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Broken Kingdom : A bad boy college romance (Royal Hearts Academy Book 4)

Page 33

by Ashley Jade

“Prove you’re still one of them.” He presses the blade deeper against his skin, challenging me. “Or else.”

  I know enough about psychology to know there’s a certain approach you have to take with someone who’s reached their breaking point.

  Right now, he needs to feel like he’s in control.

  That he’s not losing everything.

  That his life didn’t end just because our relationship did.

  “What do you need?”

  His answer is automatic. “I need you to call that piece of shit and end it with him for good.” His nostrils flare. “Right fucking now.”

  I look down at the phone in my hand. “Okay. I can do that.”

  I start to dial 911, hoping they’ll overhear our conversation and send help, but Stone’s already onto me.

  “Goodbye, Bi—”

  “No,” I quickly say. “I’ll do it.”

  “Tell him we’re eloping tonight,” he demands. “That you made a mistake and can’t be with a killer.”

  For a moment, I honestly consider not doing what he wants because the thought of saying that to the man I love is…

  A shudder rolls through me.

  Stone’s sick and he needs help.

  After I get him that help, I can explain everything to Oakley.

  Oakley picks up after the second ring. “Hey.”

  I force myself to remain detached and unaffected because Stone’s eyeing me like a hawk. “I can’t do this anymore.”

  Oakley sounds so confused, it breaks my heart. “What—”

  I don’t let him get a word in because it will only make it hurt worse. “I can’t…I’m in love with Stone. What happened between us was a mistake.”

  I can hear his sharp inhale of breath over the extension. “You don’t mean that.”

  “Yes, I do.” I try to ignore the way my heart pinches. “But even if I didn’t love Stone, I can’t be with a killer.”

  Oakley goes silent.

  Stone narrows his eyes, urging me to say the rest.

  “We’re eloping tonight, putting everything behind us and starting fresh. Please don’t contact me again, Oak.”

  With those parting words, I hang up.

  “Is that good enough—”

  The knife Stone was holding falls to the floor and his hand wraps around my throat and squeezes.

  I barely have time to register what’s happening before his fist goes flying into my mouth.

  Everything inside me shatters.

  It’s almost a surreal, out-of-body experience. As if my brain doesn’t want to accept the fact that in the blink of an eye, I just became the girl whose fiancé punched her.


  Shame snakes up my spine.

  There was a time when he used to give me butterflies…but now all I see are the warning signs I’ve excused.

  Like his need to control my every move, the way he ridiculed my outfits, how he’d screw me while I was sleeping…or pinch my thigh when I said the wrong thing in front of his friends.

  The first time he called me a slut.

  And the last time he tried to control me by mistaking my kindness for weakness just so he could manipulate me.

  Because he sure as fuck won’t get a chance to do it again.

  God, the fact that he actually thought I was the kind of girl he could do this to is revolting.

  Because I’m sure as hell fucking not.

  Wiping the blood trickling from my mouth, I glare at him. “Did you enjoy that?”

  He tries to say something, but I don’t give him the chance.

  I kick him in the balls so hard he yelps and crouches over.

  I snatch a fistful of his hair, because I want him to look me in the eyes when I say this. “I really hope you did, because that’s the first and last time you ever fucking put your hands on me.” Snickering, I add, “On second thought, that baby dick of yours probably didn’t get the full message.” I strike him in the balls again and he howls. “Did you feel that, bitch? Or do I need to get a magnifying glass and burn it—”

  The sound of my door flying open cuts me off.

  Oakley storms into the room like a hurricane. He quickly scans the scene, his hard stare darting from Stone to me.

  His gaze narrows on my mouth, and then all hell breaks loose.

  His voice is a lethal low rasp, shaking me to the core. “I’m gonna fucking kill you.”

  That’s the only warning Stone gets before Oakley pushes me out of the way and charges him.

