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The White Whispers

Page 127

by Kizzie Hayes


  “Miss Sasha?”

  Glancing up, Sasha wasn’t even surprised at catching sight of Antoni crouching next to her.

  “Go away.” Sasha’s voice crackled as it left her throat but the man didn’t leave. Instead he sat down fully next to her, heaving a sigh of his own.

  “We heard you across the street. Do you want me to drive you home?” Totally ignoring her command, Antoni felt his fingers tingle with the desire to hold his mate. She was crying, in clear distress. He refrained himself somehow, though. Even his beast knew this was a precarious situation, and touching might be the wrong move. Watching her rub her face, hearing her sniffle delicately, he took a deep breath and prepared himself for another rejection. It wasn’t uncommon with human mates to go through this trial.

  “Uhm... Yeah... I don’t think I can drive right now.” Wobbling, Sasha stood up slowly and took a deep breath, holding her purse tightly to her chest. Really she shouldn’t have driven here in the first place, and it was a marvel she hadn’t gotten into an accident. Slipping around her car, she dropped into the front passenger seat and sunk into the faded, fake leather with a slight hiccup. Antoni climbed into the driver’s seat, but they didn’t move.

  Glancing over, she frowned lightly before he spoke up, all traces of his flirty smirk gone.

  “Your keys.” Pursing her lips together, Sasha frowned deeper before digging into her purse. She didn’t even remember turning off her car or putting the jingling key chain in her bag. Passing it over, she rested her elbow on the edge of the window and held her forehead.

  “Do you want to talk about whatever happened?” In the stillness of the car Sasha just continued to stare out the window as the city passed by. The only break was the occasional pointing to give directions, but there hadn’t been any talking. Sighing heavily at the question, she rubbed her eyes and face before actually offering a reply.

  “My brother stole my stuff and pawned it while I was at Stop and Shop... I don’t even know what he took yet.” Just saying the words made Sasha clench her slender fingers into fists, and Antoni watched her from the corner of his eye as he drove. She was a fire cracker under her personable, kid-friendly exterior. Her ebony skin was raised in goose bumps, hair only slightly out of place. Adjusting his grip on the steering wheel, he wondered what she would look like with just her real hair. He knew it was quite long; the difference was clear to his keen eyes.

  Clearing his throat, he furrowed his eyebrows and took a random turn.

  “Do you want me to kick his ass for you?”

  “No. I don’t even want to deal with it. I knew I shouldn’t have let him get comfortable... This left right here.” Grumbling, Sasha reached up to press her palms into her eye sockets, teeth grinding together. This was what she got for being nice.

  “So, you’re the ‘black sheep’ in your family, then?” Prying for any and all information, Antoni did as directed and quietly admired how nicely Sasha’s car drove. She obviously took care of herself and her things, and he could sense it wasn’t the things her brother took that bothered her. Material items were replaceable; trust was not. In the opposite seat, she let out a short, condescending laugh, the humor missing completely.

  “You don’t even know. If my parents ever found out I was in the same car as a white guy they’d probably disown me. And Dwayne... I don’t even know what’s going on with him.” Taking his eyes off the road, Antoni stared hard at Sasha in some mild form of shock. Forcing them back, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly, flexing his fingers on the wheel. He didn’t know how to feel about what she’d said, but his words came out regardless.

  “They don’t sound like very good role models. And they live in a pretty white neighborhood...”

  “Yeah, well, don’t let that fool you. It wasn’t until we were teenagers that my parents started becoming more judgmental, so I guess they have that going for them. But now- … Now it’s just ridiculous.”

  Pulling into Sasha’s parking spot, Antoni shut the car off and handed her the keys before she climbed out of her seat. Knowing what she was going to go back to made her rub her face with her palms, but she squared her shoulders anyway. It wasn’t like she watched TV; she didn’t even have a basic cable package. All of her services were through her cell phone provider and thankfully Dwayne hadn’t stolen that too.

  Turning to Antoni, Sasha frowned lightly at the expression on his face. She couldn’t quite place it, but he looked as if he knew what she was going to ask before it even left her mouth.

