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Prison Fling: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

Page 15

by Cassandra Dee

  I was about to babble more, but Mason’s expression stopped me. He stared, eyes an icy blue. Harsh and unyielding, cold as daggers.

  “I want a divorce,” came that masculine rasp.

  The words came as such a shock that it felt like I had taken a physical blow to the chest.



  I must have heard him wrong.


  I’d just been picturing a life together at last.

  “What? Why?” I stammered, heart seizing in my chest. “Are you joking?”

  This had to be a joke. It had to be. Mason loved me. Right?

  Why would he want a divorce?

  It didn’t make any sense.

  My head pounded trying to fathom what he could possibly mean.

  Please, let this be some kind of a horrible nightmare.

  But Mason kept staring at me, eyes growing colder by the second.

  “You know,” he growled menacingly. “You know.”

  And without another word, the man was gone, that massive form disappearing in long strides.

  I was left standing in an empty courtroom, brokenhearted and confused.

  What just happened? This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. Second happiest, after my wedding. Because with Mason free, we were supposed to embark on a new life, together in lock-step, like real spouses.

  But instead, the moment the billionaire was free, he was leaving me. Divorce. What in the world? Couldn’t be.

  My mind rushed and I leaned over, suddenly unable to breathe.

  Because maybe I’d been stupid. Maybe I’d been naïve, the dumb girl taken in by the alpha male. Had our marriage been a marriage of convenience, and nothing else? A way for the alpha to get pussy when no one else was available?

  And suddenly, the ground rushed up at me, everything going dark. Because the truth is hard to bear, and my husband had been no husband at all. I’d been a silly girl … and in the end, played like a fool.



  Bitterness filled my mouth as I strode off.

  Fuck it. Fuck it all to hell.

  This was supposed to be one of the best days of my life and instead, it was the worst.

  Satan might as well fuck me in the ass if he was going to keep throwing shit like this my way. I couldn’t stand it. One goddamn thing after another. I just couldn’t catch a break.

  I ran my fingers through my hair. A part of me still couldn’t believe it.

  Laney would never do that to me. She loved me. She was a devoted and faithful wife.

  Or so I thought.


  Just when I thought I had found the one, she had to go and stab me in the back.

  That’s always what happens in the end.

  I wouldn’t have believed it if it wasn’t for those photographs. If I had to be honest, I had my doubts from the start. A beautiful girl like her had to have someone on the outside. And, lo and behold, I was right.

  Why was I always right? Goddammit.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  My attorney approached hesitantly, an apologetic look on his pinched face. Because this was supposed to be about my appeal. Clearing the record after justice has been obscured, gone wrong in the worst of ways.

  And yet I didn’t even care about that anymore, criminal record be damned. All I cared about was my woman.

  At least, I’d thought Laney was my woman.

  My fists tightened by my side. A part of me wanted to slam the lawyer’s head into the ground for pitying me. I was Mason Evercore, billionaire alpha, and you don’t ever pity me.

  But fuck that. It was the emotions making me loopy. I was being irrational, the surges of feeling barreling through my chest like a tsunami.

  So I clamped down. I don’t let women do this to me. I didn’t need Laney anyway. She was a good fuck, but that was all. Nothing more.

  Inside the car, I closed my eyes, but as soon as I did, the pictures came back to haunt me. Because I was delusional. Who was I kidding? I’d fallen in love, and the photos cut me to the heart, like a stiletto in my ribs. How could she? Knowing that I was locked up, Laney had betrayed me in the worst of ways.

  Because my lawyer had plopped them in front of me only hours before the hearing. What a fucking way to heighten my morale.

  Apparently, not-so-sweet Laney was fucking around with some lowlife guy named Jim.

  And there was evidence.

  Proof of their kisses, their arms wrapped around one another. Right on her doorstep. On his doorstep. Even at some stupid burger joint. Oh yeah, they were real friendly.

  Here was one of her going into his apartment. Shadows behind the closed curtains. Surely, screams of pleasure ringing out, delirium as he pummeled that curvy body.

  Except that curvy body was supposed to belong to me.

  What the hell?

  She was my wife and yet Laney was sneaking around my back, seeing some other guy.

  Well, fuck her. I didn’t need some whore in my life and even if I did, they usually left with a couple of hundred bucks stuffed in their g-strings the next morning.

  So fuck the brunette.

  I wanted a divorce.

  It was just a prison marriage anyways. It’s not like it counted for anything.

  I should have known the brunette was too good to be true. I should have known she would be a two-timing slut.

  And yet, there was doubt in mind.

  Laney was a virgin, my conscience whispered. Her hymen was intact. You felt it with your tongue, licked it and then broke it with your dick. There’s no way she could have faked that.

  But there was no telling what the two-timing slut did after our hot sessions. Laney could have been with a hundred different men and I would never know.

  Hell, these photos were probably just the tip of the iceberg. She’d probably fucked a hundred different guys, it just wasn’t on camera.

  So screw her and that fake innocence.

