuffed the offer again and excused myself not long after.

  My sister was now ensconced in her new chambers, which only I, and her nurse were aware of for now. I looked in on her, standing over her bed as she slept the sleep of the innocent.

  I ran a finger gently through her hair and silently vowed to keep the last of my family alive no matter what.

  I left her after assuring myself that she was safe and feeling rather despondent, sought my bed.

  I had a fitful night until sleep finally claimed me, but it wasn’t much longer after that I was awakened from a most pleasurable dream. I was just about to plunge my aching rod into Cecile’s waiting quim when the noise intruded.

  "Your majesty I beg a boon." Her voice choked with tears awakened me fully. I had reached for my sword at the first noise until her voice reached me and I relaxed.

  I turned to see her standing there; looking so forlorn it broke my heart. It took my poor brain a second or two to register what I was seeing. Cecile, here, in my private chambers in the dead of night.

  She must think me a stupid sod the way I just stared at her almost stupefied. I’d been dreaming of her, wanting her. Doing to her what I only could in my dreams. Fighting the urge to go to her. She needed time. I had stopped fooling myself that I could go on without having her at least once. Maybe then I could get her out of my system. Now here she stood.

  Did she know how appealing she was in the nightdress that showed through the bed robe that was even now falling from her shoulders?

  The way her plump titties pushed up and out was mouth watering and drew my eyes whether she meant them to or nay. I'm a known skirt chaser throughout my kingdom, so I know she knew of my reputation. There can be only one reason for her to come before me dressed as she was at this time of night. Or so I hoped.

  Every lustful thought I ever had about her came to the forefront and I swallowed hard and held myself still. The truth is, the only reason I hadn't fucked her as yet, is because of my love for my brother. As bad as I am I don’t poach. Unless it’s my enemy’s wife, or daughter and in one case even a sister; but that’s another story.

  But the desire had been there, and each time I'd been in her presence, my lecherous cock had strained to get at her. I’d spent many a night feeling ashamed of myself for my lascivious thoughts where she was concerned. I had even had to stop myself from finding release with her image in my head as I pleasured myself.

  But I should’ve known after the looks she’d sent my way at dinner and the way she’s been acting here of late, that something like this might happen.

  I was getting ahead of myself. She had yet to tell me why she was here. For all I know her reasons for coming to me could be innocent.

  It was lucky that I had turned down the offer from Nicholas to have a bit of fun with the two visiting French ladies in waiting.

  The truth was, it was because of her that I had said no. She was much on my mind these last few days and seeing her here in my rooms, so scantily dressed, was very taxing.

  It was only tonight, a few short hours ago no less as I readied myself for bed that I’d made up my mind about her. There was only one way to get this fever out of my blood. My brother was gone. I cannot bring him back.

  Had he lived I never would have dishonored him no matter what I felt for her. I'd thought to give her at least a fortnight before taking her, by force if necessary, that’s probably what had triggered the dream. But she'd just thrown herself into danger.

  No matter her reasons for coming here, she wasn’t leaving without me plowing her belly first. Rolling onto my back under the covers I reached my hand out to her.

  "What can I do for you sweet sister?"

  She tripped her way to the bed tears falling from her eyes. I was ready to go to war thinking someone had done her harm, but her next words threw me into a tailspin.

  "A son, for your brother, please, don't let his line end, please he
lp me." She was very distressed as she threw herself at me. My heart leapt at her words but I needed to be sure that I’d understood her correctly.

  "Ssh, shh, quiet my pet, you'll make yourself ill. Now tell me, what do you mean by a son?" My rod knew, but my head and heart needed to be sure.

  "In the old days, when a man died childless, his brother took his widow to wife to raise up seed unto his name. I know we can't marry, but if you get me with child now no one would know the child wasn't Frederick’s and the time is right, please."

  I'm more than a little surprised at what the prim and proper lady Cecile was suggesting. It was so foreign to everything I knew of her. “Cecile do you know what you’re asking?”