  “Thank you for driving me home. Unless you want to take the bus you can hang around for a while until I’m pretty sure I won’t run off the road.” Wandering over to Sasha casually, Antoni tried and failed to keep his eyes from flashing at the invitation. He knew she noticed, but he couldn’t help himself. It was a reaction to being near her; of wanting to shift and rub his scent all over and inside her. Watching her own brown gaze light up suspiciously, he shoved his hands in his pockets before responding.

  “I think I’ll stay here. You could use the help, yeah?”

  Sasha’s apartment door was closed but unlocked, and she pushed past it with heavy steps. Dropping her purse on the table, she instantly made her way to her bedroom to check her jewelry box. Everything was neat and orderly aside from the clean laundry on her bed. Nothing she could see immediately appeared disturbed, and that knowledge made a huge sigh escape her chest. Sifting through her dresser drawers, the relief she felt was almost palpable when she found all of her important things. Even her very expensive laptop was still in her closet, hidden under a blanket. It cost almost an entire month’s rent, but it was worth it for keeping up with her the past few years. Buying it for herself hadn’t seemed like a good idea at the time, though.

  “O-kay... So I’m only missing my living room.”

  “You’re not going to call the police?” Glancing towards the archway to her bedroom, Sasha frowned lightly at Antoni’s form leaning on the wood. He really had no sense of etiquette.

  “No. I can handle it myself. And I don’t have insurance so it’s not like filing a report and getting Dwayne arrested and sent to jail will get my stuff back. Besides, I don’t feel like dealing with my parents if I did that anyway.” As Sasha spoke, Antoni made his way into her bedroom to inhale discreetly. She wore soft, gentle perfumes; ones that weren’t abusive to his overly sensitive sense of smell. Actually, everything about her room was soft and gentle. The rug was a light lavender, the bedspread was a soft, cheery gray-ish blue. Around him walls were painted a regular eggshell color and the wood somehow brought everything together.

  Retraining his gaze on his mate, he smiled at her severe frown before opening his mouth.

  “You get pushed over a lot, don’t you Miss Sasha.” At the questioning statement Sasha felt her eyelid twitch but she couldn’t deny Antoni’s assumption. Her family was a riot to deal with, so most of the time she chose not to provoke them. Instead she shrugged, offering no reply as she made her way passed him and out of the bedroom.

  Sitting herself at the table, Sasha pulled the crumpled up bills out of her purse and smoothed them out. There couldn’t be more than three hundred dollars, and that didn’t even cover her television and couch let alone everything in her living room. Staring at the money splayed out in front of her, she propped up her elbow and held her cheek in her palm. It was kind of insulting, in a twisted way.

  “When do you want to go back? I need to just go to sleep and it’s pretty late anyway- almost eight.” Antoni shrugged, but Sasha wasn’t facing him so she couldn’t see. He was in no rush to leave and didn’t really want her to drive him back. That made it so final, and he liked the opportunities open to him right now.

  “It’s no problem. I can text my sister to come get me. Do you need anything while I’m here?” Blinking slowly, Sasha had a wiggling feeling that Antoni wasn’t talking about offering to get her a comfort pizza. It made her frown, and she shook her head without offering a verbal res
ponse. In the quiet she could feel him staring at her side intently but kept her own gaze glued to the table. Seeing the money in front of her kept her anger alive and gave her a distraction so she didn’t glance behind her.

  “Your skin looks so smooth.” Mumbling to himself, Antoni felt the desire to touch Sasha get stronger as she sat there, ripe and waiting. If she heard him she made no signs of it, and he couldn’t help himself as he took a step closer to her. His wolf was there, urging him on to get him as far as he could go. This woman that was his mate was as relaxed as she would get, and this was his chance. Swinging his hand, he ran the backs of his fingers over her bicep and her skin jumped, her body jerking in surprise.

  “Hey! Wh-” Whipping up, Sasha’s eyes widened and her throat ran dry at what greeted her. Antoni gazed back at her, but the darkness of his stare was gone. Instead a hazel color replaced it; it was the same color as hot caramel. Her heart beat a million miles an hour in her chest, but as hard as it was to look at it was harder to look away. He continued touching her arm, gentle, feather-like brushes. After only a few passes it was making her skin tingle. Holding her breath, she couldn’t even gulp down the lump in her throat.

