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Prison Fling: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

Page 11

by Cassandra Dee

  Oh god, Mason!

  The big man had just made me come from memories, and nothing else.

  I’d just fucked my own ass with my fingers, unable to get enough of his body.

  Barely able to stand, my form slumped against the cold tile, breathing like a marathon runner.

  But this would never do. Time was ticking, and after a few moments, I yanked off the spigot and stepped out.

  I definitely needed to break things off with Jim.

  That was clear, no two ifs about it.

  And birth control. Oh god, I needed to get on something, anything. But what? Chemicals or plastic? Being honest, I loved the feeling of Mason’s raw cock in my holes. A condom would only ruin the sensations.

  Oh shit.

  What was my problem?

  The birds and the bees were real, and I’d taken a risk.

  Plus, here I was, getting ready for a date with one man, while frigging my privates thinking about another. Mr. Evercore’s sperm was probably still dripping from my nether parts, and yet I was going out with Jim?

  But you’re gonna break up with him, reprimanded the voice in my head. You have to do this in person, not over text or email.

  So frowning, I got ready, pulling on a shapeless blouse and voluminous trousers. They were the opposite of sexy, billowing like giant garbage bags. Because I had to get Jim out of my hair … before getting real with Mason.


  When Jim arrived at the apartment he had a bouquet of roses in his arms, and an eager, puppy dog smile.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he burbled, chipper as a chipmunk. “I got these for you. Hope you like them!” he added cheerily before blushing red as a beet.

  Even though the gesture was sweet, all I wanted to do was groan. Because Mason would never be like this. He’d ravage my form, tickling my pussy with the petals of a flower before driving that big dick into my ass.

  And even worse, that’s what I wanted. None of this shy pansy stuff. I wanted a real man, rough and ready to ride.

  So I smiled weakly.

  “They’re real nice,” I answered. “Let me just put them in some water.”

  “Okay,” Jim beamed.

  Why was I doing this? I was only leading the poor sap on. I had to break things off with him. Accepting his flowers was not helping the situation.


  I came back into the foyer and forced a smile.


  I thought about breaking the bad news right then and there, but Jim had already taken my elbow possessively, steering me to the car. Limp as a noodle, I sat in the passenger seat, hands in my lap, desperately trying to form words. But it was like my brain had stopped working.

  And soon enough, we arrived at the restaurant.

  Shit. This was the super fancy Italian restaurant that had just opened, touting their authentic Sicilian fare and tasty bufala mozzarella. Oh no, Jim had really pulled out the stops.

  Even worse, it was only then that I realized he’d dressed up for our date. Button-down shirt. Slacks. Hair combed back. The man was making a serious effort to impress me and yet, here I was, about to break up with him.

  My heart tightened with guilt.

  Would I be able to do this? Would I be able to reject this puppy dog?

  I bit my lip, unsure.

  But Jim had no idea of my thoughts. He opened the door for me and helped me out, holding onto my hand a little too tightly. His palms were sweaty. He was nervous.

  I couldn’t help but compare. If Mason were here, he wouldn’t be nervous. Instead, I’d have one big arm firmly planted around my waist, pulled close to the heat of the big man.

  By comparison, Jim held my hand like a limp noodle and shuffled forward, sweat dripping down his temples.

  The nightmare just kept getting worse. Because once we were inside, the hostess smiled, nodding, and led us to a private, candle-lit table for two. What? Again, red roses. This time as the centerpiece.

  Fuck. This was not looking good.

  Despite my brain yelling at me to run far, far away, I sat down numbly. It would be rude to leave now.

  Seeing nothing, I grabbed the menu, the words crawling like ants. The air around us grew thick with tension, but Jim didn’t even know.

  “So how was your day?” he asked with an eager smile.

  “Good,” I mumbled, hiding my face behind the menu.

  “Mine too! I was able to get out of work a little earlier. Another kitten came in today. No one’s come to claim her yet. I’m seriously considering adopting her. I don’t know, it might be nice to have a little companion to greet me when I come home. She could snuggle up on my lap while I play video games. What do you think?”

  He beamed and blinked, so proud to be an expectant daddy.

  God. This was going to be difficult, but it was something that needed to be done.

  I took a sip of water to wet my lips. The liquid went down slow and difficult to swallow.

  Taking a deep breath, I finally uttered the dreaded words. “Jim, I’m sorry, but we can’t keep seeing each other. It’s over.”

  Jim looked at me, eyes wide, looking a dead fish at the supermarket. Even his mouth gaped as if he no longer knew how to breathe.


  Now I felt bad.

  My heart tightened with guilt.

  How could I just break it off with a nice guy like Jim?

  But I knew exactly why I was doing it.

  Mason Evercore.

  The man had consumed my every thought and he had even crept into my dreams, causing me to wake up in a puddle of my own juices. God. The mere thought of him was making me hot. My panties were probably already wet. It didn’t take much when he was on my mind. He had a way of turning me into a naughty little vixen.

  And I loved it.

  Jim kept staring at me, hurt in his eyes. I couldn’t stand to see him like this so I was about to politely excuse myself when, to my horror, he started to cry.

