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Love on the Run

Page 29

by Gemini Jensen

  An overpowering urge to walk up and claim her as mine in front of everyone, like a dog marking his territory, overtakes me. She may as well be descending the stairs nude, her curvy shape on display for everyone in the room. When she takes another step downward, her leg slips out from the fabric, visible from ankle to hip, her creamy and toned flesh calling every male in the room’s attention to it, even Lyra’s date.

  I know, because I quickly look around and observe the motherfucker’s wandering eyes. I have to fight the age to storm up the steps and hoist V over my shoulder, and run back up the stairs to hide her from everyone else’s eyes but my own. While my sister is sporting a messy up-do of sorts, Valley has went with the subtly sexy way of pulling all her hair to one side over her shoulder, letting it hang loose with curls.

  I’ve seen her a million different ways. Messy buns, perfectly styled looks, wind-blown strands as we rode with the windows down and enjoyed sunny weather, hair mussed up from my own hands due to passionate love making. I’ve never regarded her looking like she does tonight. For once, the smattering of guilt I typically have over our age difference, isn’t haunting me. I finally view her as my equal.

  She may be younger in years, but does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? Maybe all that should matter in relationships, is how important each person is to the other. How much joy, contentedness, and hope they make each other feel. And she makes me feel those things on a level I never knew existed. Her eyes meet mine, a look of apprehension crossing her face.

  “You look remarkably beautiful,” I tell her, forgetting we have an audience. She visibly relaxes, her face warming.

  “Yeah, you look real pretty Sloane,” Mile pipes up. I look over to him, eyes narrowing.

  “She looks much more than that,” I growl at him.

  “Oh my goodness! Look at you, you are a vision!” Nana Rose gushes, appearing from thin air having finally made her way inside from a smoke break she had been taking on the back porch for the past half-hour. She had been there so long, in fact, that I had forgotten she was even here.

  “And you too Sloane, my God, you look like old Hollywood glam!” and then, never missing a beat, “Time for pictures!”

  Nana Rose leads everyone into then den, making quick work of moving all the house plants in the room over to the fireplace, positioning them to her liking. She ushers the two couples over to the area as if she’s a professional photographer who’s been in the biz for years, positioning them in classic prom poses, a different one for each pair.

  Miles has his hand wrapped around Valley, palm flat against her lower back, her bare lower back, I note with displeasure. If I were standing beside her, I’d be ecstatic and overly eager, running my hands along her curves, admiring the texture of the fabric alongside her skin. But I’m standing over here, an outsider looking in on the girl he’s in love with.

  There, I admit it. I’m smitten, I’m enamored, and I’m most definitely in love.

  I can’t help but glare from over here in the corner, aware that I can’t do anything about the situation. I’m too old to go to her prom. She’s too young for the greater part of society, including my little sister, to approve of our relationship. She’s not even technically mine, as I can’t stake my claim. That’s not even the lot of it.

  Our relationship is hidden from her mother, as much as it is from my sister. If her mother found out, she’d flip, according to V anyways. Valley is convinced if her mother were ever to become aware of our discreet indiscretions, she would pack them up, and move them away, without a second thought.

  Suspecting someone’s eyes on me, I glance over to find my sister watching me, a strange look on her face. Pulling my eyes away from her and focusing back on the rest of the group, the muddled conversations everyone is engaged in untangle, becoming perfectly clear.

  “Well, we thought about going to a party afterwards, but of course, no one will be drinking. If it placates you to know, the limo driver is driving us all night. We rented him until noon tomorrow,” Miles’s annoying voice laughs, and it grates over me in such a way that has me seething.

  “Seriously?” I judge. “That’s a little presumptuous don’t you think? You’re thinking that Lyra and Sloane are going to stay all night with you. You won’t be 18 for another month,” I point out to my sister. “Hell, you probably think you’re going to get laid tonight for prom. That shit is not happening. Lyra you’re dressed inappropriately, Sloane there’s no way in hell that anything about what you’re wearing is appropriate.”