  She’s a whore, I swore to myself. My goddamn wife was a whore and I was going to make sure her life became a living hell. No money. No settlement. No alimony. Please bitch. You think I’m an idiot? Guess again. I didn’t get to where I am by being merciful. Watch and see, pretty girl. You’ll regret it in no time.


  But things are easier said than done. Because despite the coldness of my heart, I couldn’t bring myself to do anything. Not just yet. Not when images of that curvy body danced in my mind. Her sweet smile. The way Laney whispered my name in the darkness of night, her hand covering my heart.


  I thought returning to my penthouse suite in NYC would lift my spirits. Instead, solid concrete weighed my back, teeth grinding in pain. My shoulders were heavy with grief, forcing me to down shot after shot of whiskey.

  Unfortunately, the alcohol didn’t help. It burned, but no mas. The pain was still there.

  It was funny in a way. Freedom should feel good and yet, I almost craved my tiny San Nemo cell.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  Striding to the window, I stared blindly as the sun disappeared over the Hudson. I’d always imagined bringing Laney to this very spot, arms wrapped around her waist as the last rays drenched the city in a warm almond light.

  But now, that dream was shattered. Why the hell did I fool myself into thinking that it could ever work out?

  Sometimes, the mind plays tricks.

  After all, I had it all now. Freedom. An enormous penthouse apartment. A gorgeous view. All the money a man could need for lifetimes. I could do whatever the hell I wanted. I could grab the universe by the balls and yet my heart and soul felt empty.

  Despite the legal vindication, it simply wasn’t enough.

  I wanted her.

  My wife.


  And yet, the female had betrayed me. So what now? I was a lost man with nowhere to go, and nowhere to turn. My soul caved, disappearing beneath the dark and om
inous waves. Every cell was drenched in alcohol, numbing my mind.

  Because without her, I have nothing.

  Without my beautiful girl, I’m just a wretch disappearing into the darkness, and shit, but it didn’t matter. I didn’t matter. Without her, I was nothing.



  “Oh, sweetheart, please don’t cry. Any guy that makes you cry like this doesn’t deserve you.”

  I felt my friend’s hand moving along my back in a circular motion, trying to soothe me, but it was no use. My whole body was numb. My heart had been ripped out of my chest, leaving a cavernous void that ached with every breath I took.

  This couldn’t be happening.

  Maybe I was just dreaming and I would soon wake up from this horrible nightmare to find myself in my bed, safe and sound.

  “Do you want some tea?” Penny asked, trying to get me to respond.

  I didn’t utter a peep.

  How could I?

  My whole world had been turned upside down. One second I was flying high on the thought of my husband’s freedom and the next, he wanted a divorce.

  What did I do wrong?

  Sobs shook my whole body. I wrapped my arms around my torso, holding on tight. Because if I didn’t, I’d fall apart.

  God, this couldn’t be happening.

  Why was it happening?

  What did I do to deserve this?

  I tried to search my memories for answers, but the longer I tried, the more my head ached. It was no use. Somewhere, somehow, I had fucked up and now Mason wanted a divorce.

  Oh god.


  The vile word echoed through my mind, growing louder and louder. Soon enough, it would drive me insane.

  Penny returned with a steaming cup of Earl Grey.

  I looked up at her, eyes puffy, tears rolling down my cheeks. A long time ago, I vowed that I would never let myself cry this hard over a guy. But back then, I didn’t know Mason Evercore.

  “Laney…,” my friend whispered, sitting down beside me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

  Limply, my body fell into hers, head settling on her chest.

  Slowly, she rubbed my arm, holding me tight.

  “Just forget about him,” she soothed.

  “I can’t,” was my sorrowful mumble.

  “Of course you can, Laney. You’re a beautiful and capable young woman. You can do better.”

  I shook my head, pulling away from her. “No. We were so happy together. He was the man of my dreams. Everything seemed so perfect. I don’t know what went wrong. It doesn’t make any sense.”

  My sobs had stopped, but the tears kept coming, streaming down my cheeks. I wiped them off, frustrated that I was breaking down so easily.


  If I could only think straight, then maybe I could figure this out.

  But all I could think about was him.

  Those alluring eyes. His broad shoulders. The timbre of his voice. Everything that made me fall in love with the alpha clouded my perception.

  What went wrong?

  Penny took my hands in hers and squeezed them. “Don’t beat yourself up over this. Guys are just weird. You know that.”

  “But there has to be a reason.” I insisted. “Something I did. Something I didn’t do … just something. He wouldn’t divorce me for no good reason.”

  “Laney, it’s not your fault.” Penny picked up the tea and placed the mug in my hands. The ceramic was warm to the touch, the aroma relaxing, but even that wasn’t enough to console me.

  Shaking my head, I got up, pacing around the room. There had to be a reason. There just had to be.

  “My husband wants to divorce me,” were my slot, shattered words. “The minute he’s a free man, and he wants to divorce me.” I stopped, running my fingers through my hair, trying to find a logical explanation. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

  Penny looked at me with a reluctant expression on her face. “Laney, don’t beat yourself up trying to figure this out.”

  I ignored her, continuing to pace around her living room like a mad woman. One way or another, I had to get to the bottom of this.