  In public.

  Right at the table, with other diners around us.

  Oh god, no.

  It wasn’t subtle either. Not at all. In fact, it was like we were inside one of those old black and white cartoons where characters burst into tears that flooded.

  God, Jim was an ugly crier.

  Tears rolled down his cheeks. Eyes puffy. Snot hanging down his nose in a mucusy mass.

  Jeez, this was pathetic.

  And yet, I felt terrible.

  Awkwardly, I held out a napkin in his direction.

  “Here take it,” was my apologetic voice. “This will help.”

  He grabbed the paper, crumpled it into his hand and just cried even harder.

  Sighing, I got up and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, rubbing his arm in a soothing manner.

  “Shh, shh, please don’t cry…” I whispered, trying to get him to stop.

  I just couldn’t stand to see him like this. With each passing minute, the pain in my heart grew more and more intense, like a hot knife twisting back and forth.

  I should have been gentler with him. I should have found another way to let him go. Oh God, why did I make him cry? This was such a bad idea.

  The blond man’s body shook with sobs as he sniffled, wiping the snot from his nose.

  I handed him another napkin, trying to avoid the staring eyes around the restaurant. We had turned into a spectacle and I probably looked like the goddamn she-devil, face red as a tomato with my hair standing on end.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here,” I whispered, helping him out of his chair.

  Jim complied, slowly led out of the restaurant like a sniveling child.

  A part of me definitely felt bad for the guy, but at the same time, I wish he would strap on a pair. Fuck. He was supposed to be a grown man. Men don’t cry.

  Mason Evercore wouldn’t.

  Once we were outside, I left him by his car. “Are you okay to drive home?”

  He nodded, wiping
his eyes with the back of his hand. Slowly, his lips opened and closed as if he wanted to say something, but no words came out. He merely reached forwards and grabbed my hand, squeezing tight while staring into my eyes.

  Oh shit.

  Not the puppy-dog eyes.

  I had to look away, but at the very last moment I leaned forward, and placed a fond kiss on his cheek.

  Then, without another word, it was over.

  I strolled off, steps sure and firm.

  You did right, said the small voice in my head. Don’t look back because your future is before you now.

  Did that mean Mason Evercore?

  Oh god, I hoped so.


  A sense of relief washed over me as soon I got home. I leaned against the door and closed my eyes, trying to get the image of Jim’s crying face out of my head. Guilt still lurked inside my chest, but its hold on my heart wasn’t as strong anymore.

  Breaking up with Jim wasn’t a choice.

  It was a necessity.

  I couldn’t keep dating him when all I wanted to do was be with Mason Evercore.

  It wouldn’t have been right to either of them.

  Maybe nice guys always do finish last. Because what was I doing? I was leaving a perfectly safe choice for the dangerous. I was giving up a bland, vanilla life for time with a felon.

  But it was my choice.

  This is what I wanted.

  And Jim would find himself a nice girl. At least, that’s what I kept trying to tell myself.

  I sighed, chest heaving.

  Doing so, I became aware of my bra and how the material chafed. It’s one of the problems of being a big girl. My boobies are big too, so big that the straps can dig into your shoulders.

  And right now, it hurt.

  Hurriedly, I pushed open the bathroom door, already reaching into my shirt and unclipping the hooks.

  “Mmm…” was my sensuous moan as the silk dropped off and my girls were able to hang freely, luscious and swinging. The scrap of lace slipped to the ground. Chilly air seemed to wrap around my tits, causing goosebumps to form over the silky flesh. And almost instantly, my nipples stiffened.

  But was it the result of the cold, or the man who had yet to leave my mind? The alpha who kept teasing me with his godlike body and all the things he could do to me if only the circumstances had been different.

  Oh god.

  I wanted Mason. So much. Maybe I was addicted. Hell, there wasn’t even doubt anymore.

  Carefully, I slipped on my nightgown and plopped into bed. I was exhausted. Hanging out with Jim always had that effect. It was like he could suck out all my energy and leave me feeling drained.

  But not the CEO.

  Oh no.

  Every time I left the prison, I felt invigorated, like a brand-new person. My skin would tingle and my heart would beat fast. Mr. Evercore made me feel alive.

  I pulled the sheets up to my chin, getting comfortable.

  Realistically, I’d never cared about Jim. I only dated him because I felt like I had to. He was a nice guy. He was interested in me. It felt like the right thing to do. Any other girl would have done the same. Right?

  But a fire never burned for him.

  There was no excitement. No sense of promise or visions of the future ahead.

  I couldn’t date someone like that.

  This inner struggle was going to make me rip out my hair and tear my clothes into shards.

  Or worse, I would end up buying out the whole dildo collection at the local sex shop and become a regular. So much so that the cashier would know me by name.

  That was bad. I didn’t want that.

  No, I wanted Mason. Every inch of him. Every hardened muscle, those gleaming blue eyes piercing mine.

  And in half a second, it was there.

  The fire.

  The inferno that raged through my form whenever I thought of the big man. It would start in the pit of my stomach as a small ball, swirling rapidly until it seeped into other parts of my body. Of course, my pussy was the hottest – almost uncomfortably so. But I couldn’t help it. When you’re involved with someone as hot as Mason, you’re sure to get burned.