  “Relax... I won’t bite... Unless you want me to.” Shining brighter, Antoni’s eyes captivated her and Sasha felt goose bumps wash her chest and arms. He took a step closer, crowding into her personal space. Ordinarily she would do something about it but she was stuck, immobile from some invisible entity.

  “I knew it would be hard when I saw you at school. I just didn’t know how hard. How hard it is to wait when all I want to do is rush.”

  “You- You’re...eyes...” Fumbling over the words, Sasha was surprised she could get them out but not enough to break whatever was happening. Antoni leaned over, free hand on the table while his other one continued to draw small patterns on her skin.

  “It’s because I’m not fully human, Miss Sasha. I’d prove it to you but I won’t be able to control myself if I shift.” Blinking hard at that last word, Sasha finally managed to break her daze and shake her head hard.

  “You’re a shifter?”

  Overly loud, her question bounced off the walls of her apartment firmly. Antoni obviously wasn’t expecting it, and he pulled away from her to straighten with a suspicious glint in his now dark brown eye.


  “How do you know about shifters?” Despite the precarious situation Antoni could’ve leaped in triumph, howling to the world his joy. Sasha knew somehow; she knew about shifters. It didn’t even have to be a lot, but to really know she had to see it firsthand. Watching her purse her plump lips together, he crossed his arms over his chest before she stood up.

  “I shared a dorm room with a girl who was a shifter. A big cat shifter. She told me on the first day because she liked to sleep in her animal form.” Smiling slightly at the memory, Sasha grabbed a glass from one of the cupboards and filled it with water from the purifier. Macy had been that woman’s name, and she was an absolute eccentric. Nothing was without consideration no matter how dangerous or stupid it was. Eyes flickering to Antoni, she watched him scowl and shuffle from one foot to another before opening his mouth.

  “Cat shifters... No thank you. Did she tell you a lot about it?”

  “No. She offered, but I wasn’t interested. It was hard enough knowing a huge cat was in the same room as me.” Sasha shook her head, and Antoni frowned before rolling ideas around in his mind. This was a pleasant but unexpected turn of events and he needed to think of a new plan.

  “Well I’m not a cat. I’m a wolf shifter. I intend to take you as my mate. Do you at least know what that is?” Once again Sasha shook her head, and Antoni developed a weird expression. She couldn’t help her lack of understanding, though. The general concept she could grasp; she’d seen it with her own two eyes before. It helped that it’d happened years ago and took up a significant part of her life. At first coming back to Macy’s cat form was scary and she even went so far as to avoid going to her room, but after a few weeks it became routine.

  She didn’t think a wolf shifter would be much different in that regard.

  “A wife, basically.” Choosing the less popular route, Antoni watched Sasha pause, frozen in time for all of a second before she let out an incredulous laugh. If there were a tiny bit more humor in it and a smidgen less befuddlement he would’ve enjoyed the sound. Now, though, it only made him frown.

  “You want me to be your wife? Are you joking? I wouldn’t marry you unless I loved you, which I don’t.” Right away Sasha realized she’d made a huge mistake as her laughter-bleary eyes took in how hurt Antoni’s expression became. His eyes didn’t return to normal but they got dark. Stalking towards her, everything about him screamed predator as her heart beat with increasing ferocity in her chest. He snatched the glass out of her hands and tossed it haphazardly in the sink, his gaze never leaving hers. Trapping her, he gripped the counter so tightly she could feel the wood buckling against the small of her back.

  “You may not love me now, mio piccolo tesoro, but I can change that. For my kind having a mate is a very big deal. No one can love you like I can love you. No man can give you pleasure like I will; a pleasure of the mind, not just the body. So tell me, Miss Sasha, who else can promise you that? Who can promise to be faithful? Who can promise to never get bored with you? What about those children you want so badly? Who will be there as they grow inside you until making their way into the world, and even after that?”

  By the time Antoni stopped talking Sasha was glaring at him, her eyes hard despite the glaze that thickly covered them.

