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Broken Kingdom : A bad boy college romance (Royal Hearts Academy Book 4)

Page 29

by Ashley Jade

  Given I might need a lawyer, he’s not the worst person to tell. However, now isn’t the time. “I’ll tell you later.” I open the front door. “Right now, let’s focus on Oakley.”

  Oakley shoots me a look of annoyance when we all enter his apartment. “You called my dad.” His eyes flick to Dylan. “And Dylan.”

  I let his animosity roll off my back because I know I did the right thing. “Yes, I did.” I take a seat next to him on the futon. “Because we all love you, and we’re gonna stay here with you for however long you need us.”

  Dylan plops down on the other side of him. “What she said.” She gives his shoulder a squeeze. “You can’t get rid of me, butthead. I’m like a hemorrhoid that won’t ever go away.”

  At that lovely visual, Oakley snorts.

  Oakley’s dad sets up a blanket on the floor for C.J. to sleep on, but she wakes up the moment he lays her down.

  Her sleepy gaze roams around the room, stopping on her big brother. “Uh-oh.”

  Oakley melts like butter in the sun.

  A moment later he’s scooping her into his arms.

  “Hey, pipsqueak. What are you doing up past your bedtime?”

  She giggles.

  Oakley’s father, however, doesn’t. “I dropped everything and came right over.”

  Oakley’s jaw tightens. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  His father holds his gaze. “Yes, I did.”

  Fortunately, C.J. breaks the tension by grabbing Oakley’s cheeks and blowing raspberries in his face. “Love, Uh-oh.”

  Yeah, she does.

  We all do.

  It’s almost two in the morning by the time Dylan and Mr. Zelenka leave.

  I’m stifling a yawn as I drain the bottle of Jack down Oakley’s sink.

  Oakley joins me in the kitchen. “You know what’s weird?”

  I toss the empty bottle in his trash. “What?”

  “I don’t know what enjoying a single glass of alcohol even means. I hear people talk about it all the time, like it’s normal.” He leans against the counter. “But I always need the excess to drown it out.” A hefty sigh escapes him. “And pretty soon one glass leads to ten, which leads to a few lines of coke, which leads to popping some pills. But I didn’t think I was an addict like my mom…I thought I had the shit under control.” His eyes meet mine. “But I don’t, because it was controlling me. It’s still controlling me.”

  “That’s because you have a disease,” I point out.

  “I wish I didn’t.”

  I tell him the cold-hard truth. “There might not be a cure, but you can manage it. You just have to want it bad enough. You have to fight for your sobriety and make it the first priority in your life. And you have to surround yourself with people who love and support you.”

  “You mean the people I’m constantly disappointing because I fuck shit up.”

  “No one was disappointed tonight.”

  We were relieved.

  Because the old Oakley would have given in.

  And even though temptation was sitting right in front of him, summoning him to fall down the rabbit hole, and he could have listened…he didn’t.

  He let me in instead of going to the dark side.

  Just like I did with him.

  Once upon a time, I built walls up to keep people out…

  But now I’m realizing those same walls also kept out my happiness.

  The ability to trust and love people.

  Including my own family.

  I will always love my mother and wish she was here…but I’m tired of keeping her secrets.

  I want to be free.

  Chapter 47


  “I’ll be right outside if you need me,” Oakley declares when we pull up to the house.

  “I know.” Pressing my cheek to his shoulder blade, I squeeze my arms around him, soaking the strength he’s giving me up like a sponge. “Thank you.”

  Nerves bunch in my stomach when I look around the driveway and spot my father’s car along with Jace’s royal blue Lexus.

  They’re all inside waiting for me.

  And they have no idea what kind of missile I’m about to launch.

  My legs shake as I get off the bike, and for a moment, I debate telling Oakley to drive me back to my dorm.

  But I don’t.

  A groan lodges in my throat when my phone rings. Stone’s been blowing up my phone all morning, despite telling him I was busy studying for a test.

  I suppose I could have told him what I was really up to, but then he’d have a bunch of questions for me.

  I’d rather tell him everything after I tell my family.

  I’m about to hit the ignore button, but I realize it’s not Stone calling me after all.

  I don’t recognize the number, but I answer anyway.


  “May I speak with Bianca Covington?” a deep voice asks on the other line.


  “Hello, this is Detective Pollard with the Special Victims Unit. I was calling to give you an update about your case.”

  To say I’m surprised would be putting it mildly because I was told it would take a while to gather evidence and get the ball rolling.

  “Oh. I didn’t think it would be so soon.”

  The detective clears his throat. “Yes, well unfortunately the case will be closed.”

  Anger rushes through my veins. “What the hell do you mean the case will be closed—”

  “Dr. Young was murdered late last night.”

  My head whirls and a stunned gasp flies out of me.

  “Wait, what? Murdered? By who?”

  I see Oakley tense. “Who was murdered?”

  I quickly hold up a hand, silencing him because I need to know what happened myself before I can tell him.