  The only thing I can hear over my erratic pulse is the sound of Oakley’s fist flying into Stone’s face repeatedly, as if it’s his own personal punching bag.

  They grapple for a moment, but Stone has nothing on Oakley and it’s not long before Oakley has him pinned to the ground.

  Shifting so he’s on top of him, one hand wraps around his throat while the other continues taking jabs at Stone’s bloody face.

  Stone tries to get some leeway, but it’s impossible because Oakley’s strikes are filled with so much venom, I can practically taste it.

  And then I realize, Oakley wasn’t kidding before…he’s actually going to kill him.

  Oakley halts his movements momentarily, but only so he can snatch Stone’s arm and bend it at an abnormal angle.

  Seconds later, the sharp snap of bone assaults my ears. It’s immediately followed by the sound of Stone screeching in pain.

  “Oakley, stop,” I scream.

  Not because I give a fuck about Stone, but the last thing I want is for Oakley to go back to jail.

  It’s like he doesn’t even hear me.

  He goes back to punching him with so much vigor I’m surprised Stone’s still breathing.

  It’s only when I scream at the top of my lungs that Oakley suspends his swings momentarily.

  “Stop—” I start to say again, but Stone takes the opportunity to punch Oakley in the head.

  I can tell the move takes him by surprise, but he doesn’t let it deter him. He seizes his leg next and begins twisting…

  Until he starts violently shaking.

  Oh, God.

  Three things happen in that moment.

  Oakley starts seizing.

  Stone picks the knife up off the floor and plunges it into Oakley’s side.

  And my brothers walk in.

  Chapter 53


  “What the fuck happened?” Jace barks, rushing over to us.

  “Stone has a knife,” I shout before focusing on Oakley who’s still seizing.

  Cole looks down at Stone who’s now laying limp and kicks him. “Not a problem. He looks dead.”

  The rise and fall of his chest tells me he’s not.

  I peer down at the blood soaking Oakley’s shirt. Normally you’re not supposed to touch someone who’s having a seizure, but I have no idea how deep the gash is and I don’t want him to bleed out.

  I reach for one of my shirts and place pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding.

  “What happened?” Jace repeats before his eyes drop to my mouth. “Why the hell is your lip bleeding?”

  Ignoring him, I give my undivided attention to Oakley. I wasn’t able to keep track of the time, but it seems longer than usual. “He’s been seizing for a while now.”

  “I’ll call 911,” Cole starts to say but then we hear sirens outside my window. “On second thought, it sounds like someone already did.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ. Start talking, Bianca,” Jace grunts.

  My stomach knots with dread and I inhale a deep breath.

  “Long story short, Stone was hiding out in my room. He held a knife up to his throat and threatened to kill himself if I didn’t call Oakley and end things with him. However, right after I did, he put his hand around my throat and punched me.”

  “Motherfucker did what?” this from Cole.

  “I’m gonna kill him,” Jace seethes, lunging for Stone.

  “Hold on,” I snap. “I’m not done.”

  Jace and Cole are practically foaming at the mouth.

  “Oakley barged in and beat the shit out of him…but then Stone grabbed the knife off the floor and stabbed him…and you guys walked in.”

  Relief fills me when Oakley’s seizure finally subsides.

  However, a sharp knock on the door makes me jump.

  “Police, open up.”

  Emotion lodges in my throat as I run my hand over his sleepy face. He’s so out of it my heart can’t take it.

  “They’re gonna send him back to jail.” I look at Jace and Cole, imploring them to understand the gravity of the situation. “Oakley was only protecting me. He doesn’t deserve to get in trouble.”

  But the police won’t care, because Oakley has a rap sheet and he’s supposed to be keeping his nose clean. In their minds, he’s automatically at fault and guilty as hell.

  “Oakley tried to warn me about Stone a few weeks ago,” Cole mutters. “But I didn’t believe him and told him to fuck off.”

  This is news to me.