  Perhaps she was ill. Maybe the stress of her loss had splintered her mind. She'd taken to her bed the first few days after my brother’s death, and had been sullen ever since.

  Had I been remiss in my duties to her as well? Should I have kept a closer eye instead of thinking only of my lust? My lust warred with my need to protect.

  Was it really her need and longing for a child that had propelled her through the corridors of my palace in the middle of the night? Or was there something else at play here?

  “Please. I know you may find me less appealing than most, but I beg of you, please. If you bear me any affection do this for me. I will ask nothing more of you my lord.”

  She pressed herself against me and her nightdress and robe slipped further down her arms. She lifted one of my hands and placed it beneath her full magnificent breast, her eyes wide and uncertain.

  “I will do as you wish my king, you may take me anyway you desire, just please, don’t turn me away.” Had I ever imagined I’d hear those words spoken from her sweet lips?

  My heart raced out of my chest as she spoke, and my thumb subtly rubbed the underside of her magnificent tit because I couldn’t help myself.

  She was really here, in my bed, begging me to fuck her. My cock was already full and I felt the pearly drop of my essence leak from its tip. I studied her beauty. It was the first time I’d ever really had the pleasure of seeing her thus. Ravishing.

  Would she run screaming in terror if she knew my thoughts? She has no idea what she has just done. Her intentions maybe of the purest, but mine most certainly were not.

  "Of course I'll help you, if you're sure this is what you want." I was already pushing the nightdress out of the way, my hand trailing its way up her warm slender thigh. Why did my heart beat so that it hurt? I’d done this too oft to count. And yet, it was as the first, as if all that came before were but a shadow of things to come.

  At her nod, I drew her head slowly down to mine keeping our eyes locked and took my first taste of her lips; so soft so warm. I felt the kiss to my very depths, like living water to a man dying of thirst. My cock twitched and sprung back up and I wondered if she'd realized that her king was naked beneath the bedclothes.

  Everything within me cried out to fuck her now, not to wait a second more to get inside what I imagined to be the sweetest little cunny in all my kingdom. But if I pierced her now I just might hurt her, my need was that strong.

  I wasn’t sure I could give her the time and care she needed this first time, I’d wanted her too long. But there was always the second time. And since she wanted me to get her with child, there was no telling how long that might take. How many nights would be spent like this. The thought made my cock leak and my balls tighten.

  Pushing the bedclothes aside I drew her down to lie next to me before pulling them over us again to shield her from the cold. Her soft body was warm and inviting as I drew the final ribbon open around the neck of the silk nightdress.

  The tops of her breasts called to me and I lowered my head to taste. Her scent of roses intoxicated me as I licked her flesh. I might be king, but in that moment she held the power. She’d bewitched me I think. And the only way to be released from her spell was to slate my lust between her thighs.

  Pulling the top down roughly I bared her beauties to my lustful eyes, before taking a nipple between my teeth. She arched into my mouth her hand going to my head to hold me close as her body writhed in heat.

  She moaned with lust as I flicked my tongue back and forth over her nipple, tasting first one and then the other until she lost all inhibitions and pushed herself harder against me, her body lifted off the bed.

  Hot little bitch; most country girls were in my experience. I wondered fleetingly what kind of lover my brother had been, and squashed the ugly head of jealousy that plagued me then.

  I had no doubt she'd enjoy my cock more than any other. My eleven and a half inches were a thing of legend, that's why half of the ladies of the court fought for a place in my bed. But she was the only one I cared about pleasing, the one I wanted to conquer and enslave.

  I finally just tore the silk cloth from her body and flung it to the floor. I jumped from the bed to retrieve a candlestick from the mantle. I wanted to see her, all of her. I wanted that picture of her to carry with me from this night.

  Holding the candle aloft I looked down upon her naked beauty, which she shyly tried to hide from my eyes. Cupping that place between her thighs with one hand as she flung the other arm over her magnificent titties.

  She was just as I imagined. Her legs were long and well shaped, the bush between her thighs the same dark auburn of the rich curls on her head, her tummy flat and her skin without blemish. Soon her flesh will stretch with the growth of my seed. I could almost see it.

