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Broken Kingdom : A bad boy college romance (Royal Hearts Academy Book 4)

Page 23

by Ashley Jade

  “From what?”

  The look he shoots me sucks all the oxygen out of the room. “You.”

  My throat grows tight as I try to process his words. “Is that your fucked-up way of saying this thing between us is…”

  I let my sentence trail off before I can utter the word real.

  Because once I say it—there’s no taking it back and the magic between us might go away.

  Oakley’s not the kind of guy who does relationships, he’s made that perfectly clear from the beginning.

  Expression pensive, he speaks through a thick cloud of smoke. Like what he’s about to say next will change everything between us.

  “You do things to me.”

  Everything in me goes still. “What kinds of things?”

  His voice is so low it’s nothing but a faint rasp, but I hear it.

  “You make me feel.”

  The air between us becomes heavy as I take a step toward him.

  On one hand—Oakley acknowledging he has feelings for me is…well, everything I’ve ever wanted.

  But it’s not worth the risk of him using drugs.

  “I need you to stop doing drugs.”

  The crack in my voice takes us both by surprise.

  His eyes soften. “Baby—”

  “I can’t watch another person I care about kill themselves,” I scream, fighting the strangled sob trying to rip its way out of my throat.

  The lie I’ve been trapped in.

  It’s too late, though. The dam inside me has cracked with the force of a missile.

  Hot tears spill down my face as I turn to run away.

  However, I don’t get the chance because Oakley wraps his arms around me from behind and tugs me against him. “Talk to me.”


  I kick and squirm, trying my hardest to get away, but that only makes him tighten his hold on me.

  The secret I’m keeping is the equivalent of cinderblocks tied to my ankles and I so desperately want to be free.

  But I can’t…because freedom comes at a price.

  “Baby girl.”

  His voice is laden with so much concern, it slashes the last bit of control I was desperately trying to hold on to.

  “She killed herself,” I cry out, the tears falling faster.

  He freezes. “Who?”

  Oh God, it hurts. It hurts so fucking much.

  Like a sledgehammer straight to the heart.

  “My mom.”

  “What?” His breath hitches. “I thought she—”

  “I lied,” I scream so loud the windows rattle. “And then I made Liam lie too because we needed to protect her.”

  I shudder in his embrace as he carries me back to bed and proceeds to cradle me in his arms.

  “I was so scared, Oakley. I didn’t know what happened…it was like she just snapped. She kept talking about going somewhere without pain, and when I asked her where that was.” Another tremble rolls through me. “She said heaven.” I curl up in his arms. “I tried to stop her…but I couldn’t.”

  “It wasn’t your fault,” he rasps. “None of this was your fault.” Anger crosses his features. “Christ. I can’t believe she almost k—”

  “She was sick,” I utter, quickly coming to her defense before he can spew the words. “Liam and I…we had to protect her.”

  Because she was our mom and we loved her so much.

  He looks like he wants to argue, but he holds me tighter, strumming his fingers up and down my spine as I continue to cry my heart out.

  “Promise me you’ll stop doing drugs,” I choke out between sobs.

  Because if I lose him too…

  I won’t survive it.

  His throat bobs on a swallow. “I’ll never make you a promise I can’t keep. You know that.”

  His admission only makes me cry harder. “Then make me a promise you can.”

  “I’ll try,” he whispers against my ear. “I’ll try for you.”

  I hold out my pinky finger. “Promise?”

  Giving me a small nod, he hooks his pinky through mine.

  And then he hauls me against him, wrapping his arms around me so tight it steals all the air from my lungs.

  I bury my damp face against his chest. “Oakley?”


  “You make me feel things, too.”

  Things my mother warned me not to feel.

  My stomach clenches as I watch him lick a drop of ketchup off his thumb before he goes back to eating his burger.

  Today I successfully managed the art of parallel parking. To celebrate my small victory, we grabbed some loaded bacon cheeseburgers for dinner on the way home.

  Well, Oakley did.