  Jace grips the back of his neck. “Goddammit.” Running a hand down his face, he looks at Cole. “You were coming up here with Oakley to see Bianca, okay? You heard commotion outside her dorm room and when you opened the door, Stone and I were already fighting.” Jace looks at me next. “Your part of the story stays the same. Stone assaulted you. Only instead of Oakley beating him up…it was me who did it.”

  Cole raises an eyebrow. “What about Oakley getting stabbed?”

  Jace shrugs. “He tried to stop the fight when he walked in and Stone stabbed him.”

  There’s another sharp knock on the door. “Police. Open up.”

  I can’t believe he’s about to take the fall for this. “Jace—”

  “Stick to the story.” With that, he punches Stone’s face and sends a sharp kick to his groin. “Let them in.”

  I hover over Oakley protectively as Cole opens the door.

  “I love you,” I whisper, wishing like hell I hadn’t stopped him from saying it before.

  Chapter 54


  Once I get the go-ahead from a nurse, I sprint toward the hospital room to see Oakley.

  Just when I’m about to open the door, someone snaps, “Not so fast,”

  When I look up, I see Oakley’s dad standing there with a cup of coffee in his hand. The cross expression on his face makes it clear he’s not happy to see me.

  “Hi, Mr. Zelenka.” I give him a terse smile. “I’m just here to check on Oakley.”

  The nurse wasn’t able to tell me anything since I’m not family, but she did say he was allowed to have visitors.

  I try to open the door again, but Wayne wedges himself in front of it, blocking me from entering. “I’m sorry, but that’s not going to happen.”

  I blink, not understanding. “Why?”

  He looks at me like I’ve sprouted another head. “My son was just stabbed…by your fiancé.”

  “Ex-fiancé,” I correct.

  And yeah, I understand his concern, but Stone’s out of my life for good.

  The only thing that matters now is Oakley.

  Wayne’s eyes narrow. “I tried to step back and let Oak make his own decisions, but I’ve had enough of this shit.”

  I raise a brow. “Enough of what shit?”

  “I don’t know how to make this any clearer, but I want you out of my son’s life.” His hand clutches the coffee cup. “Ever since you two got together, it’s been one tragedy after another. First, he got drunk and high and ended up killing someone, then he chose to go to jail—despite the deal I worked out for him with the DA, and now, he was stabbed by your fiancé for defending you. What else has to happen for you to realize you two are the very definition of toxic and you leave him the hell alone?”

  It would hurt less if he slapped me.

  I had no idea Oakley chose to go to jail.

  That he left me on purpose.

  My heart folds in on itself. “I didn’t mean to…” I clear my throat and try again. “Look, I understand why you feel that way, but I love—”

  “Maybe I’d believe that were true if you would do the one thing he can’t and walk away.”

  My vision blurs as I take in his words.

  “I can’t just walk away from him,” I argue. “I love him.”

  “Then let him go,” Wayne pleads. “Because Oakley is loyal to a fault, and if you don’t sever ties he’ll keep hanging on with everything he’s got until he either ends up dead or rotting away in a jail cell for the rest of his life because of you.” His features twist in pain. “I can’t lose my son, Bianca. I won’t.”

  The raw concern swimming in his eyes nearly brings me to my knees.

  It’s obvious he loves his son.

  And even though a parent’s love is a foreign concept to me given my own father was an absentee parent for most of my life…I do have two brothers who would do anything to protect me from harm.

  I just didn’t realize until this moment that Oakley and I were so poisonous together.

  I thought we were happy and in love.

  Two broken pieces of the same soul.

  But maybe we weren’t?

  Maybe we were fire and gasoline instead.

  Maybe what we felt for each other was a lethal addiction.

  And the only way to save ourselves from total destruction is to quit each other.

  Maybe that’s why my mother made me promise her I’d never fall in love.

  Because she knew all along what it could do to a person.

  The way it could annihilate you until there was nothing left but a barren, hollow spot where your heart used to be.