  I hear the detective’s sharp inhale of breath over the extension. “I’m not at liberty to disclose all the details, but the department was conducting another investigation involving a different victim. However, the victim’s father decided to take matters into his own hands.”

  Holy. Shit. I’m literally speechless.


  “Even though the case will be closing, if you would like some counseling or to come by and speak with—”

  “No,” I quickly say. “Thank you, though.” I can’t deny that I’m awfully curious as to who’s responsible for giving this piece of shit his due karma. “Do you know who murdered him?”

  “We have someone in custody, yes.”

  When it’s obvious he’s not going to tell me who that person is, I thank him for calling and hang up.

  Then I look at Oakley.

  I ended up telling him about my plan to take down Mark late last night, but there’s obviously been a new development.

  “Someone killed Mark.”

  His blue eyes go wide. “Holy fucking shit.”

  “I know.”

  I pull up the search engine on my phone. If the police have someone in custody there’s a chance a local news station might know who and report it.

  My heart drops to my stomach when I click on the first article and see the man’s mugshot.

  I recognize him.

  Angelica’s dad.

  Oh, God.

  Emotions tangle in my chest and I have to force my lungs to take in air so I don’t pass out.

  I gave her my bracelet and told her to be strong.

  But then a monster came along and ripped all her strength away.

  Oakley gets off his bike and rushes over to me. “What—”

  “Does your dad ever take pro bono cases?” I choke out.

  Needless to say, Oakley’s confused as hell. “Not really. Why?”

  I hold up my phone. “This little girl…Angelica. Her dad…he killed Mark because he…”

  My stomach coils and I can’t bring myself to spit the words out.

  Fortunately, I don’t have to.

  Those long fingers of his draw
tiny, soothing circles up and down my back. “I’ll call him.” Wrapping his arms around me in a giant bear hug, he kisses the top of my head. “My dad will take the case. I’ll make sure of it.” He buries his nose in my hair and inhales audibly. “Maybe I should take you home. This is a lot for you to deal with right now.”

  “No,” I quickly say, because if I don’t go in there and rip the ginormous Band-Aid holding my freedom back off, I’ll lose my nerve. “I have to do this.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I nod. “Positive.”

  He pulls me into another bear hug. “If it becomes too much, I’ll be right out here, baby girl.”

  I know.

  My legs feel like rubber as I make my way into the house.

  Stomach churning, I head into the kitchen where I find my dad, Nadia, Jace, and Cole seated at the kitchen table.

  I asked Dylan and Sawyer to join us at the house later because I’m positive my brothers are going to need them.

  But right now it needs to be just us.

  I look at Nadia. “I’m gonna need to talk to my brothers and dad alone.”

  Everyone looks at each other in confusion, but neither them nor Nadia protest.

  After kissing my dad on the cheek, she stands up.

  She’s passing me when I reach for her hand. “Don’t go too far, okay?” I offer her a warm smile. “He’s gonna need you after this.”

  Nodding her head softly, she gives my hand a small squeeze. “Okay.”

  Then she’s gone.

  And it’s just me, my family…

  And all the secrets I’ve been keeping from them.

  Chapter 48


  “I don’t even know what to say right now,” Cole utters. “I keep hoping this is just a bad dream.”

  Jace mutters a curse. And then before anyone can stop him, he picks up a glass and throws it at the wall.

  “Fuck her.”

  I startle in my seat. “Jace—”

  “No.” He turns his furious glare on me. “She almost killed you. And Liam.” A shudder runs through him and he closes his eyes. “I was always there for her. I did whatever she needed. I kept everything together in this house when she couldn’t even get out of bed.” He looks at our father. “I believed whatever she told me…all so she could cheat on Dad and try to kill her children before she offed herself.”

  “She was sick,” Dad croaks. “Your mother loved you very much, Jace.” Grief floods his face and he hangs his head. “She loved you all very much. You kids were her life.” He reaches across the table for my hand. “I wish you’d told me sooner, sweetheart. I could have gotten you into counseling—”

  Cole snorts. “Yeah, because look how well that worked out for Mom and Liam.”

  “Counseling wasn’t the problem,” I point out. “Dr. Young being a piece of shit was the problem.” My chest heaves as I avert my gaze. “So was me forcing Liam to keep Mom’s secret when he wanted to tell someone.”

  It’s something I’ll always have to live with.

  A mistake I’ll never forgive myself for.

  Because I was the one who told him to be tough and resilient.

  To never let anyone inside…

  To be silent when things are bad.

  And in the end, that silence ended his life.

  Cole squeezes my shoulder. “Don’t do that, Bianca. You were just a little girl. You thought you were protecting Mom…your idol.” He slaps his chest. “If anyone is to blame for Liam’s death, we all know it’s me. He tried to talk to me that night and I wouldn’t fucking let him. His death is my cross to bear, not yours.”

  Dad slams his hand on the table. “Goddammit. Stop blaming yourselves. Liam and your mother were sick. I should have gotten Liam more help when I saw the signs, but I didn’t. I let it go when he threw a fit about seeing someone…because I was too wrapped up in my own grief to step up and parent. You all were kids, but I was the adult. I’m the one to blame. I crumbled when you needed me to be strong.”