  But I didn’t care.

  Already, my hand slipped under the sheets, resting on my thigh for a moment. As my thoughts intensified, my fingertips danced. They reached the wet triangle of fabric and pushed it, plunging into my folds.

  I moaned, back arching, imagining Mason hovering over me, dominating me with his mere presence.


  I pushed in deeper, the fabric nearly disappearing inside of me.

  There was no place for someone like Jim when Mason was so compelling and magnetic.

  Blue eyes.

  Big, meaty cock.

  That husky, seductive voice of his.

  But there was a lot more to him than that. It wasn’t only the fact he could seduce me with a single look, but also that he cared about me. The alpha asked about my interests, my dreams, my needs.

  What I wanted.

  What I needed.

  What I hoped to achieve.

  He made me feel like the center of his world.

  And oh God, it felt so good.

  Better than anything else.

  As my fingers kept working, now pumping in and out with delicious squelches, I came to the realization that I was falling for him.


  Devastatingly deep.

  And there was no way to stop.

  But I didn’t want to stop.

  Even if I crashed and burned at the end, I wanted this desperate craving.

  A moan ripped through my throat, body tensing, thighs quivering and pussy clamping hard.

  Mr. Evercore!

  My mouth opened in a silent scream, his name pulled from my throat. My body clenched and spasmed, every part of me going hot and bursting into flames, a shower of sparks dazzling and brilliant.

  Because it was the first orgasm of the night, but it certainly wasn’t going to be the last. The billionaire had my heart … and I didn’t want it back.



  Three months later …

  I’d be lying if I said these weren’t the best three months of my life.

  Every week, without fail, Mason and I were together. It was crazy. While other groups were busy slaving away over the newspaper, we were working on each other’s bodies, slippery and hot, panting and crying out.

  Because he exactly where to touch, toying with my curves, pushing all the buttons at once. One brush from his skilled fingers was enough to send me over the edge, spiraling into the abyss.

  I think he liked that.

  Making me scream.

  Oh god, it was hot. So goddamn sexy.

  Sometimes I thought I was in a dream, about to wake up and find myself living my old, boring life.

  But if that was the case, I was pretty sure Mason’s hard spanks to my ass would have woken me up by now.

  Because what we were doing was so wrong, but at the same time, oh so right. And it’s more than just the physical. There’s something about the man that’s absolutely magnetic. I feel like I’m drawn to him, pulled along by an invisible cord that renders me helpless.

  Yes Mason, talk to me.

  Make me question my pre-conceived notions.

  Make me think about the things that really matter.

  Because invariably, our hot sessions are interspersed with talk. He’s interested in me. He wants to know what gets my goat, what makes me happy, sad, insecure, confused, and elated.

  I tell him, but of course, I’m leaving something out.

  Because he’s become the center of my universe. He’s what makes me happy, confused, elated, and a million other things rolled into one.

  I’m pulled to the man like a magnet inextricably drawn to its pole. There’s only one direction, and that’s towards the alpha.

  Given our intense sessions, it was a miracle that we’d gotten anything done on the paper
at all. By this time, our sessions were hotly anticipated. Ten minutes of small talk before finding some nook and cranny in the prison.

  The pantry was a favorite.

  Or down in the laundry room, in the closet that housed cleaning supplies.

  Or my favorite, outside beneath the bushes near the warden’s office. It was dangerous for sure. Sometimes there was a meeting going on inside, low male voices scratching on about this or that as Mason entered me, his thickness making me gasp.

  If we’d been caught, it would have been the end.

  But no one ever found out.

  My screams went unheard.

  The delighted pants and muffled gasps rang loudly, and yet no one came.

  And then afterwards, there was the talk. Sure, maybe we were in a cramped, dark space, my body still impaled on his, sweet spot leaking our combined juices. But he invariably finds a way to ask me about my week, and how I’ve been.

  It’s amazing.

  He cares about me.

  How I feel. What my take is on different subjects.

  And breathlessly, we catch up. We share our secrets. How he ended up in jail. How I became a journalist.

  My heart is merging with his, our souls becoming one.

  Is that possible? I didn’t think so until I met Mr. Evercore.

  But I feel out. Our roots are growing deep, twining around one another until we’re inextricably locked together.

  I’m dying for him. Yearning for him. Begging to be with him.

  My body soft, my heart melting.

  And it’s crazy because as I rode the bus to the prison on our appointed day, all I could think about was what we’d talk about. Sharing our experiences from the past week. Confiding in one another. He’s my best friend now. My one and only, and I couldn’t wait.

  My heart pounded, face flushed and excited as the bus rolled into the San Nemo complex. Only a few more minutes and I’d be in Mason Evercore’s arms, those powerful muscles pulling me close to rest against his hard chest.

  Technically, we were supposed to be working on our article, but that was for later. If I had to guess, we would start off with some flirting and by the fifteen-minute mark, he would have me moaning his name.

  It never failed.

  I couldn’t wait, everything going hot and excited at once.


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