  And that death was a fate far better than a love you were forbidden to have.

  I try to blink away the tears threatening to surface, but it’s pointless. “Can you at least tell me how he is?”

  I have to know that he’s okay.

  Wayne scrubs a hand down his face before he answers. “He’s still drowsy and out of it. The grand mal seizure was a bad one. Plus, there was also blood loss from the stab wound.” When I wince, he says, “However, it missed his organs and arteries and only required fifteen stitches. He should be discharged later as long as he remains stable.”

  Relief fills my chest. “Thank God.”

  He nods. “As far as your brother’s concerned, he’ll be released in a few hours. I haven’t heard if Stone’s going to press charges yet, but if he does, he’ll have a weak case.” His gaze drops to my swollen and bruised lip and he frowns. “Considering what he did to you and all.”


  He takes a sip of his coffee. “It goes without saying that I’ll defend him if he needs it, on account of…you know.”

  Jace taking the rap for it.

  “Thank you.” Sorrow sinks like a stone in my gut and I look down at the floor. “Can you tell Oakley I’m sorry for what happened.” My voice cracks, betraying me. “And that I love him.”

  Until the day I die.

  Wayne stands stoic like a statue. “I’ll tell my son you wish him a speedy recovery.”

  The apathetic statement slices through my heart like a jagged shard of glass.

  I take a breath, trying to steady myself as I turn and walk away.

  “I know it hurts, but you’re doing the right thing,” Wayne states.

  Then why does it feel so wrong?

  A deep, wide pain spreads through my chest as I wander down the hall, my shaky legs threatening to give out at any moment.

  I always thought the worst moments of my life were losing my mother and Liam.

  But I was wrong.

  Because I didn’t have a choice when it came to that.

  And now that I do, I can’t help but think how different things might be if the accident never happened.

  If I didn’t end up engaged to another man.

  And just like that, pure rage sears my belly, growing so thick it almost chokes me.

  Maybe it makes me a horrib
le person to want to see Stone suffer—because he clearly has some mental issues—but I no longer give a fuck.

  All I want is vengeance.

  To make him pay for what he did.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a young guy wearing scrubs standing in front of what appears to be a medicine cart.

  There are a few vials on top of the cart and he’s currently drawing a clear substance into a needle.

  Plastering a sexy smile on my face, I saunter over to him. “Hi.”

  It takes him a moment to notice me, but when he does, his eyes gleam with interest. “Hey.”

  I bat my eyelashes. “I’m sorry for bothering you. I was just wondering if I could ask you a few questions?”

  He doesn’t look troubled in the least. “Sure.”

  Stone’s sleeping when I enter his hospital room. No doubt drugged up on all the pain meds they gave him.

  I zero in on the arm that’s in a cast and the leg that’s in traction.

  He couldn’t go anywhere if he wanted to.

  Doesn’t mean he can’t scream, though.

  Slipping my hands underneath my dress, I take off my panties.

  He stirs when I reach the bed and the moment his eyes open, I stuff the material into his mouth.

  Coughing, he goes to remove them, but I take the scrunchie out of my hair and tie his free hand to the bed.

  Studying my nails, I circle his bed like a vulture. “You know, some people would feel pity for you and say you’re nothing but a victim of circumstance.” Halting my movements, I hold his gaze. “But fuck that and fuck you.”

  He could have chosen a different path.

  He didn’t have to end up using his fists on me like his dad did with his mom.

  “Being in the same room with you makes me sick to my stomach, so I’m gonna make this nice and short, okay?”

  I pull two vials and a needle out of my bra. The nurse was so enraptured by my shameless flirting, he didn’t even notice me steal them.

  “Pop quiz, hotshot. Exactly how much insulin does it take to kill someone?” I snicker. “Oh, that’s right. You can’t answer.” Shrugging, I remove the cap from one of the needles. “Guess I’ll just have to find out myself.”


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