  Nana Rose just starts chuckling to herself at my outburst, Sloane is silent as she stares directly at me trying to convey a message using her eyes only, and Lyra, well she’s shooting daggers and currently in the process of opening her mouth then snapping it shut, so flustered she’s lacking the ability to decide what to say. Finally, her lips settle into a grim line, and her nostrils begin to flare, signaling the impending onslaught of words.

  “Gray you’re being stupid and obscene. You need to get a grip and stop acting. You’re my brother, and I get it’s your job and responsibility to protect your baby sister, but you take it waaaay to far. And dragging my best friend,” whom I’m in love with Sis, “into the matter and insulting her is just way out there. You need to shut up and get over yourself,” she huffs out the last word, nearly out of breath.

  “Okay, everyone relax now, we have a few more pictures to take. Girls I want to take one of y’all together, and then one by yourselves, and then one with Sloane, Lyra, and Gray, and then one with Lyra and Gray,” she lists off one after the other.

  We all grumble then, and I shuffle across the room to get all the photos over with as quickly as possible. I’ve never been the type of guy who enjoyed having their picture taken, not because I’m insecure because I sure as hell know I’m not a bad looking at all, but because it’s a useless waste of my time. I have so many priorities, that just keep on piling up, I’ll never get them all completed. Pictures are just something that take away from my free time, and even a second less of the time I am allotted, is way too much.

  Valley, Lyra and I take the one Nana requested with all three of us. I stand with them each flanking me, and I wrap my arms around them, only I allow the hand on V’s side to drop much lower than is appropriate. My body reacts with smug satisfaction to her near-silent gasp as my palm skims her spine, the tips of my fingers tracing the line of fabric barely covering her ass before dipping slightly beneath to toy with the soft upper curve of her cheeks. She leans closer into my side, glancing up at me for only a second, just long enough for me to detect the amusement simmering there. After Nana snaps a few photos of us, she dismisses Valley, and I’m more than reluctant to let her go.

  Next, Lyra and I pose, and she plasters on a fake smile but says to me through her teeth, “you’re an ahhhole, Gray,” causing me to throw my head back and let loose a howl of laughter and pull her in for a brotherly kiss on the top of her head, before we step away from Nana’s homemade photo backdrop.

  “Oh, one more,” Nana chirps up, causing us to both pause in place. “You go on dear,” she orders Lyra, shooing her away, “I want one with Sloane and Gray.”

  Both of us turn to her as if she’s gone mad, but Lyra never argues with Nana, and so, she does as she’s told. Nana winks to me once Lyra’s back is turned, and it occurs to me, that she’s being supportive of our relationship. Allowing us a way, through her, to have a couple’s photo, one we can have printed off and saved for our own private viewing.

  Valley steps to my side, and it’s obvious from her stiff posture and movements, she’s unsure of how to act in my sister’s presence.

  “Chill, Nana is doing this for us, knowing that Lyra will just think it’s one of her crazy whims. You look absolutely perfect, as usual, just stunning. I’m sorry I flipped out like that, it’s just standing back and watching you with him is driving me mad with jealousy,” I lean down and whisper in her ear so no one but the two of us can bear witness to the exchange, and
as I do, I vaguely perceive the flash and shutter of the camera going off.

  “I would be jealous if you were with another girl, too, so I forgive you. But you need to rein in your testosterone for the rest of the night before you alert Lyra to the fact that something is going on. Don’t go all cave-man, Okay?” she reaches up on her tiptoes to whisper in my ear, and I laugh at her description of me, because that’s exactly my current mood. I nearly fuck up, and pull her to me, desperate to taste her.

  Cue more camera flashing from Nana.

  Reason overtakes yearning.

  “Okay you two, smile for the camera. And for God’s sake, scoot closer together. How about, Sloane, you face him at an angle and place your hand on his chest, and look over at the camera. Turn just enough so that we can see the back view of your dress.”

  Sloane does Nana Rose’s bidding, and I rest my hand farthest from the camera on her hip. “I want one smiling, and one where you both look serious.” She snaps both, and then dismisses us.

  I glance over at Miles and my sister’s date, still not satisfied about letting the two most important females leave with them, and observe Miles pulling out his phone to check the time.