  I’m currently pushing my veggie burger around my plate wondering why everything he does turns me on so damn much.

  As if sensing my internal struggle, his lips curve in a slow smirk. “You look like you want some.”

  “I don’t eat meat,” I tease, playing coy.

  That only makes his smirk deepen as he waggles his eyebrows. “I guess you only suck it then, huh?”

  I should roll my eyes at his crude remark, but I find myself laughing.

  I love that we share the same perverted sense of humor.

  Trying to keep a straight face, he holds his burger out to me. “Well, if you change your mind, offer still stands.” He winks. “You can have my meat anytime you want.”

  I’m about to tell him I want it right here on this table, but the appetizing scent of his burger fills my nostrils. I can’t deny that it smells delicious. Way more delicious than the poor excuse between two buns I’m attempting to eat does.

  My stomach grumbles, betraying me. “I can’t.”

  His brows furrow. “Why?”

  Guilt prickles through me and my shoulders slump. “Liam.”

  Clearly perplexed, he shakes his head. “Wh—”

  “I swore off eating meat with him so he didn’t have to do it alone.” My stomach grumbles again. Louder this time. “But your burger smells really good and I’m gonna need you to finish it soon so it stops tempting me.”

  His expression turns serious. “I’m not trying to be a dick, but don’t you think it’s time for you to start living life on your terms?”

  If only it were that simple. “But—”

  “But nothing, baby girl.” He holds my gaze. “Liam’s dead…and as much as that sucks, not eating meat won’t bring him back.” A groove in his forehead deepens. “Take a bite, Bianca. You might like it, or you might hate it, but either way, it will be your fucking choice.”

  Oakley has a point, I realize as I proceed to take a small bite.

  Liam didn’t force me to become a vegetarian, but I’m not the same person I was back then.

  It’s time to start making my own decisions.

  A delectable taste fills my mouth. “It’s good.”

  Smiling, Oakley pushes his plate toward me. “Finish it.”

  I shake my head. “Later.” I chew my bottom lip wryly. “There’s something else I really want right now.”

  His lids lower. “That so?”

  I’m about to answer, but his palm starts traveling up my thigh.

  My heartbeat grows erratic as his hand slides up my shorts.

  “Do you want to go to your bedroom?”

  His throat works as his fingers make their way inside my panties. “No.” He teases my clit with the pad of his thumb. “I want to make you come for me right here in this chair.”

  Oh, God. I’m so turned on I can’t even see straight.

  Mouth parting, I watch the tendons in his arm flex as he pumps those long fingers inside me.

  My head lolls back as shivers race up my spine. “Jesus—”

  A knock on the door cuts me off.

  Undeterred, Oakley continues to work me. “Whoever it is will go away.”

  “Open up, Oak. It’s us,” Dylan calls out.

  “We brought you birthday treats,” Sawyer adds.

“Shit,” Oakley mutters as he removes his hand. “I forgot that was tonight.”

  I mentally curse Dylan and Sawyer for ruining my impending orgasm as I fix my shorts. “Forgot what was tonight?”

  “Girls’ n—” Oakley starts to say, but another loud knock cuts him off. “Relax, I’m coming.”

  Too bad I’m not.

  The moment he opens the door, Dylan and Sawyer bounce inside, carrying a shit-ton of stuff in their hands.

  “I know you said you didn’t want to go to the bar,” Dylan begins. “But we still wanted to celebrate with you.”

  Smiling from ear to ear, Sawyer adds, “So instead of having a girls’ night out…we’re having a girls’ night in.” Her smile widens when she sees me. “Hey, Bianca. I didn’t know you were here, but it’s perfect timing.”

  I raise a brow. “Perfect timing for what?”

  Sawyer and Dylan quickly proceed to empty their bags.

  From the looks of things, it’s safe to say they raided every beauty product aisle at the local dollar store.

  I have to stifle a laugh when I catch the horrified look on Oakley’s face.

  Visibly distressed, he holds up what appears to be a face mask. “What the fuck is this shit?”