  “You’re beautiful pet.” I couldn’t resist running my fingers between her bountiful tits and fondling them before turning to replace the candle.

  I climbed back onto the bed next to her and drew her back into my arms, still captivated by her beauty. She was nervous and unsure of herself, nothing like my usual fare, but that was to be expected. She was no coquette, and her very innocence enticed me to do all manner of things to her as she laid bare awaiting my pleasure.

  My eyes went to her ample titties again and it was impossible not to touch. I hefted one in my hand and lowered my head to taste her flesh. Will my son or daughter soon feed at her thus?

  A shock of immense pleasure rushed through me and I had to press my randy cock into the mattress to gain some much-needed control.

  I played my tongue and teeth around the turgid flesh in my mouth and reveled in her soft cries more than any other.

  Tonguing her engorged nipple I ran my hand down her middle until I felt her wet cunny. She opened like a flower around my fingers sucking me in greedily.

  She was hot and tight and I grew lightheaded at the thought of all that heat wrapped around my cock, squeezing, milking. I fingered her slowly as I ate at her breasts, her soft moans driving me on.

  She moved beneath my hand, as her fingers pressed my head into her. She wanted more of my mouth and I gave in. I sucked more of her flesh into my mouth and drove my fingers deeper into her being careful not to hurt her.

  The scent of her arousal reached my nose and made my cock come to complete fullness. I wanted to taste between her thighs, wanted to bury my tongue deep within all that tightness until she filled my mouth with her sweet nectar.

  So as much as my rod was raging to get inside her, I took my time. Now that I had her where I wanted her I could pace myself. The earlier rush was gone. I wanted to savor every moment of our first time together.

  There'll be time enough for fucking later, but now I wanted to pleasure her, make her a slave to my loving. When she left my bed I wanted her to crave me as much as I had come to crave her.

  It was a dangerous thought, to be sure. One that could only lead to torment for one or both of us. I dashed that thought away. I’m the king. Why shouldn’t I have the one thing I wanted above all else?

  I took slow gentle nibbles down her middle until I reached her Mons. Her silky bush tickled my lips as I kissed her there.

  Spreading her open with my broad shoulders I looked down at her and the pulse of my heart thumped in rhythm with the one i
n my rod. Sweet mercy.

  Her feet were planted flat against the feather bed as I gazed down at her pinkness, opened and inviting. Her fair skin reddened under my gaze and she brought her hand down to cover herself.

  “No my sweet, do not hide yourself from me.” I moved her hand away and put my mouth on her.

  She was as sweet as I’d known she would be. Her taste unlike any other as was everything else about her. There was no comparing my jewel to all the tarnished thorns. Somehow my heart had always known, and the reality was sweet.

  I lapped at her hungrily, lifting my hands to her nipples to tweak and fondle as I forced my tongue past her tight folds.

  She humped into my mouth slowly at first, until I sunk my tongue deep into her cunt, my nose rubbing against her clit. Then she became wild and abandoned. All reserve fled as her body fell victim to the age-old temptation of unbridled lust.

  "Yes your majesty, that’s" She dug her heels into the mattress and pushed herself harder against my mouth as her hands pressed me against her flesh. Her juices burst forth into my mouth and I sipped and licked at her sweet flesh until her cunny became a wellspring.

  So much heat so much passion. There's no way my brother could've kept up with her. No way my quietly retiring brother had been able to draw these cries of wanton lust from her.

  My cock thumped repeatedly against the bed in incessant need as I pressed against it trying to control the raging lust that burned. It was such a heady feeling finally being between her succulent thighs after years of secretly wanting.

  The way she rode my tongue told me she'd be a wild fuck and I almost couldn't wait to feel her beneath me. I hope she knew what she was in for, hope she was ready to be fucked by the man and not just her king.

  As for me this was so different from all that I had ever known. Even with all the limitations put upon us by circumstances, this was already more than all that had come before. I’m afraid I know why that is and wasn’t quite ready to face anything more than what we were about to share. Not tonight anyway.


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