  “Prom starts in 30 minutes, so if we’re going to go grab something to eat, and show up only fashionably late, we need to get going,” he hints aloud, shuffling from one foot to the other.

  Lyra speaks up enthusiastically, “Alright guys, let’s go!” and leads the group to the front door, ushering everyone else through it before going through herself. Just as she turns to shut it, she shoots me a warning glance with finality, before shutting the door. I’m not sure what it’s about, but I’m worried that my emotions are becoming too strong to mask or contain much longer.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  The boys at least had the smarts to reserve us a table for dinner, knowing it would be crowded seeing as there are only three choices in town to eat. We meet our other friend, Sara, really the only other girl who’s company we enjoy. Sara happens to be Miss Laurent’s niece. We don’t usually hang out outside of school with the exception of a handful of occasions. She’s shy and sweet, but once you get to know her, she’s funny as hell. She may be more Lyra’s friend than my own, but I still like her, and the fact that Miles and her boyfriend are both on the same teams in school, it makes sense that we include her in our group tonight.

  We’re seated immediately upon entering, and after partaking in mediocre food, paired with less than satisfactory conversation from the guys, who are much more interested in sports talk than engaging in conversation with their dates, we finish up and pay. It takes a mere hour from the time we leave Lyra’s house, before we’re already arriving at Central Valley High.

  I’m excited and wrought with anticipation as we pull into the senior parking lot, but all that soon dissipates as we make our way through the gym doors, and I see that our prom is decorated like a scene from a bad 80’s movie, mixed with less-than-subtle hints of “Princess’s 5th Birthday” party. There were pink and white balloons floating against the ceiling and more tethered to each table like a centerpiece. Streamers appear to hang in any available spot the prom committee could fit them in.

  The music pumping through the speakers is barely better than the décor, basically sounding like some techno music no one has ever heard before. Just because of the scene, my mood sours, my excitement being cut in half.

  “Would you care to join me on the dance floor?” Miles asks in a gentlemanly fashion. My disposition is stale and unenthusiastic, finding I’m not in the mood for dancing, not at all. I plaster on a fake smile and take his hand, not wanting to appear weird since Lyra and Sara are already following their dates onto the floor. Miles and I bounce around to the beat, neither of us really knowing what we’re doing, but both laughing good naturedly at the other’s antics.

  As the song fades into a slower, melancholic melody, Miles pulls me closer, hands sliding down my back in a fashion that makes me want to shove him away. They aren’t the right hands, and they don’t know how to touch me, not in the way that I like. Only Gray knows things of that nature, and the way I’m feeling right now reminds me of that night Jeremy forced himself on me.

  Gray, I think to myself, nearly sighing out loud before remembering where I am and what I’m doing. I have to fight the shudder of disgust attempting to break free and I manage to take half a step back to distance our bodies, grasping his forearm just below the elbow, and making him move his hand back upward and away from the small of my back where it’s currently sitting. The look on Miles’ face is priceless, clearly embarrassed at having been put in his place.

  “Miles, I like you as a friend, but I don’t want to be in a relationship,” I firmly hint.

  “That’s okay,” he discloses cockily, “I’ll wait ‘til you’re ready for more. And trust me, you will be one day.”

  His absurd cockiness makes me laugh, uncontrollably for a few moments, as I have trouble getting past his remark. He’s not a bad guy, and if I weren’t so obsessed with Gray, I may have even liked him, but the fact is, that he isn’t Gray, and he never will be.

  I’ve spent the past few months preparing for this night. I had thought I wanted to go to prom. I envisioned enjoying this rite of passage that nearly every young adult has, and felt it was necessary for me to experience all that it entailed. I thought it would be up there with the greatest nights of my life, but I’m left with a sense emptiness and dissatisfaction.

  It never occurred to me that it wouldn’t live up to expectations. That’s not to say I may have enjoyed the night if Gray were at my side, I acknowledge that now. Here I am, in proverbial Hell, surrounded by a sea of Pepto-Bismol balloons and ribbons, unable to think of anything but him. My mind begins to obsess over the pained and worried look on his face as he watched me walk out the door.