  “That’s not fair. How am I supposed to answer those questions if I’m stuck with you and not finding out for myself?” Backing away a single step, Antoni once again crossed his arms over his chest with a glare of his own. Sasha was one stubborn woman. Why she couldn’t just accept this was totally beyond his scope of comprehension. Eventually he let out a gruff snort, disliking the only idea that came to mind. She’d just have to figure it out for herself.

  “Fine. Let’s make a deal. One night is all I’m asking for. I get one night with you to do whatever I want, and then you can go find out for yourself that I’m telling the truth. After tonight I won’t contact you unless you contact me first.”

  For a long time, Sasha didn’t respond, her eyebrows furrowed in thought. This was the last thing she expected to happen. Maybe Antoni was right. Maybe he was the best thing that would ever happen to her, and maybe he was the only man for her. What if he was wrong, though? That little doubtful voice in her mind couldn’t help but speak up. After all, she knew nothing about shifters or their ideals or way of life.

  “And if you’re wrong?” Finally posing her question, Sasha watched Antoni’s eyes flash that light amber color before he opened his mouth.

  “I’m not wrong, but obviously you need to realize that on your own. I’ll tell you everything you should know right now, and before you wake up tomorrow I’ll be gone. Then you can see how you feel.” Frowning, Sasha didn’t know if she really wanted to deal with this after the day she’d had. It was hard to think that she only met Antoni hours ago and now he was basically telling her they belonged together. Frankly she wanted to say ‘no’, and tell him to leave.

  For some reason she didn’t, keeping her lips tightly sealed as she continued to ponder this deal.

  “You have nothing to lose here, Sasha.” Reaching up to rub her eyes with the butts of her palms, Sasha ground her teeth together as Antoni’s words filled her brain. He was right; she didn’t have anything to lose with this deal. It irritated her.

  “If you do any weird shifter thing t-”

  Cutting Sasha off, Antoni shook his head and reigned in his inner beast. This was his chance. It would be his only chance, and he couldn’t mess it up by being hasty. As much as the beast hated it he had to lay low for now. He wasn’t going to just show her pleasure. He was going to lavish her in a way no one could top.

  “No weird shifter thing, I
promise. Just you and me. No wolf.” Taking the initiative, Antoni reached to take her hand and Sasha gulped down her nerves. It was official, the voice in her head said, she was insane. He led her across the kitchen toward the short hallway that held her bedroom and the bathroom. Without words he sat her on the covered toilet, and she wrung her fingers absently. The man wasted no time in pulling the shower curtain open, shoving the stopper in the drain, and turning on the bath faucet.

  “You know, mio piccolo tesoro, I didn’t know what to think when I walked into that school yard. Beautiful was the first word that came to mind. I grew up in Italy, coming back and forth between there and here. There are a lot of beautiful women in America, Italy, France- everywhere. But you... You’re the most beautiful of all.” Kneeling, Antoni’s voice was low and serious and Sasha finally felt her face flood with heat. A small smile graced her lips as he ran his palm down the material of her loose jeans. Slowly he removed her sneaker, and then her sock. Moving onto her left side, his fingertips tickled her ankle before moving to the hem of her dark blue blouse.

  “Everything I’ve learned about you since then has been quite a ride. It’s admirable what you’ve accomplished after seeing what you had to work with. I’m sure I’ll get the whole story some day.”

  Carefully pulling up her shirt, Antoni continued talking and Sasha had to take shallow breaths to keep herself semi-calm. Her lacy, black bra was soon revealed, and only a second later the fabric was above her head before being dropped, useless to the floor. Taking her hands, he urged her to stand but stayed down himself to slowly trail the waist line of her jeans.

  “Do you understand how good you smell, Sasha? Feminine and sexy and fertile. You’ll make wonderful children- be a wonderful mother.” Slowly wrapping around Sasha’s hips, Antoni pressed his forehead against the button of her jeans with a deep inhale. He wanted to shove his nose between her legs and taste her, but it took all of his will power not to. Just by her scent he knew everything he needed to know. Healthy, fertile and ready. She wasn’t ovulating, but she would soon. First he had to mark her, though. It was much easier to get pregnant when she bore his mark.


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