  No one says a word.

  Except Jace.

  Who’s looking at our father with something I’ve never seen before.


  “You didn’t seem surprised to find out Mom was having an affair.”

  Dad tries to change the subject, but Jace won’t let him.

  “You knew she was cheating…didn’t you?”

  Dad’s green eyes turn dim. “People make mistakes, Jace. I didn’t want your mother to be remembered for hers.” He rubs his chest. “The only thing that matters is that you all know how much she loved you.” His voice cracks. “I want you to have good memories of her.”

  Jace’s jaw tenses. “You never cheated on her with your secretary, did you?”

  “No.” He scrubs a hand down his face. “I won’t sit here and pretend I’m a saint. When things became bad in our marriage, I thought about it… but I could never go through with it. I loved her too much and I kept hoping we could work it out.”

  Jace looks so pissed that for a second I think he’s going to throw another glass. “You let me believe you were the one having the affair all these years.”

  “I tried to tell you I didn’t, but you wouldn’t believe me.” His voice is barely a whisper. “After a while, I stopped trying to convince you, because it was better you be angry with me than with her.”

  Jace looks so defeated I want to wrap my arms around him.


  It’s the first time Jace has called him that since…

  He found Liam in his closet.

  When Dad looks at him, he utters, “I’m sorry.”

  Cole and I exchange a stunned glance. Jace never apologizes for anything.

  Unless it’s to Dylan.

  As if on cue, Dylan and Sawyer enter the kitchen.

  Sawyer wraps her arms around Cole, and Dylan does the same to Jace.

  “Can we go see Liam?” Cole buries his head against Sawyer’s chest. “I want to talk to him.”

  She cups his face in her hands. “Of course we can.”

  Wordlessly, Dylan takes Jace’s hand and they start to walk out.

  But not before Jace stops to wrap me up in a hug. “I don’t know what the fuck to say. Just know that I love you.”

  I kiss his cheek. “I love you, too.”

  After they all leave, it’s just me and Dad who looks like he’s fighting back tears.

  “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”

  I give him a hug. “It’s okay, Dad.”

  His green eyes become glassy. “No, honey. It isn’t.”

  He’s right, it’s not…but maybe one day it will be.

  The genuine sadness in his expression pulls at my heart.

  “I should have been there for you.”

  He’s not wrong, however, I know he was fighting his own battles.

  “It’s not too late to start now.”

  With a heavy sigh, I make my way out of the house.

  I sometimes wonder how different I’d be if these tragedies in my life didn’t happen.

  Would I still be the little girl who wanted to be a ballerina…the one who was so desperate to fit in with the rest of the world?

  Or would I still have ended up the callous bitch…the one who’s wicked demeanor was a shell she built around her for protection.

  Either way…one thing still remains unchanged.

  Regardless of the amnesia, I’ve never known who I am, because home still feels like a fairy tale I’ve been searching for my whole life.

  However, the moment my eyes land on Oakley who’s still waiting for me at the end of the driveway, just like he said he would…

  I can’t help but think I’ve finally found it.

  Given Jace and Cole left before I did, I’m sure there was one hell of a confrontation he had to deal with.

  Not that he looks like he gives a single fuck about that.

  He watches me with concerned eyes before those safe arms wrap around me. “I’d ask if you’re oka
y, but…”

  But I’m not.

  The tips of his fingers press into the curve of my jaw. “What do you need?”

  Just him.

  “Can you take me somewhere?” I whisper. “I want to forget the world and disappear with you for a little while.”

  His warm breath and deep voice caress my skin. “You got it.”

  Chapter 49



  The sound of my phone ringing jolts me out of my sleep.


  My heart jumps out of my chest as I reach for my phone, but my hopes are dashed when I see Jace’s name flash across the screen.

  I quickly hit the ignore button and fall back into bed.

  It’s been two days since I’ve spoken to Oakley.

  Two days since he’s been home.

  Two days since I’ve fucked everything up.

  At this point, I don’t even care if he’s with another girl…I just hope he’s not off somewhere doing drugs.

  Bringing my phone to my ear, I dial his number for what has to be the millionth time, but as usual, it goes straight to voicemail.

  I groan when my phone rings and Jace’s name flashes across my screen again. Given he’s in New York with his girlfriend, you’d think he’d be off having fun instead of blowing up my phone.

  Frustrated, I take the call.

  “What?” I snap.

  “Are you okay?” Jace questions.

  There’s no mistaking the worry in his tone.


  I highly doubt Oakley told him about our argument.

  I sit up in bed. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I don’t know,” he gripes. “How about the fucking fires? Why the hell do you think I’ve been trying to call you all afternoon?”

  “Fires?” I utter. “What fires?”

  The only thing I’ve lived and breathed for the last forty-eight hours is Oakley.

  Jace sighs. “There are wildfires spreading across the state.”


  I quickly find my remote and flick on the television. Sure enough, every local news station is covering the gigantic wildfire spreading through parts of California.


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