  Time to hatch a plan. I’ll to stay for another 30 or so minutes, then I’m going to fake sick, and have Gray come and fetch me. I’ll just tell Lyra that I called my mom for a ride, and that she should stay with Sara, and the rest of the group, and enjoy herself. It’s a little shitty, but she at least has someone else to hang out with, it’s not like I’m completely ditching her.

  Clutching my head as if I’m suddenly dizzy, I reach out and steady myself against Miles’s shoulder, fluttering my lashes, pursing my lips, and knitting my brows all at the same time. I know I’ll really have to pull out the theatrics to pull this off the right way. I don’t want to appear a shitty friend, and inconsiderate date.

  Miles stops moving, gazing down at me as concern washes over his face. “You okay?” he asks, rubbing my arms in comfort.

  “Yeah, I think. I just… I just feel dizzy and not myself,” I remark, stumbling slowly over the words as if it’s difficult. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his side as he ushers me over to our table.

  “You don’t look so good, you should sit for a bit and see if you don’t feel better,” he orders, taking the seat beside me.

  “I’m so sorry, Miles. This is embarrassing, being the buzzkill of a super-hot guy’s prom night,” I aim for flattery.

  “So, I’m super-hot, huh?” he teases, and I smile weakly in response, fanning myself as the auditorium’s musty and overly warm air settles over me.

  “You should go back out with the group, I’ll be fine after a few minutes, I want you to enjoy your time,” I tell him. He looks hesitant, as his eyes dart back and forth between his friends and me, torn as to which decision to make. “GO,” I say more forcefully, then add a smile of assurance to soften the blow.

  “Okay,” he agrees with great apprehension, “but I’ll come back and check on you in a few minutes.”

  As soon as he retreats back to the dance floor, I pull out my phone and type a quick text to Gray.

  Me: Come get me in 30? Let me know ASAP.

  Gray: Of course… What’s wrong? Everything ok?

  Me: Just realized I’d rather b with u 2nite. Prom= Bullsh*t when
ur not around.

  Gray: 

  Gray: Be there in 30. I’ll wait in the Sen. Lot.

  Me: Can’t wait.

  I slip my phone back into my bag, just in time to be alerted of Lyra making her way through the crowd, in my direction. She plops down beside me seconds later, her eyes scanning over my face studiously.

  “You okay? Miles said you aren’t feeling good.”

  I clear my throat before answering, reminding myself that I’m still putting on an act. “Yeah, I’m just unbalanced and now I’m getting a headache. I’m scared I’m about to get a migraine.” I use Lyra’s awareness of my sometimes suffering from the devilish headaches, as the perfect scapegoat.

  She watches me for a few moments as if trying to detect any signs of an untruth. It’s like she’s both assessing my symptoms, and the culpability of my words at the same time. Satisfied with her evaluation, she asks, “Do you need me to fetch you a ride home? If you think it’s an incoming migraine, you should probably go ahead and go before the flashing lights and shitty music make it worse,” she states, smirking at her description of the music. She then adds, “if you want, I’ll leave with you,” officially making me feel like a complete failure of a friend. If she only knew what my real plans are.

  “No, Miss Andromeda,” I tease, bringing up her middle name with a slight smile, “I won’t require your doctoring tonight. Matter of fact, I instruct you to take your booty back on the dance floor and have the time of your life. Sara needs your wit and fun-loving personality to help her come out of her shell. And don’t worry, Mom will be here in twenty. I’ll let you know when I’m about to walk out.”

  “Ok, I’ll walk you out there. You shouldn’t go alone. You remember last time I left you to your own devices?” Shit.

  “Nope, I can’t allow it. I don’t want to ruin everyone’s night any more than I already have. Besides, Mom is picking me up right out front, and,” I lean in and whisper, “I brought my pepper spray in my purse tonight. You know, to deter any unwanted advances that might pop up for either of us tonight. Never forgetting that again.” Her aqua eyes light up with amusement, and then fade back into regret.


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