  Again, I ignored her.

  “Laney.” This time, she raised her voice.

  I stopped, looking at her. Penny never raised her voice, so this was new.

  “What?” I asked in a surly voice.

  “I think I know why he asked for a divorce. Don’t you see it?” Her voice was softer now, treading slowly over every word. The woman’s fingers wrung together. She was nervous, and afraid to tell me something.

  Quickly, I sat beside her, looking into her eyes, desperate for the truth, no matter how painful. “Please, Penny, if you know, you have to tell me.”

  She bit her lip before finally taking a deep breath, words spilling out of her mouth. “It’s because he has freedom now. Before, when Mason was locked up, he didn’t have any other choice. You were his only option. You were the best he could have while in prison, but now that he’s out, he has the whole world at his fingertips. He can have any girl in the world. He doesn’t need you anymore,” she said slowly. “Don’t you see that?”

  The pain struck my heart like an iron brand. Could her words be true?

  But Penny nodded, continuing.

  “All those models and actresses that used to flock to him before the scandal? They’re back. And they want him. Why not? He’s still rich and powerful. The CEO of an international conglomerate. He can abuse that power in any way he wants, including dumping you for someone else if that’s what floats his boat.”

  I had to stop her. “Penny… please…” I begged, looking up at her, face still stained with tears. “I can’t listen to this. It can’t be true. Mason didn’t want me just because I was the only one available. He loved me. He said so countless times. We got married.” I protested, but even as I tried to defend our relationship, the cogs inside my head were working, piecing everything together. I wanted to believe that our love was pure and eternal but it wasn’t adding up.

  How many times did he look at me like I was the only girl in the world?

  How many times did the billionaire’s smile make my heart flutter?

  How many times did he whisper sweet nothings into my ear as we made love?

  It had to mean something, right?

  I didn’t know anymore.

  As much as I wanted to deny the truth to Penny’s words, they made sense.

  Painful, heart-wrenching sense.

  It was the only one available.

  He was horny.

  And so was I.

  And there’d been an immediate physical connection.

  But we fell in love, didn’t we?

  All those times we confided in one another, talking about our future, the life we would create for ourselves. That was based on more than just lust, wasn’t it? Even now, I could feel my heartstrings stirring at the thought of the alpha. I loved Mason, but the question was, did he love me?

  I replayed memory after memory in my head, but now, all the romantic moments were clouded with doubt.

  Was it all a ploy? Something to pass the time until he could move onto something better?

  No, please God, no. Don’t let it be true.

  Penny shook her head regretfully. “I’m not sure what else it could be,” she said. “I mean, from what you’ve told me, you haven’t changed. Nothing is different. Didn’t you think it was strange that on the day he gets his freedom, he decides to dump you? It can’t be just a coincidence.”

  Her words pushed away any doubt left in my mind.

  Penny was telling the truth.

  Oh god, I was just Mason Evercore’s prison fuck. Nothing more. Just a convenient way to get off his rocks while he was incarcerated.

  My heart shattered into a million pieces as if someone had taken a sledgehammer to it. I was left breathless, pain radiating through every inch of my body.

  This couldn’t
be happening.

  And yet it was.

  My sobs grew louder. “So I was just the fat girl that Mason used to satisfy his lust?” I choked on the words. “He couldn’t find a skinny girl so he figured I would have to do?”

  Penny bit her lip, remaining silent.

  I whimpered, tears flowing anew.

  It was true.

  All of it.

  I’d been played by a heartless, ruthless billionaire.

  Once again, I was just the fat kid crying by myself at the edge of the playground.

  The girl with a broken heart, my life blown to smithereens … and I’d never been the same again.



  Six months later …

  I gave Jim a call a few months ago. There was nothing to lose after all. We’d done nothing wrong after all. So I texted him, hoping to find a friend.

  Jim’s response was immediate, overdone with exclamation marks and emojis everywhere. And a few minutes later we were talking, his voice as amiable as ever. Falling into our same old rut, he started telling me all about his day and the newest video game he was playing. In a way, it was nice to hear his voice.

  By the end of our conversation, we agreed to grab coffee.

  A platonic get-together. That’s all it was. That’s all it was ever going to be. Just friends.

  To be fair, even though I had broken up with him, I hadn’t fully ignored him. Sometimes we’d go out together with a group of acquaitances, kind of like a huge circle date. After all, Jim had been such a mess after the breakup that I didn’t have the heart to cut him out of my life. He wasn’t a bad guy. He deserved a friend, at the very least.

  So we would get together every once in a while for lunch or a movie. It was no big deal. I’d become more of a big sister than a love interest, I think. Which was fine. In fact, it was better this way.

  But I still wished there was a way to shut him up on occasion. Jim had such a way of going on and on about his life. Work. Video games. Online dating. Rinse and repeat.

  Today, we were at one of my favorite coffee shops. I held the cup in my hands, enjoying the warmth. I was staring into the distance as Jim prattled about some video game he bought a week ago. He was trying to get advance to the next level, but apparently, it was really, really hard.


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