  “It helps clear your pores,” Sawyer answers cheerfully. “We also brought stuff to do your nails.”

  He backs away like a wild animal caught in a trap. “Nuh-uh. Not fucking happening.” He slaps his chest. “In case you two are blind, I’m a dude. Get this girly shit out of my house.”

  “Relax,” Dylan says with a roll of her eyes. “One spa night with us won’t revoke your man card.” She grins. “Plus, we also made a big jug of margaritas, so you’ll be nice and relaxed soon.”

  My chest coils.

  It’s been almost a week since Oakley promised me he’d try and he’s been doing really well.

  Sure, he still works for Loki and at No Name, but I haven’t seen him so much as pick up a beer lately.

  The first few days of his newfound sobriety he was downright miserable and stayed in bed, but he was strong enough to get through it.

  However, I’m worried he’s going to give in to temptation soon—especially now that he and his closest friends are twenty-one so having a few drinks while hanging out is pretty much second nature now.

  I can tell he’s fighting an internal war with himself as he mulls this over.

  Come on, Oakley. Stay strong.

  Blowing out a breath, he squeezes the back of his neck. “Fine. Nix the margaritas and I’m in.”

  And just like that, the tension in my chest dissipates and swells with pride.

  Dylan shrugs. “Okay. We can make daiquiris instead if you—”

  “Jesus Christ, Dylan,” I snap, trying my hardest not to throttle her. “Quit forcing him to drink.”

  Dylan’s eyes widen in surprise. “I’m not. I just…” Visibly uncomfortable now, she shuffles her feet. “I didn’t mean—”

  “I know you didn’t,” Oakley interjects. “But I…uh. I’ve been trying to cut down.”

  Her face perks up. “Really?” She wraps her arms around him. “That’s awesome.” Expression serious, she peers up at him. “I’m proud of you, Oak.”

  Sawyer picks up a jug and pours the liquid down the sink. “Me too.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” Oakley grunts. “Don’t you two go all after school special on me.” He pats his stomach. “I’m just trying to work on my abs.”

  Dylan and Sawyer roll their eyes before all three of them share a laugh.

  I hate that he felt the need to turn something serious—something he should be giving himself credit for—into a joke, but it doesn’t surprise me.

  Sawyer holds up two packages. “What kind of face mask does everyone want? I have charcoal and cucumber aloe.”

  “And that’s my cue to leave,” I say, heading for the door.

  Oakley frowns. “You’re leaving?”

  “Come on, Bianca,” Sawyer whines. “Stay.”

  Dylan goes silent.

  Feeling’s mutual, bitch.

  Which is exactly why I need to leave. I refuse to spend another second with her.

  Smiling tersely, I point to my face. “Sorry, I’m not undoing all the work my professional esthetician Stella does with your cheap little face masks.”

  With that, I start to leave, but Oakley’s intense gaze holds mine.

  ‘See you later,’ he mouths as Sawyer and Dylan venture into the living room.

  Pretending to think about it, I give him a small shrug.

  Blue orbs darkening, he leisurely brings his finger to his mouth.

  The same finger that was inside me moments ago.

  My cheeks heat and I want to smack the shit-eating grin I catch on his face as I close the door behind me.

  He knows damn well I’ll be back.

  I’m walking up the staircase when I hear it.


  I turn around at the sound of Jace’s voice. “Hey. I didn’t know you were here.”

  “I dropped Dylan and Sawyer off for their girls’ night with Oak.” He shrugs. “I figured since my trip to New York is coming up soon we could hang out and catch up.”

  Am I mad that Jace, Dylan, Sawyer, and Cole are all going on some kind of couples vacation to New York in two weeks? No.

  Am I hurt that no one asked me if I wanted to tag along to the big apple? A little.

  However, I’m not one to be a bitter Betty. Well, not anymore.

  Especially since my dad has another work trip scheduled around that time, which means I’ll have tons of alone time with Oakley and we won’t have to sneak around.

  “Yeah, sure. I think there’s a new zombie horror movie out if you want to go.”

  I loathe horror films—particularly ones featuring zombies because they make me jumpy—but Jace happens to love them.

  And truth be told, I miss hanging out with my brother. We grew even closer after Liam’s death, but lately it feels like we’re light-years apart.

  I’m not sure what to make of the look on his face, but whatever it is… it’s not good.



  I really wish I knew why he was acting so weird. Almost like he’s mad at me.

  A small wrinkle forms between his brows. “We need to talk.”

  Sensing what he’s probably angry about, I quickly utter, “Look, if this is about Dylan—”

  “It’s not about Dylan.” He’s quiet for a beat. “It’s about Oakley.”

  “Oakley?” I all but screech as nerves bunch in my stomach. “What’s up with Oakley?”

  “You tell me,” he snaps. “You’re the one who’s been off gallivanting with him all summer.”

  “Gallivanting?” I repeat with a sardonic laugh. “What are you, eighty?”

  Jace’s cheeks hollow in frustration. “You know what I mean.”

  “No,” I deadpan. “I don’t.”

  If this is his way of trying to ask if Oakley and I are a thing, he needs to put his big boy pants on and come right out with it instead of giving me the third degree.

  He digs inside his pocket and pulls out a folded piece of paper. “Then explain this.”

  I snatch the paper from him. Both my heart and stomach flip in succession when I realize it’s the letter I wrote Oakley for his birthday.

  “Where did you get this?”

  He crosses his arms. “I found it on Oakley’s kitchen table the other night.”

  I was wondering why Oakley never said anything about it.

  I was starting to think what I wrote was horrible, but as it turns out, he never got a chance to read it.

  Because Jace stole it.

  And now he thinks there’s something going on between us.

  My stomach knots. I have to fix this.

  I know how much Oakley cares about his friendship with Jace and Cole. Hell, he considers them his actual brothers.

  I quickly straighten my spine, armed wit
h a glare. “Okay, first of all—you had no right to read this letter, because it’s not yours.” My lips purse. “Secondly—this isn’t what you think. Oakley and I are friends.”

  He snorts. “Bullshit. Oak is my best friend and I’ve never said some shit like that to him.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “Yeah, well, maybe you should.”

  He narrows his eyes. “Tell me what the hell is going on between you two. Right fucking now.”

  “Nothing is going on between us.” Realizing I have to give him something more than that, I add, “Yes, we’ve grown close this summer, but it’s not like that. He’s been…a really great friend. Not only did he teach me how to drive, but he listens to me talk about my problems. And best of all? Unlike you, he never judges me.”

  His face falls. “I don’t judge—”

  I sharpen my gaze.

  “Okay, fine,” he relents. “You have a point.” He blows out a heavy breath. “I just wasn’t sure what to think between him teaching you how to drive, and you always hanging out at his house all the time lately, and then finding this letter…it doesn’t look right.”

  “We’re just friends,” I reiterate.

  Friends who like to tear off each other’s clothes and can’t seem to get enough of one another.

  He frowns. “If you say so.”

  Meeting his stare, I put the final nail in the coffin. The one that will make him believe me. “You know I’d never lie to you, Jace.”

  It’s the truth. Apart from our mother, I’ve never, ever lied to him.

  Until now.

  Raking a hand through his hair, he heaves a sigh. “I know. Which is exactly why I came to you instead of him. He’s my best friend and I’d do anything for him, but the dude’s lied to me more times than I can count so I can’t exactly trust him to keep it real with me.” He chokes out a laugh. “And now I feel stupid for laying into you, because of course you guys aren’t together. The two of you don’t make any sense. Not only are you complete opposites, you couldn’t be farther from his type.”

  I swallow the lump rising in my throat. “Right.”

  He gives me a smile. “Now that that shit’s settled, let’s go see the zombie movie.”

  Watching a zombie movie after dismantling this bomb is the last thing I want to do, but I force myself to go along with it anyway. “Sure.”

  It’s safe to say my brother isn’t the only one questioning how trustworthy Oakley is now.


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